#!/bin/bash menu(){ clear -x title echo "Available Utilities" echo "-------------------" echo "1) Help" echo "2) List DNS Names" echo "3) Mount and Unmount PVC storage" echo "4) Backup Options" echo "5) Update HeavyScript" echo "6) Update Applications" echo "7) Command to Container" echo "8) Patch 22.12.0" echo echo "0) Exit" read -rt 120 -p "Please select an option by number: " selection || { echo -e "\nFailed to make a selection in time" ; exit; } case $selection in 0) echo "Exiting.." exit ;; 1) help ;; 2) dns ;; 3) mount ;; 4) while [[ $backup_selection != true ]] do clear -x title echo "Backup Menu" echo "-----------" echo "1) Create Backup" echo "2) Delete Backup" echo "3) Restore Backup" echo echo "0) Exit" read -rt 120 -p "Please select an option by number: " backup_selection || { echo -e "\nFailed to make a selection in time" ; exit; } case $backup_selection in 0) echo "Exiting.." exit ;; 1) read -rt 120 -p "What is the maximun number of backups you would like?: " number_of_backups || { echo -e "\nFailed to make a selection in time" ; exit; } ! [[ $number_of_backups =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && echo -e "Error: The input must be an interger\n\"""$number_of_backups""\" is not an interger" >&2 && exit [[ "$number_of_backups" -le 0 ]] && echo "Error: Number of backups is required to be at least 1" && exit backup_selection=true ;; 2) backup_selection=true deleteBackup ;; 3) backup_selection=true restore ;; *) echo "\"$selection\" was not an option, please try agian" && sleep 3 && continue ;; esac done ;; 5) self_update ;; 6) script_create ;; 7) cmd_to_container ;; 8) patch_2212_backups ;; *) echo "\"$selection\" was not an option, please try agian" && sleep 3 && menu ;; esac echo } export -f menu