#!/bin/bash #If no argument is passed, kill the script. [[ -z "$*" || "-" == "$*" || "--" == "$*" ]] && echo "This script requires an argument, use --help for help" && exit # shellcheck source=functions/backup.sh source functions/backup.sh # shellcheck source=functions/dns.sh source functions/dns.sh # shellcheck source=functions/misc.sh source functions/misc.sh # shellcheck source=functions/mount.sh source functions/mount.sh # shellcheck source=functions/self_update.sh source functions/self_update.sh # shellcheck source=functions/update_apps.sh source functions/update_apps.sh # Parse script options while getopts ":si:rb:t:uUpSRv-:" opt do case $opt in -) case "${OPTARG}" in help) help="true" ;; self-update) self_update="true" ;; dns) dns="true" ;; restore) restore="true" ;; mount) mount="true" ;; delete-backup) deleteBackup="true" ;; *) echo -e "Invalid Option \"--$OPTARG\"\n" && help exit ;; esac ;; \?) echo -e "Invalid Option \"-$OPTARG\"\n" && help exit ;; :) echo -e "Option: \"-$OPTARG\" requires an argument\n" && help exit ;; b) re='^[0-9]+$' number_of_backups=$OPTARG ! [[ $OPTARG =~ $re ]] && echo -e "Error: -b needs to be assigned an interger\n\"""$number_of_backups""\" is not an interger" >&2 && exit [[ "$number_of_backups" -le 0 ]] && echo "Error: Number of backups is required to be at least 1" && exit ;; r) rollback="true" ;; i) ignore+=("$OPTARG") ;; t) re='^[0-9]+$' timeout=$OPTARG ! [[ $timeout =~ $re ]] && echo -e "Error: -t needs to be assigned an interger\n\"""$timeout""\" is not an interger" >&2 && exit ;; s) sync="true" ;; U) update_all_apps="true" ;; u) update_apps="true" ;; S) stop_before_update="true" ;; p) prune="true" ;; R) rollback="true" echo "WARNING: -R is being transisitioned to -r, this is due to a refactor in the script. Please Make the change ASAP!" ;; v) verbose="true" ;; *) echo -e "Invalid Option \"--$OPTARG\"\n" && help exit ;; esac done #exit if incompatable functions are called [[ "$update_all_apps" == "true" && "$update_apps" == "true" ]] && echo -e "-U and -u cannot BOTH be called" && exit #Continue to call functions in specific order [[ "$help" == "true" ]] && help [[ "$self_update" == "true" ]] && self_update [[ "$deleteBackup" == "true" ]] && deleteBackup && exit [[ "$dns" == "true" ]] && dns && exit [[ "$restore" == "true" ]] && restore && exit [[ "$mount" == "true" ]] && mount && exit [[ "$number_of_backups" -ge 1 ]] && backup [[ "$sync" == "true" ]] && sync [[ "$update_all_apps" == "true" || "$update_apps" == "true" ]] && update_apps [[ "$prune" == "true" ]] && prune