From 34de2750d8b7a7149911d96ab97f634b9a389cd8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Heavybullets8 Date: Sun, 24 Jul 2022 20:29:58 -0600 Subject: [PATCH] refactor --- functions/ | 74 ++++++++ functions/ | 27 +++ functions/ | 57 ++++++ functions/ | 63 +++++++ functions/ | 32 ++++ functions/ | 132 ++++++++++++++ | 374 ++------------------------------------- 7 files changed, 397 insertions(+), 362 deletions(-) create mode 100644 functions/ create mode 100644 functions/ create mode 100644 functions/ create mode 100644 functions/ create mode 100644 functions/ create mode 100644 functions/ diff --git a/functions/ b/functions/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a4684ca1 --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/ @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +#!/bin/bash + + +backup(){ +echo -e "\nNumber of backups was set to $number_of_backups" +date=$(date '+%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S') +[[ "$verbose" == "true" ]] && cli -c 'app kubernetes backup_chart_releases backup_name=''"'HeavyScript_"$date"'"' +[[ -z "$verbose" ]] && echo -e "\nNew Backup Name:" && cli -c 'app kubernetes backup_chart_releases backup_name=''"'HeavyScript_"$date"'"' | tail -n 1 +mapfile -t list_backups < <(cli -c 'app kubernetes list_backups' | grep "HeavyScript_" | sort -t '_' -Vr -k2,7 | awk -F '|' '{print $2}'| tr -d " \t\r") +if [[ ${#list_backups[@]} -gt "number_of_backups" ]]; then + echo -e "\nDeleting the oldest backup(s) for exceeding limit:" + overflow=$(( ${#list_backups[@]} - "$number_of_backups" )) + mapfile -t list_overflow < <(cli -c 'app kubernetes list_backups' | grep "HeavyScript_" | sort -t '_' -V -k2,7 | awk -F '|' '{print $2}'| tr -d " \t\r" | head -n "$overflow") + for i in "${list_overflow[@]}" + do + cli -c 'app kubernetes delete_backup backup_name=''"'"$i"'"' &> /dev/null || echo "Failed to delete $i" + echo "$i" + done +fi +} +export -f backup + + + +deleteBackup(){ +clear -x && echo "pulling all restore points.." +list_backups=$(cli -c 'app kubernetes list_backups' | sort -t '_' -Vr -k2,7 | tr -d " \t\r" | awk -F '|' '{print $2}' | nl | column -t) +clear -x +[[ -z "$list_backups" ]] && echo "No restore points available" && exit +title +echo -e "Choose a restore point to delete\nThese may be out of order if they are not all HeavyScript backups" +echo "$list_backups" +read -pr -t 600 "Please type a number: " selection +restore_point=$(echo "$list_backups" | grep ^"$selection " | awk '{print $2}') +if [[ -z "$selection" ]]; then #Check for valid selection. If none, kill script + echo "Your selection cannot be empty" + exit +elif [[ -z "$restore_point" ]]; then #Check for valid selection. If none, kill script + echo "Invalid Selection: $selection, was not an option" + exit +fi +echo -e "\nWARNING:\nYou CANNOT go back after deleting your restore point" +echo -e "\n\nYou have chosen:\n$restore_point\n\nWould you like to continue?" && echo -e "1 Yes\n2 No" +read -rp -t 120 "Please type a number: " yesno || { echo "Failed to make a valid selection"; exit; } +if [[ $yesno == "1" ]]; then + echo -e "\nDeleting $restore_point" && cli -c 'app kubernetes delete_backup backup_name=''"'"$restore_point"'"' &>/dev/null && echo "Sucessfully deleted" || echo "Deletion Failed" +elif [[ $yesno == "2" ]]; then + echo "You've chosen NO, killing script." +else + echo "Invalid Selection" +fi +} +export -f deleteBackup + + +restore(){ +clear -x && echo "pulling restore points.." +list_backups=$(cli -c 'app kubernetes list_backups' | grep "HeavyScript_" | sort -t '_' -Vr -k2,7 | tr -d " \t\r" | awk -F '|' '{print $2}' | nl | column -t) +clear -x +[[ -z "$list_backups" ]] && echo "No HeavyScript restore points available" && exit || { title; echo "Choose a restore point" ; } +echo "$list_backups" && read -t 600 -p "Please type a number: " selection && restore_point=$(echo "$list_backups" | grep ^"$selection " | awk '{print $2}') +[[ -z "$selection" ]] && echo "Your selection cannot be empty" && exit #Check for valid selection. If none, kill script +[[ -z "$restore_point" ]] && echo "Invalid Selection: $selection, was not an option" && exit #Check for valid selection. If none, kill script +echo -e "\nWARNING:\nThis is NOT guranteed to work\nThis is ONLY supposed to be used as a LAST RESORT\nConsider rolling back your applications instead if possible" || { echo "FAILED"; exit; } +echo -e "\n\nYou have chosen:\n$restore_point\n\nWould you like to continue?" && echo -e "1 Yes\n2 No" && read -t 120 -p "Please type a number: " yesno || { echo "FAILED"; exit; } +if [[ $yesno == "1" ]]; then + echo -e "\nStarting Backup, this will take a LONG time." && cli -c 'app kubernetes restore_backup backup_name=''"'"$restore_point"'"' || echo "Restore FAILED" +elif [[ $yesno == "2" ]]; then + echo "You've chosen NO, killing script. Good luck." +else + echo "Invalid Selection" +fi +} +export -f restore \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/functions/ b/functions/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c4316139 --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/ @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +#!/bin/bash + + +dns(){ +clear -x +echo "Generating DNS Names.." +#ignored dependency pods, may need to add more in the future. +dep_ignore="\-cronjob\-|^kube-system|\ssvclb|NAME|\-memcached\-.[^custom\-app]|\-postgresql\-.[^custom\-app]|\-redis\-.[^custom\-app]|\-mariadb\-.[^custom\-app]|\-promtail\-.[^custom\-app]" + +# Pulling pod names +mapfile -t main < <(k3s kubectl get pods -A | grep -Ev "$dep_ignore" | sort) + +# Pulling all ports +all_ports=$(k3s kubectl get service -A) + +clear -x +count=0 +for i in "${main[@]}" +do + [[ count -le 0 ]] && echo -e "\n" && ((count++)) + appName=$(echo "$i" | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/-[^-]*-[^-]*$//' | sed 's/-0//') + ixName=$(echo "$i" | awk '{print $1}') + port=$(echo "$all_ports" | grep -E "\s$appName\s" | awk '{print $6}' | grep -Eo "^[[:digit:]]+{1}") + echo -e "$appName.$ixName.svc.cluster.local $port" +done | uniq | nl -b t | sed 's/\s\s\s$/- -------- ----/' | column -t -R 1 -N "#,DNS_Name,Port" -L +} +export -f dns \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/functions/ b/functions/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f854381b --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/ @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +#!/bin/bash + + +sync(){ +echo -e "\nSyncing all catalogs, please wait.." && cli -c 'app catalog sync_all' &> /dev/null && echo -e "Catalog sync complete" +} +export -f sync + +prune(){ +echo -e "\nPruning Docker Images" && docker image prune -af | grep "^Total" || echo "Failed to Prune Docker Images" +} +export -f prune + +title(){ +echo ' _ _ _____ _ _ ' +echo '| | | | / ___| (_) | | ' +echo '| |_| | ___ __ ___ ___ _\ `--. ___ _ __ _ _ __ | |_' +echo "| _ |/ _ \/ _\` \ \ / / | | |\`--. \/ __| '__| | '_ \| __|" +echo '| | | | __/ (_| |\ V /| |_| /\__/ / (__| | | | |_) | |_ ' +echo '\_| |_/\___|\__,_| \_/ \__, \____/ \___|_| |_| .__/ \__|' +echo ' __/ | | | ' +echo ' |___/ |_| ' +echo +} +export -f title + +help(){ +[[ $help == "true" ]] && clear -x +echo "Basic Utilities" +echo "--mount | Initiates mounting feature, choose between unmounting and mounting PVC data" +echo "--restore | Opens a menu to restore a \"heavy_script\" backup that was taken on your \"ix-applications\" dataset" +echo "--delete-backup | Opens a menu to delete backups on your system" +echo "--dns | list all of your applications DNS names and their web ports" +echo +echo "Update Options" +echo "-U | Update all applications, ignores versions" +echo "-u | Update all applications, does not update Major releases" +echo "-b | Back-up your ix-applications dataset, specify a number after -b" +echo "-i | Add application to ignore list, one by one, see example below." +echo "-R | THIS OPTION WILL DEPRICATE SOON, USE \"-r\" instead. Roll-back applications if they fail to update" +echo "-r | Roll-back applications if they fail to update" +echo "-S | Shutdown applications prior to updating" +echo "-v | verbose output" +echo "-t | Set a custom timeout in seconds when checking if either an App or Mountpoint correctly Started, Stopped or (un)Mounted. Defaults to 500 seconds" +echo "-s | sync catalog" +echo "-p | Prune unused/old docker images" +echo +echo "Examples" +echo "bash -b 14 -i portainer -i arch -i sonarr -i radarr -t 600 -vrsUp" +echo "bash /mnt/tank/scripts/ -t 150 --mount" +echo "bash /mnt/tank/scripts/ --dns" +echo "bash --restore" +echo "bash /mnt/tank/scripts/ --delete-backup" +echo +exit +} +export -f help \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/functions/ b/functions/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..88d9af21 --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/ @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +mount(){ +clear -x +title +echo -e "1 Mount\n2 Unmount All" && read -t 600 -p "Please type a number: " selection +[[ -z "$selection" ]] && echo "Your selection cannot be empty" && exit #Check for valid selection. If none, kill script +if [[ $selection == "1" ]]; then + list=$(k3s kubectl get pvc -A | sort -u | awk '{print NR-1, "\t" $1 "\t" $2 "\t" $4}' | column -t | sed "s/^0/ /") + echo "$list" && read -t 120 -p "Please type a number: " selection + [[ -z "$selection" ]] && echo "Your selection cannot be empty" && exit #Check for valid selection. If none, kill script + app=$(echo -e "$list" | grep ^"$selection " | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4- ) + [[ -z "$app" ]] && echo "Invalid Selection: $selection, was not an option" && exit #Check for valid selection. If none, kill script + pvc=$(echo -e "$list" | grep ^"$selection ") + status=$(cli -m csv -c 'app chart_release query name,status' | grep -E "^$app\b" | awk -F ',' '{print $2}'| tr -d " \t\n\r") + if [[ "$status" != "STOPPED" ]]; then + [[ -z $timeout ]] && echo -e "\nDefault Timeout: 500" && timeout=500 || echo -e "\nCustom Timeout: $timeout" + SECONDS=0 && echo -e "\nScaling down $app" && midclt call chart.release.scale "$app" '{"replica_count": 0}' &> /dev/null + else + echo -e "\n$app is already stopped" + fi + while [[ "$SECONDS" -le "$timeout" && "$status" != "STOPPED" ]] + do + status=$(cli -m csv -c 'app chart_release query name,status' | grep -E "^$app\b" | awk -F ',' '{print $2}'| tr -d " \t\n\r") + echo -e "Waiting $((timeout-SECONDS)) more seconds for $app to be STOPPED" && sleep 5 + done + data_name=$(echo "$pvc" | awk '{print $3}') + mount=$(echo "$pvc" | awk '{print $4}') + volume_name=$(echo "$pvc" | awk '{print $4}') + mapfile -t full_path < <(zfs list | grep "$volume_name" | awk '{print $1}') + if [[ "${#full_path[@]}" -gt 1 ]]; then #if there is another app with the same name on another pool, use the current pools application, since the other instance is probably old, or unused, or a backup. + echo "$app is a name used on more than one pool.. attempting to use your current kubernetes apps pool" + pool=$(cli -c 'app kubernetes config' | grep -E "dataset\s\|" | awk -F '|' '{print $3}' | awk -F '/' '{print $1}' | tr -d " \t\n\r") + full_path=$(zfs list | grep "$volume_name" | grep "$pool" | awk '{print $1}') + fi + echo -e "\nMounting\n$full_path\nTo\n/mnt/heavyscript/$data_name" + zfs set mountpoint=/heavyscript/"$data_name" "$full_path" || echo "Failed to mount $app" + echo -e "Mounted\n\nUnmount with:\nzfs set mountpoint=legacy $full_path && rmdir /mnt/heavyscript/$data_name\n\nOr use the Unmount All option\n" + exit +elif [[ $selection == "2" ]]; then + mapfile -t unmount_array < <(basename -a /mnt/heavyscript/* | sed "s/*//") + [[ -z $unmount_array ]] && echo "Theres nothing to unmount" && exit + for i in "${unmount_array[@]}" + do + main=$(k3s kubectl get pvc -A | grep -E "\s$i\s" | awk '{print $1, $2, $4}') + app=$(echo "$main" | awk '{print $1}' | cut -c 4-) + pvc=$(echo "$main" | awk '{print $3}') + mapfile -t path < <(find /mnt/*/ix-applications/releases/"$app"/volumes/ -maxdepth 0 | cut -c 6-) + if [[ "${#path[@]}" -gt 1 ]]; then #if there is another app with the same name on another pool, use the current pools application, since the other instance is probably old, or unused, or a backup. + echo "$i is a name used on more than one pool.. attempting to use your current kubernetes apps pool" + pool=$(cli -c 'app kubernetes config' | grep -E "dataset\s\|" | awk -F '|' '{print $3}' | awk -F '/' '{print $1}' | tr -d " \t\n\r") + full_path=$(find /mnt/"$pool"/ix-applications/releases/"$app"/volumes/ -maxdepth 0 | cut -c 6-) + zfs set mountpoint=legacy "$full_path""$pvc" && echo "$i unmounted" && rmdir /mnt/heavyscript/"$i" || echo "failed to unmount $i" + else + zfs set mountpoint=legacy "$path""$pvc" && echo "$i unmounted" && rmdir /mnt/heavyscript/"$i" || echo "failed to unmount $i" + fi + done + rmdir /mnt/heavyscript +else + echo "Invalid selection, \"$selection\" was not an option" +fi +} +export -f mount \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/functions/ b/functions/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..340d5a5d --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/ @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +args=("$@") + +self_update() { +script=$(readlink -f "$0") +script_path=$(dirname "$script") +script_name="" +cd "$script_path" || exit +git fetch &> /dev/null + +if git diff --name-only origin/main | grep -q "$script_name" ; then + echo "Found a new version of HeavyScript, updating myself..." + git reset --hard -q + git pull --force -q + echo -e "Running the new version...\n" + count=0 + for i in "${args[@]}" + do + [[ "$i" == "--self-update" ]] && unset "args[$count]" && break + ((count++)) + done + sleep 5 + exec bash "$script_name" "${args[@]}" + + # Now exit this old instance + exit +else + echo -e "HeavyScript is already the latest version\n" +fi +} +export -f self_update \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/functions/ b/functions/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a406e46d --- /dev/null +++ b/functions/ @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +#!/bin/bash + + +update_apps(){ +# Replace with line below after testing +# cli -m csv -c 'app chart_release query name,update_available,human_version,human_latest_version,container_images_update_available,status' | tr -d " \t\r" | grep -E ",true($|,)" | sort +mapfile -t array < <(cli -m csv -c 'app chart_release query name,update_available,human_version,human_latest_version,container_images_update_available,status' | grep -E ",true(,|\b)" | sort) +[[ -z $array ]] && echo -e "\nThere are no updates available" && return 0 || echo -e "\n${#array[@]} update(s) available" +[[ -z $timeout ]] && echo -e "\nDefault Timeout: 500" && timeout=500 || echo -e "\nCustom Timeout: $timeout" +[[ "$timeout" -le 120 ]] && echo "Warning: Your timeout is set low and may lead to premature rollbacks or skips" +for i in "${array[@]}" +do + app_name=$(echo "$i" | awk -F ',' '{print $1}') #print out first catagory, name. + old_app_ver=$(echo "$i" | awk -F ',' '{print $4}' | awk -F '_' '{print $1}' | awk -F '.' '{print $1}') #previous/current Application MAJOR Version + new_app_ver=$(echo "$i" | awk -F ',' '{print $5}' | awk -F '_' '{print $1}' | awk -F '.' '{print $1}') #new Application MAJOR Version + old_chart_ver=$(echo "$i" | awk -F ',' '{print $4}' | awk -F '_' '{print $2}' | awk -F '.' '{print $1}') # Old Chart MAJOR version + new_chart_ver=$(echo "$i" | awk -F ',' '{print $5}' | awk -F '_' '{print $2}' | awk -F '.' '{print $1}') # New Chart MAJOR version + status=$(echo "$i" | awk -F ',' '{print $2}') #status of the app: STOPPED / DEPLOYING / ACTIVE + startstatus=$status + diff_app=$(diff <(echo "$old_app_ver") <(echo "$new_app_ver")) #caluclating difference in major app versions + diff_chart=$(diff <(echo "$old_chart_ver") <(echo "$new_chart_ver")) #caluclating difference in Chart versions + old_full_ver=$(echo "$i" | awk -F ',' '{print $4}') #Upgraded From + new_full_ver=$(echo "$i" | awk -F ',' '{print $5}') #Upraded To + rollback_version=$(echo "$i" | awk -F ',' '{print $4}' | awk -F '_' '{print $2}') + printf '%s\0' "${ignore[@]}" | grep -iFxqz "${app_name}" && echo -e "\n$app_name\nIgnored, skipping" && continue #If application is on ignore list, skip + if [[ "$diff_app" == "$diff_chart" || "$update_all_apps" == "true" ]]; then #continue to update + if [[ $stop_before_update == "true" ]]; then # Check to see if user is using -S or not + if [[ "$status" == "STOPPED" ]]; then # if status is already stopped, skip while loop + echo -e "\n$app_name" + [[ "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo "Updating.." + cli -c 'app chart_release upgrade release_name=''"'"$app_name"'"' &> /dev/null && echo -e "Updated\n$old_full_ver\n$new_full_ver" && after_update_actions || echo "FAILED" + continue + else # if status was not STOPPED, stop the app prior to updating + echo -e "\n$app_name" + [[ "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo "Stopping prior to update.." + midclt call chart.release.scale "$app_name" '{"replica_count": 0}' &> /dev/null && SECONDS=0 || echo -e "FAILED" + while [[ "$status" != "STOPPED" ]] + do + status=$(cli -m csv -c 'app chart_release query name,update_available,human_version,human_latest_version,status' | grep "^$app_name," | awk -F ',' '{print $2}') + if [[ "$status" == "STOPPED" ]]; then + echo "Stopped" + [[ "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo "Updating.." + cli -c 'app chart_release upgrade release_name=''"'"$app_name"'"' &> /dev/null && echo -e "Updated\n$old_full_ver\n$new_full_ver" && after_update_actions || echo "Failed to update" + break + elif [[ "$SECONDS" -ge "$timeout" ]]; then + echo "Error: Run Time($SECONDS) has exceeded Timeout($timeout)" + break + elif [[ "$status" != "STOPPED" ]]; then + [[ "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo "Waiting $((timeout-SECONDS)) more seconds for $app_name to be STOPPED" + sleep 10 + continue + fi + done + fi + else #user must not be using -S, just update + echo -e "\n$app_name" + [[ "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo "Updating.." + cli -c 'app chart_release upgrade release_name=''"'"$app_name"'"' &> /dev/null && echo -e "Updated\n$old_full_ver\n$new_full_ver" && after_update_actions || echo "FAILED" + fi + else + echo -e "\n$app_name\nMajor Release, update manually" + continue + fi +done +} +export -f update_apps + + +after_update_actions(){ +SECONDS=0 +count=0 +if [[ $rollback == "true" ]]; then + while true + do + (( count++ )) + status=$(cli -m csv -c 'app chart_release query name,update_available,human_version,human_latest_version,status' | grep "^$app_name," | awk -F ',' '{print $2}') + if [[ "$status" == "ACTIVE" && "$startstatus" == "STOPPED" ]]; then + [[ "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo "Returing to STOPPED state.." + midclt call chart.release.scale "$app_name" '{"replica_count": 0}' &> /dev/null && echo "Stopped"|| echo "FAILED" + break + elif [[ "$SECONDS" -ge "$timeout" && "$status" == "DEPLOYING" && "$failed" != "true" ]]; then + echo -e "Error: Run Time($SECONDS) for $app_name has exceeded Timeout($timeout)\nIf this is a slow starting application, set a higher timeout with -t\nIf this applicaion is always DEPLOYING, you can disable all probes under the Healthcheck Probes Liveness section in the edit configuration\nReverting update.." + midclt call chart.release.rollback "$app_name" "{\"item_version\": \"$rollback_version\"}" &> /dev/null + [[ "$startstatus" == "STOPPED" ]] && failed="true" && after_update_actions && unset failed #run back after_update_actions function if the app was stopped prior to update + break + elif [[ "$SECONDS" -ge "$timeout" && "$status" == "DEPLOYING" && "$failed" == "true" ]]; then + echo -e "Error: Run Time($SECONDS) for $app_name has exceeded Timeout($timeout)\nThe application failed to be ACTIVE even after a rollback,\nManual intervention is required\nAbandoning" + break + elif [[ "$status" == "STOPPED" ]]; then + [[ "$count" -le 1 && "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo "Verifying Stopped.." && sleep 15 && continue #if reports stopped on FIRST time through loop, double check + [[ "$count" -le 1 && -z "$verbose" ]] && sleep 15 && continue #if reports stopped on FIRST time through loop, double check + echo "Stopped" && break #if reports stopped any time after the first loop, assume its extermal services. + elif [[ "$status" == "ACTIVE" ]]; then + [[ "$count" -le 1 && "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo "Verifying Active.." && sleep 15 && continue #if reports active on FIRST time through loop, double check + [[ "$count" -le 1 && -z "$verbose" ]] && sleep 15 && continue #if reports active on FIRST time through loop, double check + echo "Active" && break #if reports active any time after the first loop, assume actually active. + else + [[ "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo "Waiting $((timeout-SECONDS)) more seconds for $app_name to be ACTIVE" + sleep 15 + continue + fi + done +else + if [[ "$startstatus" == "STOPPED" ]]; then + while true #using a constant while loop, then breaking out of the loop with break commands below. + do + (( count++ )) + status=$(cli -m csv -c 'app chart_release query name,update_available,human_version,human_latest_version,status' | grep "^$app_name," | awk -F ',' '{print $2}') + if [[ "$status" == "STOPPED" ]]; then + [[ "$count" -le 1 && "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo "Verifying Stopped.." && sleep 15 && continue #if reports stopped on FIRST time through loop, double check + [[ "$count" -le 1 && -z "$verbose" ]] && sleep 15 && continue #if reports stopped on FIRST time through loop, double check + echo "Stopped" && break #assume actually stopped anytime AFTER the first loop + break + elif [[ "$status" == "ACTIVE" ]]; then + [[ "$count" -le 1 && "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo "Verifying Active.." && sleep 15 && continue #if reports active on FIRST time through loop, double check + [[ "$count" -le 1 && -z "$verbose" ]] && sleep 15 && continue #if reports active on FIRST time through loop, double check + [[ "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo "Returing to STOPPED state.." + midclt call chart.release.scale "$app_name" '{"replica_count": 0}' &> /dev/null && echo "Stopped"|| echo "FAILED" + break + elif [[ "$SECONDS" -ge "$timeout" ]]; then + echo "Error: Run Time($SECONDS) has exceeded Timeout($timeout)" + break + else + [[ "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo "Waiting $((timeout-SECONDS)) more seconds for $app_name to be ACTIVE" + sleep 10 + continue + fi + done + fi +fi +} +export -f after_update_actions \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ index 8f38bfad..90eb0575 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -3,369 +3,19 @@ #If no argument is passed, kill the script. [[ -z "$*" || "-" == "$*" || "--" == "$*" ]] && echo "This script requires an argument, use --help for help" && exit -args=("$@") -self_update() { -script=$(readlink -f "$0") -script_path=$(dirname "$script") -script_name="" -cd "$script_path" || exit -git fetch &> /dev/null - -if git diff --name-only origin/main | grep -q "$script_name" ; then - echo "Found a new version of HeavyScript, updating myself..." - git reset --hard -q - git pull --force -q - echo -e "Running the new version...\n" - count=0 - for i in "${args[@]}" - do - [[ "$i" == "--self-update" ]] && unset "args[$count]" && break - ((count++)) - done - sleep 5 - exec bash "$script_name" "${args[@]}" - - # Now exit this old instance - exit -else - echo -e "HeavyScript is already the latest version\n" -fi -} - - -help(){ -[[ $help == "true" ]] && clear -x -echo "Basic Utilities" -echo "--mount | Initiates mounting feature, choose between unmounting and mounting PVC data" -echo "--restore | Opens a menu to restore a \"heavy_script\" backup that was taken on your \"ix-applications\" dataset" -echo "--delete-backup | Opens a menu to delete backups on your system" -echo "--dns | list all of your applications DNS names and their web ports" -echo -echo "Update Options" -echo "-U | Update all applications, ignores versions" -echo "-u | Update all applications, does not update Major releases" -echo "-b | Back-up your ix-applications dataset, specify a number after -b" -echo "-i | Add application to ignore list, one by one, see example below." -echo "-R | THIS OPTION WILL DEPRICATE SOON, USE \"-r\" instead. Roll-back applications if they fail to update" -echo "-r | Roll-back applications if they fail to update" -echo "-S | Shutdown applications prior to updating" -echo "-v | verbose output" -echo "-t | Set a custom timeout in seconds when checking if either an App or Mountpoint correctly Started, Stopped or (un)Mounted. Defaults to 500 seconds" -echo "-s | sync catalog" -echo "-p | Prune unused/old docker images" -echo -echo "Examples" -echo "bash -b 14 -i portainer -i arch -i sonarr -i radarr -t 600 -vrsUp" -echo "bash /mnt/tank/scripts/ -t 150 --mount" -echo "bash /mnt/tank/scripts/ --dns" -echo "bash --restore" -echo "bash /mnt/tank/scripts/ --delete-backup" -echo -exit -} -export -f help - - -deleteBackup(){ -clear -x && echo "pulling all restore points.." -list_backups=$(cli -c 'app kubernetes list_backups' | sort -t '_' -Vr -k2,7 | tr -d " \t\r" | awk -F '|' '{print $2}' | nl | column -t) -clear -x -[[ -z "$list_backups" ]] && echo "No restore points available" && exit || { title; echo -e "Choose a restore point to delete\nThese may be out of order if they are not HeavyScript backups" ; } -echo "$list_backups" && read -t 600 -p "Please type a number: " selection && restore_point=$(echo "$list_backups" | grep ^"$selection " | awk '{print $2}') -[[ -z "$selection" ]] && echo "Your selection cannot be empty" && exit #Check for valid selection. If none, kill script -[[ -z "$restore_point" ]] && echo "Invalid Selection: $selection, was not an option" && exit #Check for valid selection. If none, kill script -echo -e "\nWARNING:\nYou CANNOT go back after deleting your restore point" || { echo "FAILED"; exit; } -echo -e "\n\nYou have chosen:\n$restore_point\n\nWould you like to continue?" && echo -e "1 Yes\n2 No" && read -t 120 -p "Please type a number: " yesno || { echo "FAILED"; exit; } -if [[ $yesno == "1" ]]; then - echo -e "\nDeleting $restore_point" && cli -c 'app kubernetes delete_backup backup_name=''"'"$restore_point"'"' &>/dev/null && echo "Sucessfully deleted" || echo "Deletion Failed" -elif [[ $yesno == "2" ]]; then - echo "You've chosen NO, killing script." -else - echo "Invalid Selection" -fi -} -export -f deleteBackup - - -backup(){ -echo -e "\nNumber of backups was set to $number_of_backups" -date=$(date '+%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S') -[[ "$verbose" == "true" ]] && cli -c 'app kubernetes backup_chart_releases backup_name=''"'HeavyScript_"$date"'"' -[[ -z "$verbose" ]] && echo -e "\nNew Backup Name:" && cli -c 'app kubernetes backup_chart_releases backup_name=''"'HeavyScript_"$date"'"' | tail -n 1 -mapfile -t list_backups < <(cli -c 'app kubernetes list_backups' | grep "HeavyScript_" | sort -t '_' -Vr -k2,7 | awk -F '|' '{print $2}'| tr -d " \t\r") -if [[ ${#list_backups[@]} -gt "number_of_backups" ]]; then - echo -e "\nDeleting the oldest backup(s) for exceeding limit:" - overflow=$(( ${#list_backups[@]} - "$number_of_backups" )) - mapfile -t list_overflow < <(cli -c 'app kubernetes list_backups' | grep "HeavyScript_" | sort -t '_' -V -k2,7 | awk -F '|' '{print $2}'| tr -d " \t\r" | head -n "$overflow") - for i in "${list_overflow[@]}" - do - cli -c 'app kubernetes delete_backup backup_name=''"'"$i"'"' &> /dev/null || echo "Failed to delete $i" - echo "$i" - done -fi -} -export -f backup - - -restore(){ -clear -x && echo "pulling restore points.." -list_backups=$(cli -c 'app kubernetes list_backups' | grep "HeavyScript_" | sort -t '_' -Vr -k2,7 | tr -d " \t\r" | awk -F '|' '{print $2}' | nl | column -t) -clear -x -[[ -z "$list_backups" ]] && echo "No HeavyScript restore points available" && exit || { title; echo "Choose a restore point" ; } -echo "$list_backups" && read -t 600 -p "Please type a number: " selection && restore_point=$(echo "$list_backups" | grep ^"$selection " | awk '{print $2}') -[[ -z "$selection" ]] && echo "Your selection cannot be empty" && exit #Check for valid selection. If none, kill script -[[ -z "$restore_point" ]] && echo "Invalid Selection: $selection, was not an option" && exit #Check for valid selection. If none, kill script -echo -e "\nWARNING:\nThis is NOT guranteed to work\nThis is ONLY supposed to be used as a LAST RESORT\nConsider rolling back your applications instead if possible" || { echo "FAILED"; exit; } -echo -e "\n\nYou have chosen:\n$restore_point\n\nWould you like to continue?" && echo -e "1 Yes\n2 No" && read -t 120 -p "Please type a number: " yesno || { echo "FAILED"; exit; } -if [[ $yesno == "1" ]]; then - echo -e "\nStarting Backup, this will take a LONG time." && cli -c 'app kubernetes restore_backup backup_name=''"'"$restore_point"'"' || echo "Restore FAILED" -elif [[ $yesno == "2" ]]; then - echo "You've chosen NO, killing script. Good luck." -else - echo "Invalid Selection" -fi -} -export -f restore - - -dns(){ -clear -x -echo "Generating DNS Names.." -#ignored dependency pods, may need to add more in the future. -dep_ignore="\-cronjob\-|^kube-system|\ssvclb|NAME|\-memcached\-.[^custom\-app]|\-postgresql\-.[^custom\-app]|\-redis\-.[^custom\-app]|\-mariadb\-.[^custom\-app]|\-promtail\-.[^custom\-app]" - -# Pulling pod names -mapfile -t main < <(k3s kubectl get pods -A | grep -Ev "$dep_ignore" | sort) - -# Pulling all ports -all_ports=$(k3s kubectl get service -A) - -clear -x -count=0 -for i in "${main[@]}" -do - [[ count -le 0 ]] && echo -e "\n" && ((count++)) - appName=$(echo "$i" | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/-[^-]*-[^-]*$//' | sed 's/-0//') - ixName=$(echo "$i" | awk '{print $1}') - port=$(echo "$all_ports" | grep -E "\s$appName\s" | awk '{print $6}' | grep -Eo "^[[:digit:]]+{1}") - echo -e "$appName.$ixName.svc.cluster.local $port" -done | uniq | nl -b t | sed 's/\s\s\s$/- -------- ----/' | column -t -R 1 -N "#,DNS_Name,Port" -L -} -export -f dns - - -mount(){ -clear -x -title -echo -e "1 Mount\n2 Unmount All" && read -t 600 -p "Please type a number: " selection -[[ -z "$selection" ]] && echo "Your selection cannot be empty" && exit #Check for valid selection. If none, kill script -if [[ $selection == "1" ]]; then - list=$(k3s kubectl get pvc -A | sort -u | awk '{print NR-1, "\t" $1 "\t" $2 "\t" $4}' | column -t | sed "s/^0/ /") - echo "$list" && read -t 120 -p "Please type a number: " selection - [[ -z "$selection" ]] && echo "Your selection cannot be empty" && exit #Check for valid selection. If none, kill script - app=$(echo -e "$list" | grep ^"$selection " | awk '{print $2}' | cut -c 4- ) - [[ -z "$app" ]] && echo "Invalid Selection: $selection, was not an option" && exit #Check for valid selection. If none, kill script - pvc=$(echo -e "$list" | grep ^"$selection ") - status=$(cli -m csv -c 'app chart_release query name,status' | grep -E "^$app\b" | awk -F ',' '{print $2}'| tr -d " \t\n\r") - if [[ "$status" != "STOPPED" ]]; then - [[ -z $timeout ]] && echo -e "\nDefault Timeout: 500" && timeout=500 || echo -e "\nCustom Timeout: $timeout" - SECONDS=0 && echo -e "\nScaling down $app" && midclt call chart.release.scale "$app" '{"replica_count": 0}' &> /dev/null - else - echo -e "\n$app is already stopped" - fi - while [[ "$SECONDS" -le "$timeout" && "$status" != "STOPPED" ]] - do - status=$(cli -m csv -c 'app chart_release query name,status' | grep -E "^$app\b" | awk -F ',' '{print $2}'| tr -d " \t\n\r") - echo -e "Waiting $((timeout-SECONDS)) more seconds for $app to be STOPPED" && sleep 5 - done - data_name=$(echo "$pvc" | awk '{print $3}') - mount=$(echo "$pvc" | awk '{print $4}') - volume_name=$(echo "$pvc" | awk '{print $4}') - full_path=$(zfs list | grep "$volume_name" | awk '{print $1}') - echo -e "\nMounting\n$full_path\nTo\n/mnt/heavyscript/$data_name" && zfs set mountpoint=/heavyscript/"$data_name" "$full_path" && echo -e "Mounted\n\nUnmount with:\nzfs set mountpoint=legacy "$full_path" && rmdir /mnt/heavyscript/"$data_name"\n\nOr use the Unmount All option\n" - exit -elif [[ $selection == "2" ]]; then - mapfile -t unmount_array < <(basename -a /mnt/heavyscript/* | sed "s/*//") - [[ -z $unmount_array ]] && echo "Theres nothing to unmount" && exit - for i in "${unmount_array[@]}" - do - main=$(k3s kubectl get pvc -A | grep -E "\s$i\s" | awk '{print $1, $2, $4}') - app=$(echo "$main" | awk '{print $1}' | cut -c 4-) - pvc=$(echo "$main" | awk '{print $3}') - mapfile -t path < <(find /mnt/*/ix-applications/releases/"$app"/volumes/ -maxdepth 0 | cut -c 6-) - if [[ "${#path[@]}" -gt 1 ]]; then #if there is another app with the same name on another pool, use the current pools application, since the other instance is probably old, or unused. - echo "$i is a name used on more than one pool.. attempting to use your current kubernetes apps pool" - pool=$(cli -c 'app kubernetes config' | grep -E "dataset\s\|" | awk -F '|' '{print $3}' | awk -F '/' '{print $1}' | tr -d " \t\n\r") - full_path=$(find /mnt/"$pool"/ix-applications/releases/"$app"/volumes/ -maxdepth 0 | cut -c 6-) - zfs set mountpoint=legacy "$full_path""$pvc" && echo "$i unmounted" && rmdir /mnt/heavyscript/"$i" || echo "failed to unmount $i" - else - zfs set mountpoint=legacy "$path""$pvc" && echo "$i unmounted" && rmdir /mnt/heavyscript/"$i" || echo "failed to unmount $i" - fi - done - rmdir /mnt/heavyscript -else - echo "Invalid selection, \"$selection\" was not an option" -fi -} -export -f mount - - -sync(){ -echo -e "\nSyncing all catalogs, please wait.." && cli -c 'app catalog sync_all' &> /dev/null && echo -e "Catalog sync complete" -} -export -f sync - - -update_apps(){ -# Replace with line below after testing -# cli -m csv -c 'app chart_release query name,update_available,human_version,human_latest_version,container_images_update_available,status' | tr -d " \t\r" | grep -E ",true($|,)" | sort -mapfile -t array < <(cli -m csv -c 'app chart_release query name,update_available,human_version,human_latest_version,container_images_update_available,status' | grep -E ",true(,|\b)" | sort) -[[ -z $array ]] && echo -e "\nThere are no updates available" && return 0 || echo -e "\n${#array[@]} update(s) available" -[[ -z $timeout ]] && echo -e "\nDefault Timeout: 500" && timeout=500 || echo -e "\nCustom Timeout: $timeout" -[[ "$timeout" -le 120 ]] && echo "Warning: Your timeout is set low and may lead to premature rollbacks or skips" -for i in "${array[@]}" -do - app_name=$(echo "$i" | awk -F ',' '{print $1}') #print out first catagory, name. - old_app_ver=$(echo "$i" | awk -F ',' '{print $4}' | awk -F '_' '{print $1}' | awk -F '.' '{print $1}') #previous/current Application MAJOR Version - new_app_ver=$(echo "$i" | awk -F ',' '{print $5}' | awk -F '_' '{print $1}' | awk -F '.' '{print $1}') #new Application MAJOR Version - old_chart_ver=$(echo "$i" | awk -F ',' '{print $4}' | awk -F '_' '{print $2}' | awk -F '.' '{print $1}') # Old Chart MAJOR version - new_chart_ver=$(echo "$i" | awk -F ',' '{print $5}' | awk -F '_' '{print $2}' | awk -F '.' '{print $1}') # New Chart MAJOR version - status=$(echo "$i" | awk -F ',' '{print $2}') #status of the app: STOPPED / DEPLOYING / ACTIVE - startstatus=$status - diff_app=$(diff <(echo "$old_app_ver") <(echo "$new_app_ver")) #caluclating difference in major app versions - diff_chart=$(diff <(echo "$old_chart_ver") <(echo "$new_chart_ver")) #caluclating difference in Chart versions - old_full_ver=$(echo "$i" | awk -F ',' '{print $4}') #Upgraded From - new_full_ver=$(echo "$i" | awk -F ',' '{print $5}') #Upraded To - rollback_version=$(echo "$i" | awk -F ',' '{print $4}' | awk -F '_' '{print $2}') - printf '%s\0' "${ignore[@]}" | grep -iFxqz "${app_name}" && echo -e "\n$app_name\nIgnored, skipping" && continue #If application is on ignore list, skip - if [[ "$diff_app" == "$diff_chart" || "$update_all_apps" == "true" ]]; then #continue to update - if [[ $stop_before_update == "true" ]]; then # Check to see if user is using -S or not - if [[ "$status" == "STOPPED" ]]; then # if status is already stopped, skip while loop - echo -e "\n$app_name" - [[ "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo "Updating.." - cli -c 'app chart_release upgrade release_name=''"'"$app_name"'"' &> /dev/null && echo -e "Updated\n$old_full_ver\n$new_full_ver" && after_update_actions || echo "FAILED" - continue - else # if status was not STOPPED, stop the app prior to updating - echo -e "\n$app_name" - [[ "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo "Stopping prior to update.." - midclt call chart.release.scale "$app_name" '{"replica_count": 0}' &> /dev/null && SECONDS=0 || echo -e "FAILED" - while [[ "$status" != "STOPPED" ]] - do - status=$(cli -m csv -c 'app chart_release query name,update_available,human_version,human_latest_version,status' | grep "^$app_name," | awk -F ',' '{print $2}') - if [[ "$status" == "STOPPED" ]]; then - echo "Stopped" - [[ "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo "Updating.." - cli -c 'app chart_release upgrade release_name=''"'"$app_name"'"' &> /dev/null && echo -e "Updated\n$old_full_ver\n$new_full_ver" && after_update_actions || echo "Failed to update" - break - elif [[ "$SECONDS" -ge "$timeout" ]]; then - echo "Error: Run Time($SECONDS) has exceeded Timeout($timeout)" - break - elif [[ "$status" != "STOPPED" ]]; then - [[ "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo "Waiting $((timeout-SECONDS)) more seconds for $app_name to be STOPPED" - sleep 10 - continue - fi - done - fi - else #user must not be using -S, just update - echo -e "\n$app_name" - [[ "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo "Updating.." - cli -c 'app chart_release upgrade release_name=''"'"$app_name"'"' &> /dev/null && echo -e "Updated\n$old_full_ver\n$new_full_ver" && after_update_actions || echo "FAILED" - fi - else - echo -e "\n$app_name\nMajor Release, update manually" - continue - fi -done -} -export -f update_apps - - -after_update_actions(){ -SECONDS=0 -count=0 -if [[ $rollback == "true" ]]; then - while [[ "0" != "1" ]] - do - (( count++ )) - status=$(cli -m csv -c 'app chart_release query name,update_available,human_version,human_latest_version,status' | grep "^$app_name," | awk -F ',' '{print $2}') - if [[ "$status" == "ACTIVE" && "$startstatus" == "STOPPED" ]]; then - [[ "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo "Returing to STOPPED state.." - midclt call chart.release.scale "$app_name" '{"replica_count": 0}' &> /dev/null && echo "Stopped"|| echo "FAILED" - break - elif [[ "$SECONDS" -ge "$timeout" && "$status" == "DEPLOYING" && "$failed" != "true" ]]; then - echo -e "Error: Run Time($SECONDS) for $app_name has exceeded Timeout($timeout)\nIf this is a slow starting application, set a higher timeout with -t\nIf this applicaion is always DEPLOYING, you can disable all probes under the Healthcheck Probes Liveness section in the edit configuration\nReverting update.." - midclt call chart.release.rollback "$app_name" "{\"item_version\": \"$rollback_version\"}" &> /dev/null - [[ "$startstatus" == "STOPPED" ]] && failed="true" && after_update_actions && unset failed #run back after_update_actions function if the app was stopped prior to update - break - elif [[ "$SECONDS" -ge "$timeout" && "$status" == "DEPLOYING" && "$failed" == "true" ]]; then - echo -e "Error: Run Time($SECONDS) for $app_name has exceeded Timeout($timeout)\nThe application failed to be ACTIVE even after a rollback,\nManual intervention is required\nAbandoning" - break - elif [[ "$status" == "STOPPED" ]]; then - [[ "$count" -le 1 && "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo "Verifying Stopped.." && sleep 15 && continue #if reports stopped on FIRST time through loop, double check - [[ "$count" -le 1 && -z "$verbose" ]] && sleep 15 && continue #if reports stopped on FIRST time through loop, double check - echo "Stopped" && break #if reports stopped any time after the first loop, assume its extermal services. - elif [[ "$status" == "ACTIVE" ]]; then - [[ "$count" -le 1 && "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo "Verifying Active.." && sleep 15 && continue #if reports active on FIRST time through loop, double check - [[ "$count" -le 1 && -z "$verbose" ]] && sleep 15 && continue #if reports active on FIRST time through loop, double check - echo "Active" && break #if reports active any time after the first loop, assume actually active. - else - [[ "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo "Waiting $((timeout-SECONDS)) more seconds for $app_name to be ACTIVE" - sleep 15 - continue - fi - done -else - if [[ "$startstatus" == "STOPPED" ]]; then - while [[ "0" != "1" ]] #using a constant while loop, then breaking out of the loop with break commands below. - do - (( count++ )) - status=$(cli -m csv -c 'app chart_release query name,update_available,human_version,human_latest_version,status' | grep "^$app_name," | awk -F ',' '{print $2}') - if [[ "$status" == "STOPPED" ]]; then - [[ "$count" -le 1 && "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo "Verifying Stopped.." && sleep 15 && continue #if reports stopped on FIRST time through loop, double check - [[ "$count" -le 1 && -z "$verbose" ]] && sleep 15 && continue #if reports stopped on FIRST time through loop, double check - echo "Stopped" && break #assume actually stopped anytime AFTER the first loop - break - elif [[ "$status" == "ACTIVE" ]]; then - [[ "$count" -le 1 && "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo "Verifying Active.." && sleep 15 && continue #if reports active on FIRST time through loop, double check - [[ "$count" -le 1 && -z "$verbose" ]] && sleep 15 && continue #if reports active on FIRST time through loop, double check - [[ "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo "Returing to STOPPED state.." - midclt call chart.release.scale "$app_name" '{"replica_count": 0}' &> /dev/null && echo "Stopped"|| echo "FAILED" - break - elif [[ "$SECONDS" -ge "$timeout" ]]; then - echo "Error: Run Time($SECONDS) has exceeded Timeout($timeout)" - break - else - [[ "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo "Waiting $((timeout-SECONDS)) more seconds for $app_name to be ACTIVE" - sleep 10 - continue - fi - done - fi -fi -} -export -f after_update_actions - - -prune(){ -echo -e "\nPruning Docker Images" && docker image prune -af | grep "^Total" || echo "Failed to Prune Docker Images" -} -export -f prune - - -title(){ -echo ' _ _ _____ _ _ ' -echo '| | | | / ___| (_) | | ' -echo '| |_| | ___ __ ___ ___ _\ `--. ___ _ __ _ _ __ | |_' -echo "| _ |/ _ \/ _\` \ \ / / | | |\`--. \/ __| '__| | '_ \| __|" -echo '| | | | __/ (_| |\ V /| |_| /\__/ / (__| | | | |_) | |_ ' -echo '\_| |_/\___|\__,_| \_/ \__, \____/ \___|_| |_| .__/ \__|' -echo ' __/ | | | ' -echo ' |___/ |_| ' -echo -} -export -f title +# shellcheck source=functions/ +source functions/ +# shellcheck source=functions/ +source functions/ +# shellcheck source=functions/ +source functions/ +# shellcheck source=functions/ +source functions/ +# shellcheck source=functions/ +source functions/ +# shellcheck source=functions/ +source functions/ # Parse script options