# Bitwarden CRD Operator [![Build Status](https://drone.uploadfilter24.eu/api/badges/lerentis/bitwarden-crd-operator/status.svg?ref=refs/heads/main)](https://drone.uploadfilter24.eu/lerentis/bitwarden-crd-operator) [![Artifact Hub](https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=https://artifacthub.io/badge/repository/lerentis)](https://artifacthub.io/packages/search?repo=lerentis) Bitwarden CRD Operator is a kubernetes Operator based on [kopf](https://github.com/nolar/kopf/). The goal is to create kubernetes native secret objects from bitwarden. > DISCLAIMER: > This project is still very work in progress :) ## Getting started You will need a `ClientID` and `ClientSecret` ([where to get these](https://bitwarden.com/help/personal-api-key/)) as well as your password. Expose these to the operator as described in this example: ```yaml env: - name: BW_HOST value: "https://bitwarden.your.tld.org" - name: BW_CLIENTID value: "user.your-client-id" - name: BW_CLIENTSECRET value: "YoUrCliEntSecRet" - name: BW_PASSWORD value: "YourSuperSecurePassword" ``` you can also create a secret manually with these information and reference the existing secret like this in the `values.yaml`: ```yaml externalConfigSecret: enabled: true name: "my-existing-secret" ``` the helm template will use all environment variables from this secret, so make sure to prepare this secret with the key value pairs as described above. `BW_HOST` can be omitted if you are using the Bitwarden SaaS offering. After that it is a basic helm deployment: ```bash helm repo add bitwarden-operator https://lerentis.github.io/bitwarden-crd-operator helm repo update kubectl create namespace bw-operator helm upgrade --install --namespace bw-operator -f values.yaml bw-operator bitwarden-operator/bitwarden-crd-operator ``` And you are set to create your first secret using this operator. For that you need to add a CRD Object like this to your cluster: ```yaml --- apiVersion: "lerentis.uploadfilter24.eu/v1beta2" kind: BitwardenSecret metadata: name: name-of-your-management-object spec: content: - element: secretName: nameOfTheFieldInBitwarden # for example username secretRef: nameOfTheKeyInTheSecretToBeCreated - element: secretName: nameOfAnotherFieldInBitwarden # for example password secretRef: nameOfAnotherKeyInTheSecretToBeCreated id: "A Secret ID from bitwarden" name: "Name of the secret to be created" namespace: "Namespace of the secret to be created" ``` The ID can be extracted from the browser when you open a item the ID is in the URL. The resulting secret looks something like this: ```yaml apiVersion: v1 data: nameOfTheKeyInTheSecretToBeCreated: "base64 encoded value of TheFieldInBitwarden" nameOfAnotherKeyInTheSecretToBeCreated: "base64 encoded value of AnotherFieldInBitwarden" kind: Secret metadata: annotations: managed: bitwarden-secrets.lerentis.uploadfilter24.eu managedObject: bw-operator/test name: name-of-your-management-object namespace: default type: Opaque ``` ## Short Term Roadmap - [ ] support more types - [x] offer option to use a existing secret in helm chart - [x] host chart on gh pages - [x] write release pipeline - [x] maybe extend spec to offer modification of keys as well