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package tfprotov6
import (
// ProviderServer is an interface that reflects that Terraform protocol.
// Providers must implement this interface.
type ProviderServer interface {
// GetProviderSchema is called when Terraform needs to know what the
// provider's schema is, along with the schemas of all its resources
// and data sources.
GetProviderSchema(context.Context, *GetProviderSchemaRequest) (*GetProviderSchemaResponse, error)
// ValidateProviderConfig is called to give a provider a chance to
// validate the configuration the user specified.
ValidateProviderConfig(context.Context, *ValidateProviderConfigRequest) (*ValidateProviderConfigResponse, error)
// ConfigureProvider is called to pass the user-specified provider
// configuration to the provider.
ConfigureProvider(context.Context, *ConfigureProviderRequest) (*ConfigureProviderResponse, error)
// StopProvider is called when Terraform would like providers to shut
// down as quickly as possible, and usually represents an interrupt.
StopProvider(context.Context, *StopProviderRequest) (*StopProviderResponse, error)
// ResourceServer is an interface encapsulating all the
// resource-related RPC requests. ProviderServer implementations must
// implement them, but they are a handy interface for defining what a
// resource is to terraform-plugin-go, so they're their own interface
// that is composed into ProviderServer.
// DataSourceServer is an interface encapsulating all the data
// source-related RPC requests. ProviderServer implementations must
// implement them, but they are a handy interface for defining what a
// data source is to terraform-plugin-go, so they're their own
// interface that is composed into ProviderServer.
// GetProviderSchemaRequest represents a Terraform RPC request for the
// provider's schemas.
type GetProviderSchemaRequest struct{}
// GetProviderSchemaResponse represents a Terraform RPC response containing the
// provider's schemas.
type GetProviderSchemaResponse struct {
// ServerCapabilities defines optionally supported protocol features,
// such as forward-compatible Terraform behavior changes.
ServerCapabilities *ServerCapabilities
// Provider defines the schema for the provider configuration, which
// will be specified in the provider block of the user's configuration.
Provider *Schema
// ProviderMeta defines the schema for the provider's metadta, which
// will be specified in the provider_meta blocks of the terraform block
// for a module. This is an advanced feature and its usage should be
// coordinated with the Terraform Core team by opening an issue at
// https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/issues/new/choose.
ProviderMeta *Schema
// ResourceSchemas is a map of resource names to the schema for the
// configuration specified in the resource. The name should be a
// resource name, and should be prefixed with your provider's shortname
// and an underscore. It should match the first label after `resource`
// in a user's configuration.
ResourceSchemas map[string]*Schema
// DataSourceSchemas is a map of data source names to the schema for
// the configuration specified in the data source. The name should be a
// data source name, and should be prefixed with your provider's
// shortname and an underscore. It should match the first label after
// `data` in a user's configuration.
DataSourceSchemas map[string]*Schema
// Diagnostics report errors or warnings related to returning the
// provider's schemas. Returning an empty slice indicates success, with
// no errors or warnings generated.
Diagnostics []*Diagnostic
// ValidateProviderConfigRequest represents a Terraform RPC request for the
// provider to modify the provider configuration in preparation for Terraform
// validating it.
type ValidateProviderConfigRequest struct {
// Config is the configuration the user supplied for the provider. See
// the documentation on `DynamicValue` for more information about
// safely accessing the configuration.
// The configuration is represented as a tftypes.Object, with each
// attribute and nested block getting its own key and value.
// The ValidateProviderConfig RPC call will be called twice; once when
// generating a plan, once when applying the plan. When called during
// plan, Config can contain unknown values if fields with unknown
// values are interpolated into it. At apply time, all fields will have
// known values. Values that are not set in the configuration will be
// null.
Config *DynamicValue
// ValidateProviderConfigResponse represents a Terraform RPC response containing
// a modified provider configuration that Terraform can now validate and use.
type ValidateProviderConfigResponse struct {
// PreparedConfig should be set to the modified configuration. See the
// documentation on `DynamicValue` for information about safely
// creating the `DynamicValue`.
// This RPC call exists because early versions of the Terraform Plugin
// SDK allowed providers to set defaults for provider configurations in
// such a way that Terraform couldn't validate the provider config
// without retrieving the default values first. As providers using
// terraform-plugin-go directly and new frameworks built on top of it
// have no such requirement, it is safe and recommended to simply set
// PreparedConfig to the value of the PrepareProviderConfigRequest's
// Config property, indicating that no changes are needed to the
// configuration.
// The configuration should be represented as a tftypes.Object, with
// each attribute and nested block getting its own key and value.
// TODO: should we provide an implementation that does that that
// provider developers can just embed and not need to implement the
// method themselves, then?
PreparedConfig *DynamicValue
// Diagnostics report errors or warnings related to preparing the
// provider's configuration. Returning an empty slice indicates
// success, with no errors or warnings generated.
Diagnostics []*Diagnostic
// ConfigureProviderRequest represents a Terraform RPC request to supply the
// provider with information about what the user entered in the provider's
// configuration block.
type ConfigureProviderRequest struct {
// TerraformVersion is the version of Terraform executing the request.
// This is supplied for logging, analytics, and User-Agent purposes
// *only*. Providers should not try to gate provider behavior on
// Terraform versions. It will make you sad. We can't stop you from
// doing it, but we really highly recommend you do not do it.
TerraformVersion string
// Config is the configuration the user supplied for the provider. This
// information should usually be persisted to the underlying type
// that's implementing the ProviderServer interface, for use in later
// RPC requests. See the documentation on `DynamicValue` for more
// information about safely accessing the configuration.
// The configuration is represented as a tftypes.Object, with each
// attribute and nested block getting its own key and value.
// The ConfigureProvider RPC call will be called twice; once when
// generating a plan, once when applying the plan. When called during
// plan, Config can contain unknown values if fields with unknown
// values are interpolated into it. At apply time, all fields will have
// known values. Values that are not set in the configuration will be
// null.
Config *DynamicValue
// ConfigureProviderResponse represents a Terraform RPC response to the
// configuration block that Terraform supplied for the provider.
type ConfigureProviderResponse struct {
// Diagnostics report errors or warnings related to the provider's
// configuration. Returning an empty slice indicates success, with no
// errors or warnings generated.
Diagnostics []*Diagnostic
// StopProviderRequest represents a Terraform RPC request to interrupt a
// provider's work and terminate a provider's processes as soon as possible.
type StopProviderRequest struct{}
// StopProviderResponse represents a Terraform RPC response surfacing an issues
// the provider encountered in terminating.
type StopProviderResponse struct {
// Error should be set to a string describing the error if the provider
// cannot currently shut down for some reason. Because this always
// represents a system error and not a user error, it is returned as a
// string, not a Diagnostic.
Error string