import subprocess import sys import argparse import time from datetime import datetime class Chart(object): def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name == 'status': value = value.casefold() if 'update_available' in name: value = True if value.casefold() == "true" else False super(Chart, self).__setattr__(name, value) def new_attr(self, attr): setattr(self, attr, attr) INSTALLED_CHARTS = [] def parse_headers(charts: str): for line in charts.split("\n"): if line.startswith("+-"): continue if "name" in line.casefold(): return [col.strip() for col in line.casefold().strip().split("|") if col and col != ""] def parse_charts(charts: str): headers = parse_headers(charts) table_data = charts.split("\n")[3:-2:] # Skip the header part of the table for row in table_data: row = [section.strip() for section in row.split("|") if section and section != ""] chart = Chart() for item in zip(headers, row): setattr(chart, item[0], item[1]) INSTALLED_CHARTS.append(chart) def check_semver(current: str, latest: str): split_current_semver = current.split(".", 3) split_latest_semver = latest.split(".", 3) if split_current_semver[0] != split_latest_semver[0]: type="major" if VERSIONING == "major": return True if split_current_semver[1] != split_latest_semver[1]: type="minor" if VERSIONING != "patch": return True if split_current_semver[2] != split_latest_semver[2]: type="patch" return True return False def execute_upgrades(): if UPDATE: if ALL: if CATALOG == "ALL": filtered = filter(lambda a: a.update_available and a.status == "active", INSTALLED_CHARTS) else: filtered = filter(lambda a: a.update_available and a.status == "active" and a.catalog == CATALOG, INSTALLED_CHARTS) else: if CATALOG == "ALL": filtered = filter(lambda a: a.update_available, INSTALLED_CHARTS) else: filtered = filter(lambda a: a.update_available and a.catalog == CATALOG, INSTALLED_CHARTS) for chart in filtered: pre_update_ver = chart.human_version post_update_ver = chart.human_latest_version split_current_version = chart.human_version.split("_", 1) current_version = split_current_version[1] split_latest = chart.human_latest_version.split("_", 1) latest_version = split_latest[1] if check_semver(current_version, latest_version): print(f"Updating {}... \n") pre_update_ver = chart.human_version result =['cli', '-c', f'app chart_release upgrade release_name="{}"'], capture_output=True) post_update_ver = chart.human_latest_version if "Upgrade complete" not in result.stdout.decode('utf-8'): print(f"{} failed to upgrade. \n{result.stdout.decode('utf-8')}") else: print(f"{} upgraded ({pre_update_ver} --> {post_update_ver})") else: print("Update disabled, skipping...") def fetch_charts(): rawcharts =["cli", "-c", "app chart_release query"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) charts = rawcharts.stdout.decode('utf-8') return(charts) def process_args(): global CATALOG global VERSIONING global SYNC global PRUNE global ALL global BACKUP global UPDATE global RESTORE global LIST global DELETE parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Update TrueNAS SCALE Apps') parser.add_argument('-c', '--catalog', nargs='?', default='ALL', help='name of the catalog you want to process in caps. Or "ALL" to render all catalogs.') parser.add_argument('-v', '--versioning', nargs='?', default='minor', help='Name of the versioning scheme you want to update. Options: major, minor or patch. Defaults to minor') parser.add_argument('-b', '--backup', nargs='?', const='14', help='backup the complete Apps system prior to updates, add a number to specify the max old backups to keep') parser.add_argument('-r', '--restore', nargs='?', help='restore a previous backup, disables all other features') parser.add_argument('-d', '--delete', nargs='?', help='delete a specific backup') parser.add_argument('-s', '--sync', action="store_true", help='sync catalogs before trying to update') parser.add_argument('-u', '--update', action="store_true", help='update the Apps in the selected catalog') parser.add_argument('-p', '--prune', action="store_true", help='prune old docker images after update') parser.add_argument('-a', '--all', action="store_true", help='update "active" apps only and ignore "stopped" or "stuck" apps') parser.add_argument('-l', '--list', action="store_true", help='lists existing backups') args = parser.parse_args() CATALOG = args.catalog VERSIONING = args.versioning RESTORE = args.restore BACKUP = args.backup DELETE = args.delete if args.update: UPDATE = True else: UPDATE = False if args.sync: SYNC = True else: SYNC = False if args.prune: PRUNE = True else: PRUNE = False if args.all: ALL = True else: ALL = False if args.list: LIST = True else: LIST = False def sync_catalog(): if SYNC: print("Syncing Catalogs...\n") process = subprocess.Popen(["cli", "-c", "app catalog sync_all"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) while process.poll() is None: lines = process.stdout.readline() print (lines.decode('utf-8')) temp = if temp: print (temp.decode('utf-8')) else: print("Catalog Sync disabled, skipping...") def docker_prune(): if PRUNE: print("Pruning old docker images...\n") process =["docker", "image", "prune", "-af"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) print("Images pruned.\n") else: print("Container Image Pruning disabled, skipping...") def apps_backup(): if BACKUP: print(f"Cleaning old backups to a max. of {BACKUP}...\n") backups_fetch = get_backups_names() backups_cleaned = [k for k in backups_fetch if 'TrueTool' in k] backups_remove = backups_cleaned[:len(backups_cleaned)-int(BACKUP)] for backup in backups_remove: backups_delete(backup) print("Running App Backup...\n") now = command = "app kubernetes backup_chart_releases backup_name=TrueTool_"+now.strftime("%Y_%d_%m_%H_%M_%S") process = subprocess.Popen(["cli", "-c", command], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) while process.poll() is None: lines = process.stdout.readline() print (lines.decode('utf-8')) temp = if temp: print (temp.decode('utf-8')) else: print("Backup disabled, skipping...") def backups_list(): if LIST: print("Generating Backup list...\n") backups = get_backups_names() for backup in backups: print(f"{backup}") def backups_delete(backup: str): print(f"removing {backup}...") process =["midclt", "call", "kubernetes.delete_backup", backup], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) def get_backups_names(): names = [] process =["cli", "-c", "app kubernetes list_backups"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = process.stdout.decode('utf-8') for line in output.split("\n"): if line.startswith("+-"): continue else: rowlist = [col.strip() for col in line.strip().split("|") if col and col != ""] if rowlist: names.append(rowlist[0]) names.sort() return names def apps_restore(): print("Running Backup Restore...\n") command = "app kubernetes restore_backup backup_name="+RESTORE print(f"{command}") process = subprocess.Popen(["cli", "-c", command], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) while process.poll() is None: lines = process.stdout.readline() print (lines.decode('utf-8')) temp = if temp: print (temp.decode('utf-8')) def run(): process_args() print("Starting TrueCharts TrueTool...\n") if RESTORE: apps_restore() elif LIST: backups_list() elif DELETE: backups_delete(DELETE) else: apps_backup() sync_catalog() charts = fetch_charts() parse_charts(charts) print("Executing Updates...\n") execute_upgrades() docker_prune() print("TrueTool Finished\n") exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': run()