image: repository: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent tag: latest@sha256:ade0065e19edaa4f6903d464ee70605111a48394536deb94f31b661264704558 service: main: enabled: false ports: main: enabled: false workload: main: enabled: false portal: open: enabled: false operator: register: true cloudnative-pg: monitoring: # -- Specifies whether the monitoring should be enabled. Requires Prometheus Operator CRDs. podMonitorEnabled: true grafanaDashboard: create: true # -- Allows overriding the namespace where the ConfigMap will be created, defaulting to the same one as the Release. namespace: "" # -- The name of the ConfigMap containing the dashboard. configMapName: "cnpg-grafana-dashboard" # -- Label that ConfigMaps should have to be loaded as dashboards. sidecarLabel: "grafana_dashboard" # -- Label value that ConfigMaps should have to be loaded as dashboards. sidecarLabelValue: "1"