global: # Relevant dataset paths, please use the ZFS dataset syntax such as: tank/apps dataset: # dataset for internal jail config files config: tank/apps # Iocage root dataset iocage: tank/iocage # Media library dataset media: tank/media # Parent downloads dataset # (is going to contain: Complete and Incomplete datasets for downloads) downloads: tank/downloads jails: # jail version to install version: 11.3-RELEASE # Global pkgs to install in all jails. # Please use standard space delimited pkg install syntax. pkgs: curl ca_root_nss bash # Example configuration, showing how to customise network config. # Use the same jailname on both sides of this variable example: example example: example #interfaces is optional and will be autmatically replace with vnet0:bridge0 if not present interfaces: vnet0:bridge0 ip4_addr: gateway: # Jail specific pkgs. # Please use standard space delimited pkg install syntax. pkgs: mono jackett: jackett pkgs: mono radarr: radarr pkgs: mono mediainfo sqlite3 libgdiplus sonarr: sonarr pkgs: mono mediainfo sqlite3 lidarr: lidarr pkgs: mono mediainfo sqlite3 transmission: transmission pkgs: bash unzip unrar transmission plex: plex plexpass: false pkgs: plexmediaserver tautulli: tautulli pkgs: python2 py27-sqlite3 py27-openssl git organizr: organizr pkgs: nginx php72 php72-filter php72-curl php72-hash php72-json php72-openssl php72-pdo php72-pdo_sqlite php72-session php72-simplexml php72-sqlite3 php72-zip git kms: kms pkgs: bash py37-tkinter py37-pip py37-sqlite3 git nextcloud: nextcloud ip4_addr: gateway: time_zone: Europe/Amsterdam host_name: pkgs: nano sudo redis php73-ctype gnupg php73-dom php73-gd php73-iconv php73-json php73-mbstring php73-posix php73-simplexml php73-xmlreader php73-xmlwriter php73-zip php73-zlib php73-hash php73-xml php73 php73-pecl-redis php73-session php73-wddx php73-xsl php73-filter php73-pecl-APCu php73-curl php73-fileinfo php73-bz2 php73-intl php73-openssl php73-ldap php73-ftp php73-imap php73-exif php73-gmp php73-pecl-memcache php73-pecl-imagick perl5 p5-Locale-gettext help2man texinfo m4 autoconf database: mariadb standalone_cert: 0 selfsigned_cert: 0 dns_cert: 0 no_cert: 1 dl_flags: "" dns_settings: "" cert_email: "" database: mariadb # db_database: # db_user: # db_password # db_host mariadb: mariadb ip4_addr: gateway: pkgs: mariadb104-server git php74-session php74-xml php74-ctype php74-openssl php74-filter php74-gd php74-json php74-mysqli php74-mbstring php74-zlib php74-zip php74-bz2 phpMyAdmin5-php74 php74-pdo_mysql php74-mysqli phpMyAdmin5-php74-5.0.1 db_root_password: ReplaceThisWithYourOwnRootPAssword host_name: mariadb.local.example bitwarden: bitwarden ip4_addr: gateway: pkgs: sqlite3 nginx git sudo vim-tiny bash node npm python27-2.7.17_1 mariadb104-client db_password: "YourDBPasswordHerePLEASE" type: mariadb admin_token: "PUTYOURADMINTOKENHEREANDREMOVETHIS" influxdb: influxdb ip4_addr: gateway: pkgs: influxdb database: influxdb