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Velero is a kubernetes-native backup solution
\nThis App is supplied by TrueCharts, for more information visit the manual: https://truecharts.org/charts/system/velero
\nTrueCharts can only exist due to the incredible effort of our staff.\nPlease consider making a donation or contributing back to the project any way you can!
", "detailed_readme": "TrueCharts can be installed as both normal Helm Charts or as Apps on TrueNAS SCALE.\nHowever only installations using the TrueNAS SCALE Apps system are supported.
\nFor more information about this App, please check the docs on the TrueCharts website
\nThis chart is not maintained by the upstream project and any issues with the chart should be raised here
\nTrueCharts can only exist due to the incredible effort of our staff.\nPlease consider making a donation or contributing back to the project any way you can!
\nAll Rights Reserved - The TrueCharts Project
", "changelog": "for the complete changelog, please refer to the website
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.10@6f99c97 by renovate (#19876)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.9@10fd6c5 by renovate (#19817)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.4@f245f5c by renovate (#19731)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.3@06e462e by renovate (#19673)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.2@f7d0b92 by renovate (#19432)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.0@91ade87 by renovate (#19361)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.10@6f99c97 by renovate (#19876)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.9@10fd6c5 by renovate (#19817)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.4@f245f5c by renovate (#19731)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.3@06e462e by renovate (#19673)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.2@f7d0b92 by renovate (#19432)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.0@91ade87 by renovate (#19361)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.10@6f99c97 by renovate (#19876)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.9@10fd6c5 by renovate (#19817)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.4@f245f5c by renovate (#19731)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.3@06e462e by renovate (#19673)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.2@f7d0b92 by renovate (#19432)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.0@91ade87 by renovate (#19361)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.10@6f99c97 by renovate (#19876)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.9@10fd6c5 by renovate (#19817)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.4@f245f5c by renovate (#19731)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.3@06e462e by renovate (#19673)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.2@f7d0b92 by renovate (#19432)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.0@91ade87 by renovate (#19361)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.10@6f99c97 by renovate (#19876)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.9@10fd6c5 by renovate (#19817)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.4@f245f5c by renovate (#19731)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.3@06e462e by renovate (#19673)
\nVelero is a kubernetes-native backup solution
\nThis App is supplied by TrueCharts, for more information visit the manual: https://truecharts.org/charts/system/velero
\nTrueCharts can only exist due to the incredible effort of our staff.\nPlease consider making a donation or contributing back to the project any way you can!
", "detailed_readme": "TrueCharts can be installed as both normal Helm Charts or as Apps on TrueNAS SCALE.\nHowever only installations using the TrueNAS SCALE Apps system are supported.
\nFor more information about this App, please check the docs on the TrueCharts website
\nThis chart is not maintained by the upstream project and any issues with the chart should be raised here
\nTrueCharts can only exist due to the incredible effort of our staff.\nPlease consider making a donation or contributing back to the project any way you can!
\nAll Rights Reserved - The TrueCharts Project
", "changelog": "for the complete changelog, please refer to the website
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.9@10fd6c5 by renovate (#19817)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.4@f245f5c by renovate (#19731)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.3@06e462e by renovate (#19673)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.2@f7d0b92 by renovate (#19432)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.0@91ade87 by renovate (#19361)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.9@10fd6c5 by renovate (#19817)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.4@f245f5c by renovate (#19731)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.3@06e462e by renovate (#19673)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.2@f7d0b92 by renovate (#19432)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.0@91ade87 by renovate (#19361)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.9@10fd6c5 by renovate (#19817)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.4@f245f5c by renovate (#19731)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.3@06e462e by renovate (#19673)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.2@f7d0b92 by renovate (#19432)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.0@91ade87 by renovate (#19361)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.9@10fd6c5 by renovate (#19817)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.4@f245f5c by renovate (#19731)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.3@06e462e by renovate (#19673)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.2@f7d0b92 by renovate (#19432)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.0@91ade87 by renovate (#19361)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.9@10fd6c5 by renovate (#19817)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.4@f245f5c by renovate (#19731)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.3@06e462e by renovate (#19673)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.2@f7d0b92 by renovate (#19432)
\nupdate container image common to v20.2.0@91ade87 by renovate (#19361)