diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 88d070e1..07be40de 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,2 +1,13 @@ # heavy_script Script that can: Update Truenas SCALE applications, Mount and unmount PVC storage, Prune Docker images. + + +These arguments NEED to be ran in a specific order, you can go from TOP to BOTTOM, see example below +| -m | Initiates mounting feature, choose between unmounting and mounting PVC data +| -i | Add application to ignore list, one by one, see example below. +| -t | Default: 300 -- Set a custom timeout: This is the ammount of time the script will wait for an application to go from DEPLOYING to ACTIVE +| -s |sync catalog +| -U | Update all applications, ignores versions +| -u | Update all applications, does not update Major releases +| -p | Prune unused/old docker images +| EX |./update.sh -i portainer -i arch -i sonarr -i radarr -t 600 -sUp