#!/usr/local/bin/bash # This script installs the current release of Mariadb and PhpMyAdmin into a created jail ##### # # Init and Mounts # ##### # Initialise defaults # shellcheck disable=SC2154 JAIL_IP="jail_${1}_ip4_addr" JAIL_IP="${!JAIL_IP%/*}" INCLUDES_PATH="${SCRIPT_DIR}/blueprints/mariadb/includes" # shellcheck disable=SC2154 CERT_EMAIL="jail_${1}_cert_email" CERT_EMAIL="${!CERT_EMAIL:-placeholder@email.fake}" # shellcheck disable=SC2154 DB_ROOT_PASSWORD="jail_${1}_db_root_password" HOST_NAME="jail_${1}_host_name" DL_FLAGS="" DNS_ENV="" # Check that necessary variables were set by nextcloud-config if [ -z "${JAIL_IP}" ]; then echo 'Configuration error: The mariadb jail does NOT accept DHCP' echo 'Please reinstall using a fixed IP adress' exit 1 fi # Make sure DB_PATH is empty -- if not, MariaDB/PostgreSQL will choke # shellcheck disable=SC2154 if [ "$(ls -A "/mnt/${global_dataset_config}/${1}/db")" ]; then echo "Reinstall of mariadb detected... Continuing" REINSTALL="true" fi # Mount database dataset and set zfs preferences iocage exec "${1}" rm -Rf /usr/local/etc/mysql/my.cnf createmount "${1}" "${global_dataset_config}"/"${1}"/db /config/db zfs set recordsize=16K "${global_dataset_config}"/"${1}"/db zfs set primarycache=metadata "${global_dataset_config}"/"${1}"/db iocage exec "${1}" "pw groupadd -n mysql -g 88" iocage exec "${1}" "pw useradd -n mysql -u 88 -d /nonexistent -s /usr/sbin/nologin -g mysql" iocage exec "${1}" chown -R mysql:mysql /config iocage exec "${1}" sysrc mysql_optfile=/config/my.cnf iocage exec "${1}" sysrc mysql_dbdir=/config/db iocage exec "${1}" sysrc mysql_pidfile=/config/mysql.pid iocage exec "${1}" sysrc mysql_enable="YES" # Install includes fstab iocage exec "${1}" mkdir -p /mnt/includes iocage fstab -a "${1}" "${INCLUDES_PATH}" /mnt/includes nullfs rw 0 0 iocage exec "${1}" cp -f /mnt/includes/my.cnf /config/my.cnf iocage exec "${1}" cp -f /mnt/includes/config.inc.php /usr/local/www/phpMyAdmin/config.inc.php iocage exec "${1}" sed -i '' "s|mypassword|${!DB_ROOT_PASSWORD}|" /config/my.cnf iocage exec "${1}" ln -s /config/my.cnf /usr/local/etc/mysql/my.cnf ##### # # Install Caddy and PhpMyAdmin # ##### fetch -o /tmp https://getcaddy.com if ! iocage exec "${1}" bash -s personal "${DL_FLAGS}" < /tmp/getcaddy.com then echo "Failed to download/install Caddy" exit 1 fi # Copy and edit pre-written config files echo "Copying Caddyfile for no SSL" iocage exec "${1}" cp -f /mnt/includes/caddy.rc /usr/local/etc/rc.d/caddy iocage exec "${1}" cp -f /mnt/includes/Caddyfile /usr/local/www/Caddyfile # shellcheck disable=SC2154 iocage exec "${1}" sed -i '' "s/yourhostnamehere/${!HOST_NAME}/" /usr/local/www/Caddyfile iocage exec "${1}" sed -i '' "s/JAIL-IP/${JAIL_IP}/" /usr/local/www/Caddyfile iocage exec "${1}" sysrc caddy_enable="YES" iocage exec "${1}" sysrc php_fpm_enable="YES" iocage exec "${1}" sysrc caddy_cert_email="${CERT_EMAIL}" iocage exec "${1}" sysrc caddy_env="${DNS_ENV}" iocage restart "${1}" sleep 10 if [ "${REINSTALL}" == "true" ]; then echo "Reinstall detected, skipping generaion of new config and database" else # Secure database, set root password, create Nextcloud DB, user, and password iocage exec "${1}" mysql -u root -e "DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User='';" iocage exec "${1}" mysql -u root -e "DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User='root' AND Host NOT IN ('localhost', '', '::1');" iocage exec "${1}" mysql -u root -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS test;" iocage exec "${1}" mysql -u root -e "DELETE FROM mysql.db WHERE Db='test' OR Db='test\\_%';" iocage exec "${1}" mysqladmin --user=root password "${!DB_ROOT_PASSWORD}" iocage exec "${1}" mysqladmin reload fi # Save passwords for later reference iocage exec "${1}" echo "MariaDB root password is ${!DB_ROOT_PASSWORD}" > /root/"${1}"_db_password.txt # Don't need /mnt/includes any more, so unmount it iocage fstab -r "${1}" "${INCLUDES_PATH}" /mnt/includes nullfs rw 0 0 # Done! echo "Installation complete!" echo "Using your web browser, go to http://${!HOST_NAME} to log in" if [ "${REINSTALL}" == "true" ]; then echo "You did a reinstall, please use your old database and account credentials" else echo "Database Information" echo "--------------------" echo "The MariaDB root password is ${!DB_ROOT_PASSWORD}" fi echo "" echo "All passwords are saved in /root/${1}_db_password.txt"