| NULL | NULL | NULL | If you choose not to supply an option, it will open the menu for easier access to the utilities |
| --self-update | --self-update | None | Updates HeavyScript prior to running it<br>_You no longer need to git pull_ |
| --delete-backup | --delete-backup | None | Opens a menu to delete backups<br>_Useful if you need to delete old system backups or backups from other scripts_ |
| --mount | --mount | None | Initiates mounting feature<br>Choose between unmounting and mounting PVC data |
| --dns | --dns | None | list all of your applications DNS names and their web ports |
| -U | -U <br>-U 5 | None or Integer | Update applications, ignoring major version changes<br>_Optionally, you can supply a number after the argument to update multiple applications at once_ |
| -u | -u<br>-u 5 | None or Integer | Update applications, do NOT update if there was a major version change<br>_Optionally, you can supply a number after the argument to update multiple applications at once_ |
| -b | -b 14 | Integer | Backup `ix-appliactions` dataset<br>_Creates backups up to the number you've chosen_ |
| -i | -i nextcloud -i sonarr | String | Applications listed will be ignored during updating<br>_List one application after another as shown in the example_ |
| -r | -r | None | Monitors applications after they update<br>If the app does not become "ACTIVE" after either:<br>The custom Timeout, or Default Timeout,<br>rollback the application. |
| -v | -v | None | Verbose Output<br>_Look at the bottom of this page for an example_ |
| -S | -S | None | Shutdown the application prior to updating it |
| -t | -t 150 | Integer | Set a custom timeout to be used with either:<br>`-m` <br>_Time the script will wait for application to be "STOPPED"_<br>or<br>`-(u\|U)` <br>_Time the script will wait for application to be either "STOPPED" or "ACTIVE"_ |
> `-t` I set it to 600 seconds, this means the script will wait 600 seconds for the application to become ACTIVE before timing out and continuing to a different application.
| `Command` | `bash /PATH/TO/HEAVY_SCRIPT_DIRECTORY/heavy_script.sh --self-update -b 14 -rsup` | This is the command you will be running on your schedule I personally use: `bash /mnt/speed/scripts/heavy_script/heavy_script.sh --self-update -b 14 -rsup` |