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// Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
package resource
// Environment variables for acceptance testing. Additional environment
// variable constants can be found in the internal/plugintest package.
const (
// Environment variable to enable acceptance tests using this package's
// ParallelTest and Test functions whose TestCase does not enable the
// IsUnitTest field. Defaults to disabled, in which each test will call
// (*testing.T).Skip(). Can be set to any value to enable acceptance tests,
// however "1" is conventional.
EnvTfAcc = "TF_ACC"
// Environment variable with hostname for the provider under acceptance
// test. The hostname is the first portion of the full provider source
// address, such as "example.com" in example.com/myorg/myprovider. Defaults
// to "registry.terraform.io".
// Only required if any Terraform configuration set via the TestStep
// type Config field includes a provider source, such as the terraform
// configuration block required_providers attribute.
EnvTfAccProviderHost = "TF_ACC_PROVIDER_HOST"
// Environment variable with namespace for the provider under acceptance
// test. The namespace is the second portion of the full provider source
// address, such as "myorg" in registry.terraform.io/myorg/myprovider.
// Defaults to "-" for Terraform 0.12-0.13 compatibility and "hashicorp".
// Only required if any Terraform configuration set via the TestStep
// type Config field includes a provider source, such as the terraform
// configuration block required_providers attribute.
EnvTfAccProviderNamespace = "TF_ACC_PROVIDER_NAMESPACE"