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package tftypes
import (
msgpack "github.com/vmihailenco/msgpack/v4"
// ValueConverter is an interface that provider-defined types can implement to
// control how Value.As will convert a Value into that type. The passed Value
// is the Value that Value.As is being called on. The intended usage is to call
// Value.As on the passed Value, converting it into a builtin type, and then
// converting or casting that builtin type to the provider-defined type.
type ValueConverter interface {
FromTerraform5Value(Value) error
// ValueCreator is an interface that provider-defined types can implement to
// control how NewValue will convert that type into a Value. The returned
// interface should return one of the builtin Value representations that should
// be used for that Value.
type ValueCreator interface {
ToTerraform5Value() (interface{}, error)
// Value is a piece of data from Terraform or being returned to Terraform. It
// has a Type associated with it, defining its shape and characteristics, and a
// Go representation of that Type containing the data itself. Values are a
// special type and are not represented as pure Go values beause they can
// contain UnknownValues, which cannot be losslessly represented in Go's type
// system.
// The recommended usage of a Value is to check that it is known, using
// Value.IsKnown, then to convert it to a Go type, using Value.As. The Go type
// can then be manipulated.
type Value struct {
typ Type
value interface{}
func (val Value) String() string {
typ := val.Type()
if typ == nil {
return "invalid typeless tftypes.Value<>"
// null and unknown values we use static strings for
if val.IsNull() {
return typ.String() + "<null>"
if !val.IsKnown() {
return typ.String() + "<unknown>"
// everything else is built up
var res strings.Builder
switch {
case typ.Is(String):
var s string
err := val.As(&s)
if err != nil {
res.WriteString(typ.String() + `<"` + s + `">`)
case typ.Is(Number):
n := big.NewFloat(0)
err := val.As(&n)
if err != nil {
res.WriteString(typ.String() + `<"` + n.String() + `">`)
case typ.Is(Bool):
var b bool
err := val.As(&b)
if err != nil {
res.WriteString(typ.String() + `<"` + strconv.FormatBool(b) + `">`)
case typ.Is(List{}), typ.Is(Set{}), typ.Is(Tuple{}):
var l []Value
err := val.As(&l)
if err != nil {
res.WriteString(typ.String() + `<`)
for pos, el := range l {
if pos != 0 {
res.WriteString(", ")
case typ.Is(Map{}), typ.Is(Object{}):
m := map[string]Value{}
err := val.As(&m)
if err != nil {
res.WriteString(typ.String() + `<`)
keys := make([]string, 0, len(m))
for k := range m {
keys = append(keys, k)
for pos, key := range keys {
if pos != 0 {
res.WriteString(", ")
res.WriteString(`"` + key + `":`)
return res.String()
// ApplyTerraform5AttributePathStep applies an AttributePathStep to a Value,
// returning the Value found at that AttributePath within the Value. It
// fulfills that AttributePathStepper interface, allowing Values to be passed
// to WalkAttributePath. This allows retrieving a subset of a Value using an
// AttributePath. If the AttributePathStep can't be applied to the Value,
// either because it is the wrong type or because no Value exists at that
// AttributePathStep, an ErrInvalidStep error will be returned.
func (val Value) ApplyTerraform5AttributePathStep(step AttributePathStep) (interface{}, error) {
if !val.IsKnown() || val.IsNull() {
return nil, ErrInvalidStep
switch s := step.(type) {
case AttributeName:
if !val.Type().Is(Object{}) {
return nil, ErrInvalidStep
o := map[string]Value{}
err := val.As(&o)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res, ok := o[string(s)]
if !ok {
return nil, ErrInvalidStep
return res, nil
case ElementKeyString:
if !val.Type().Is(Map{}) {
return nil, ErrInvalidStep
m := map[string]Value{}
err := val.As(&m)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res, ok := m[string(s)]
if !ok {
return nil, ErrInvalidStep
return res, nil
case ElementKeyInt:
if !val.Type().Is(List{}) && !val.Type().Is(Tuple{}) {
return nil, ErrInvalidStep
if int64(s) < 0 {
return nil, ErrInvalidStep
sl := []Value{}
err := val.As(&sl)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if int64(len(sl)) <= int64(s) {
return nil, ErrInvalidStep
return sl[int64(s)], nil
case ElementKeyValue:
if !val.Type().Is(Set{}) {
return nil, ErrInvalidStep
sl := []Value{}
err := val.As(&sl)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, el := range sl {
diffs, err := el.Diff(Value(s))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(diffs) == 0 {
return el, nil
return nil, ErrInvalidStep
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected AttributePathStep type %T", step)
// Equal returns true if two Values should be considered equal. Values are
// considered equal if their types are considered equal and if they represent
// data that is considered equal.
func (val Value) Equal(o Value) bool {
if val.Type() == nil && o.Type() == nil && val.value == nil && o.value == nil {
return true
if val.Type() == nil {
return false
if o.Type() == nil {
return false
if !val.Type().Equal(o.Type()) {
return false
diff, err := val.Diff(o)
if err != nil {
return len(diff) < 1
// Copy returns a defensively-copied clone of Value that shares no underlying
// data structures with the original Value and can be mutated without
// accidentally mutating the original.
func (val Value) Copy() Value {
newVal := val.value
switch v := val.value.(type) {
case []Value:
newVals := make([]Value, 0, len(v))
for _, value := range v {
newVals = append(newVals, value.Copy())
newVal = newVals
case map[string]Value:
newVals := make(map[string]Value, len(v))
for k, value := range v {
newVals[k] = value.Copy()
newVal = newVals
return NewValue(val.Type(), newVal)
// NewValue returns a Value constructed using the specified Type and stores the
// passed value in it.
// The passed value should be in one of the builtin Value representations or
// implement the ValueCreator interface.
// If the passed value is not a valid value for the passed type, NewValue will
// panic. Any value and type combination that does not return an error from
// ValidateValue is guaranteed to not panic. When calling NewValue with user
// input with a type not known at compile time, it is recommended to call
// ValidateValue before calling NewValue, to allow graceful handling of the
// error.
// The builtin Value representations are:
// - String: string, *string
// - Number: *big.Float, int64, *int64, int32, *int32, int16, *int16, int8,
// *int8, int, *int, uint64, *uint64, uint32, *uint32, uint16,
// *uint16, uint8, *uint8, uint, *uint, float64, *float64
// - Bool: bool, *bool
// - Map and Object: map[string]Value
// - Tuple, List, and Set: []Value
func NewValue(t Type, val interface{}) Value {
v, err := newValue(t, val)
if err != nil {
return v
// ValidateValue checks that the Go type passed as `val` can be used as a value
// for the Type passed as `t`. A nil error response indicates that the value is
// valid for the type.
func ValidateValue(t Type, val interface{}) error {
_, err := newValue(t, val)
return err
func newValue(t Type, val interface{}) (Value, error) {
if val == nil || val == UnknownValue {
return Value{
typ: t,
value: val,
}, nil
if creator, ok := val.(ValueCreator); ok {
var err error
val, err = creator.ToTerraform5Value()
if err != nil {
return Value{}, fmt.Errorf("error creating tftypes.Value: %w", err)
switch {
case t.Is(String):
v, err := valueFromString(val)
if err != nil {
return Value{}, err
return v, nil
case t.Is(Number):
v, err := valueFromNumber(val)
if err != nil {
return Value{}, err
return v, nil
case t.Is(Bool):
v, err := valueFromBool(val)
if err != nil {
return Value{}, err
return v, nil
case t.Is(Map{}):
v, err := valueFromMap(t.(Map).ElementType, val)
if err != nil {
return Value{}, err
return v, nil
case t.Is(Object{}):
v, err := valueFromObject(t.(Object).AttributeTypes, t.(Object).OptionalAttributes, val)
if err != nil {
return Value{}, err
return v, nil
case t.Is(List{}):
v, err := valueFromList(t.(List).ElementType, val)
if err != nil {
return Value{}, err
return v, nil
case t.Is(Set{}):
v, err := valueFromSet(t.(Set).ElementType, val)
if err != nil {
return Value{}, err
return v, nil
case t.Is(Tuple{}):
v, err := valueFromTuple(t.(Tuple).ElementTypes, val)
if err != nil {
return Value{}, err
return v, nil
case t.Is(DynamicPseudoType):
v, err := valueFromDynamicPseudoType(val)
if err != nil {
return Value{}, err
return v, nil
return Value{}, fmt.Errorf("unknown type %s passed to tftypes.NewValue", t)
// As converts a Value into a Go value. `dst` must be set to a pointer to a
// value of a supported type for the Value's type or an implementation of the
// ValueConverter interface.
// For Strings, `dst` must be a pointer to a string or a pointer to a pointer
// to a string. If it's a pointer to a pointer to a string, if the Value is
// null, the pointer to the string will be set to nil. If it's a pointer to a
// string, if the Value is null, the string will be set to the empty value.
// For Numbers, `dst` must be a poitner to a big.Float or a pointer to a
// pointer to a big.Float. If it's a pointer to a pointer to a big.Float, if
// the Value is null, the pointer to the big.Float will be set to nil. If it's
// a pointer to a big.Float, if the Value is null, the big.Float will be set to
// 0.
// For Bools, `dst` must be a pointer to a bool or a pointer to a pointer to a
// bool. If it's a pointer to a pointer to a bool, if the Value is null, the
// pointer to the bool will be set to nil. If it's a pointer to a bool, if the
// Value is null, the bool will be set to false.
// For Maps and Objects, `dst` must be a pointer to a map[string]Value or a
// pointer to a pointer to a map[string]Value. If it's a pointer to a pointer
// to a map[string]Value, if the Value is null, the pointer to the
// map[string]Value will be set to nil. If it's a pointer to a
// map[string]Value, if the Value is null, the map[string]Value will be set to
// an empty map.
// For Lists, Sets, and Tuples, `dst` must be a pointer to a []Value or a
// pointer to a pointer to a []Value. If it's a pointer to a pointer to a
// []Value, if the Value is null, the poitner to []Value will be set to nil. If
// it's a pointer to a []Value, if the Value is null, the []Value will be set
// to an empty slice.
// Future builtin conversions may be added over time.
// If `val` is unknown, an error will be returned, as unknown values can't be
// represented in Go's type system. Providers should check Value.IsKnown before
// calling Value.As.
func (val Value) As(dst interface{}) error {
unmarshaler, ok := dst.(ValueConverter)
if ok {
return unmarshaler.FromTerraform5Value(val)
if !val.IsKnown() {
return fmt.Errorf("unmarshaling unknown values is not supported")
switch target := dst.(type) {
case *string:
if val.IsNull() {
*target = ""
return nil
v, ok := val.value.(string)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("can't unmarshal %s into %T, expected string", val.Type(), dst)
*target = v
return nil
case **string:
if val.IsNull() {
*target = nil
return nil
if *target == nil {
var s string
*target = &s
return val.As(*target)
case *big.Float:
if val.IsNull() {
return nil
v, ok := val.value.(*big.Float)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("can't unmarshal %s into %T, expected *big.Float", val.Type(), dst)
return nil
case **big.Float:
if val.IsNull() {
*target = nil
return nil
if *target == nil {
*target = big.NewFloat(0)
return val.As(*target)
case *bool:
if val.IsNull() {
*target = false
return nil
v, ok := val.value.(bool)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("can't unmarshal %s into %T, expected boolean", val.Type(), dst)
*target = v
return nil
case **bool:
if val.IsNull() {
*target = nil
return nil
if *target == nil {
var b bool
*target = &b
return val.As(*target)
case *map[string]Value:
if val.IsNull() {
*target = map[string]Value{}
return nil
v, ok := val.value.(map[string]Value)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("can't unmarshal %s into %T, expected map[string]tftypes.Value", val.Type(), dst)
*target = v
return nil
case **map[string]Value:
if val.IsNull() {
*target = nil
return nil
if *target == nil {
m := map[string]Value{}
*target = &m
return val.As(*target)
case *[]Value:
if val.IsNull() {
*target = []Value{}
return nil
v, ok := val.value.([]Value)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("can't unmarshal %s into %T expected []tftypes.Value", val.Type(), dst)
*target = v
return nil
case **[]Value:
if val.IsNull() {
*target = nil
return nil
if *target == nil {
l := []Value{}
*target = &l
return val.As(*target)
return fmt.Errorf("can't unmarshal into %T, needs FromTerraform5Value method", dst)
// Type returns the Type of the Value.
func (val Value) Type() Type {
return val.typ
// IsKnown returns true if `val` is known. If `val` is an aggregate type, only
// the top level of the aggregate type is checked; elements and attributes are
// not checked.
func (val Value) IsKnown() bool {
return val.value != UnknownValue
// IsFullyKnown returns true if `val` is known. If `val` is an aggregate type,
// IsFullyKnown only returns true if all elements and attributes are known, as
// well.
func (val Value) IsFullyKnown() bool {
if !val.IsKnown() {
return false
if val.value == nil {
return true
switch val.Type().(type) {
case primitive:
return true
case List, Set, Tuple:
for _, v := range val.value.([]Value) {
if !v.IsFullyKnown() {
return false
return true
case Map, Object:
for _, v := range val.value.(map[string]Value) {
if !v.IsFullyKnown() {
return false
return true
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown type %T", val.Type()))
// IsNull returns true if the Value is null.
func (val Value) IsNull() bool {
return val.value == nil
// MarshalMsgPack returns a msgpack representation of the Value. This is used
// for constructing tfprotov5.DynamicValues.
// Deprecated: this is not meant to be called by third parties. Don't use it.
func (val Value) MarshalMsgPack(t Type) ([]byte, error) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
enc := msgpack.NewEncoder(&buf)
err := marshalMsgPack(val, t, NewAttributePath(), enc)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return buf.Bytes(), nil
func unexpectedValueTypeError(p *AttributePath, expected, got interface{}, typ Type) error {
return p.NewErrorf("unexpected value type %T, %s values must be of type %T", got, typ, expected)