# UniFi Poller v2 primary configuration file. TOML FORMAT # ########################################################### [poller] # Turns on line numbers, microsecond logging, and a per-device log. # The default is false, but I personally leave this on at home (four devices). # This may be noisy if you have a lot of devices. It adds one line per device. debug = false # Turns off per-interval logs. Only startup and error logs will be emitted. # Recommend enabling debug with this setting for better error logging. quiet = true # Load dynamic plugins. Advanced use; only sample mysql plugin provided by default. plugins = [] #### OUTPUTS # If you don't use an output, you can disable it. [prometheus] disable = true # This controls on which ip and port /metrics is exported when mode is "prometheus". # This has no effect in other modes. Must contain a colon and port. http_listen = "" report_errors = false [influxdb] disable = false # InfluxDB does not require auth by default, so the user/password are probably unimportant. url = "dbip" user = "influxdbuser" pass = "influxdbpass" # Be sure to create this database. db = "unifidb" # If your InfluxDB uses a valid SSL cert, set this to true. verify_ssl = false # The UniFi Controller only updates traffic stats about every 30 seconds. # Setting this to something lower may lead to "zeros" in your data. # If you're getting zeros now, set this to "1m" interval = "30s" #### INPUTS [unifi] # Setting this to true and providing default credentials allows you to skip # configuring controllers in this config file. Instead you configure them in # your prometheus.yml config. Prometheus then sends the controller URL to # unifi-poller when it performs the scrape. This is useful if you have many, # or changing controllers. Most people can leave this off. See wiki for more. dynamic = false # The following section contains the default credentials/configuration for any # dynamic controller (see above section), or the primary controller if you do not # provide one and dynamic is disabled. In other words, you can just add your # controller here and delete the following section. [unifi.defaults] #role = "main controller" url = "" user = "unifiuser" pass = "unifipassword" sites = ["all"] save_ids = false save_dpi = false save_sites = true verify_ssl = false # The following is optional and used for configurations with multiple controllers. # You may repeat the following section to poll multiple controllers. #[[unifi.controller]] # Friendly name used in dashboards. Uses URL if left empty; which is fine. # Avoid changing this later because it will live forever in your database. # Multiple controllers may share a role. This allows grouping during scrapes. #role = "" #url = "" # Make a read-only user in the UniFi Admin Settings, allow it access to all sites. #user = "unifipoller" #pass = "4BB9345C-2341-48D7-99F5-E01B583FF77F" # If the controller has more than one site, specify which sites to poll here. # Set this to ["default"] to poll only the first site on the controller. # A setting of ["all"] will poll all sites; this works if you only have 1 site too. #sites = ["all"] # Enable collection of Intrusion Detection System Data (InfluxDB only). # Only useful if IDS or IPS are enabled on one of the sites. #save_ids = false # Enable collection of Deep Packet Inspection data. This data breaks down traffic # types for each client and site, it powers a dedicated DPI dashboard. # Enabling this adds roughly 150 data points per client. That's 6000 metrics for # 40 clients. This adds a little bit of poller run time per interval and causes # more API requests to your controller(s). Don't let these "cons" sway you: # it's cool data. Please provide feedback on your experience with this feature. #save_dpi = false # Enable collection of site data. This data powers the Network Sites dashboard. # It's not valuable to everyone and setting this to false will save resources. #save_sites = true # If your UniFi controller has a valid SSL certificate (like lets encrypt), # you can enable this option to validate it. Otherwise, any SSL certificate is # valid. If you don't know if you have a valid SSL cert, then you don't have one. #verify_ssl = false