#!/bin/bash backup(){ echo_backup+=("\nšŸ„± šŸ„° šŸ„² šŸ„ŗ šŸ…„ šŸ„æ šŸ…‚") echo_backup+=("Number of backups was set to $number_of_backups") date=$(date '+%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S') [[ "$verbose" == "true" ]] && cli -c 'app kubernetes backup_chart_releases backup_name=''"'HeavyScript_"$date"'"' &> /dev/null && echo_backup+=(HeavyScript_"$date") [[ -z "$verbose" ]] && echo_backup+=("\nNew Backup Name:") && cli -c 'app kubernetes backup_chart_releases backup_name=''"'HeavyScript_"$date"'"' | tail -n 1 &> /dev/null && echo_backup+=(HeavyScript_"$date") mapfile -t list_backups < <(cli -c 'app kubernetes list_backups' | grep "HeavyScript_" | sort -t '_' -Vr -k2,7 | awk -F '|' '{print $2}'| tr -d " \t\r") if [[ ${#list_backups[@]} -gt "$number_of_backups" ]]; then echo_backup+=("\nDeleted the oldest backup(s) for exceeding limit:") overflow=$(( ${#list_backups[@]} - "$number_of_backups" )) mapfile -t list_overflow < <(cli -c 'app kubernetes list_backups' | grep "HeavyScript_" | sort -t '_' -V -k2,7 | awk -F '|' '{print $2}'| tr -d " \t\r" | head -n "$overflow") for i in "${list_overflow[@]}" do cli -c 'app kubernetes delete_backup backup_name=''"'"$i"'"' &> /dev/null || echo_backup+=("Failed to delete $i") echo_backup+=("$i") done fi #Dump the echo_array, ensures all output is in a neat order. for i in "${echo_backup[@]}" do echo -e "$i" done } export -f backup deleteBackup(){ clear -x && echo "pulling all restore points.." list_backups=$(cli -c 'app kubernetes list_backups' | sort -t '_' -Vr -k2,7 | tr -d " \t\r" | awk -F '|' '{print $2}' | nl | column -t) clear -x if [[ -z "$list_backups" ]]; then echo "No restore points available" exit else title echo -e "Choose a restore point to delete\nThese may be out of order if they are not HeavyScript backups" fi echo "$list_backups" read -rt 120 -p "Please type a number: " selection restore_point=$(echo "$list_backups" | grep ^"$selection " | awk '{print $2}') #Check for valid selection. If none, kill script if [[ -z "$selection" ]]; then echo "Your selection cannot be empty" exit elif [[ -z "$restore_point" ]]; then echo "Invalid Selection: $selection, was not an option" exit fi while true do echo -e "\nWARNING:\nYou CANNOT go back after deleting your restore point" echo -e "\n\nYou have chosen:\n$restore_point\n\nWould you like to continue?" echo -e "Yes\n0 exit" read -rt 120 -p "Type \"yes\" to continue, or exit with \"0\": " yesno case $yesno in [Yy][Ee][Ss]) echo -e "\nDeleting $restore_point" cli -c 'app kubernetes delete_backup backup_name=''"'"$restore_point"'"' &>/dev/null || { echo "Failed to delete backup.."; exit; } echo "Sucessfully deleted" break ;; 0|[Ee][Xx][Ii][Tt]) echo "Exiting" exit ;; *) echo "Invalid Selection" ;; esac done # while true # do # echo "Delete more?" # echo # done } export -f deleteBackup restore(){ clear -x && echo "pulling restore points.." list_backups=$(cli -c 'app kubernetes list_backups' | grep "HeavyScript_" | sort -t '_' -Vr -k2,7 | tr -d " \t\r" | awk -F '|' '{print $2}' | nl | column -t) clear -x [[ -z "$list_backups" ]] && echo "No HeavyScript restore points available" && exit || { title; echo "Choose a restore point" ; } echo "$list_backups" && read -t 600 -p "Please type a number: " selection && restore_point=$(echo "$list_backups" | grep ^"$selection " | awk '{print $2}') [[ -z "$selection" ]] && echo "Your selection cannot be empty" && exit #Check for valid selection. If none, kill script [[ -z "$restore_point" ]] && echo "Invalid Selection: $selection, was not an option" && exit #Check for valid selection. If none, kill script echo -e "\nWARNING:\nThis is NOT guranteed to work\nThis is ONLY supposed to be used as a LAST RESORT\nConsider rolling back your applications instead if possible" || { echo "FAILED"; exit; } echo -e "\n\nYou have chosen:\n$restore_point\n\nWould you like to continue?" && echo -e "1 Yes\n2 No" && read -t 120 -p "Please type a number: " yesno || { echo "FAILED"; exit; } if [[ $yesno == "1" ]]; then echo -e "\nStarting Backup, this will take a LONG time." && cli -c 'app kubernetes restore_backup backup_name=''"'"$restore_point"'"' || echo "Restore FAILED" elif [[ $yesno == "2" ]]; then echo "You've chosen NO, killing script. Good luck." else echo "Invalid Selection" fi } export -f restore