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2022-04-03 04:07:16 +00:00
package tfexec
import (
type printfer interface {
Printf(format string, v ...interface{})
// Terraform represents the Terraform CLI executable and working directory.
// Typically this is constructed against the root module of a Terraform configuration
// but you can override paths used in some commands depending on the available
// options.
// All functions that execute CLI commands take a context.Context. It should be noted that
// exec.Cmd.Run will not return context.DeadlineExceeded or context.Canceled by default, we
// have augmented our wrapped errors to respond true to errors.Is for context.DeadlineExceeded
// and context.Canceled if those are present on the context when the error is parsed. See
// https://github.com/golang/go/issues/21880 for more about the Go limitations.
// By default, the instance inherits the environment from the calling code (using os.Environ)
// but it ignores certain environment variables that are managed within the code and prohibits
// setting them through SetEnv:
// - TF_LOG
type Terraform struct {
execPath string
workingDir string
appendUserAgent string
disablePluginTLS bool
skipProviderVerify bool
env map[string]string
stdout io.Writer
stderr io.Writer
logger printfer
logPath string
versionLock sync.Mutex
execVersion *version.Version
provVersions map[string]*version.Version
// NewTerraform returns a Terraform struct with default values for all fields.
// If a blank execPath is supplied, NewTerraform will error.
// Use hc-install or output from os.LookPath to get a desirable execPath.
func NewTerraform(workingDir string, execPath string) (*Terraform, error) {
if workingDir == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Terraform cannot be initialised with empty workdir")
if _, err := os.Stat(workingDir); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error initialising Terraform with workdir %s: %s", workingDir, err)
if execPath == "" {
err := fmt.Errorf("NewTerraform: please supply the path to a Terraform executable using execPath, e.g. using the github.com/hashicorp/hc-install module.")
return nil, &ErrNoSuitableBinary{
err: err,
tf := Terraform{
execPath: execPath,
workingDir: workingDir,
env: nil, // explicit nil means copy os.Environ
logger: log.New(ioutil.Discard, "", 0),
return &tf, nil
// SetEnv allows you to override environment variables, this should not be used for any well known
// Terraform environment variables that are already covered in options. Pass nil to copy the values
// from os.Environ. Attempting to set environment variables that should be managed manually will
// result in ErrManualEnvVar being returned.
func (tf *Terraform) SetEnv(env map[string]string) error {
prohibited := ProhibitedEnv(env)
if len(prohibited) > 0 {
// just error on the first instance
return &ErrManualEnvVar{prohibited[0]}
tf.env = env
return nil
// SetLogger specifies a logger for tfexec to use.
func (tf *Terraform) SetLogger(logger printfer) {
tf.logger = logger
// SetStdout specifies a writer to stream stdout to for every command.
// This should be used for information or logging purposes only, not control
// flow. Any parsing necessary should be added as functionality to this package.
func (tf *Terraform) SetStdout(w io.Writer) {
tf.stdout = w
// SetStderr specifies a writer to stream stderr to for every command.
// This should be used for information or logging purposes only, not control
// flow. Any parsing necessary should be added as functionality to this package.
func (tf *Terraform) SetStderr(w io.Writer) {
tf.stderr = w
// SetLogPath sets the TF_LOG_PATH environment variable for Terraform CLI
// execution.
func (tf *Terraform) SetLogPath(path string) error {
tf.logPath = path
return nil
// SetAppendUserAgent sets the TF_APPEND_USER_AGENT environment variable for
// Terraform CLI execution.
func (tf *Terraform) SetAppendUserAgent(ua string) error {
tf.appendUserAgent = ua
return nil
// SetDisablePluginTLS sets the TF_DISABLE_PLUGIN_TLS environment variable for
// Terraform CLI execution.
func (tf *Terraform) SetDisablePluginTLS(disabled bool) error {
tf.disablePluginTLS = disabled
return nil
// SetSkipProviderVerify sets the TF_SKIP_PROVIDER_VERIFY environment variable
// for Terraform CLI execution. This is no longer used in 0.13.0 and greater.
func (tf *Terraform) SetSkipProviderVerify(skip bool) error {
err := tf.compatible(context.Background(), nil, tf0_13_0)
if err != nil {
return err
tf.skipProviderVerify = skip
return nil
// WorkingDir returns the working directory for Terraform.
func (tf *Terraform) WorkingDir() string {
return tf.workingDir
// ExecPath returns the path to the Terraform executable.
func (tf *Terraform) ExecPath() string {
return tf.execPath