#!/bin/bash helmEnable(){ echo -e "${BWhite}Enabling Helm${Color_Off}" export KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml && echo -e "${IGreen}Helm Enabled${Color_Off}"|| echo -e "${IRed}Helm Enable FAILED${Color_Off}" } export -f helmEnable aptEnable(){ echo -e "${BWhite}Enabling Apt-Commands${Color_Off}" chmod +x /usr/bin/apt* && echo -e "${IGreen}APT enabled${Color_Off}"|| echo -e "${IRed}APT Enable FAILED${Color_Off}" } export -f aptEnable # Prune unused docker images to prevent dataset/snapshot bloat related slowdowns on SCALE prune(){ echo -e "${BWhite}Docker Prune${Color_Off}" echo "Pruning Docker Images..." docker image prune -af | grep "^Total" && echo -e "${IGreen}Docker Prune Successfull${Color_Off}" || echo "Docker Prune ${IRed}FAILED${Color_Off}" # TODO Switch to middleware prune on next release # midclt call container.prune '{"remove_unused_images": true, "remove_stopped_containers": true}' &> /dev/null && echo "Docker Prune completed"|| echo "Docker Prune ${IRed}FAILED${Color_Off}" } export -f prune # sync(){ echo -e "${BWhite}Starting Catalog Sync...${Color_Off}" cli -c 'app catalog sync_all' &> /dev/null && echo -e "${IGreen}Catalog sync complete${Color_Off}" || echo -e "${IRed}Catalog Sync Failed${Color_Off}" } export -f sync