from setuptools import setup, find_packages from os.path import abspath, dirname, join # Fetches the content from # This will be used for the "long_description" field. README_MD = open(join(dirname(abspath(__file__)), "")).read() setup( name="truetool", version="3.0.3", # The packages that constitute your project. # For my project, I have only one - "pydash". # Either you could write the name of the package, or # alternatively use setuptools.findpackages() # # If you only have one file, instead of a package, # you can instead use the py_modules field instead. # EITHER py_modules OR packages should be present. packages=find_packages(), entry_points = { 'console_scripts': ['truetool=truetool.command_line:main'], }, # The description that will be shown on PyPI. # Keep it short and concise # This field is OPTIONAL description="An easy utility to managed frequently used TrueNAS SCALE CLI features", # The content that will be shown on your project page. # In this case, we're displaying whatever is there in our file # This field is OPTIONAL long_description=README_MD, # Now, we'll tell PyPI what language our README file is in. # In my case it is in Markdown, so I'll write "text/markdown" # Some people use reStructuredText instead, so you should write "text/x-rst" # If your README is just a text file, you have to write "text/plain" # This field is OPTIONAL long_description_content_type="text/markdown", # The url field should contain a link to a git repository, the project's website # or the project's documentation. I'll leave a link to this project's Github repository. # This field is OPTIONAL url="", # The author name and email fields are self explanatory. # These fields are OPTIONAL author_name="truecharts", author_email="", # For additional fields, check: # )