#!/bin/sh # $FreeBSD$ # # PROVIDE: py_kms # REQUIRE: LOGIN # KEYWORD: shutdown # # Add the following lines to /etc/rc.conf.local or /etc/rc.conf # to enable this service: # # py-kms_enable: Set to YES to enable py-kms # Default: NO # py-kms_user: The user account used to run the py-kms daemon. # This is optional, however do not specifically set this to an # empty string as this will cause the daemon to run as root. # Default: media # py-kms_group: The group account used to run the py-kms daemon. # This is optional, however do not specifically set this to an # empty string as this will cause the daemon to run with group wheel. # Default: media # py-kms_data_dir: Directory where py-kms configuration # data is stored. . /etc/rc.subr name=py_kms rcvar=${name}_enable load_rc_config $name : ${py_kms_enable:="NO"} : ${py_kms_user:="kms"} : ${py_kms_group:="kms"} : ${py_kms_data_dir:="/config"} command="/usr/local/bin/python3.7" command_args="/usr/local/share/py-kms/pykms_Server.py 1688 -F ${py_kms_data_dir}/py-kms.log etrigan start --etrigan-pid ${py_kms_data_dir}/etrigan.pid" run_rc_command "$1"