#!/bin/bash menu(){ clear -x title echo "1) Help" echo "2) List DNS Names" echo "3) Mount and Unmount PVC storage" echo "4) Create a Backup" echo "5) Restore a Backup" echo "6) Delete a Backup" echo "7) Update HeavyScript" echo "8) Update Applications" echo "9) Command to Container" echo echo "0) Exit" read -rt 120 -p "Please select an option by number: " selection case $selection in 0) exit ;; 1) help="true" ;; 2) dns="true" ;; 3) mount="true" ;; 4) read -rt 120 -p "What is the maximun number of backups you would like?: " number_of_backups || echo "Failed to make a selection" backup="true" ;; 5) restore="true" ;; 6) deleteBackup="true" ;; 7) self_update="true" ;; 8) while true do clear -x title echo "Choose Your Update Type" echo "-----------------------" echo "1) -U | Update all applications, ignores versions" echo "2) -u | Update all applications, does not update Major releases" echo echo "0) Exit" echo read -rt 120 -p "Type the Number or Flag: " current_selection || { echo -e "\nFailed to make a selection in time" ; exit; } case $current_selection in 0 | [Ee][Xx][Ii][Tt]) echo "Exiting.." exit ;; 1 | -U) while true do echo -e "\nHow many applications do you want updating at the same time?" read -rt 120 -p "Please type an integer greater than 0: " up_async || { echo -e "\nFailed to make a selection in time" ; exit; } if [[ $up_async == 0 ]]; then echo "Error: \"$up_async\" is less than 1" echo "NOT adding it to the list" sleep 3 continue elif ! [[ $up_async =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then echo "Error: \"$up_async\" is invalid, it needs to be an integer" echo "NOT adding it to the list" sleep 3 continue else update_selection+=("-U" "$up_async") break fi done break ;; 2 | -u) while true do echo -e "\nHow many applications do you want updating at the same time?" read -rt 120 -p "Please type an integer greater than 0: " up_async || { echo -e "\nFailed to make a selection in time" ; exit; } if [[ $up_async == 0 ]]; then echo "Error: \"$up_async\" is less than 1" echo "NOT adding it to the list" sleep 3 continue elif ! [[ $up_async =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then echo "Error: \"$up_async\" is invalid, it needs to be an integer" echo "NOT adding it to the list" sleep 3 continue else update_selection+=("-u" "$up_async") break fi done break ;; *) echo "$current_selection was not an option, try again" && sleep 3 continue ;; esac done while true do clear -x title echo "Update Options" echo "--------------" echo "1) -r | Roll-back applications if they fail to update" echo "2) -i | Add application to ignore list" echo "3) -S | Shutdown applications prior to updating" echo "4) -v | verbose output" echo "5) -t | Set a custom timeout in seconds when checking if either an App or Mountpoint correctly Started, Stopped or (un)Mounted. Defaults to 500 seconds" echo echo "Additional Options" echo "------------------" echo "6) -b | Back-up your ix-applications dataset, specify a number after -b" echo "7) -s | sync catalog" echo "8) -p | Prune unused/old docker images" echo "9) --self-update | Updates HeavyScript prior to running any other commands" echo echo "99) Remove Update Options, Restart" echo "00) Done making selections, proceed with update" echo echo "0) Exit" echo echo "Current Choices" echo "---------------" echo "bash heavy_script.sh ${update_selection[*]}" echo read -rt 600 -p "Type the Number or Flag: " current_selection || { echo -e "\nFailed to make a selection in time" ; exit; } case $current_selection in 0 | [Ee][Xx][Ii][Tt]) echo "Exiting.." exit ;; 00) clear -x echo "Running \"bash heavy_script.sh ${update_selection[*]}\"" echo exec bash "$script_name" "${update_selection[@]}" exit ;; 1 | -r) printf '%s\0' "${update_selection[@]}" | grep -Fxqz -- "-r" && echo -e "\"-r\" is already on here, skipping" && sleep 3 && continue #If option is already on there, skip it update_selection+=("-r") ;; 2 | -i) read -rt 120 -p "What is the name of the application we should ignore?: " up_ignore || { echo -e "\nFailed to make a selection in time" ; exit; } ! [[ $up_ignore =~ ^[a-zA-Z]([-a-zA-Z0-9]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?$ ]] && echo -e "Error: \"$up_ignore\" is not a possible option for an application name" && sleep 3 && continue update_selection+=("-i" "$up_ignore") ;; 3 | -S) printf '%s\0' "${update_selection[@]}" | grep -Fxqz -- "-S" && echo -e "\"-S\" is already on here, skipping" && sleep 3 && continue #If option is already on there, skip it update_selection+=("-S") ;; 4 | -v) printf '%s\0' "${update_selection[@]}" | grep -Fxqz -- "-v" && echo -e "\"-v\" is already on here, skipping" && sleep 3 && continue #If option is already on there, skip it update_selection+=("-v") ;; 5 | -t) printf '%s\0' "${update_selection[@]}" | grep -Fxqz -- "-t" && echo -e "\"-t\" is already on here, skipping" && sleep 3 && continue #If option is already on there, skip it echo "What do you want your timeout to be?" read -rt 120 -p "Please type an integer: " up_timeout || { echo -e "\nFailed to make a selection in time" ; exit; } ! [[ $up_timeout =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && echo -e "Error: \"$up_timeout\" is invalid, it needs to be an integer\nNOT adding it to the list" && sleep 3 && continue update_selection+=("-t" "$up_timeout") ;; 6 | -b) printf '%s\0' "${update_selection[@]}" | grep -Fxqz -- "-b" && echo -e "\"-b\" is already on here, skipping" && sleep 3 && continue #If option is already on there, skip it echo "Up to how many backups should we keep?" read -rt 120 -p "Please type an integer: " up_backups || { echo -e "\nFailed to make a selection in time" ; exit; } ! [[ $up_backups =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && echo -e "Error: \"$up_backups\" is invalid, it needs to be an integer\nNOT adding it to the list" && sleep 3 && continue [[ $up_backups == 0 ]] && echo -e "Error: Number of backups cannot be 0\nNOT adding it to the list" && sleep 3 && continue update_selection+=("-b" "$up_backups") ;; 7 | -s) printf '%s\0' "${update_selection[@]}" | grep -Fxqz -- "-s" && echo -e "\"-s\" is already on here, skipping" && sleep 3 && continue #If option is already on there, skip it update_selection+=("-s") ;; 8 | -p) printf '%s\0' "${update_selection[@]}" | grep -Fxqz -- "-p" && echo -e "\"-p\" is already on here, skipping" && sleep 3 && continue #If option is already on there, skip it update_selection+=("-p") ;; 9 | --self-update ) printf '%s\0' "${update_selection[@]}" | grep -Fxqz -- "--self-update" && echo -e "\"--self-update\" is already on here, skipping" && sleep 3 && continue #If option is already on there, skip it update_selection+=("--self-update") ;; 99) count=2 echo "restarting" for i in "${update_selection[@]:2}" do unset "update_selection[$count]" echo "$i removed" ((count++)) done sleep 3 continue ;; *) echo "\"$current_selection\" was not an option, try again" && sleep 3 && continue ;; esac done ;; 9) app_name=$(k3s kubectl get pods -A | awk '{print $1}' | sort -u | grep -v "system" | sed '1d' | sed 's/^[^-]*-//' | nl -s ") " | column -t) while true do clear -x title echo "$app_name" echo echo "0) Exit" read -rt 120 -p "Please type a number: " selection || { echo -e "\nFailed to make a selection in time" ; exit; } if [[ $selection == 0 ]]; then echo "Exiting.." exit elif ! echo -e "$app_name" | grep -qs ^"$selection)" ; then echo "Error: \"$selection\" was not an option.. Try again" sleep 3 continue else break fi done app_name=$(echo -e "$app_name" | grep ^"$selection)" | awk '{print $2}') search=$(k3s crictl ps -a -s running) mapfile -t pod_id < <(echo "$search" | grep -E " $app_name( *|-?)" | awk '{print $9}') containers=$( for pod in "${pod_id[@]}" do echo "$search" | grep "$pod" | awk '{print $7}' done | nl -s ") " | column -t) while true do clear -x title echo "$containers" echo echo "0) Exit" read -rt 120 -p "Choose a container by number: " selection || { echo -e "\nFailed to make a selection in time" ; exit; } if [[ $selection == 0 ]]; then echo "Exiting.." exit elif ! echo -e "$containers" | grep -qs ^"$selection)" ; then echo "Error: \"$selection\" was not an option.. Try again" sleep 3 continue else break fi done container=$(echo "$containers" | grep ^"$selection)" | awk '{print $2}') container_id=$(echo "$search" | grep "$container" | awk '{print $1}') clear -x title echo "App Name: $app_name" echo "Container $container" echo echo "0) Exit" read -rt 120 -p "What command would you like to run?: " command || { echo -e "\nFailed to make a selection in time" ; exit; } [[ $command == 0 ]] && echo "Exiting.." && exit k3s crictl exec "$container_id" $command container=$(echo -e "$app_name" | grep ^"$selection)" | awk '{print $2}') ;; *) echo "\"$selection\" was not an option, please try agian" && sleep 3 && menu ;; esac echo } export -f menu