--- kind: pipeline type: kubernetes name: ansible-test platform: os: linux arch: amd64 concurrency: limit: 9 steps: - name: prepare_workspace image: alpine commands: - mkdir -p /drone/src/tests/update-system - mv defaults /drone/src/tests/update-system/ - mv files /drone/src/tests/update-system/ - mv handlers /drone/src/tests/update-system/ - mv meta /drone/src/tests/update-system/ - mv tasks /drone/src/tests/update-system/ - mv vars /drone/src/tests/update-system/ when: event: - push - pull_request - name: test-debian7 image: lerentis/ansible:debian-7 commands: - ansible-playbook -i tests/inventory tests/test-playbook.yml --syntax-check - ansible-playbook -i tests/inventory tests/test-playbook.yml depends_on: - prepare_workspace - name: test-debian8 image: lerentis/ansible:debian-8 commands: - ansible-playbook -i tests/inventory tests/test-playbook.yml --syntax-check - ansible-playbook -i tests/inventory tests/test-playbook.yml depends_on: - prepare_workspace - name: test-ubuntu14 image: lerentis/ansible:ubuntu-14.04 commands: - ansible-playbook -i tests/inventory tests/test-playbook.yml --syntax-check - ansible-playbook -i tests/inventory tests/test-playbook.yml depends_on: - prepare_workspace - name: test-ubuntu16 image: lerentis/ansible:ubuntu-16.04 commands: - ansible-playbook -i tests/inventory tests/test-playbook.yml --syntax-check - ansible-playbook -i tests/inventory tests/test-playbook.yml depends_on: - prepare_workspace - name: test-ubuntu18 image: lerentis/ansible:ubuntu-18.04 commands: - ansible-playbook -i tests/inventory tests/test-playbook.yml --syntax-check - ansible-playbook -i tests/inventory tests/test-playbook.yml depends_on: - prepare_workspace - name: test-arch image: lerentis/ansible:arch commands: - ansible-playbook -i tests/inventory tests/test-playbook.yml --syntax-check - ansible-playbook -i tests/inventory tests/test-playbook.yml depends_on: - prepare_workspace - name: test-centos7 image: lerentis/ansible:centos-7 commands: - ansible-playbook -i tests/inventory tests/test-playbook.yml --syntax-check - ansible-playbook -i tests/inventory tests/test-playbook.yml depends_on: - prepare_workspace - name: notify image: appleboy/drone-telegram settings: message: "Commit {{ commit.link }} ran with build {{ build.number }} and finished with status {{ build.status }}." to: 14852963 token: 335668211:AAF-YgId7iI6ANBuZVy4uVOYYqA4R4uAaqY when: status: - failure - success depends_on: - prepare_workspace - test-debian7 - test-debian8 - test-ubuntu14 - test-ubuntu16 - test-ubuntu18 - test-arch - test-centos7