#!/bin/bash # shellcheck disable=SC2034 no_args(){ echo "0 Show Help" echo "1 List Internal Service DNS Names" echo "2 Mount and Unmount PVC storage for easy access" echo "3 List Backups" echo "4 Create a Backup" echo "5 Restore a Backup" echo "6 Delete a Backup" echo "7 Enable Helm Commands" echo "8 Enable Apt and Apt-Get Commands" echo "9 Update All Apps" read -rt 600 -p "Please select an option by number: " selection case $selection in 0) help="true" ;; 1) dns="true" ;; 2) mountPVC="true" ;; 3) listBackups="true" ;; 4) read -rt 600 -p "Please type the max number of backups to keep: " backups re='^[0-9]+$' number_of_backups=$backups ! [[ $backups =~ $re ]] && echo -e "Error: -b needs to be assigned an interger\n\"""$number_of_backups""\" is not an interger" >&2 && exit [[ "$number_of_backups" -le 0 ]] && echo "Error: Number of backups is required to be at least 1" && exit ;; 5) restore="true" ;; 6) deleteBackup="true" ;; 7) helmEnable="true" ;; 8) aptEnable="true" ;; 9) echo "" echo "1 Update Apps Excluding likely breaking major changes" echo "2 Update Apps Including likely breaking major changes" read -rt 600 -p "Please select an option by number: " updateType if [[ "$updateType" == "1" ]]; then update_apps="true" elif [[ "$updateType" == "2" ]]; then update_all_apps="true" else echo "INVALID ENTRY" && exit 1 fi ;; *) echo "Unknown option" && exit 1 ;; esac echo "" } export -f no_args