#!/usr/bin/env bash # Make backup my system with restic to Backblaze B2. # This script is typically run by: /etc/systemd/system/restic-backup.{service,timer} # Exit on failure, pipe failure set -e -o pipefail export RESTIC_PASSWORD_FILE="/etc/restic/pw.txt" export RESTIC_REPOSITORY="sftp:lerentis@asgard.lan:/srv/dev-disk-by-id-md-name-asgard-Data/Backup/Laptop/Huginn" # Clean up lock if we are killed. # If killed by systemd, like $(systemctl stop restic), then it kills the whole cgroup and all it's subprocesses. # However if we kill this script ourselves, we need this trap that kills all subprocesses manually. exit_hook() { echo "In exit_hook(), being killed" >&2 jobs -p | xargs kill restic unlock } trap exit_hook INT TERM # How many backups to keep. RETENTION_DAYS=14 RETENTION_WEEKS=16 RETENTION_MONTHS=18 RETENTION_YEARS=3 # What to backup, and what to not BACKUP_PATHS="/home/lerentis/" BACKUP_EXCLUDES="--exclude-file /home/lerentis/.backup_exclude" BACKUP_TAG=systemd.timer # Set all environment variables like # B2_ACCOUNT_ID, B2_ACCOUNT_KEY, RESTIC_REPOSITORY etc. #source /etc/restic/b2_env.sh # How many network connections to set up to B2. Default is 5. B2_CONNECTIONS=50 # NOTE start all commands in background and wait for them to finish. # Reason: bash ignores any signals while child process is executing and thus my trap exit hook is not triggered. # However if put in subprocesses, wait(1) waits until the process finishes OR signal is received. # Reference: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/146756/forward-sigterm-to-child-in-bash # Remove locks from other stale processes to keep the automated backup running. restic unlock & wait $! # Do the backup! # See restic-backup(1) or http://restic.readthedocs.io/en/latest/040_backup.html # --one-file-system makes sure we only backup exactly those mounted file systems specified in $BACKUP_PATHS, and thus not directories like /dev, /sys etc. # --tag lets us reference these backups later when doing restic-forget. restic backup --verbose --tag $BACKUP_TAG $BACKUP_EXCLUDES $BACKUP_PATHS & wait $! # Dereference old backups. # See restic-forget(1) or http://restic.readthedocs.io/en/latest/060_forget.html # --group-by only the tag and path, and not by hostname. This is because I create a B2 Bucket per host, and if this hostname accidentially change some time, there would now be multiple backup sets. restic forget \ --verbose \ --tag $BACKUP_TAG \ --group-by "paths,tags" \ --keep-daily $RETENTION_DAYS \ --keep-weekly $RETENTION_WEEKS \ --keep-monthly $RETENTION_MONTHS \ --keep-yearly $RETENTION_YEARS & wait $! # Remove old data not linked anymore. # See restic-prune(1) or http://restic.readthedocs.io/en/latest/060_forget.html restic prune --verbose & wait $! # Check repository for errors. # NOTE this takes much time (and data transfer from remote repo?), do this in a separate systemd.timer which is run less often. #restic check & #wait $! echo "Backup & cleaning is done."