image: repository: airsonicadvanced/airsonic-advanced tag: edge-latest@sha256:d0c2d546245f14242f534617aa0c8d17fd6ab96e1df86e5524e139c04431f3fa pullPolicy: IfNotPresent securityContext: container: readOnlyRootFilesystem: false service: main: ports: main: port: 10122 protocol: http workload: main: podSpec: containers: main: probes: liveness: type: tcp readiness: type: tcp startup: type: tcp env: AIRSONIC_PORT: "{{ .Values.service.main.ports.main.port }}" # dont expose to GUI CONTEXT_PATH: "/" # Set so the persisted dirs use the root path AIRSONIC_DIR: "/" # -- For passing additional java options. For some reverse proxies, you may need to pass `JAVA_OPTS=-Dserver.use-forward-headers=true` for airsonic to generate the proper URL schemes. JAVA_OPTS: "" spring_liquibase_parameters_userTableQuote: '"' spring_datasource_username: "{{ .Values.cnpg.main.user }}" spring_datasource_url: secretKeyRef: name: cnpg-main-urls key: jdbc spring_datasource_password: secretKeyRef: name: cnpg-main-user key: password # Enabled postgres cnpg: main: enabled: true user: airsonic-advanced database: airsonic-advanced persistence: config: enabled: true mountPath: /airsonic music: enabled: true mountPath: /music podcasts: enabled: true mountPath: /podcasts playlists: enabled: true mountPath: /playlists portal: open: enabled: true