# metallb-ip-floater [![status-badge](https://woodpecker.uploadfilter24.eu/api/badges/7/status.svg)](https://woodpecker.uploadfilter24.eu/repos/7) Checks metallb speaker pods if they announce some services. If they do, assign a given floating ip on hetzner to the k8s node that announces. ## Getting Started The deployment will use helm and the chart in `chart/metallb-ip-floater`. You will need a hcloud api token and the name of your floating IP. Also your k8s nodes should be labeled in hcloud. Expose these information to the floater as described in this example: ```yaml env: - name: METALLB_IP_FLOATER_LABELSELECTOR value: "kops.k8s.io/instance-role=Node" - name: METALLB_IP_FLOATER_HCLOUD_TOKEN value: "define_it" - name: METALLB_IP_FLOATER_FLOATING_IP_NAME value: "define_it" ``` you can also create a secret manually with these information and reference the existing secret like this in the `values.yaml`: ```yaml externalConfigSecret: enabled: true name: "my-existing-secret" ``` Now you are able to deploy: ```bash kubectl create namespace metallb-ip-floater cd chart/metallb-ip-floater helm upgrade --install -f values.yaml -n metallb-ip-floater metallb-ip-floater ./ ``` > Made with ♡ by the folkes at uploadfilter24.eu :)