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package tfsdklog
import (
testing "github.com/mitchellh/go-testing-interface"
const (
// envLog is the environment variable that users can set to control the
// least-verbose level of logs that will be output during testing. If
// this environment variable is set, it will default to off. This is
// just the default; specific loggers and sub-loggers can set a lower
// or higher verbosity level without a problem right now. In theory,
// they should not be able to.
// Valid values are TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, and OFF. A special
// pseudo-value, JSON, will set the value to TRACE and output the
// results in their JSON format.
envLog = "TF_LOG"
// envLogFile is the environment variable that controls where log
// output is written during tests. By default, logs will be written to
// standard error. Setting this environment variable to another file
// path will write logs there instead during tests.
envLogFile = "TF_LOG_PATH"
// envAccLogFile is the environment variable that controls where log
// output from the provider under test and the Terraform binary (and
// other providers) will be written during tests. Setting this
// environment variable to a file will combine all log output in that
// file. If both this environment variable and TF_LOG_PATH are set,
// this environment variable will take precedence.
envAccLogFile = "TF_ACC_LOG_PATH"
// envLogPathMask is the environment variable that controls per-test
// logging output. It should be set to a fmt-compatible string, where a
// single %s will be replaced with the test name, and the log output
// for that test (and only that test) will be written to that file.
// Setting this environment variable will override TF_LOG_PATH.
// Only the logs for the provider under test are included.
envLogPathMask = "TF_LOG_PATH_MASK"
// ValidLevels are the string representations of levels that can be set for
// loggers.
var ValidLevels = []string{"TRACE", "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "OFF"}
// Only show invalid log level message once across any number of level lookups.
var invalidLogLevelMessage sync.Once
// RegisterTestSink sets up a logging sink, for use with test frameworks and
// other cases where plugin logs don't get routed through Terraform. This
// applies the same filtering and file output behaviors that Terraform does.
// RegisterTestSink should only ever be called by test frameworks, providers
// should never call it.
// RegisterTestSink must be called prior to any loggers being setup or
// instantiated.
func RegisterTestSink(ctx context.Context, t testing.T) context.Context {
logger, loggerOptions := newSink(t)
ctx = logging.SetSink(ctx, logger)
ctx = logging.SetSinkOptions(ctx, loggerOptions)
return ctx
func newSink(t testing.T) (hclog.Logger, *hclog.LoggerOptions) {
logOutput := io.Writer(os.Stderr)
var json bool
var logLevel hclog.Level
var logFile string
envLevel := strings.ToUpper(os.Getenv(envLog))
// if TF_LOG_PATH is set, output logs there
if logPath := os.Getenv(envLogFile); logPath != "" {
logFile = logPath
// if TF_ACC_LOG_PATH is set, output logs there instead
if logPath := os.Getenv(envAccLogFile); logPath != "" {
logFile = logPath
// helper/resource makes this default to TRACE, so we should,
// too
envLevel = "TRACE"
// if TF_LOG_PATH_MASK is set, use a test-name specific logging file,
// instead
if logPathMask := os.Getenv(envLogPathMask); logPathMask != "" {
testName := strings.Replace(t.Name(), "/", "__", -1)
logFile = fmt.Sprintf(logPathMask, testName)
if logFile != "" {
f, err := os.OpenFile(logFile, syscall.O_CREAT|syscall.O_RDWR|syscall.O_APPEND, 0666)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error opening log file: %v\n", err)
} else {
logOutput = f
// if TF_LOG is set, set the level
if envLevel == "" {
logLevel = hclog.Off
} else if envLevel == "JSON" {
logLevel = hclog.Trace
json = true
} else if isValidLogLevel(envLevel) {
logLevel = hclog.LevelFromString(envLevel)
} else {
invalidLogLevelMessage.Do(func() {
"[WARN] Invalid log level: %q. Defaulting to level: OFF. Valid levels are: %+v\n",
loggerOptions := &hclog.LoggerOptions{
Level: logLevel,
Output: logOutput,
IndependentLevels: true,
JSONFormat: json,
return hclog.New(loggerOptions), loggerOptions
func isValidLogLevel(level string) bool {
for _, validLevel := range ValidLevels {
if level == validLevel {
return true
return false