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package tfprotov6
import "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-go/tftypes"
const (
// SchemaNestedBlockNestingModeInvalid indicates that the nesting mode
// for a nested block in the schema is invalid. This generally
// indicates a nested block that was created incorrectly.
SchemaNestedBlockNestingModeInvalid SchemaNestedBlockNestingMode = 0
// SchemaNestedBlockNestingModeSingle indicates that the nested block
// should be treated as a single block with no labels, and there should
// not be more than one of these blocks in the containing block. The
// block will appear in config and state values as a tftypes.Object.
SchemaNestedBlockNestingModeSingle SchemaNestedBlockNestingMode = 1
// SchemaNestedBlockNestingModeList indicates that multiple instances
// of the nested block should be permitted, with no labels, and that
// the instances of the block should appear in config and state values
// as a tftypes.List, with an ElementType of tftypes.Object.
SchemaNestedBlockNestingModeList SchemaNestedBlockNestingMode = 2
// SchemaNestedBlockNestingModeSet indicates that multiple instances
// of the nested block should be permitted, with no labels, and that
// the instances of the block should appear in config and state values
// as a tftypes.Set, with an ElementType of tftypes.Object.
SchemaNestedBlockNestingModeSet SchemaNestedBlockNestingMode = 3
// SchemaNestedBlockNestingModeMap indicates that multiple instances of
// the nested block should be permitted, each with a single label, and
// that they should be represented in state and config values as a
// tftypes.Map, with an ElementType of tftypes.Object. The labels on
// the blocks will be used as the map keys. It is an error, therefore,
// to use the same label value on multiple block instances.
SchemaNestedBlockNestingModeMap SchemaNestedBlockNestingMode = 4
// SchemaNestedBlockNestingModeGroup indicates that the nested block
// should be treated as a single block with no labels, and there should
// not be more than one of these blocks in the containing block. The
// block will appear in config and state values as a tftypes.Object.
// SchemaNestedBlockNestingModeGroup is distinct from
// SchemaNestedBlockNestingModeSingle in that it guarantees that the
// block will never be null. If it is omitted from a config, the block
// will still be set, but its attributes and nested blocks will all be
// null. This is an exception to the rule that any block not set in the
// configuration cannot be set in config by the provider; this ensures
// the block is always considered "set" in the configuration, and is
// therefore settable in state by the provider.
SchemaNestedBlockNestingModeGroup SchemaNestedBlockNestingMode = 5
// SchemaObjectNestingModeInvalid indicates that the nesting mode
// for a nested type in the schema is invalid. This generally
// indicates a nested type that was created incorrectly.
SchemaObjectNestingModeInvalid SchemaObjectNestingMode = 0
// SchemaObjectNestingModeSingle indicates that the nested type should
// be treated as a single object. The block will appear in config and state
// values as a tftypes.Object.
SchemaObjectNestingModeSingle SchemaObjectNestingMode = 1
// SchemaObjectNestingModeList indicates that multiple instances of the
// nested type should be permitted, and that the nested type should appear
// in config and state values as a tftypes.List, with an ElementType of
// tftypes.Object.
SchemaObjectNestingModeList SchemaObjectNestingMode = 2
// SchemaObjectNestingModeSet indicates that multiple instances of the
// nested type should be permitted, and that the nested type should appear in
// config and state values as a tftypes.Set, with an ElementType of
// tftypes.Object.
SchemaObjectNestingModeSet SchemaObjectNestingMode = 3
// SchemaObjectNestingModeMap indicates that multiple instances of the
// nested type should be permitted, and that they should be appear in state
// and config values as a tftypes.Map, with an ElementType of
// tftypes.Object.
SchemaObjectNestingModeMap SchemaObjectNestingMode = 4
// Schema is how Terraform defines the shape of data. It can be thought of as
// the type information for resources, data sources, provider configuration,
// and all the other data that Terraform sends to providers. It is how
// providers express their requirements for that data.
type Schema struct {
// Version indicates which version of the schema this is. Versions
// should be monotonically incrementing numbers. When Terraform
// encounters a resource stored in state with a schema version lower
// that the schema version the provider advertises for that resource,
// Terraform requests the provider upgrade the resource's state.
Version int64
// Block is the root level of the schema, the collection of attributes
// and blocks that make up a resource, data source, provider, or other
// configuration block.
Block *SchemaBlock
// ValueType returns the tftypes.Type for a Schema.
// If Schema is missing, an empty Object is returned.
func (s *Schema) ValueType() tftypes.Type {
if s == nil {
return tftypes.Object{
AttributeTypes: map[string]tftypes.Type{},
return s.Block.ValueType()
// SchemaBlock represents a block in a schema. Blocks are how Terraform creates
// groupings of attributes. In configurations, they don't use the equals sign
// and use dynamic instead of list comprehensions.
// Blocks will show up in state and config Values as a tftypes.Object, with the
// attributes and nested blocks defining the tftypes.Object's AttributeTypes.
type SchemaBlock struct {
// TODO: why do we have version in the block, too?
Version int64
// Attributes are the attributes defined within the block. These are
// the fields that users can set using the equals sign or reference in
// interpolations.
Attributes []*SchemaAttribute
// BlockTypes are the nested blocks within the block. These are used to
// have blocks within blocks.
BlockTypes []*SchemaNestedBlock
// Description offers an end-user friendly description of what the
// block is for. This will be surfaced to users through editor
// integrations, documentation generation, and other settings.
Description string
// DescriptionKind indicates the formatting and encoding that the
// Description field is using.
DescriptionKind StringKind
// Deprecated, when set to true, indicates that a block should no
// longer be used and users should migrate away from it. At the moment
// it is unused and will have no impact, but it will be used in future
// tooling that is powered by provider schemas to enable richer user
// experiences. Providers should set it when deprecating blocks in
// preparation for these tools.
Deprecated bool
// ValueType returns the tftypes.Type for a SchemaBlock.
// If SchemaBlock is missing, an empty Object is returned.
func (s *SchemaBlock) ValueType() tftypes.Type {
if s == nil {
return tftypes.Object{
AttributeTypes: map[string]tftypes.Type{},
attributeTypes := map[string]tftypes.Type{}
for _, attribute := range s.Attributes {
if attribute == nil {
attributeType := attribute.ValueType()
if attributeType == nil {
attributeTypes[attribute.Name] = attributeType
for _, block := range s.BlockTypes {
if block == nil {
blockType := block.ValueType()
if blockType == nil {
attributeTypes[block.TypeName] = blockType
return tftypes.Object{
AttributeTypes: attributeTypes,
// SchemaAttribute represents a single attribute within a schema block.
// Attributes are the fields users can set in configuration using the equals
// sign, can assign to variables, can interpolate, and can use list
// comprehensions on.
type SchemaAttribute struct {
// Name is the name of the attribute. This is what the user will put
// before the equals sign to assign a value to this attribute.
Name string
// Type indicates the type of data the attribute expects. See the
// documentation for the tftypes package for information on what types
// are supported and their behaviors.
Type tftypes.Type
// NestedType indicates that this is a NestedBlock-style object masquerading
// as an attribute. This field conflicts with Type.
NestedType *SchemaObject
// Description offers an end-user friendly description of what the
// attribute is for. This will be surfaced to users through editor
// integrations, documentation generation, and other settings.
Description string
// Required, when set to true, indicates that this attribute must have
// a value assigned to it by the user or Terraform will throw an error.
Required bool
// Optional, when set to true, indicates that the user does not need to
// supply a value for this attribute, but may.
Optional bool
// Computed, when set to true, indicates the the provider will supply a
// value for this field. If Optional and Required are false and
// Computed is true, the user will not be able to specify a value for
// this field without Terraform throwing an error. If Optional is true
// and Computed is true, the user can specify a value for this field,
// but the provider may supply a value if the user does not. It is
// always a violation of Terraform's protocol to substitute a value for
// what the user entered, even if Computed is true.
Computed bool
// Sensitive, when set to true, indicates that the contents of this
// attribute should be considered sensitive and not included in output.
// This does not encrypt or otherwise protect these values in state, it
// only offers protection from them showing up in plans or other
// output.
Sensitive bool
// DescriptionKind indicates the formatting and encoding that the
// Description field is using.
DescriptionKind StringKind
// Deprecated, when set to true, indicates that a attribute should no
// longer be used and users should migrate away from it. At the moment
// it is unused and will have no impact, but it will be used in future
// tooling that is powered by provider schemas to enable richer user
// experiences. Providers should set it when deprecating attributes in
// preparation for these tools.
Deprecated bool
// ValueType returns the tftypes.Type for a SchemaAttribute.
// If SchemaAttribute is missing, nil is returned.
func (s *SchemaAttribute) ValueType() tftypes.Type {
if s == nil {
return nil
// It is not valid to set both NestedType and Type.
if s.NestedType != nil {
return s.NestedType.ValueType()
return s.Type
// SchemaNestedBlock is a nested block within another block. See SchemaBlock
// for more information on blocks.
type SchemaNestedBlock struct {
// TypeName is the name of the block. It is what the user will specify
// when using the block in configuration.
TypeName string
// Block is the block being nested inside another block. See the
// SchemaBlock documentation for more information on blocks.
Block *SchemaBlock
// Nesting is the kind of nesting the block is using. Different nesting
// modes have different behaviors and imply different kinds of data.
Nesting SchemaNestedBlockNestingMode
// MinItems is the minimum number of instances of this block that a
// user must specify or Terraform will return an error.
// MinItems can only be set for SchemaNestedBlockNestingModeList and
// SchemaNestedBlockNestingModeSet. SchemaNestedBlockNestingModeSingle
// can also set MinItems and MaxItems both to 1 to indicate that the
// block is required to be set. All other SchemaNestedBlockNestingModes
// must leave MinItems set to 0.
MinItems int64
// MaxItems is the maximum number of instances of this block that a
// user may specify before Terraform returns an error.
// MaxItems can only be set for SchemaNestedBlockNestingModeList and
// SchemaNestedBlockNestingModeSet. SchemaNestedBlockNestingModeSingle
// can also set MinItems and MaxItems both to 1 to indicate that the
// block is required to be set. All other SchemaNestedBlockNestingModes
// must leave MaxItems set to 0.
MaxItems int64
// ValueType returns the tftypes.Type for a SchemaNestedBlock.
// If SchemaNestedBlock is missing or the Nesting mode is invalid, nil is
// returned.
func (s *SchemaNestedBlock) ValueType() tftypes.Type {
if s == nil {
return nil
blockType := s.Block.ValueType()
switch s.Nesting {
case SchemaNestedBlockNestingModeGroup:
return blockType
case SchemaNestedBlockNestingModeList:
return tftypes.List{
ElementType: blockType,
case SchemaNestedBlockNestingModeMap:
return tftypes.Map{
ElementType: blockType,
case SchemaNestedBlockNestingModeSet:
return tftypes.Set{
ElementType: blockType,
case SchemaNestedBlockNestingModeSingle:
return blockType
return nil
// SchemaNestedBlockNestingMode indicates the nesting mode for
// SchemaNestedBlocks. The nesting mode determines the number of instances of
// the block allowed, how many labels the block expects, and the data structure
// used for the block in config and state values.
type SchemaNestedBlockNestingMode int32
func (s SchemaNestedBlockNestingMode) String() string {
switch s {
case 0:
return "INVALID"
case 1:
return "SINGLE"
case 2:
return "LIST"
case 3:
return "SET"
case 4:
return "MAP"
case 5:
return "GROUP"
return "UNKNOWN"
// SchemaObject represents a nested-block-stype object in an Attribute.
type SchemaObject struct {
// Attributes are the attributes defined within the Object.
Attributes []*SchemaAttribute
Nesting SchemaObjectNestingMode
// ValueType returns the tftypes.Type for a SchemaObject.
// If SchemaObject is missing or the Nesting mode is invalid, nil is returned.
func (s *SchemaObject) ValueType() tftypes.Type {
if s == nil {
return nil
attributeTypes := map[string]tftypes.Type{}
for _, attribute := range s.Attributes {
if attribute == nil {
attributeType := attribute.ValueType()
if attributeType == nil {
attributeTypes[attribute.Name] = attributeType
objectType := tftypes.Object{
AttributeTypes: attributeTypes,
switch s.Nesting {
case SchemaObjectNestingModeList:
return tftypes.List{
ElementType: objectType,
case SchemaObjectNestingModeMap:
return tftypes.Map{
ElementType: objectType,
case SchemaObjectNestingModeSet:
return tftypes.Set{
ElementType: objectType,
case SchemaObjectNestingModeSingle:
return objectType
return nil
// SchemaObjectNestingMode indicates the nesting mode for
// SchemaNestedBlocks. The nesting mode determines the number of instances of
// the nested type allowed and the data structure used for the block in config
// and state values.
type SchemaObjectNestingMode int32
func (s SchemaObjectNestingMode) String() string {
switch s {
case 0:
return "INVALID"
case 1:
return "SINGLE"
case 2:
return "LIST"
case 3:
return "SET"
case 4:
return "MAP"
return "UNKNOWN"