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2 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
use correct test function
Some checks reported errors
continuous-integration/drone/push Build encountered an error
2022-07-09 23:15:25 +02:00
hard wip
Some checks reported errors
continuous-integration/drone/push Build encountered an error
2022-07-09 23:11:26 +02:00
2769 changed files with 314668 additions and 258168 deletions

View File

@ -15,35 +15,27 @@ steps:
- push
- pull_request
- tag
- name: build-dev
image: golang:1.18.3-alpine3.16
- name: backend
image: gitea/gitea:1.16.8
detach: true
- "apk add --update --no-cache make"
- "make build"
- push
cpu: 1000
memory: 1024MiB
- name: build
image: goreleaser/goreleaser
- curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b /usr/local/bin v0.64.0
- goreleaser build --snapshot
- pull_request
cpu: 1000
memory: 1024MiB
- su git
- gitea admin user create --username test --password $GITEA_PASSWORD --must-change-password false --admin --email
- /usr/bin/entrypoint /bin/s6-svscan /etc/s6
- name: test
image: golang:1.18.3-alpine3.16
- "apk add --update --no-cache make build-base"
- "make test"
- "make testacc"
GITEA_BASE_URL: "http://localhost:3000"
- push
@ -60,7 +52,6 @@ steps:
from_secret: GPG_PRIVATE_KEY_BASE64
- curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b /usr/local/bin v0.64.0
- apk add gpg-agent
- gpg-agent --daemon --default-cache-ttl 7200
- echo $GPG_PRIVATE_KEY_BASE64 | base64 -d | gpg --import --batch --no-tty

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
name: Bug report
about: Create a report to improve the provider
title: ''
labels: 'bug'
assignees: ''
**Describe the bug**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
**Expected behavior**
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
**Log Output**
If applicable, add logs to help explain your problem.
**Additional Data**
Important for reproducability.
- Terraform Version
- Operating System
- Provider Version

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
name: Feature request
about: Suggest an idea for this provider
title: ''
labels: 'enhancement'
assignees: ''
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]
**Describe the solution you'd like**
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.
**Describe alternatives you've considered**
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.
**Additional context**
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
# To get started with Dependabot version updates, you'll need to specify which
# package ecosystems to update and where the package manifests are located.
# Please see the documentation for all configuration options:
version: 2
- package-ecosystem: "gomod"
directory: "/"
interval: "weekly"
- package-ecosystem: "github-actions"
directory: "/"
interval: "weekly"

View File

@ -18,29 +18,31 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Unshallow
name: Unshallow
run: git fetch --prune --unshallow
- name: Set up Go
uses: actions/setup-go@v4
name: Set up Go
uses: actions/setup-go@v2
go-version: 1.18
- name: Import GPG key
name: Import GPG key
id: import_gpg
uses: crazy-max/ghaction-import-gpg@v5.3.0
gpg_private_key: ${{ secrets.GPG_PRIVATE_KEY }}
passphrase: ${{ secrets.PASSPHRASE }}
- name: setup-syft
run: |
curl -sSfL | \
sh -s -- -b /usr/local/bin v0.64.0
- name: Run GoReleaser
uses: goreleaser/goreleaser-action@v4.3.0
uses: hashicorp/ghaction-import-gpg@v2.1.0
# These secrets will need to be configured for the repository:
name: Run GoReleaser
uses: goreleaser/goreleaser-action@v3.0.0
version: latest
args: release --clean
args: release --rm-dist
GPG_FINGERPRINT: ${{ steps.import_gpg.outputs.fingerprint }}
# GitHub sets this automatically

View File

@ -41,8 +41,6 @@ checksum:
name_template: '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_manifest.json'
name_template: '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_SHA256SUMS'
algorithm: sha256
- artifacts: archive
- artifacts: checksum

View File

@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
## Our Pledge
We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our
community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender
identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status,
nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity
and orientation.
We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming,
diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.
## Our Standards
Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our
community include:
* Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people
* Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences
* Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback
* Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes,
and learning from the experience
* Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the
overall community
Examples of unacceptable behavior include:
* The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or
advances of any kind
* Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
* Public or private harassment
* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email
address, without their explicit permission
* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
professional setting
## Enforcement Responsibilities
Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of
acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in
response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive,
or harmful.
Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject
comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are
not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation
decisions when appropriate.
## Scope
This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when
an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces.
Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address,
posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
representative at an online or offline event.
## Enforcement
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement at
`lerentis at uploadfilter24 dot eu`.
All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly.
All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the
reporter of any incident.
## Enforcement Guidelines
Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in determining
the consequences for any action they deem in violation of this Code of Conduct:
### 1. Correction
**Community Impact**: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed
unprofessional or unwelcome in the community.
**Consequence**: A private, written warning from community leaders, providing
clarity around the nature of the violation and an explanation of why the
behavior was inappropriate. A public apology may be requested.
### 2. Warning
**Community Impact**: A violation through a single incident or series
of actions.
**Consequence**: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No
interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with
those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of time. This
includes avoiding interactions in community spaces as well as external channels
like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a temporary or
permanent ban.
### 3. Temporary Ban
**Community Impact**: A serious violation of community standards, including
sustained inappropriate behavior.
**Consequence**: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public
communication with the community for a specified period of time. No public or
private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction
with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period.
Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban.
### 4. Permanent Ban
**Community Impact**: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community
standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an
individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals.
**Consequence**: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within
the community.
## Attribution
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage],
version 2.0, available at
Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by [Mozilla's code of conduct
enforcement ladder](
For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at Translations are available at

View File

@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
GOFMT_FILES?=$$(find . -name '*.go' |grep -v vendor)
ARCH?=$$(uname -m)
KERNEL?=$$(uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
GOFMT ?= gofmt -s
VERSION = 0.16.0
VERSION = 0.6.1
test: fmt-check
go test -i $(TEST) || exit 1
@ -13,7 +11,7 @@ test: fmt-check
xargs -t -n4 go test $(TESTARGS) -timeout=30s -parallel=4
testacc: fmt-check
TF_ACC=1 go test -v $(TEST) $(TESTARGS) -timeout 40m
go test -v $(TEST) $(TESTARGS) -timeout 40m
@echo "go vet ."
@ -36,8 +34,8 @@ build:
go build -ldflags="-X 'main.Version=${VERSION}'" -o terraform-provider-gitea_${VERSION}
install: build
@echo installing to
@echo ~/.terraform.d/plugins/terraform.local/lerentis/gitea/${VERSION}/${KERNEL}_${ARCH}/terraform-provider-gitea_${VERSION}
@mkdir -p ~/.terraform.d/plugins/terraform.local/lerentis/gitea/${VERSION}/${KERNEL}_${ARCH}
@mv terraform-provider-gitea_${VERSION} ~/.terraform.d/plugins/terraform.local/lerentis/gitea/${VERSION}/${KERNEL}_${ARCH}/terraform-provider-gitea_${VERSION}
@echo ~/.terraform.d/plugins/terraform.local/lerentis/gitea/${VERSION}/linux_amd64/terraform-provider-gitea_${VERSION}
@mkdir -p ~/.terraform.d/plugins/terraform.local/lerentis/gitea/${VERSION}/linux_amd64
@mv terraform-provider-gitea_${VERSION} ~/.terraform.d/plugins/terraform.local/lerentis/gitea/${VERSION}/linux_amd64/terraform-provider-gitea_${VERSION}

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ terraform {
required_providers {
gitea = {
source = "Lerentis/gitea"
version = "0.16.0"
version = "0.3.0"

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ terraform {
required_providers {
gitea = {
source = "Lerentis/gitea"
version = "0.16.0"
version = "0.3.0"

View File

@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
# generated by
page_title: "gitea_fork Resource - terraform-provider-gitea"
subcategory: ""
description: |-
gitea_fork manages repository fork to the current user or an organisation
Forking a repository to a dedicated user is currently unsupported
Creating a fork using this resource without an organisation will create the fork in the executors name
# gitea_fork (Resource)
`gitea_fork` manages repository fork to the current user or an organisation
Forking a repository to a dedicated user is currently unsupported
Creating a fork using this resource without an organisation will create the fork in the executors name
## Example Usage
resource "gitea_org" "org1" {
name = "org1"
resource "gitea_org" "org2" {
name = "org2"
resource "gitea_repository" "repo1_in_org1" {
username =
name = "repo1-in-org1"
resource "gitea_fork" "user_fork_of_repo1_in_org1" {
owner =
repo =
resource "gitea_fork" "org2_fork_of_repo1_in_org1" {
owner =
repo =
organization =
<!-- schema generated by tfplugindocs -->
## Schema
### Required
- `owner` (String) The owner or owning organization of the repository to fork
- `repo` (String) The name of the repository to fork
### Optional
- `organization` (String) The organization that owns the forked repo
### Read-Only
- `id` (String) The ID of this resource.

View File

@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
# generated by
page_title: "gitea_git_hook Resource - terraform-provider-gitea"
subcategory: ""
description: |-
gitea_git_hook manages git hooks on a repository.
import is currently not supported
WARNING: using this resource requires to enable server side hookswhich are known to cause security issues!
if you want to procede, you need to enable server side hooks as stated here
# gitea_git_hook (Resource)
`gitea_git_hook` manages git hooks on a repository.
import is currently not supported
WARNING: using this resource requires to enable server side hookswhich are known to cause [security issues](!
if you want to procede, you need to enable server side hooks as stated [here](
## Example Usage
resource "gitea_org" "test_org" {
name = "test-org"
resource "gitea_repository" "org_repo" {
username =
name = "org-test-repo"
resource "gitea_git_hook" "org_repo_post_receive" {
name = "post-receive"
user =
repo =
content = file("${path.module}/")
<!-- schema generated by tfplugindocs -->
## Schema
### Required
- `content` (String) Content of the git hook
- `name` (String) Name of the git hook to configure
- `repo` (String) The repository that this hook belongs too.
- `user` (String) The user (or organisation) owning the repo this hook belongs too
### Read-Only
- `id` (String) The ID of this resource.

View File

@ -20,10 +20,6 @@ Handling [gitea oauth application](
- `name` (String) OAuth Application name
- `redirect_uris` (Set of String) Accepted redirect URIs
### Optional
- `confidential_client` (Boolean) If set to false, it will be a public client (PKCE will be required)
### Read-Only
- `client_id` (String) OAuth2 Application client id

View File

@ -46,6 +46,5 @@ resource "gitea_repository" "org_repo" {
- `avatar_url` (String)
- `id` (String) The ID of this resource.
- `repos` (List of String) List of all Repositories that are part of this organisation

View File

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ description: |-
Per default this repository will be initializiled with the provided configuration (gitignore, License etc.).
If the username property is set to a organisation name, the provider will try to look if this organisation exists and create the repository under the organisation scope.
Repository migrations have some properties that are not available to regular repositories. These are all prefixed with migration_. does currently not allow mirrors to be created. See FAQ Section of CodeBerg for more information:
# gitea_repository (Resource)
@ -18,7 +17,6 @@ Per default this repository will be initializiled with the provided configuratio
If the `username` property is set to a organisation name, the provider will try to look if this organisation exists and create the repository under the organisation scope.
Repository migrations have some properties that are not available to regular repositories. These are all prefixed with `migration_`. does currently not allow mirrors to be created. See FAQ Section of CodeBerg for more information:
## Example Usage
@ -41,16 +39,6 @@ resource "gitea_repository" "mirror" {
migration_service = "gitea"
migration_service_auth_token = var.gitea_mirror_token
resource "gitea_repository" "clone" {
username = "lerentis"
name = "terraform-provider-gitea-clone"
description = "Clone of Terraform Provider"
mirror = false
migration_clone_address = ""
migration_service = "gitea"
migration_service_auth_token = var.gitea_clone_token
<!-- schema generated by tfplugindocs -->
@ -84,8 +72,7 @@ Need to exist in the gitea instance
Need to exist in the gitea instance
- `license` (String) The license under which the source code of this repository should be.
Need to exist in the gitea instance
- `migration_clone_address` (String)
- `migration_clone_addresse` (String) DEPRECATED in favor of `migration_clone_address`
- `migration_clone_addresse` (String)
- `migration_issue_labels` (Boolean)
- `migration_lfs` (Boolean)
- `migration_lfs_endpoint` (String)
@ -104,14 +91,11 @@ Need to exist in the gitea instance
### Read-Only
- `clone_url` (String)
- `created` (String)
- `html_url` (String)
- `id` (String) The ID of this resource.
- `permission_admin` (Boolean)
- `permission_pull` (Boolean)
- `permission_push` (Boolean)
- `ssh_url` (String)
- `updated` (String)

View File

@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
# generated by
page_title: "gitea_repository_key Resource - terraform-provider-gitea"
subcategory: ""
description: |-
gitea_repository_key manages a deploy key for a single gitea_repository.
Every key needs a unique name and unique key, i.e. no key can be added twice to the same repo
# gitea_repository_key (Resource)
`gitea_repository_key` manages a deploy key for a single gitea_repository.
Every key needs a unique name and unique key, i.e. no key can be added twice to the same repo
## Example Usage
terraform {
required_providers {
tls = {
source = "hashicorp/tls"
version = "4.0.4"
resource "tls_private_key" "example" {
type = "RSA"
rsa_bits = 4096
resource "gitea_repository" "example" {
name = "example"
private = true
resource "gitea_repository_key" "example" {
repository =
title = "Example Deploy Key"
read_only = true
key = tls_private_key.example.public_key_openssh
<!-- schema generated by tfplugindocs -->
## Schema
### Required
- `key` (String) Armored SSH key to add
- `repository` (Number) The ID of the repository where the deploy key belongs to
- `title` (String) Name of the deploy key
### Optional
- `read_only` (Boolean) Whether this key has read or read/write access
### Read-Only
- `id` (String) The ID of this resource.

View File

@ -34,26 +34,6 @@ resource "gitea_team" "test_team" {
permission = "write"
members = [gitea_user.test.username]
resource "gitea_repository" "test" {
username =
name = "test"
private = true
issue_labels = "Default"
license = "MIT"
gitignores = "Go"
resource "gitea_team" "test_team_restricted" {
name = "Restricted Devs"
organisation =
description = "Restricted Devs of Test Org"
permission = "write"
members = [gitea_user.test.username]
include_all_repositories = false
repositories = []
<!-- schema generated by tfplugindocs -->
@ -72,7 +52,6 @@ resource "gitea_team" "test_team_restricted" {
- `members` (List of String) List of Users that should be part of this team
- `permission` (String) Permissions associated with this Team
Can be `none`, `read`, `write`, `admin` or `owner`
- `repositories` (List of String) List of Repositories that should be part of this team
- `units` (String) List of types of Repositories that should be allowed to be created from Team members.
Can be `repo.code`, `repo.issues`, `repo.ext_issues`, ``, `repo.pulls`, `repo.releases`, `repo.projects` and/or `repo.ext_wiki`

View File

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
# generated by
page_title: "gitea_token Resource - terraform-provider-gitea"
subcategory: ""
description: |-
gitea_token manages gitea Access Tokens.
Due to upstream limitations (see this resource
can only be used with username/password provider configuration.
Tokens will be stored in the terraform state!
# gitea_token (Resource)
`gitea_token` manages gitea Access Tokens.
Due to upstream limitations (see this resource
can only be used with username/password provider configuration.
Tokens will be stored in the terraform state!
## Example Usage
provider "gitea" {
base_url = var.gitea_url
# Token Auth can not be used with this resource
username = var.gitea_username
password = var.gitea_password
resource "gitea_user" "test" {
username = "test"
login_name = "test"
password = "Geheim1!"
email = ""
must_change_password = false
admin = true
resource "gitea_token" "test_token" {
username = resource.gitea_user.test.username
name = "test-token"
output "token" {
value = resource.gitea_token.test_token.token
sensitive = true
<!-- schema generated by tfplugindocs -->
## Schema
### Required
- `name` (String) The name of the Access Token
- `username` (String) The owner of the Access Token
### Read-Only
- `id` (String) The ID of this resource.
- `last_eight` (String)
- `token` (String, Sensitive) The actual Access Token

View File

@ -12,14 +12,13 @@ resource "gitea_repository" "mirror" {
name = "terraform-provider-gitea-mirror"
description = "Mirror of Terraform Provider"
mirror = true
migration_clone_address = ""
migration_clone_addresse = ""
migration_service = "gitea"
migration_service_auth_token = var.gitea_mirror_token
resource "gitea_org" "test_org" {
name = "test-org"
description = "test description"
name = "test-org"
resource "gitea_repository" "org_repo" {
@ -56,82 +55,3 @@ resource "gitea_team" "test_team" {
permission = "write"
members = [gitea_user.test.username]
resource "gitea_team" "admin_team" {
name = "Admins"
organisation =
description = "Admins of Test Org"
permission = "admin"
members = []
resource "gitea_git_hook" "org_repo_pre_receive" {
name = "pre-receive"
user =
repo =
content = file("${path.module}/")
resource "gitea_org" "org1" {
name = "org1"
resource "gitea_org" "org2" {
name = "org2"
resource "gitea_repository" "repo1_in_org1" {
username =
name = "repo1-in-org1"
resource "gitea_fork" "user_fork_of_repo1_in_org1" {
owner =
repo =
resource "gitea_fork" "org2_fork_of_repo1_in_org1" {
owner =
repo =
organization =
resource "gitea_token" "test_token" {
username =
name = "test-token"
resource "gitea_repository" "test_existing_user" {
username = "testuser2"
name = "testExistingUser"
private = true
issue_labels = "Default"
license = "MIT"
gitignores = "Go"
//resource "gitea_repository" "test_bs_user" {
// username = "manualTest"
// name = "testBullshitUser"
// private = true
// issue_labels = "Default"
// license = "MIT"
// gitignores = "Go"
output "token" {
value = resource.gitea_token.test_token.token
sensitive = true
data "gitea_repo" "org_repos" {
name = each.key
username =
for_each = {
for repo in resource.gitea_org.org1.repos : repo => repo
output "repos" {
value = data.gitea_repo.org_repos["repo1-in-org1"].clone_url

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
while read oldrev newrev refname
branch=$(git rev-parse --symbolic --abbrev-ref $refname)
if [ "master" = "$branch" ]; then
echo "wrong branch"
exit 1

View File

@ -2,14 +2,12 @@ terraform {
required_providers {
gitea = {
source = "terraform.local/lerentis/gitea"
version = "0.16.0"
version = "0.6.1"
provider "gitea" {
base_url = var.gitea_url
username = "lerentis"
password = var.gitea_password
#token = var.gitea_token
token = var.gitea_token

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ terraform {
required_providers {
gitea = {
source = "Lerentis/gitea"
version = "0.16.0"
version = "0.3.0"

View File

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
resource "gitea_org" "org1" {
name = "org1"
resource "gitea_org" "org2" {
name = "org2"
resource "gitea_repository" "repo1_in_org1" {
username =
name = "repo1-in-org1"
resource "gitea_fork" "user_fork_of_repo1_in_org1" {
owner =
repo =
resource "gitea_fork" "org2_fork_of_repo1_in_org1" {
owner =
repo =
organization =

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
while read oldrev newrev refname
branch=$(git rev-parse --symbolic --abbrev-ref $refname)
if [ "master" = "$branch" ]; then
# Do something

View File

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
resource "gitea_org" "test_org" {
name = "test-org"
resource "gitea_repository" "org_repo" {
username =
name = "org-test-repo"
resource "gitea_git_hook" "org_repo_post_receive" {
name = "post-receive"
user =
repo =
content = file("${path.module}/")

View File

@ -16,13 +16,3 @@ resource "gitea_repository" "mirror" {
migration_service = "gitea"
migration_service_auth_token = var.gitea_mirror_token
resource "gitea_repository" "clone" {
username = "lerentis"
name = "terraform-provider-gitea-clone"
description = "Clone of Terraform Provider"
mirror = false
migration_clone_address = ""
migration_service = "gitea"
migration_service_auth_token = var.gitea_clone_token

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
terraform {
required_providers {
tls = {
source = "hashicorp/tls"
version = "4.0.4"
resource "tls_private_key" "example" {
type = "RSA"
rsa_bits = 4096
resource "gitea_repository" "example" {
name = "example"
private = true
resource "gitea_repository_key" "example" {
repository =
title = "Example Deploy Key"
read_only = true
key = tls_private_key.example.public_key_openssh

View File

@ -19,23 +19,3 @@ resource "gitea_team" "test_team" {
permission = "write"
members = [gitea_user.test.username]
resource "gitea_repository" "test" {
username =
name = "test"
private = true
issue_labels = "Default"
license = "MIT"
gitignores = "Go"
resource "gitea_team" "test_team_restricted" {
name = "Restricted Devs"
organisation =
description = "Restricted Devs of Test Org"
permission = "write"
members = [gitea_user.test.username]
include_all_repositories = false
repositories = []

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
provider "gitea" {
base_url = var.gitea_url
# Token Auth can not be used with this resource
username = var.gitea_username
password = var.gitea_password
resource "gitea_user" "test" {
username = "test"
login_name = "test"
password = "Geheim1!"
email = ""
must_change_password = false
admin = true
resource "gitea_token" "test_token" {
username = resource.gitea_user.test.username
name = "test-token"
output "token" {
value = resource.gitea_token.test_token.token
sensitive = true

View File

@ -9,7 +9,3 @@ variable "gitea_token" {
variable "gitea_mirror_token" {
variable "gitea_password" {

View File

@ -6,10 +6,9 @@ import (
// Config is per-provider, specifies where to connect to gitea
@ -29,7 +28,8 @@ func (c *Config) Client() (interface{}, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("either a token or a username needs to be used")
// Configure TLS/SSL
var tlsConfig tls.Config
tlsConfig := &tls.Config{}
// If a CACertFile has been specified, use that for cert validation
if c.CACertFile != "" {
caCert, err := ioutil.ReadFile(c.CACertFile)
@ -43,12 +43,13 @@ func (c *Config) Client() (interface{}, error) {
// If configured as insecure, turn off SSL verification
tlsConfig.InsecureSkipVerify = c.Insecure
if c.Insecure {
tlsConfig.InsecureSkipVerify = true
t := http.DefaultTransport.(*http.Transport).Clone()
t.TLSClientConfig = &tlsConfig
t.TLSClientConfig = tlsConfig
t.MaxIdleConnsPerHost = 100
t.TLSHandshakeTimeout = 10 * time.Second
httpClient := &http.Client{
Transport: logging.NewTransport("Gitea", t),
@ -59,23 +60,16 @@ func (c *Config) Client() (interface{}, error) {
var client *gitea.Client
var err error
if c.Token != "" {
client, err = gitea.NewClient(c.BaseURL, gitea.SetToken(c.Token), gitea.SetHTTPClient(httpClient))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
client, _ = gitea.NewClient(c.BaseURL, gitea.SetToken(c.Token), gitea.SetHTTPClient(httpClient))
if c.Username != "" {
client, err = gitea.NewClient(c.BaseURL, gitea.SetBasicAuth(c.Username, c.Password), gitea.SetHTTPClient(httpClient))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
client, _ = gitea.NewClient(c.BaseURL, gitea.SetBasicAuth(c.Username, c.Password), gitea.SetHTTPClient(httpClient))
// Test the credentials by checking we can get information about the authenticated user.
_, _, err = client.GetMyUserInfo()
_, _, err := client.GetMyUserInfo()
return client, err

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import (
func dataSourceGiteaOrg() *schema.Resource {

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import (
func dataSourceGiteaRepo() *schema.Resource {
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ func dataSourceGiteaRepoRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) error {
username := strings.ToLower(usernameData.(string))
nameData, nameOk := d.GetOk("name")
nameData, nameOk := d.GetOk("username")
if !nameOk {
return fmt.Errorf("name of repo must be passed")

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import (
func dataSourceGiteaUser() *schema.Resource {

View File

@ -1,14 +1,6 @@
package gitea
import (
func TestAccDataSourceGiteaUser_basic(t *testing.T) {
/*func TestAccDataSourceGiteaUser_basic(t *testing.T) {
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
@ -59,4 +51,4 @@ data "gitea_user" "foo" {
data "gitea_user" "self" {

View File

@ -4,11 +4,12 @@ import (
// Provider returns a terraform.ResourceProvider.
func Provider() *schema.Provider {
func Provider() terraform.ResourceProvider {
// The actual provider
return &schema.Provider{
@ -73,17 +74,13 @@ func Provider() *schema.Provider {
ResourcesMap: map[string]*schema.Resource{
"gitea_org": resourceGiteaOrg(),
// "gitea_team": resourceGiteaTeam(),
// "gitea_repo": resourceGiteaRepo(),
"gitea_user": resourceGiteaUser(),
"gitea_oauth2_app": resourceGiteaOauthApp(),
"gitea_repository": resourceGiteaRepository(),
"gitea_fork": resourceGiteaFork(),
"gitea_public_key": resourceGiteaPublicKey(),
"gitea_team": resourceGiteaTeam(),
"gitea_git_hook": resourceGiteaGitHook(),
"gitea_token": resourceGiteaToken(),
"gitea_repository_key": resourceGiteaRepositoryKey(),
// "gitea_team": resourceGiteaTeam(),
// "gitea_repo": resourceGiteaRepo(),
"gitea_user": resourceGiteaUser(),
"gitea_oauth2_app": resourceGiteaOauthApp(),
"gitea_repository": resourceGiteaRepository(),
"gitea_public_key": resourceGiteaPublicKey(),
"gitea_team": resourceGiteaTeam(),
ConfigureFunc: providerConfigure,
@ -121,8 +118,5 @@ func validateAPIURLVersion(value interface{}, key string) (ws []string, es []err
if strings.HasSuffix(v, "/api/v1") || strings.HasSuffix(v, "/api/v1/") {
es = append(es, fmt.Errorf("terraform-gitea-provider base URL format is incorrect; Please leave out API Path %s", v))
if strings.Contains(v, "localhost") && strings.Contains(v, ".") {
es = append(es, fmt.Errorf("terraform-gitea-provider base URL violates RFC 2606; Please do not define a subdomain for localhost!"))

View File

@ -4,28 +4,30 @@ import (
var testAccProviders map[string]*schema.Provider
var testAccProviders map[string]terraform.ResourceProvider
var testAccProvider *schema.Provider
func init() {
testAccProvider = Provider()
testAccProviders = map[string]*schema.Provider{
testAccProvider = Provider().(*schema.Provider)
testAccProviders = map[string]terraform.ResourceProvider{
"gitea": testAccProvider,
func TestProvider(t *testing.T) {
if err := Provider().InternalValidate(); err != nil {
if err := Provider().(*schema.Provider).InternalValidate(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)
func TestProvider_impl(t *testing.T) {
var _ *schema.Provider = Provider()
var _ terraform.ResourceProvider = Provider()
func testAccPreCheck(t *testing.T) {
if v := os.Getenv("GITEA_TOKEN"); v == "" {
t.Fatal("GITEA_TOKEN must be set for acceptance tests")

View File

@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
package gitea
import (
const (
forkOwner string = "owner"
forkRepo string = "repo"
forkOrganization string = "organization"
func resourceForkCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err error) {
client := meta.(*gitea.Client)
var opts gitea.CreateForkOption
var org string
org = d.Get(forkOrganization).(string)
if org != "" {
opts.Organization = &org
repo, _, err := client.CreateFork(d.Get(forkOwner).(string),
if err == nil {
err = setForkResourceData(repo, d)
return err
func resourceForkRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err error) {
client := meta.(*gitea.Client)
id, err := strconv.ParseInt(d.Id(), 10, 64)
var resp *gitea.Response
if err != nil {
return err
repo, resp, err := client.GetRepoByID(id)
if err != nil {
if resp.StatusCode == 404 {
return nil
} else {
return err
err = setForkResourceData(repo, d)
func resourceForkDelete(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err error) {
client := meta.(*gitea.Client)
id, err := strconv.ParseInt(d.Id(), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
repo, _, err := client.GetRepoByID(id)
var resp *gitea.Response
resp, err = client.DeleteRepo(repo.Owner.UserName, repo.Name)
if err != nil {
if resp.StatusCode == 404 {
} else {
return err
func setForkResourceData(repo *gitea.Repository, d *schema.ResourceData) (err error) {
d.SetId(fmt.Sprintf("%d", repo.ID))
func resourceGiteaFork() *schema.Resource {
return &schema.Resource{
Read: resourceForkRead,
Create: resourceForkCreate,
Delete: resourceForkDelete,
Importer: &schema.ResourceImporter{
StateContext: schema.ImportStatePassthroughContext,
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
"owner": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
ForceNew: true,
Description: "The owner or owning organization of the repository to fork",
"repo": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
ForceNew: true,
Description: "The name of the repository to fork",
"organization": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: false,
Optional: true,
ForceNew: true,
Description: "The organization that owns the forked repo",
Description: "`gitea_fork` manages repository fork to the current user or an organisation\n" +
"Forking a repository to a dedicated user is currently unsupported\n" +
"Creating a fork using this resource without an organisation will create the fork in the executors name",

View File

@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
package gitea
import (
const (
GitHookUser string = "user"
GitHookRepo string = "repo"
GitHookName string = "name"
GitHookContent string = "content"
func resourceGitHookRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err error) {
client := meta.(*gitea.Client)
user := d.Get(GitHookUser).(string)
repo := d.Get(GitHookRepo).(string)
name := d.Get(GitHookName).(string)
gitHook, _, err := client.GetRepoGitHook(user, repo, name)
if err != nil {
return err
err = setGitHookResourceData(user, repo, gitHook, d)
func resourceGitHookUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err error) {
client := meta.(*gitea.Client)
user := d.Get(GitHookUser).(string)
repo := d.Get(GitHookRepo).(string)
name := d.Get(GitHookName).(string)
opts := gitea.EditGitHookOption{
Content: d.Get(GitHookContent).(string),
_, err = client.EditRepoGitHook(user, repo, name, opts)
if err != nil {
return err
// Get gitHook ourselves, EditRepoGitHook does not return it
gitHook, _, err := client.GetRepoGitHook(user, repo, name)
if err != nil {
return err
err = setGitHookResourceData(user, repo, gitHook, d)
func resourceGitHookDelete(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err error) {
client := meta.(*gitea.Client)
user := d.Get(GitHookUser).(string)
repo := d.Get(GitHookRepo).(string)
name := d.Get(GitHookName).(string)
_, err = client.DeleteRepoGitHook(user, repo, name)
func setGitHookResourceData(user string, repo string, gitHook *gitea.GitHook, d *schema.ResourceData) (err error) {
d.SetId(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/%s", user, repo, gitHook.Name))
d.Set(GitHookUser, user)
d.Set(GitHookRepo, repo)
d.Set(GitHookName, gitHook.Name)
d.Set(GitHookContent, gitHook.Content)
func resourceGiteaGitHook() *schema.Resource {
return &schema.Resource{
Read: resourceGitHookRead,
Create: resourceGitHookUpdate, // All hooks already exist, just empty and disabled
Update: resourceGitHookUpdate,
Delete: resourceGitHookDelete,
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
"name": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
Description: "Name of the git hook to configure",
"repo": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
Description: "The repository that this hook belongs too.",
"user": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
Description: "The user (or organisation) owning the repo this hook belongs too",
"content": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
Description: "Content of the git hook",
Description: "`gitea_git_hook` manages git hooks on a repository.\n" +
"import is currently not supported\n\n" +
"WARNING: using this resource requires to enable server side hooks" +
"which are known to cause [security issues](!\n\n" +
"if you want to procede, you need to enable server side hooks as stated" +
" [here](",

View File

@ -4,15 +4,14 @@ import (
const (
oauth2KeyName string = "name"
oauth2KeyConfidentialClient string = "confidential_client"
oauth2KeyRedirectURIs string = "redirect_uris"
oauth2KeyClientId string = "client_id"
oauth2KeyClientSecret string = "client_secret"
oauth2KeyName string = "name"
oauth2KeyRedirectURIs string = "redirect_uris"
oauth2KeyClientId string = "client_id"
oauth2KeyClientSecret string = "client_secret"
func resourceGiteaOauthApp() *schema.Resource {
@ -38,12 +37,6 @@ func resourceGiteaOauthApp() *schema.Resource {
Description: "Accepted redirect URIs",
oauth2KeyConfidentialClient: {
Type: schema.TypeBool,
Optional: true,
Default: false,
Description: "If set to false, it will be a public client (PKCE will be required)",
oauth2KeyClientId: {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Computed: true,
@ -96,16 +89,9 @@ func resourceOauth2AppUpcreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err er
return fmt.Errorf("attribute %s must be set and must be a string", oauth2KeyName)
confidentialClient, confidentialClientOk := d.Get(oauth2KeyConfidentialClient).(bool)
if !confidentialClientOk {
return fmt.Errorf("attribute %s must be set and must be a bool", oauth2KeyConfidentialClient)
opts := gitea.CreateOauth2Option{
Name: name,
ConfidentialClient: confidentialClient,
RedirectURIs: redirectURIs,
Name: name,
RedirectURIs: redirectURIs,
var oauth2 *gitea.Oauth2
@ -113,7 +99,7 @@ func resourceOauth2AppUpcreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err er
if d.IsNewResource() {
oauth2, _, err = client.CreateOauth2(opts)
} else {
oauth2, err = searchOauth2AppByClientId(client, d.Id())
oauth2, err := searchOauth2AppByClientId(client, d.Id())
if err != nil {
return err
@ -190,10 +176,9 @@ func setOAuth2ResourceData(app *gitea.Oauth2, d *schema.ResourceData) (err error
for k, v := range map[string]interface{}{
oauth2KeyName: app.Name,
oauth2KeyConfidentialClient: app.ConfidentialClient,
oauth2KeyRedirectURIs: schema.NewSet(schema.HashString, CollapseStringList(app.RedirectURIs)),
oauth2KeyClientId: app.ClientID,
oauth2KeyName: app.Name,
oauth2KeyRedirectURIs: schema.NewSet(schema.HashString, CollapseStringList(app.RedirectURIs)),
oauth2KeyClientId: app.ClientID,
} {
err = d.Set(k, v)
if err != nil {

View File

@ -2,10 +2,9 @@ package gitea
import (
const (
@ -16,81 +15,26 @@ const (
orgLocation string = "location"
orgVisibility string = "visibility"
RepoAdminChangeTeamAccess string = "repo_admin_change_team_access"
orgRepos string = "org_repos"
// might come in handy if we want to stick to numeric IDs
func searchOrgByClientId(c *gitea.Client, id int64) (res *gitea.Organization, err error) {
page := 1
for {
orgs, _, err := c.AdminListOrgs(gitea.AdminListOrgsOptions{
ListOptions: gitea.ListOptions{
Page: page,
PageSize: 50,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(orgs) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Organisation with ID %d could not be found", id)
for _, org := range orgs {
if org.ID == id {
return org, nil
page += 1
func getAllOrgRepos(c *gitea.Client, orgName string) (repos []string, err error) {
page := 1
for {
repoBuffer, _, err := c.ListOrgRepos(orgName, gitea.ListOrgReposOptions{
ListOptions: gitea.ListOptions{
Page: page,
PageSize: 50,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(repoBuffer) == 0 {
return repos, nil
for _, repo := range repoBuffer {
repos = append(repos, repo.Name)
page += 1
func resourceOrgRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err error) {
client := meta.(*gitea.Client)
var org *gitea.Organization
var resp *gitea.Response
id, err := strconv.ParseInt(d.Id(), 10, 64)
org, err = searchOrgByClientId(client, id)
org, resp, err = client.GetOrg(d.Get(orgName).(string))
if err != nil {
return nil
if resp.StatusCode == 404 {
return nil
} else {
return err
repos, _ := getAllOrgRepos(client, org.UserName)
err = setOrgResourceData(org, d, &repos)
err = setOrgResourceData(org, d)
@ -113,8 +57,7 @@ func resourceOrgCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err error) {
repos, _ := getAllOrgRepos(client, org.UserName)
err = setOrgResourceData(org, d, &repos)
err = setOrgResourceData(org, d)
@ -147,8 +90,7 @@ func resourceOrgUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err error) {
org, resp, err = client.GetOrg(d.Get(orgName).(string))
repos, _ := getAllOrgRepos(client, org.UserName)
err = setOrgResourceData(org, d, &repos)
err = setOrgResourceData(org, d)
@ -171,7 +113,7 @@ func resourceOrgDelete(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err error) {
func setOrgResourceData(org *gitea.Organization, d *schema.ResourceData, repos *[]string) (err error) {
func setOrgResourceData(org *gitea.Organization, d *schema.ResourceData) (err error) {
d.SetId(fmt.Sprintf("%d", org.ID))
d.Set("name", org.UserName)
d.Set("full_name", org.FullName)
@ -180,7 +122,6 @@ func setOrgResourceData(org *gitea.Organization, d *schema.ResourceData, repos *
d.Set("website", org.Website)
d.Set("location", org.Location)
d.Set("visibility", org.Visibility)
d.Set("repos", repos)
@ -192,7 +133,7 @@ func resourceGiteaOrg() *schema.Resource {
Update: resourceOrgUpdate,
Delete: resourceOrgDelete,
Importer: &schema.ResourceImporter{
StateContext: schema.ImportStatePassthroughContext,
State: schema.ImportStatePassthrough,
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
"name": {
@ -242,13 +183,6 @@ func resourceGiteaOrg() *schema.Resource {
Default: "public",
Description: "Flag is this organisation should be publicly visible or not.",
"repos": {
Type: schema.TypeList,
Required: false,
Computed: true,
Description: "List of all Repositories that are part of this organisation",
Elem: &schema.Schema{Type: schema.TypeString},
Description: "`gitea_org` manages a gitea organisation.\n\n" +
"Organisations are a way to group repositories and abstract permission management in a gitea instance.",

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import (
const (

View File

@ -1,15 +1,11 @@
package gitea
import (
const (
@ -38,8 +34,7 @@ const (
repoAllowManualMerge string = "allow_manual_merge"
repoAutodetectManualMerge string = "autodetect_manual_merge"
repoMirror string = "mirror"
migrationCloneAddresse string = "migration_clone_addresse"
migrationCloneAddress string = "migration_clone_address"
migrationCloneAddress string = "migration_clone_addresse"
migrationService string = "migration_service"
migrationServiceAuthName string = "migration_service_auth_username"
migrationServiceAuthPassword string = "migration_service_auth_password"
@ -52,34 +47,6 @@ const (
migrationLFSEndpoint string = "migration_lfs_endpoint"
func searchUserByName(c *gitea.Client, name string) (res *gitea.User, err error) {
page := 1
for {
users, _, err := c.AdminListUsers(gitea.AdminListUsersOptions{
ListOptions: gitea.ListOptions{
Page: page,
PageSize: 50,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(users) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("User with name %s could not be found", name)
for _, user := range users {
if user.UserName == name {
return user, nil
page += 1
func resourceRepoRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err error) {
client := meta.(*gitea.Client)
@ -111,39 +78,21 @@ func resourceRepoCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err error) {
var repo *gitea.Repository
var resp *gitea.Response
var orgRepo, hasAdmin bool
var orgRepo bool
_, resp, err = client.GetOrg(d.Get(repoOwner).(string))
if resp.StatusCode == 404 {
_, err := searchUserByName(client, d.Get(repoOwner).(string))
if err != nil {
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "could not be found") {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Creation of repository cound not proceed as owner %s is not present in gitea", d.Get(repoOwner).(string)))
tflog.Warn(context.Background(), "Error query for users. Assuming missing permissions and proceding with user permissions")
hasAdmin = false
} else {
hasAdmin = true
orgRepo = false
} else {
orgRepo = true
var cloneAddr string
if d.Get(migrationCloneAddresse).(string) != "" {
cloneAddr = d.Get(migrationCloneAddresse).(string)
} else {
cloneAddr = d.Get(migrationCloneAddress).(string)
if cloneAddr != "" {
if (d.Get(repoMirror)).(bool) {
opts := gitea.MigrateRepoOption{
RepoName: d.Get(repoName).(string),
RepoOwner: d.Get(repoOwner).(string),
CloneAddr: cloneAddr,
CloneAddr: d.Get(migrationCloneAddress).(string),
Service: gitea.GitServiceType(d.Get(migrationService).(string)),
Mirror: d.Get(repoMirror).(bool),
Private: d.Get(repoPrivateFlag).(bool),
@ -189,16 +138,12 @@ func resourceRepoCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err error) {
if orgRepo {
repo, _, err = client.CreateOrgRepo(d.Get(repoOwner).(string), opts)
} else {
if hasAdmin {
repo, _, err = client.AdminCreateRepo(d.Get(repoOwner).(string), opts)
} else {
repo, _, err = client.CreateRepo(opts)
repo, _, err = client.CreateRepo(opts)
if err != nil {
return err
err = setRepoResourceData(repo, d)
@ -278,7 +223,6 @@ func respurceRepoDelete(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err error) {
func setRepoResourceData(repo *gitea.Repository, d *schema.ResourceData) (err error) {
d.SetId(fmt.Sprintf("%d", repo.ID))
d.Set("username", repo.Owner.UserName)
d.Set("name", repo.Name)
d.Set("description", repo.Description)
d.Set("full_name", repo.FullName)
@ -295,8 +239,8 @@ func setRepoResourceData(repo *gitea.Repository, d *schema.ResourceData) (err er
d.Set("watchers", repo.Watchers)
d.Set("open_issue_count", repo.OpenIssues)
d.Set("default_branch", repo.DefaultBranch)
d.Set("created", repo.Created.String())
d.Set("updated", repo.Updated.String())
d.Set("created", repo.Created)
d.Set("updated", repo.Updated)
d.Set("permission_admin", repo.Permissions.Admin)
d.Set("permission_push", repo.Permissions.Push)
d.Set("permission_pull", repo.Permissions.Pull)
@ -311,7 +255,7 @@ func resourceGiteaRepository() *schema.Resource {
Update: resourceRepoUpdate,
Delete: respurceRepoDelete,
Importer: &schema.ResourceImporter{
StateContext: schema.ImportStatePassthroughContext,
State: schema.ImportStatePassthrough,
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
"username": {
@ -501,13 +445,6 @@ func resourceGiteaRepository() *schema.Resource {
Default: false,
"migration_clone_addresse": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: false,
Optional: true,
ForceNew: true,
Description: "DEPRECATED in favor of `migration_clone_address`",
"migration_clone_address": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: false,
Optional: true,
@ -576,25 +513,11 @@ func resourceGiteaRepository() *schema.Resource {
Optional: true,
Default: "",
"clone_url": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Computed: true,
"html_url": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Computed: true,
"ssh_url": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Computed: true,
Description: "`gitea_repository` manages a gitea repository.\n\n" +
"Per default this repository will be initializiled with the provided configuration (gitignore, License etc.).\n" +
"If the `username` property is set to a organisation name, the provider will try to look if this organisation exists " +
"and create the repository under the organisation scope.\n\n" +
"Repository migrations have some properties that are not available to regular repositories. These are all prefixed with `migration_`.\n" +
" does currently not allow mirrors to be created. See FAQ Section of CodeBerg for more information: " +
"Repository migrations have some properties that are not available to regular repositories. These are all prefixed with `migration_`.",

View File

@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
package gitea
import (
const (
deployKeyRepoId string = "repository"
deployKeyName string = "title"
deployKeyKey string = "key"
deployKeyReadOnly string = "read_only"
func resourceRepoKeyIdParts(d *schema.ResourceData) (bool, int64, int64, error) {
parts := strings.Split(d.Id(), "/")
if len(parts) != 2 {
return false, 0, 0, nil
repoId, err := strconv.ParseInt(parts[0], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return false, 0, 0, err
keyId, err := strconv.ParseInt(parts[1], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return false, 0, 0, err
return true, repoId, keyId, err
func resourceRepoKeyRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err error) {
client := meta.(*gitea.Client)
hasId, repoId, keyId, err := resourceRepoKeyIdParts(d)
if err != nil {
return err
if !hasId {
return nil
repo, resp, err := client.GetRepoByID(repoId)
if err != nil {
if resp.StatusCode == 404 {
return nil
} else {
return err
key, resp, err := client.GetDeployKey(repo.Owner.UserName, repo.Name, keyId)
if err != nil {
if resp.StatusCode == 404 {
return nil
} else {
return err
err = setRepoKeyResourceData(key, repoId, d)
func resourceRepoKeyCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err error) {
client := meta.(*gitea.Client)
repo, _, err := client.GetRepoByID(int64(d.Get(deployKeyRepoId).(int)))
if err != nil {
return err
dk, _, err := client.CreateDeployKey(repo.Owner.UserName, repo.Name, gitea.CreateKeyOption{
Title: d.Get(deployKeyName).(string),
ReadOnly: d.Get(deployKeyReadOnly).(bool),
Key: d.Get(deployKeyKey).(string),
if err != nil {
return err
setRepoKeyResourceData(dk, repo.ID, d)
return nil
func respurceRepoKeyDelete(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err error) {
client := meta.(*gitea.Client)
hasId, repoId, keyId, err := resourceRepoKeyIdParts(d)
if err != nil {
return err
if !hasId {
return nil
repo, resp, err := client.GetRepoByID(repoId)
if err != nil {
if resp.StatusCode == 404 {
return nil
return err
client.DeleteDeployKey(repo.Owner.UserName, repo.Name, keyId)
return nil
func setRepoKeyResourceData(dk *gitea.DeployKey, repoId int64, d *schema.ResourceData) (err error) {
d.SetId(fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d", repoId, dk.ID))
d.Set(deployKeyRepoId, repoId)
d.Set(deployKeyReadOnly, dk.ReadOnly)
d.Set(deployKeyKey, dk.Key)
d.Set(deployKeyName, dk.Title)
func resourceGiteaRepositoryKey() *schema.Resource {
return &schema.Resource{
Read: resourceRepoKeyRead,
Create: resourceRepoKeyCreate,
Delete: respurceRepoKeyDelete,
Importer: &schema.ResourceImporter{
StateContext: schema.ImportStatePassthroughContext,
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
deployKeyRepoId: {
Type: schema.TypeInt,
Required: true,
ForceNew: true,
Description: "The ID of the repository where the deploy key belongs to",
deployKeyKey: {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
ForceNew: true,
Description: "Armored SSH key to add",
deployKeyReadOnly: {
Type: schema.TypeBool,
Required: false,
Optional: true,
Default: true,
ForceNew: true,
Description: "Whether this key has read or read/write access",
deployKeyName: {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
ForceNew: true,
Description: "Name of the deploy key",
Description: "`gitea_repository_key` manages a deploy key for a single gitea_repository.\n\n" +
"Every key needs a unique name and unique key, i.e. no key can be added twice to the same repo",

View File

@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
package gitea
import (
const (
@ -19,7 +18,6 @@ const (
TeamIncludeAllReposFlag string = "include_all_repositories"
TeamUnits string = "units"
TeamMembers string = "members"
TeamRepositories string = "repositories"
func resourceTeamRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err error) {
@ -41,7 +39,7 @@ func resourceTeamRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err error) {
err = setTeamResourceData(team, d, meta)
err = setTeamResourceData(team, d)
@ -77,14 +75,12 @@ func resourceTeamCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err error) {
units = append(units, gitea.RepoUnitProjects)
includeAllRepos := d.Get(TeamIncludeAllReposFlag).(bool)
opts := gitea.CreateTeamOption{
Name: d.Get(TeamName).(string),
Description: d.Get(TeamDescription).(string),
Permission: gitea.AccessMode(d.Get(TeamPermissions).(string)),
CanCreateOrgRepo: d.Get(TeamCreateRepoFlag).(bool),
IncludesAllRepositories: includeAllRepos,
IncludesAllRepositories: d.Get(TeamIncludeAllReposFlag).(bool),
Units: units,
@ -105,14 +101,7 @@ func resourceTeamCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err error) {
if !includeAllRepos {
err = setTeamRepositories(team, d, meta, false)
if err != nil {
return err
err = setTeamResourceData(team, d, meta)
err = setTeamResourceData(team, d)
@ -192,16 +181,9 @@ func resourceTeamUpdate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err error) {
if !includeAllRepos {
err = setTeamRepositories(team, d, meta, true)
if err != nil {
return err
team, _, _ = client.GetTeam(id)
err = setTeamResourceData(team, d, meta)
err = setTeamResourceData(team, d)
@ -226,13 +208,7 @@ func resourceTeamDelete(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err error) {
func setTeamResourceData(team *gitea.Team, d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err error) {
client := meta.(*gitea.Client)
if err := client.CheckServerVersionConstraint(">= 1.19.4"); err != nil {
d.Set(TeamOrg, d.Get(TeamOrg).(string))
} else {
d.Set(TeamOrg, team.Organization.UserName)
func setTeamResourceData(team *gitea.Team, d *schema.ResourceData) (err error) {
d.SetId(fmt.Sprintf("%d", team.ID))
d.Set(TeamCreateRepoFlag, team.CanCreateOrgRepo)
d.Set(TeamDescription, team.Description)
@ -240,8 +216,8 @@ func setTeamResourceData(team *gitea.Team, d *schema.ResourceData, meta interfac
d.Set(TeamPermissions, string(team.Permission))
d.Set(TeamIncludeAllReposFlag, team.IncludesAllRepositories)
d.Set(TeamUnits, d.Get(TeamUnits).(string))
d.Set(TeamOrg, d.Get(TeamOrg).(string))
d.Set(TeamMembers, d.Get(TeamMembers))
d.Set(TeamRepositories, d.Get(TeamRepositories))
@ -252,7 +228,7 @@ func resourceGiteaTeam() *schema.Resource {
Update: resourceTeamUpdate,
Delete: resourceTeamDelete,
Importer: &schema.ResourceImporter{
StateContext: schema.ImportStatePassthroughContext,
State: schema.ImportStatePassthrough,
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
"name": {
@ -314,75 +290,7 @@ func resourceGiteaTeam() *schema.Resource {
Computed: true,
Description: "List of Users that should be part of this team",
"repositories": {
Type: schema.TypeList,
Elem: &schema.Schema{
Type: schema.TypeString,
Optional: true,
Required: false,
Computed: true,
Description: "List of Repositories that should be part of this team",
Description: "`gitea_team` manages Team that are part of an organisation.",
func setTeamRepositories(team *gitea.Team, d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}, update bool) (err error) {
client := meta.(*gitea.Client)
org := d.Get(TeamOrg).(string)
repositories := make(map[string]bool)
for _, repo := range d.Get(TeamRepositories).([]interface{}) {
if repo != "" {
repositories[repo.(string)] = true
if update {
page := 1
for {
var existingRepositories []*gitea.Repository
existingRepositories, _, err = client.ListTeamRepositories(team.ID, gitea.ListTeamRepositoriesOptions{
ListOptions: gitea.ListOptions{
Page: page,
PageSize: 50,
if err != nil {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("[ERROR] Error listeng team repositories: %s", err))
if len(existingRepositories) == 0 {
for _, exr := range existingRepositories {
_, exists := repositories[exr.Name]
if exists {
repositories[exr.Name] = false
} else {
_, err = client.RemoveTeamRepository(team.ID, org, exr.Name)
if err != nil {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("[ERROR] Error removing team repository %q: %s", exr.Name, err))
page += 1
for repo, flag := range repositories {
if flag {
_, err = client.AddTeamRepository(team.ID, org, repo)
if err != nil {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("[ERROR] Error adding team repository %q: %s", repo, err))

View File

@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
package gitea
import (
const (
TokenUsername string = "username"
TokenName string = "name"
TokenHash string = "token"
TokenLastEight string = "last_eight"
func searchTokenById(c *gitea.Client, id int64) (res *gitea.AccessToken, err error) {
page := 1
for {
tokens, _, err := c.ListAccessTokens(gitea.ListAccessTokensOptions{
ListOptions: gitea.ListOptions{
Page: page,
PageSize: 50,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(tokens) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Token with ID %d could not be found", id)
for _, token := range tokens {
if token.ID == id {
return token, nil
page += 1
func resourceTokenCreate(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err error) {
client := meta.(*gitea.Client)
var opt gitea.CreateAccessTokenOption
opt.Name = d.Get(TokenName).(string)
token, _, err := client.CreateAccessToken(opt)
if err != nil {
return err
err = setTokenResourceData(token, d)
func resourceTokenRead(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err error) {
client := meta.(*gitea.Client)
var token *gitea.AccessToken
id, err := strconv.ParseInt(d.Id(), 10, 64)
token, err = searchTokenById(client, id)
if err != nil {
return err
err = setTokenResourceData(token, d)
func resourceTokenDelete(d *schema.ResourceData, meta interface{}) (err error) {
client := meta.(*gitea.Client)
var resp *gitea.Response
resp, err = client.DeleteAccessToken(d.Get(TokenName).(string))
if err != nil {
if resp.StatusCode == 404 {
} else {
return err
func setTokenResourceData(token *gitea.AccessToken, d *schema.ResourceData) (err error) {
d.SetId(fmt.Sprintf("%d", token.ID))
d.Set(TokenName, token.Name)
if token.Token != "" {
d.Set(TokenHash, token.Token)
d.Set(TokenLastEight, token.TokenLastEight)
func resourceGiteaToken() *schema.Resource {
return &schema.Resource{
Read: resourceTokenRead,
Create: resourceTokenCreate,
Delete: resourceTokenDelete,
Importer: &schema.ResourceImporter{
StateContext: schema.ImportStatePassthroughContext,
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
"username": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
ForceNew: true,
Description: "The owner of the Access Token",
"name": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
ForceNew: true,
Description: "The name of the Access Token",
"token": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Computed: true,
Sensitive: true,
Description: "The actual Access Token",
"last_eight": {
Type: schema.TypeString,
Computed: true,
Description: "`gitea_token` manages gitea Access Tokens.\n\n" +
"Due to upstream limitations (see this resource\n" +
"can only be used with username/password provider configuration.\n\n" +
"WARNING:\n" +
"Tokens will be stored in the terraform state!",

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import (
const (

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@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
package gitea
import (
func TestAccResourceGiteaUser_basic(t *testing.T) {
name := fmt.Sprintf("user-%d", 1)
mail := fmt.Sprintf("", name)
fqrn := fmt.Sprintf("gitea_user.%s", name)
userSimple := fmt.Sprintf(`
resource "gitea_user" "%s" {
username = "%s"
login_name = "%s"
email = "%s"
password = "Geheim1!"
`, name, name, name, mail)
resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{
PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) },
Providers: testAccProviders,
CheckDestroy: testAccCheckExampleResourceDestroy,
Steps: []resource.TestStep{
Config: userSimple,
ResourceName: fqrn,
Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc(
resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(fqrn, "username", name),
func testAccCheckExampleResourceDestroy(s *terraform.State) error {
// retrieve the connection established in Provider configuration
//conn := testAccProvider.Meta().(*ExampleClient)
// loop through the resources in state, verifying each widget
// is destroyed
for _, rs := range s.RootModule().Resources {
if rs.Type != "example_widget" {
// Retrieve our widget by referencing it's state ID for API lookup
//request := &example.DescribeWidgets{
// IDs: []string{rs.Primary.ID},
//response, err := conn.DescribeWidgets(request)
//if err == nil {
// if len(response.Widgets) > 0 && *response.Widgets[0].ID == rs.Primary.ID {
// return fmt.Errorf("Widget (%s) still exists.", rs.Primary.ID)
// }
// return nil
// If the error is equivalent to 404 not found, the widget is destroyed.
// Otherwise return the error
//if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Widget not found") {
// return err
return nil
func testAccResourceGiteaUserSimple(fqrn string, name string, mail string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`
resource "gitea_user" "%s" {
username = "%s"
login_name = "%s"
email = "%s"
password = "Geheim1!"
`, fqrn, name, name, mail)

View File

@ -4,70 +4,80 @@ go 1.18
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require ( v1.1.1 // indirect v3.1.1 // indirect v3.2.2 // indirect v0.0.0-20230217124315-7d5c6f04bbb8 // indirect v0.45.1 // indirect v1.1.0 // indirect v1.5.0 // indirect v2.22.0+incompatible // indirect v1.2.2 // indirect v1.0.1 // indirect v1.0.0 // indirect v13.0.0 // indirect v1.0.0 // indirect v1.25.3 // indirect v0.0.0-20140422174119-9fd32a8b3d3d // indirect v0.1.0 // indirect v1.3.3 // indirect v1.13.0 // indirect v1.5.3 // indirect v0.5.9 // indirect v1.3.0 // indirect v1.1.0 // indirect v1.1.1 // indirect v1.7.0 // indirect v1.3.4 // indirect v0.5.7 // indirect v1.1.2 // indirect v2.0.5 // indirect v1.0.0 // indirect v0.5.0 // indirect v0.5.2 // indirect v1.4.1-0.20200414143053-d3edf31b6320 // indirect v1.5.0 // indirect v1.4.0 // indirect v0.9.2 // indirect v1.1.1 // indirect v1.4.10 // indirect v1.0.3 // indirect v1.6.0 // indirect v0.5.2 // indirect v2.17.0 // indirect v1.0.1 // indirect v1.0.0 // indirect v1.0.1 // indirect v1.4.0 // indirect v0.5.1 // indirect v0.3.1 // indirect v0.0.0-20170504190234-a4b07c25de5f // indirect v2.0.0 // indirect v1.0.0 // indirect v0.18.1 // indirect v0.17.1 // indirect v0.16.0 // indirect v0.2.1 // indirect v0.1.1 // indirect v0.0.0-20191115094559-17f92b0546e8 // indirect v0.16.0 // indirect v0.13.0 // indirect v1.3.0 // indirect v0.0.0-20191011084731-65d371908596 // indirect v0.0.0-20181012175058-2f1d1f20f75d // indirect v1.3.2 // indirect v0.3.13 // indirect v0.1.13 // indirect v0.0.16 // indirect v1.1.5 // indirect v0.3.12 // indirect v0.0.0-20180206201540-c2b33e8439af // indirect v0.1.12 // indirect v0.0.14 // indirect v1.1.2 // indirect v0.0.0-20190213212951-d06e56a500db // indirect v1.2.0 // indirect v1.14.1 // indirect v1.1.0 // indirect v1.0.0 // indirect v1.0.0 // indirect v1.5.0 // indirect v1.1.2 // indirect v1.0.2 // indirect v1.0.0 // indirect v1.2.3 // indirect v1.2.1 // indirect v1.6.0 // indirect v1.3.1 // indirect v1.5.0 // indirect v4.0.4+incompatible // indirect v5.3.5 // indirect v2.0.0 // indirect v1.13.2 // indirect v0.10.0 // indirect v0.0.0-20230626212559-97b1e661b5df // indirect v0.11.0 // indirect v0.11.0 // indirect v0.9.0 // indirect v0.11.0 // indirect v1.6.7 // indirect v0.0.0-20230410155749-daa745c078e1 // indirect v1.56.0 // indirect v1.30.0 // indirect v1.2.2 // indirect v0.5.5 // indirect v4.3.12 // indirect v0.1.1 // indirect v1.10.0 // indirect v1.0.1 // indirect v0.22.0 // indirect v0.0.0-20210616213533-5ff15b29337e // indirect v0.0.0-20210326060303-6b1517762897 // indirect v0.0.0-20190604053449-0f29369cfe45 // indirect v0.0.0-20210927094055-39ccf1dd6fa6 // indirect v0.3.5 // indirect v0.9.0 // indirect v1.6.5 // indirect v0.0.0-20200310143817-43be25429f5a // indirect v1.27.1 // indirect

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@ -1,244 +1,429 @@ v0.26.0/go.mod h1:aQUYkXzVsufM+DwF1aE+0xfcU+56JwCaLick0ClmMTw= v0.34.0/go.mod h1:aQUYkXzVsufM+DwF1aE+0xfcU+56JwCaLick0ClmMTw= v0.38.0/go.mod h1:990N+gfupTy94rShfmMCWGDn0LpTmnzTp2qbd1dvSRU= v0.44.1/go.mod h1:iSa0KzasP4Uvy3f1mN/7PiObzGgflwredwwASm/v6AU= v0.44.2/go.mod h1:60680Gw3Yr4ikxnPRS/oxxkBccT6SA1yMk63TGekxKY= v0.45.1 h1:lRi0CHyU+ytlvylOlFKKq0af6JncuyoRh1J+QJBqQx0= v0.45.1/go.mod h1:RpBamKRgapWJb87xiFSdk4g1CME7QZg3uwTez+TSTjc= v1.0.1/go.mod h1:i/xbL2UlR5RvWAURpBYZTtm/cXjCha9lbfbpx4poX+o= v1.0.0/go.mod h1:LXYbyblFSglQ5pkeyhO+Qmw7ukd3C+pD7TKLgZqpHYE= v0.2.1/go.mod h1:zcNbT/aJEmivCAhfmkHOlT645KNOf9W2KnkLgFjGGfE= v0.15.1 h1:WJreC7YYuxbn0UDaPuWIe/mtiNKTvLN8MLkaw71yx/M= v0.15.1/go.mod h1:klY2LVI3s3NChzIk/MzMn7G1FHrfU7qd63iSMVoHRBA= v1.1.1 h1:5nUrii3FMTL5diU80unEVvNevw1nH4+ZV4DSLVJLSYI= v1.1.1/go.mod h1:8cTjp+g8YejhMuvIA5y2vz3BpJxksy863GQaJW2MFNU= v3.1.1 h1:hLg3sBzpNErnxhQtUy/mmLR2I9foDujNK030IGemrRc= v3.1.1/go.mod h1:VPu/7SZ7ePZ3QOrcuXROw5FAcLl4a0cBrbBpGY/8hQs= 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h1:9q0QmTI4eRPtz6boOQmLYwt+qCgq0jsYwAQnmE0givc= v1.30.0 h1:kPPoIgf3TsEvrm0PFe15JQ+570QVxYzEvvHqChK+cng= v1.30.0/go.mod h1:HV8QOd/L58Z+nl8r43ehVNZIU/HEI6OcFqwMG9pJV4I= v1.4.0/go.mod h1:xpcJRLb0r/rnEns0DIKYYv+WjYCduHsrkT7/EB5XEv4= v1.5.0/go.mod h1:xpcJRLb0r/rnEns0DIKYYv+WjYCduHsrkT7/EB5XEv4= v1.6.1/go.mod h1:i06prIuMbXzDqacNJfV5OdTW448YApPu5ww/cMBSeb0= v1.6.5 h1:tycE03LOZYQNhDpS27tcQdAzLCVMaj7QT2SXxebnpCM= v1.6.5/go.mod h1:8WjMMxjGQR8xUklV/ARdw2HLXBOI7O7uCIDZVag1xfc= v0.0.0-20180817151627-c66870c02cf8/go.mod h1:JiN7NxoALGmiZfu7CAH4rXhgtRTLTxftemlI0sWmxmc= v0.0.0-20190307195333-5fe7a883aa19/go.mod h1:VzzqZJRnGkLBvHegQrXjBqPurQTc5/KpmUdxsrq26oE= v0.0.0-20190418145605-e7d98fc518a7/go.mod h1:VzzqZJRnGkLBvHegQrXjBqPurQTc5/KpmUdxsrq26oE= v0.0.0-20190425155659-357c62f0e4bb/go.mod h1:VzzqZJRnGkLBvHegQrXjBqPurQTc5/KpmUdxsrq26oE= v0.0.0-20190502173448-54afdca5d873/go.mod h1:VzzqZJRnGkLBvHegQrXjBqPurQTc5/KpmUdxsrq26oE= v0.0.0-20190801165951-fa694d86fc64/go.mod h1:DMBHOl98Agz4BDEuKkezgsaosCRResVns1a3J2ZsMNc= v0.0.0-20190819201941-24fa4b261c55/go.mod h1:DMBHOl98Agz4BDEuKkezgsaosCRResVns1a3J2ZsMNc= v0.0.0-20200310143817-43be25429f5a h1:lRlI5zu6AFy3iU/F8YWyNrAmn/tPCnhiTxfwhWb76eU= v0.0.0-20200310143817-43be25429f5a/go.mod h1:55QSHmfGQM9UVYDPBsyGGes0y52j32PQ3BqQfXhyH3c= v1.14.0/go.mod h1:yo6s7OP7yaDglbqo1J04qKzAhqBH6lvTonzMVmEdcZw= v1.19.0/go.mod h1:mqu4LbDTu4XGKhr4mRzUsmM4RtVoemTSY81AxZiDr8c= v1.20.1/go.mod h1:10oTOabMzJvdu6/UiuZezV6QK5dSlG84ov/aaiqXj38= v1.21.1/go.mod h1:oYelfM1adQP15Ek0mdvEgi9Df8B9CZIaU1084ijfRaM= v1.23.0/go.mod h1:Y5yQAOtifL1yxbo5wqy6BxZv8vAUGQwXBOALyacEbxg= v1.27.0/go.mod h1:qbnxyOmOxrQa7FizSgH+ReBfzJrCY1pSN7KXBS8abTk= v1.27.1 h1:zvIju4sqAGvwKspUQOhwnpcqSbzi7/H6QomNNjTL4sk= v1.27.1/go.mod h1:qbnxyOmOxrQa7FizSgH+ReBfzJrCY1pSN7KXBS8abTk= v0.0.0-20161208181325-20d25e280405/go.mod h1:Co6ibVJAznAaIkqp8huTwlJQCZ016jof/cbN4VW5Yz0= v1.0.0-20180628173108-788fd7840127 h1:qIbj1fsPNlZgppZ+VLlY7N33q108Sa+fhmuc+sWQYwY= 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h1:K4uyk7z7BCEPqu6E+C64Yfv1cQ7kz7rIZviUmN+EgEM= v3.0.0/go.mod h1:K4uyk7z7BCEPqu6E+C64Yfv1cQ7kz7rIZviUmN+EgEM= v3.0.1 h1:fxVm/GzAzEWqLHuvctI91KS9hhNmmWOoWu0XTYJS7CA= v3.0.1/go.mod h1:K4uyk7z7BCEPqu6E+C64Yfv1cQ7kz7rIZviUmN+EgEM= v0.0.0-20190102054323-c2f93a96b099/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4= v0.0.0-20190106161140-3f1c8253044a/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4= v0.0.0-20190418001031-e561f6794a2a/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4= v0.0.0-20190523083050-ea95bdfd59fc/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4= v0.2.0/go.mod h1:qTv7/COck+e2FymRvadv62gMdZztPaShugOCi3I+8D8=

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package main // import ""
import (
var Version = "development"

View File

@ -6,12 +6,11 @@ networks:
image: gitea/gitea:1.19.3
image: gitea/gitea:1.16.8
container_name: gitea
- USER_UID=1000
- USER_GID=1000
restart: always
- gitea

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004
1. Definitions.
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
the copyright owner that is granting the License.
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
exercising permissions granted by this License.
"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
including but not limited to software source code, documentation
source, and configuration files.
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
and conversions to other media types.
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
(an example is provided in the Appendix below).
"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
subsequently incorporated within the Work.
2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
(except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
as of the date such litigation is filed.
4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
meet the following conditions:
(a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
(b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that You changed the files; and
(c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
the Derivative Works; and
(d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
as modifying the License.
You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
the conditions stated in this License.
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
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risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
identification within third-party archives.
Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

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@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
// Copyright 2014 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package metadata provides access to Google Compute Engine (GCE)
// metadata and API service accounts.
// This package is a wrapper around the GCE metadata service,
// as documented at
package metadata // import ""
import (
const (
// metadataIP is the documented metadata server IP address.
metadataIP = ""
// metadataHostEnv is the environment variable specifying the
// GCE metadata hostname. If empty, the default value of
// metadataIP ("") is used instead.
// This is variable name is not defined by any spec, as far as
// I know; it was made up for the Go package.
metadataHostEnv = "GCE_METADATA_HOST"
userAgent = "gcloud-golang/0.1"
type cachedValue struct {
k string
trim bool
mu sync.Mutex
v string
var (
projID = &cachedValue{k: "project/project-id", trim: true}
projNum = &cachedValue{k: "project/numeric-project-id", trim: true}
instID = &cachedValue{k: "instance/id", trim: true}
var (
defaultClient = &Client{hc: &http.Client{
Transport: &http.Transport{
Dial: (&net.Dialer{
Timeout: 2 * time.Second,
KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second,
ResponseHeaderTimeout: 2 * time.Second,
subscribeClient = &Client{hc: &http.Client{
Transport: &http.Transport{
Dial: (&net.Dialer{
Timeout: 2 * time.Second,
KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second,
// NotDefinedError is returned when requested metadata is not defined.
// The underlying string is the suffix after "/computeMetadata/v1/".
// This error is not returned if the value is defined to be the empty
// string.
type NotDefinedError string
func (suffix NotDefinedError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("metadata: GCE metadata %q not defined", string(suffix))
func (c *cachedValue) get(cl *Client) (v string, err error) {
if c.v != "" {
return c.v, nil
if c.trim {
v, err = cl.getTrimmed(c.k)
} else {
v, err = cl.Get(c.k)
if err == nil {
c.v = v
var (
onGCEOnce sync.Once
onGCE bool
// OnGCE reports whether this process is running on Google Compute Engine.
func OnGCE() bool {
return onGCE
func initOnGCE() {
onGCE = testOnGCE()
func testOnGCE() bool {
// The user explicitly said they're on GCE, so trust them.
if os.Getenv(metadataHostEnv) != "" {
return true
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancel()
resc := make(chan bool, 2)
// Try two strategies in parallel.
// See
go func() {
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://"+metadataIP, nil)
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", userAgent)
res, err := defaultClient.hc.Do(req.WithContext(ctx))
if err != nil {
resc <- false
defer res.Body.Close()
resc <- res.Header.Get("Metadata-Flavor") == "Google"
go func() {
addrs, err := net.LookupHost("")
if err != nil || len(addrs) == 0 {
resc <- false
resc <- strsContains(addrs, metadataIP)
tryHarder := systemInfoSuggestsGCE()
if tryHarder {
res := <-resc
if res {
// The first strategy succeeded, so let's use it.
return true
// Wait for either the DNS or metadata server probe to
// contradict the other one and say we are running on
// GCE. Give it a lot of time to do so, since the system
// info already suggests we're running on a GCE BIOS.
timer := time.NewTimer(5 * time.Second)
defer timer.Stop()
select {
case res = <-resc:
return res
case <-timer.C:
// Too slow. Who knows what this system is.
return false
// There's no hint from the system info that we're running on
// GCE, so use the first probe's result as truth, whether it's
// true or false. The goal here is to optimize for speed for
// users who are NOT running on GCE. We can't assume that
// either a DNS lookup or an HTTP request to a blackholed IP
// address is fast. Worst case this should return when the
// metaClient's Transport.ResponseHeaderTimeout or
// Transport.Dial.Timeout fires (in two seconds).
return <-resc
// systemInfoSuggestsGCE reports whether the local system (without
// doing network requests) suggests that we're running on GCE. If this
// returns true, testOnGCE tries a bit harder to reach its metadata
// server.
func systemInfoSuggestsGCE() bool {
if runtime.GOOS != "linux" {
// We don't have any non-Linux clues available, at least yet.
return false
slurp, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("/sys/class/dmi/id/product_name")
name := strings.TrimSpace(string(slurp))
return name == "Google" || name == "Google Compute Engine"
// Subscribe calls Client.Subscribe on a client designed for subscribing (one with no
// ResponseHeaderTimeout).
func Subscribe(suffix string, fn func(v string, ok bool) error) error {
return subscribeClient.Subscribe(suffix, fn)
// Get calls Client.Get on the default client.
func Get(suffix string) (string, error) { return defaultClient.Get(suffix) }
// ProjectID returns the current instance's project ID string.
func ProjectID() (string, error) { return defaultClient.ProjectID() }
// NumericProjectID returns the current instance's numeric project ID.
func NumericProjectID() (string, error) { return defaultClient.NumericProjectID() }
// InternalIP returns the instance's primary internal IP address.
func InternalIP() (string, error) { return defaultClient.InternalIP() }
// ExternalIP returns the instance's primary external (public) IP address.
func ExternalIP() (string, error) { return defaultClient.ExternalIP() }
// Email calls Client.Email on the default client.
func Email(serviceAccount string) (string, error) { return defaultClient.Email(serviceAccount) }
// Hostname returns the instance's hostname. This will be of the form
// "<instanceID>.c.<projID>.internal".
func Hostname() (string, error) { return defaultClient.Hostname() }
// InstanceTags returns the list of user-defined instance tags,
// assigned when initially creating a GCE instance.
func InstanceTags() ([]string, error) { return defaultClient.InstanceTags() }
// InstanceID returns the current VM's numeric instance ID.
func InstanceID() (string, error) { return defaultClient.InstanceID() }
// InstanceName returns the current VM's instance ID string.
func InstanceName() (string, error) { return defaultClient.InstanceName() }
// Zone returns the current VM's zone, such as "us-central1-b".
func Zone() (string, error) { return defaultClient.Zone() }
// InstanceAttributes calls Client.InstanceAttributes on the default client.
func InstanceAttributes() ([]string, error) { return defaultClient.InstanceAttributes() }
// ProjectAttributes calls Client.ProjectAttributes on the default client.
func ProjectAttributes() ([]string, error) { return defaultClient.ProjectAttributes() }
// InstanceAttributeValue calls Client.InstanceAttributeValue on the default client.
func InstanceAttributeValue(attr string) (string, error) {
return defaultClient.InstanceAttributeValue(attr)
// ProjectAttributeValue calls Client.ProjectAttributeValue on the default client.
func ProjectAttributeValue(attr string) (string, error) {
return defaultClient.ProjectAttributeValue(attr)
// Scopes calls Client.Scopes on the default client.
func Scopes(serviceAccount string) ([]string, error) { return defaultClient.Scopes(serviceAccount) }
func strsContains(ss []string, s string) bool {
for _, v := range ss {
if v == s {
return true
return false
// A Client provides metadata.
type Client struct {
hc *http.Client
// NewClient returns a Client that can be used to fetch metadata. All HTTP requests
// will use the given http.Client instead of the default client.
func NewClient(c *http.Client) *Client {
return &Client{hc: c}
// getETag returns a value from the metadata service as well as the associated ETag.
// This func is otherwise equivalent to Get.
func (c *Client) getETag(suffix string) (value, etag string, err error) {
// Using a fixed IP makes it very difficult to spoof the metadata service in
// a container, which is an important use-case for local testing of cloud
// deployments. To enable spoofing of the metadata service, the environment
// variable GCE_METADATA_HOST is first inspected to decide where metadata
// requests shall go.
host := os.Getenv(metadataHostEnv)
if host == "" {
// Using instead of "metadata" here because Go
// binaries built with the "netgo" tag and without cgo won't
// know the search suffix for "metadata" is
// ".google.internal", and this IP address is documented as
// being stable anyway.
host = metadataIP
u := "http://" + host + "/computeMetadata/v1/" + suffix
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", u, nil)
req.Header.Set("Metadata-Flavor", "Google")
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", userAgent)
res, err := c.hc.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
defer res.Body.Close()
if res.StatusCode == http.StatusNotFound {
return "", "", NotDefinedError(suffix)
all, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
if res.StatusCode != 200 {
return "", "", &Error{Code: res.StatusCode, Message: string(all)}
return string(all), res.Header.Get("Etag"), nil
// Get returns a value from the metadata service.
// The suffix is appended to "http://${GCE_METADATA_HOST}/computeMetadata/v1/".
// If the GCE_METADATA_HOST environment variable is not defined, a default of
// will be used instead.
// If the requested metadata is not defined, the returned error will
// be of type NotDefinedError.
func (c *Client) Get(suffix string) (string, error) {
val, _, err := c.getETag(suffix)
return val, err
func (c *Client) getTrimmed(suffix string) (s string, err error) {
s, err = c.Get(suffix)
s = strings.TrimSpace(s)
func (c *Client) lines(suffix string) ([]string, error) {
j, err := c.Get(suffix)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(j), "\n")
for i := range s {
s[i] = strings.TrimSpace(s[i])
return s, nil
// ProjectID returns the current instance's project ID string.
func (c *Client) ProjectID() (string, error) { return projID.get(c) }
// NumericProjectID returns the current instance's numeric project ID.
func (c *Client) NumericProjectID() (string, error) { return projNum.get(c) }
// InstanceID returns the current VM's numeric instance ID.
func (c *Client) InstanceID() (string, error) { return instID.get(c) }
// InternalIP returns the instance's primary internal IP address.
func (c *Client) InternalIP() (string, error) {
return c.getTrimmed("instance/network-interfaces/0/ip")
// Email returns the email address associated with the service account.
// The account may be empty or the string "default" to use the instance's
// main account.
func (c *Client) Email(serviceAccount string) (string, error) {
if serviceAccount == "" {
serviceAccount = "default"
return c.getTrimmed("instance/service-accounts/" + serviceAccount + "/email")
// ExternalIP returns the instance's primary external (public) IP address.
func (c *Client) ExternalIP() (string, error) {
return c.getTrimmed("instance/network-interfaces/0/access-configs/0/external-ip")
// Hostname returns the instance's hostname. This will be of the form
// "<instanceID>.c.<projID>.internal".
func (c *Client) Hostname() (string, error) {
return c.getTrimmed("instance/hostname")
// InstanceTags returns the list of user-defined instance tags,
// assigned when initially creating a GCE instance.
func (c *Client) InstanceTags() ([]string, error) {
var s []string
j, err := c.Get("instance/tags")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(j)).Decode(&s); err != nil {
return nil, err
return s, nil
// InstanceName returns the current VM's instance ID string.
func (c *Client) InstanceName() (string, error) {
host, err := c.Hostname()
if err != nil {
return "", err
return strings.Split(host, ".")[0], nil
// Zone returns the current VM's zone, such as "us-central1-b".
func (c *Client) Zone() (string, error) {
zone, err := c.getTrimmed("instance/zone")
// zone is of the form "projects/<projNum>/zones/<zoneName>".
if err != nil {
return "", err
return zone[strings.LastIndex(zone, "/")+1:], nil
// InstanceAttributes returns the list of user-defined attributes,
// assigned when initially creating a GCE VM instance. The value of an
// attribute can be obtained with InstanceAttributeValue.
func (c *Client) InstanceAttributes() ([]string, error) { return c.lines("instance/attributes/") }
// ProjectAttributes returns the list of user-defined attributes
// applying to the project as a whole, not just this VM. The value of
// an attribute can be obtained with ProjectAttributeValue.
func (c *Client) ProjectAttributes() ([]string, error) { return c.lines("project/attributes/") }
// InstanceAttributeValue returns the value of the provided VM
// instance attribute.
// If the requested attribute is not defined, the returned error will
// be of type NotDefinedError.
// InstanceAttributeValue may return ("", nil) if the attribute was
// defined to be the empty string.
func (c *Client) InstanceAttributeValue(attr string) (string, error) {
return c.Get("instance/attributes/" + attr)
// ProjectAttributeValue returns the value of the provided
// project attribute.
// If the requested attribute is not defined, the returned error will
// be of type NotDefinedError.
// ProjectAttributeValue may return ("", nil) if the attribute was
// defined to be the empty string.
func (c *Client) ProjectAttributeValue(attr string) (string, error) {
return c.Get("project/attributes/" + attr)
// Scopes returns the service account scopes for the given account.
// The account may be empty or the string "default" to use the instance's
// main account.
func (c *Client) Scopes(serviceAccount string) ([]string, error) {
if serviceAccount == "" {
serviceAccount = "default"
return c.lines("instance/service-accounts/" + serviceAccount + "/scopes")
// Subscribe subscribes to a value from the metadata service.
// The suffix is appended to "http://${GCE_METADATA_HOST}/computeMetadata/v1/".
// The suffix may contain query parameters.
// Subscribe calls fn with the latest metadata value indicated by the provided
// suffix. If the metadata value is deleted, fn is called with the empty string
// and ok false. Subscribe blocks until fn returns a non-nil error or the value
// is deleted. Subscribe returns the error value returned from the last call to
// fn, which may be nil when ok == false.
func (c *Client) Subscribe(suffix string, fn func(v string, ok bool) error) error {
const failedSubscribeSleep = time.Second * 5
// First check to see if the metadata value exists at all.
val, lastETag, err := c.getETag(suffix)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := fn(val, true); err != nil {
return err
ok := true
if strings.ContainsRune(suffix, '?') {
suffix += "&wait_for_change=true&last_etag="
} else {
suffix += "?wait_for_change=true&last_etag="
for {
val, etag, err := c.getETag(suffix + url.QueryEscape(lastETag))
if err != nil {
if _, deleted := err.(NotDefinedError); !deleted {
continue // Retry on other errors.
ok = false
lastETag = etag
if err := fn(val, ok); err != nil || !ok {
return err
// Error contains an error response from the server.
type Error struct {
// Code is the HTTP response status code.
Code int
// Message is the server response message.
Message string
func (e *Error) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("compute: Received %d `%s`", e.Code, e.Message)

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@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
// Copyright 2016 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package iam supports the resource-specific operations of Google Cloud
// IAM (Identity and Access Management) for the Google Cloud Libraries.
// See for more about IAM.
// Users of the Google Cloud Libraries will typically not use this package
// directly. Instead they will begin with some resource that supports IAM, like
// a pubsub topic, and call its IAM method to get a Handle for that resource.
package iam
import (
gax ""
pb ""
// client abstracts the IAMPolicy API to allow multiple implementations.
type client interface {
Get(ctx context.Context, resource string) (*pb.Policy, error)
Set(ctx context.Context, resource string, p *pb.Policy) error
Test(ctx context.Context, resource string, perms []string) ([]string, error)
// grpcClient implements client for the standard gRPC-based IAMPolicy service.
type grpcClient struct {
c pb.IAMPolicyClient
var withRetry = gax.WithRetry(func() gax.Retryer {
return gax.OnCodes([]codes.Code{
}, gax.Backoff{
Initial: 100 * time.Millisecond,
Max: 60 * time.Second,
Multiplier: 1.3,
func (g *grpcClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resource string) (*pb.Policy, error) {
var proto *pb.Policy
md := metadata.Pairs("x-goog-request-params", fmt.Sprintf("%s=%v", "resource", resource))
ctx = insertMetadata(ctx, md)
err := gax.Invoke(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, _ gax.CallSettings) error {
var err error
proto, err = g.c.GetIamPolicy(ctx, &pb.GetIamPolicyRequest{Resource: resource})
return err
}, withRetry)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return proto, nil
func (g *grpcClient) Set(ctx context.Context, resource string, p *pb.Policy) error {
md := metadata.Pairs("x-goog-request-params", fmt.Sprintf("%s=%v", "resource", resource))
ctx = insertMetadata(ctx, md)
return gax.Invoke(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, _ gax.CallSettings) error {
_, err := g.c.SetIamPolicy(ctx, &pb.SetIamPolicyRequest{
Resource: resource,
Policy: p,
return err
}, withRetry)
func (g *grpcClient) Test(ctx context.Context, resource string, perms []string) ([]string, error) {
var res *pb.TestIamPermissionsResponse
md := metadata.Pairs("x-goog-request-params", fmt.Sprintf("%s=%v", "resource", resource))
ctx = insertMetadata(ctx, md)
err := gax.Invoke(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, _ gax.CallSettings) error {
var err error
res, err = g.c.TestIamPermissions(ctx, &pb.TestIamPermissionsRequest{
Resource: resource,
Permissions: perms,
return err
}, withRetry)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res.Permissions, nil
// A Handle provides IAM operations for a resource.
type Handle struct {
c client
resource string
// InternalNewHandle is for use by the Google Cloud Libraries only.
// InternalNewHandle returns a Handle for resource.
// The conn parameter refers to a server that must support the IAMPolicy service.
func InternalNewHandle(conn *grpc.ClientConn, resource string) *Handle {
return InternalNewHandleGRPCClient(pb.NewIAMPolicyClient(conn), resource)
// InternalNewHandleGRPCClient is for use by the Google Cloud Libraries only.
// InternalNewHandleClient returns a Handle for resource using the given
// grpc service that implements IAM as a mixin
func InternalNewHandleGRPCClient(c pb.IAMPolicyClient, resource string) *Handle {
return InternalNewHandleClient(&grpcClient{c: c}, resource)
// InternalNewHandleClient is for use by the Google Cloud Libraries only.
// InternalNewHandleClient returns a Handle for resource using the given
// client implementation.
func InternalNewHandleClient(c client, resource string) *Handle {
return &Handle{
c: c,
resource: resource,
// Policy retrieves the IAM policy for the resource.
func (h *Handle) Policy(ctx context.Context) (*Policy, error) {
proto, err := h.c.Get(ctx, h.resource)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Policy{InternalProto: proto}, nil
// SetPolicy replaces the resource's current policy with the supplied Policy.
// If policy was created from a prior call to Get, then the modification will
// only succeed if the policy has not changed since the Get.
func (h *Handle) SetPolicy(ctx context.Context, policy *Policy) error {
return h.c.Set(ctx, h.resource, policy.InternalProto)
// TestPermissions returns the subset of permissions that the caller has on the resource.
func (h *Handle) TestPermissions(ctx context.Context, permissions []string) ([]string, error) {
return h.c.Test(ctx, h.resource, permissions)
// A RoleName is a name representing a collection of permissions.
type RoleName string
// Common role names.
const (
Owner RoleName = "roles/owner"
Editor RoleName = "roles/editor"
Viewer RoleName = "roles/viewer"
const (
// AllUsers is a special member that denotes all users, even unauthenticated ones.
AllUsers = "allUsers"
// AllAuthenticatedUsers is a special member that denotes all authenticated users.
AllAuthenticatedUsers = "allAuthenticatedUsers"
// A Policy is a list of Bindings representing roles
// granted to members.
// The zero Policy is a valid policy with no bindings.
type Policy struct {
// TODO(jba): when type aliases are available, put Policy into an internal package
// and provide an exported alias here.
// This field is exported for use by the Google Cloud Libraries only.
// It may become unexported in a future release.
InternalProto *pb.Policy
// Members returns the list of members with the supplied role.
// The return value should not be modified. Use Add and Remove
// to modify the members of a role.
func (p *Policy) Members(r RoleName) []string {
b := p.binding(r)
if b == nil {
return nil
return b.Members
// HasRole reports whether member has role r.
func (p *Policy) HasRole(member string, r RoleName) bool {
return memberIndex(member, p.binding(r)) >= 0
// Add adds member member to role r if it is not already present.
// A new binding is created if there is no binding for the role.
func (p *Policy) Add(member string, r RoleName) {
b := p.binding(r)
if b == nil {
if p.InternalProto == nil {
p.InternalProto = &pb.Policy{}
p.InternalProto.Bindings = append(p.InternalProto.Bindings, &pb.Binding{
Role: string(r),
Members: []string{member},
if memberIndex(member, b) < 0 {
b.Members = append(b.Members, member)
// Remove removes member from role r if it is present.
func (p *Policy) Remove(member string, r RoleName) {
bi := p.bindingIndex(r)
if bi < 0 {
bindings := p.InternalProto.Bindings
b := bindings[bi]
mi := memberIndex(member, b)
if mi < 0 {
// Order doesn't matter for bindings or members, so to remove, move the last item
// into the removed spot and shrink the slice.
if len(b.Members) == 1 {
// Remove binding.
last := len(bindings) - 1
bindings[bi] = bindings[last]
bindings[last] = nil
p.InternalProto.Bindings = bindings[:last]
// Remove member.
// TODO(jba): worry about multiple copies of m?
last := len(b.Members) - 1
b.Members[mi] = b.Members[last]
b.Members[last] = ""
b.Members = b.Members[:last]
// Roles returns the names of all the roles that appear in the Policy.
func (p *Policy) Roles() []RoleName {
if p.InternalProto == nil {
return nil
var rns []RoleName
for _, b := range p.InternalProto.Bindings {
rns = append(rns, RoleName(b.Role))
return rns
// binding returns the Binding for the suppied role, or nil if there isn't one.
func (p *Policy) binding(r RoleName) *pb.Binding {
i := p.bindingIndex(r)
if i < 0 {
return nil
return p.InternalProto.Bindings[i]
func (p *Policy) bindingIndex(r RoleName) int {
if p.InternalProto == nil {
return -1
for i, b := range p.InternalProto.Bindings {
if b.Role == string(r) {
return i
return -1
// memberIndex returns the index of m in b's Members, or -1 if not found.
func memberIndex(m string, b *pb.Binding) int {
if b == nil {
return -1
for i, mm := range b.Members {
if mm == m {
return i
return -1
// insertMetadata inserts metadata into the given context
func insertMetadata(ctx context.Context, mds ...metadata.MD) context.Context {
out, _ := metadata.FromOutgoingContext(ctx)
out = out.Copy()
for _, md := range mds {
for k, v := range md {
out[k] = append(out[k], v...)
return metadata.NewOutgoingContext(ctx, out)

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
// Copyright 2017 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package internal
import (
// Annotate prepends msg to the error message in err, attempting
// to preserve other information in err, like an error code.
// Annotate panics if err is nil.
// Annotate knows about these error types:
// - "".Status
// - "".Error
// If the error is not one of these types, Annotate behaves
// like
// fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", msg, err)
func Annotate(err error, msg string) error {
if err == nil {
panic("Annotate called with nil")
if s, ok := status.FromError(err); ok {
p := s.Proto()
p.Message = msg + ": " + p.Message
return status.ErrorProto(p)
if g, ok := err.(*googleapi.Error); ok {
g.Message = msg + ": " + g.Message
return g
return fmt.Errorf("%s: %v", msg, err)
// Annotatef uses format and args to format a string, then calls Annotate.
func Annotatef(err error, format string, args ...interface{}) error {
return Annotate(err, fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
// Copyright 2016 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package optional provides versions of primitive types that can
// be nil. These are useful in methods that update some of an API object's
// fields.
package optional
import (
type (
// Bool is either a bool or nil.
Bool interface{}
// String is either a string or nil.
String interface{}
// Int is either an int or nil.
Int interface{}
// Uint is either a uint or nil.
Uint interface{}
// Float64 is either a float64 or nil.
Float64 interface{}
// Duration is either a time.Duration or nil.
Duration interface{}
// ToBool returns its argument as a bool.
// It panics if its argument is nil or not a bool.
func ToBool(v Bool) bool {
x, ok := v.(bool)
if !ok {
doPanic("Bool", v)
return x
// ToString returns its argument as a string.
// It panics if its argument is nil or not a string.
func ToString(v String) string {
x, ok := v.(string)
if !ok {
doPanic("String", v)
return x
// ToInt returns its argument as an int.
// It panics if its argument is nil or not an int.
func ToInt(v Int) int {
x, ok := v.(int)
if !ok {
doPanic("Int", v)
return x
// ToUint returns its argument as a uint.
// It panics if its argument is nil or not a uint.
func ToUint(v Uint) uint {
x, ok := v.(uint)
if !ok {
doPanic("Uint", v)
return x
// ToFloat64 returns its argument as a float64.
// It panics if its argument is nil or not a float64.
func ToFloat64(v Float64) float64 {
x, ok := v.(float64)
if !ok {
doPanic("Float64", v)
return x
// ToDuration returns its argument as a time.Duration.
// It panics if its argument is nil or not a time.Duration.
func ToDuration(v Duration) time.Duration {
x, ok := v.(time.Duration)
if !ok {
doPanic("Duration", v)
return x
func doPanic(capType string, v interface{}) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("optional.%s value should be %s, got %T", capType, strings.ToLower(capType), v))

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
// Copyright 2016 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package internal
import (
gax ""
// Retry calls the supplied function f repeatedly according to the provided
// backoff parameters. It returns when one of the following occurs:
// When f's first return value is true, Retry immediately returns with f's second
// return value.
// When the provided context is done, Retry returns with an error that
// includes both ctx.Error() and the last error returned by f.
func Retry(ctx context.Context, bo gax.Backoff, f func() (stop bool, err error)) error {
return retry(ctx, bo, f, gax.Sleep)
func retry(ctx context.Context, bo gax.Backoff, f func() (stop bool, err error),
sleep func(context.Context, time.Duration) error) error {
var lastErr error
for {
stop, err := f()
if stop {
return err
// Remember the last "real" error from f.
if err != nil && err != context.Canceled && err != context.DeadlineExceeded {
lastErr = err
p := bo.Pause()
if cerr := sleep(ctx, p); cerr != nil {
if lastErr != nil {
return Annotatef(lastErr, "retry failed with %v; last error", cerr)
return cerr

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
// Copyright 2018 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package trace
import (
// StartSpan adds a span to the trace with the given name.
func StartSpan(ctx context.Context, name string) context.Context {
ctx, _ = trace.StartSpan(ctx, name)
return ctx
// EndSpan ends a span with the given error.
func EndSpan(ctx context.Context, err error) {
span := trace.FromContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
// toStatus interrogates an error and converts it to an appropriate
// OpenCensus status.
func toStatus(err error) trace.Status {
if err2, ok := err.(*googleapi.Error); ok {
return trace.Status{Code: httpStatusCodeToOCCode(err2.Code), Message: err2.Message}
} else if s, ok := status.FromError(err); ok {
return trace.Status{Code: int32(s.Code()), Message: s.Message()}
} else {
return trace.Status{Code: int32(code.Code_UNKNOWN), Message: err.Error()}
// TODO(deklerk): switch to using OpenCensus function when it becomes available.
// Reference:
func httpStatusCodeToOCCode(httpStatusCode int) int32 {
switch httpStatusCode {
case 200:
return int32(code.Code_OK)
case 499:
return int32(code.Code_CANCELLED)
case 500:
return int32(code.Code_UNKNOWN) // Could also be Code_INTERNAL, Code_DATA_LOSS
case 400:
return int32(code.Code_INVALID_ARGUMENT) // Could also be Code_OUT_OF_RANGE
case 504:
return int32(code.Code_DEADLINE_EXCEEDED)
case 404:
return int32(code.Code_NOT_FOUND)
case 409:
return int32(code.Code_ALREADY_EXISTS) // Could also be Code_ABORTED
case 403:
return int32(code.Code_PERMISSION_DENIED)
case 401:
return int32(code.Code_UNAUTHENTICATED)
case 429:
return int32(code.Code_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED)
case 501:
return int32(code.Code_UNIMPLEMENTED)
case 503:
return int32(code.Code_UNAVAILABLE)
return int32(code.Code_UNKNOWN)
// TODO: (odeke-em): perhaps just pass around spans due to the cost
// incurred from using trace.FromContext(ctx) yet we could avoid
// throwing away the work done by ctx, span := trace.StartSpan.
func TracePrintf(ctx context.Context, attrMap map[string]interface{}, format string, args ...interface{}) {
var attrs []trace.Attribute
for k, v := range attrMap {
var a trace.Attribute
switch v := v.(type) {
case string:
a = trace.StringAttribute(k, v)
case bool:
a = trace.BoolAttribute(k, v)
case int:
a = trace.Int64Attribute(k, int64(v))
case int64:
a = trace.Int64Attribute(k, v)
a = trace.StringAttribute(k, fmt.Sprintf("%#v", v))
attrs = append(attrs, a)
trace.FromContext(ctx).Annotatef(attrs, format, args...)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# Copyright 2019 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
today=$(date +%Y%m%d)
sed -i -r -e 's/const Repo = "([0-9]{8})"/const Repo = "'$today'"/' $GOFILE

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
// Copyright 2016 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//go:generate ./
// Package version contains version information for Google Cloud Client
// Libraries for Go, as reported in request headers.
package version
import (
// Repo is the current version of the client libraries in this
// repo. It should be a date in YYYYMMDD format.
const Repo = "20190802"
// Go returns the Go runtime version. The returned string
// has no whitespace.
func Go() string {
return goVersion
var goVersion = goVer(runtime.Version())
const develPrefix = "devel +"
func goVer(s string) string {
if strings.HasPrefix(s, develPrefix) {
s = s[len(develPrefix):]
if p := strings.IndexFunc(s, unicode.IsSpace); p >= 0 {
s = s[:p]
return s
if strings.HasPrefix(s, "go1") {
s = s[2:]
var prerelease string
if p := strings.IndexFunc(s, notSemverRune); p >= 0 {
s, prerelease = s[:p], s[p:]
if strings.HasSuffix(s, ".") {
s += "0"
} else if strings.Count(s, ".") < 2 {
s += ".0"
if prerelease != "" {
s += "-" + prerelease
return s
return ""
func notSemverRune(r rune) bool {
return !strings.ContainsRune("0123456789.", r)

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
## Cloud Storage [![GoDoc](](
- [About Cloud Storage](
- [API documentation](
- [Go client documentation](
- [Complete sample programs](
### Example Usage
First create a `storage.Client` to use throughout your application:
[snip]:# (storage-1)
client, err := storage.NewClient(ctx)
if err != nil {
[snip]:# (storage-2)
// Read the object1 from bucket.
rc, err := client.Bucket("bucket").Object("object1").NewReader(ctx)
if err != nil {
defer rc.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rc)
if err != nil {

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@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
// Copyright 2014 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package storage
import (
raw ""
// ACLRole is the level of access to grant.
type ACLRole string
const (
RoleOwner ACLRole = "OWNER"
RoleReader ACLRole = "READER"
RoleWriter ACLRole = "WRITER"
// ACLEntity refers to a user or group.
// They are sometimes referred to as grantees.
// It could be in the form of:
// "user-<userId>", "user-<email>", "group-<groupId>", "group-<email>",
// "domain-<domain>" and "project-team-<projectId>".
// Or one of the predefined constants: AllUsers, AllAuthenticatedUsers.
type ACLEntity string
const (
AllUsers ACLEntity = "allUsers"
AllAuthenticatedUsers ACLEntity = "allAuthenticatedUsers"
// ACLRule represents a grant for a role to an entity (user, group or team) for a
// Google Cloud Storage object or bucket.
type ACLRule struct {
Entity ACLEntity
EntityID string
Role ACLRole
Domain string
Email string
ProjectTeam *ProjectTeam
// ProjectTeam is the project team associated with the entity, if any.
type ProjectTeam struct {
ProjectNumber string
Team string
// ACLHandle provides operations on an access control list for a Google Cloud Storage bucket or object.
type ACLHandle struct {
c *Client
bucket string
object string
isDefault bool
userProject string // for requester-pays buckets
// Delete permanently deletes the ACL entry for the given entity.
func (a *ACLHandle) Delete(ctx context.Context, entity ACLEntity) (err error) {
ctx = trace.StartSpan(ctx, "")
defer func() { trace.EndSpan(ctx, err) }()
if a.object != "" {
return a.objectDelete(ctx, entity)
if a.isDefault {
return a.bucketDefaultDelete(ctx, entity)
return a.bucketDelete(ctx, entity)
// Set sets the role for the given entity.
func (a *ACLHandle) Set(ctx context.Context, entity ACLEntity, role ACLRole) (err error) {
ctx = trace.StartSpan(ctx, "")
defer func() { trace.EndSpan(ctx, err) }()
if a.object != "" {
return a.objectSet(ctx, entity, role, false)
if a.isDefault {
return a.objectSet(ctx, entity, role, true)
return a.bucketSet(ctx, entity, role)
// List retrieves ACL entries.
func (a *ACLHandle) List(ctx context.Context) (rules []ACLRule, err error) {
ctx = trace.StartSpan(ctx, "")
defer func() { trace.EndSpan(ctx, err) }()
if a.object != "" {
return a.objectList(ctx)
if a.isDefault {
return a.bucketDefaultList(ctx)
return a.bucketList(ctx)
func (a *ACLHandle) bucketDefaultList(ctx context.Context) ([]ACLRule, error) {
var acls *raw.ObjectAccessControls
var err error
err = runWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
req := a.c.raw.DefaultObjectAccessControls.List(a.bucket)
a.configureCall(ctx, req)
acls, err = req.Do()
return err
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return toObjectACLRules(acls.Items), nil
func (a *ACLHandle) bucketDefaultDelete(ctx context.Context, entity ACLEntity) error {
return runWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
req := a.c.raw.DefaultObjectAccessControls.Delete(a.bucket, string(entity))
a.configureCall(ctx, req)
return req.Do()
func (a *ACLHandle) bucketList(ctx context.Context) ([]ACLRule, error) {
var acls *raw.BucketAccessControls
var err error
err = runWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
req := a.c.raw.BucketAccessControls.List(a.bucket)
a.configureCall(ctx, req)
acls, err = req.Do()
return err
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return toBucketACLRules(acls.Items), nil
func (a *ACLHandle) bucketSet(ctx context.Context, entity ACLEntity, role ACLRole) error {
acl := &raw.BucketAccessControl{
Bucket: a.bucket,
Entity: string(entity),
Role: string(role),
err := runWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
req := a.c.raw.BucketAccessControls.Update(a.bucket, string(entity), acl)
a.configureCall(ctx, req)
_, err := req.Do()
return err
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (a *ACLHandle) bucketDelete(ctx context.Context, entity ACLEntity) error {
return runWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
req := a.c.raw.BucketAccessControls.Delete(a.bucket, string(entity))
a.configureCall(ctx, req)
return req.Do()
func (a *ACLHandle) objectList(ctx context.Context) ([]ACLRule, error) {
var acls *raw.ObjectAccessControls
var err error
err = runWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
req := a.c.raw.ObjectAccessControls.List(a.bucket, a.object)
a.configureCall(ctx, req)
acls, err = req.Do()
return err
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return toObjectACLRules(acls.Items), nil
func (a *ACLHandle) objectSet(ctx context.Context, entity ACLEntity, role ACLRole, isBucketDefault bool) error {
type setRequest interface {
Do(opts ...googleapi.CallOption) (*raw.ObjectAccessControl, error)
Header() http.Header
acl := &raw.ObjectAccessControl{
Bucket: a.bucket,
Entity: string(entity),
Role: string(role),
var req setRequest
if isBucketDefault {
req = a.c.raw.DefaultObjectAccessControls.Update(a.bucket, string(entity), acl)
} else {
req = a.c.raw.ObjectAccessControls.Update(a.bucket, a.object, string(entity), acl)
a.configureCall(ctx, req)
return runWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
_, err := req.Do()
return err
func (a *ACLHandle) objectDelete(ctx context.Context, entity ACLEntity) error {
return runWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
req := a.c.raw.ObjectAccessControls.Delete(a.bucket, a.object, string(entity))
a.configureCall(ctx, req)
return req.Do()
func (a *ACLHandle) configureCall(ctx context.Context, call interface{ Header() http.Header }) {
vc := reflect.ValueOf(call)
if a.userProject != "" {
func toObjectACLRules(items []*raw.ObjectAccessControl) []ACLRule {
var rs []ACLRule
for _, item := range items {
rs = append(rs, toObjectACLRule(item))
return rs
func toBucketACLRules(items []*raw.BucketAccessControl) []ACLRule {
var rs []ACLRule
for _, item := range items {
rs = append(rs, toBucketACLRule(item))
return rs
func toObjectACLRule(a *raw.ObjectAccessControl) ACLRule {
return ACLRule{
Entity: ACLEntity(a.Entity),
EntityID: a.EntityId,
Role: ACLRole(a.Role),
Domain: a.Domain,
Email: a.Email,
ProjectTeam: toObjectProjectTeam(a.ProjectTeam),
func toBucketACLRule(a *raw.BucketAccessControl) ACLRule {
return ACLRule{
Entity: ACLEntity(a.Entity),
EntityID: a.EntityId,
Role: ACLRole(a.Role),
Domain: a.Domain,
Email: a.Email,
ProjectTeam: toBucketProjectTeam(a.ProjectTeam),
func toRawObjectACL(rules []ACLRule) []*raw.ObjectAccessControl {
if len(rules) == 0 {
return nil
r := make([]*raw.ObjectAccessControl, 0, len(rules))
for _, rule := range rules {
r = append(r, rule.toRawObjectAccessControl("")) // bucket name unnecessary
return r
func toRawBucketACL(rules []ACLRule) []*raw.BucketAccessControl {
if len(rules) == 0 {
return nil
r := make([]*raw.BucketAccessControl, 0, len(rules))
for _, rule := range rules {
r = append(r, rule.toRawBucketAccessControl("")) // bucket name unnecessary
return r
func (r ACLRule) toRawBucketAccessControl(bucket string) *raw.BucketAccessControl {
return &raw.BucketAccessControl{
Bucket: bucket,
Entity: string(r.Entity),
Role: string(r.Role),
// The other fields are not settable.
func (r ACLRule) toRawObjectAccessControl(bucket string) *raw.ObjectAccessControl {
return &raw.ObjectAccessControl{
Bucket: bucket,
Entity: string(r.Entity),
Role: string(r.Role),
// The other fields are not settable.
func toBucketProjectTeam(p *raw.BucketAccessControlProjectTeam) *ProjectTeam {
if p == nil {
return nil
return &ProjectTeam{
ProjectNumber: p.ProjectNumber,
Team: p.Team,
func toObjectProjectTeam(p *raw.ObjectAccessControlProjectTeam) *ProjectTeam {
if p == nil {
return nil
return &ProjectTeam{
ProjectNumber: p.ProjectNumber,
Team: p.Team,

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
// Copyright 2016 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package storage
import (
raw ""
// CopierFrom creates a Copier that can copy src to dst.
// You can immediately call Run on the returned Copier, or
// you can configure it first.
// For Requester Pays buckets, the user project of dst is billed, unless it is empty,
// in which case the user project of src is billed.
func (dst *ObjectHandle) CopierFrom(src *ObjectHandle) *Copier {
return &Copier{dst: dst, src: src}
// A Copier copies a source object to a destination.
type Copier struct {
// ObjectAttrs are optional attributes to set on the destination object.
// Any attributes must be initialized before any calls on the Copier. Nil
// or zero-valued attributes are ignored.
// RewriteToken can be set before calling Run to resume a copy
// operation. After Run returns a non-nil error, RewriteToken will
// have been updated to contain the value needed to resume the copy.
RewriteToken string
// ProgressFunc can be used to monitor the progress of a multi-RPC copy
// operation. If ProgressFunc is not nil and copying requires multiple
// calls to the underlying service (see
//, then
// ProgressFunc will be invoked after each call with the number of bytes of
// content copied so far and the total size in bytes of the source object.
// ProgressFunc is intended to make upload progress available to the
// application. For example, the implementation of ProgressFunc may update
// a progress bar in the application's UI, or log the result of
// float64(copiedBytes)/float64(totalBytes).
// ProgressFunc should return quickly without blocking.
ProgressFunc func(copiedBytes, totalBytes uint64)
// The Cloud KMS key, in the form projects/P/locations/L/keyRings/R/cryptoKeys/K,
// that will be used to encrypt the object. Overrides the object's KMSKeyName, if
// any.
// Providing both a DestinationKMSKeyName and a customer-supplied encryption key
// (via ObjectHandle.Key) on the destination object will result in an error when
// Run is called.
DestinationKMSKeyName string
dst, src *ObjectHandle
// Run performs the copy.
func (c *Copier) Run(ctx context.Context) (attrs *ObjectAttrs, err error) {
ctx = trace.StartSpan(ctx, "")
defer func() { trace.EndSpan(ctx, err) }()
if err := c.src.validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := c.dst.validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if c.DestinationKMSKeyName != "" && c.dst.encryptionKey != nil {
return nil, errors.New("storage: cannot use DestinationKMSKeyName with a customer-supplied encryption key")
// Convert destination attributes to raw form, omitting the bucket.
// If the bucket is included but name or content-type aren't, the service
// returns a 400 with "Required" as the only message. Omitting the bucket
// does not cause any problems.
rawObject := c.ObjectAttrs.toRawObject("")
for {
res, err := c.callRewrite(ctx, rawObject)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if c.ProgressFunc != nil {
c.ProgressFunc(uint64(res.TotalBytesRewritten), uint64(res.ObjectSize))
if res.Done { // Finished successfully.
return newObject(res.Resource), nil
func (c *Copier) callRewrite(ctx context.Context, rawObj *raw.Object) (*raw.RewriteResponse, error) {
call := c.dst.c.raw.Objects.Rewrite(c.src.bucket, c.src.object, c.dst.bucket, c.dst.object, rawObj)
if c.RewriteToken != "" {
if c.DestinationKMSKeyName != "" {
if c.PredefinedACL != "" {
if err := applyConds("Copy destination", c.dst.gen, c.dst.conds, call); err != nil {
return nil, err
if c.dst.userProject != "" {
} else if c.src.userProject != "" {
if err := applySourceConds(c.src.gen, c.src.conds, call); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := setEncryptionHeaders(call.Header(), c.dst.encryptionKey, false); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := setEncryptionHeaders(call.Header(), c.src.encryptionKey, true); err != nil {
return nil, err
var res *raw.RewriteResponse
var err error
err = runWithRetry(ctx, func() error { res, err = call.Do(); return err })
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c.RewriteToken = res.RewriteToken
return res, nil
// ComposerFrom creates a Composer that can compose srcs into dst.
// You can immediately call Run on the returned Composer, or you can
// configure it first.
// The encryption key for the destination object will be used to decrypt all
// source objects and encrypt the destination object. It is an error
// to specify an encryption key for any of the source objects.
func (dst *ObjectHandle) ComposerFrom(srcs ...*ObjectHandle) *Composer {
return &Composer{dst: dst, srcs: srcs}
// A Composer composes source objects into a destination object.
// For Requester Pays buckets, the user project of dst is billed.
type Composer struct {
// ObjectAttrs are optional attributes to set on the destination object.
// Any attributes must be initialized before any calls on the Composer. Nil
// or zero-valued attributes are ignored.
dst *ObjectHandle
srcs []*ObjectHandle
// Run performs the compose operation.
func (c *Composer) Run(ctx context.Context) (attrs *ObjectAttrs, err error) {
ctx = trace.StartSpan(ctx, "")
defer func() { trace.EndSpan(ctx, err) }()
if err := c.dst.validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(c.srcs) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("storage: at least one source object must be specified")
req := &raw.ComposeRequest{}
// Compose requires a non-empty Destination, so we always set it,
// even if the caller-provided ObjectAttrs is the zero value.
req.Destination = c.ObjectAttrs.toRawObject(c.dst.bucket)
for _, src := range c.srcs {
if err := src.validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if src.bucket != c.dst.bucket {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("storage: all source objects must be in bucket %q, found %q", c.dst.bucket, src.bucket)
if src.encryptionKey != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("storage: compose source %s.%s must not have encryption key", src.bucket, src.object)
srcObj := &raw.ComposeRequestSourceObjects{
Name: src.object,
if err := applyConds("ComposeFrom source", src.gen, src.conds, composeSourceObj{srcObj}); err != nil {
return nil, err
req.SourceObjects = append(req.SourceObjects, srcObj)
call := c.dst.c.raw.Objects.Compose(c.dst.bucket, c.dst.object, req).Context(ctx)
if err := applyConds("ComposeFrom destination", c.dst.gen, c.dst.conds, call); err != nil {
return nil, err
if c.dst.userProject != "" {
if c.PredefinedACL != "" {
if err := setEncryptionHeaders(call.Header(), c.dst.encryptionKey, false); err != nil {
return nil, err
var obj *raw.Object
err = runWithRetry(ctx, func() error { obj, err = call.Do(); return err })
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return newObject(obj), nil

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@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
// Copyright 2016 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
Package storage provides an easy way to work with Google Cloud Storage.
Google Cloud Storage stores data in named objects, which are grouped into buckets.
More information about Google Cloud Storage is available at
See for authentication, timeouts,
connection pooling and similar aspects of this package.
All of the methods of this package use exponential backoff to retry calls that fail
with certain errors, as described in Retrying continues
indefinitely unless the controlling context is canceled or the client is closed. See
context.WithTimeout and context.WithCancel.
Creating a Client
To start working with this package, create a client:
ctx := context.Background()
client, err := storage.NewClient(ctx)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Handle error.
The client will use your default application credentials.
If you only wish to access public data, you can create
an unauthenticated client with
client, err := storage.NewClient(ctx, option.WithoutAuthentication())
A Google Cloud Storage bucket is a collection of objects. To work with a
bucket, make a bucket handle:
bkt := client.Bucket(bucketName)
A handle is a reference to a bucket. You can have a handle even if the
bucket doesn't exist yet. To create a bucket in Google Cloud Storage,
call Create on the handle:
if err := bkt.Create(ctx, projectID, nil); err != nil {
// TODO: Handle error.
Note that although buckets are associated with projects, bucket names are
global across all projects.
Each bucket has associated metadata, represented in this package by
BucketAttrs. The third argument to BucketHandle.Create allows you to set
the initial BucketAttrs of a bucket. To retrieve a bucket's attributes, use
attrs, err := bkt.Attrs(ctx)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Handle error.
fmt.Printf("bucket %s, created at %s, is located in %s with storage class %s\n",
attrs.Name, attrs.Created, attrs.Location, attrs.StorageClass)
An object holds arbitrary data as a sequence of bytes, like a file. You
refer to objects using a handle, just as with buckets, but unlike buckets
you don't explicitly create an object. Instead, the first time you write
to an object it will be created. You can use the standard Go io.Reader
and io.Writer interfaces to read and write object data:
obj := bkt.Object("data")
// Write something to obj.
// w implements io.Writer.
w := obj.NewWriter(ctx)
// Write some text to obj. This will either create the object or overwrite whatever is there already.
if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "This object contains text.\n"); err != nil {
// TODO: Handle error.
// Close, just like writing a file.
if err := w.Close(); err != nil {
// TODO: Handle error.
// Read it back.
r, err := obj.NewReader(ctx)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Handle error.
defer r.Close()
if _, err := io.Copy(os.Stdout, r); err != nil {
// TODO: Handle error.
// Prints "This object contains text."
Objects also have attributes, which you can fetch with Attrs:
objAttrs, err := obj.Attrs(ctx)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Handle error.
fmt.Printf("object %s has size %d and can be read using %s\n",
objAttrs.Name, objAttrs.Size, objAttrs.MediaLink)
Both objects and buckets have ACLs (Access Control Lists). An ACL is a list of
ACLRules, each of which specifies the role of a user, group or project. ACLs
are suitable for fine-grained control, but you may prefer using IAM to control
access at the project level (see
To list the ACLs of a bucket or object, obtain an ACLHandle and call its List method:
acls, err := obj.ACL().List(ctx)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Handle error.
for _, rule := range acls {
fmt.Printf("%s has role %s\n", rule.Entity, rule.Role)
You can also set and delete ACLs.
Every object has a generation and a metageneration. The generation changes
whenever the content changes, and the metageneration changes whenever the
metadata changes. Conditions let you check these values before an operation;
the operation only executes if the conditions match. You can use conditions to
prevent race conditions in read-modify-write operations.
For example, say you've read an object's metadata into objAttrs. Now
you want to write to that object, but only if its contents haven't changed
since you read it. Here is how to express that:
w = obj.If(storage.Conditions{GenerationMatch: objAttrs.Generation}).NewWriter(ctx)
// Proceed with writing as above.
Signed URLs
You can obtain a URL that lets anyone read or write an object for a limited time.
You don't need to create a client to do this. See the documentation of
SignedURL for details.
url, err := storage.SignedURL(bucketName, "shared-object", opts)
if err != nil {
// TODO: Handle error.
Errors returned by this client are often of the type [`googleapi.Error`](
These errors can be introspected for more information by type asserting to the richer `googleapi.Error` type. For example:
if e, ok := err.(*googleapi.Error); ok {
if e.Code == 409 { ... }
package storage // import ""

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
// Copyright 2017 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// +build go1.10
package storage
import ""
func shouldRetry(err error) bool {
switch e := err.(type) {
case *googleapi.Error:
// Retry on 429 and 5xx, according to
return e.Code == 429 || (e.Code >= 500 && e.Code < 600)
case interface{ Temporary() bool }:
return e.Temporary()
return false

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@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package storage
import (
raw ""
// HMACState is the state of the HMAC key.
type HMACState string
const (
// Active is the status for an active key that can be used to sign
// requests.
Active HMACState = "ACTIVE"
// Inactive is the status for an inactive key thus requests signed by
// this key will be denied.
Inactive HMACState = "INACTIVE"
// Deleted is the status for a key that is deleted.
// Once in this state the key cannot key cannot be recovered
// and does not count towards key limits. Deleted keys will be cleaned
// up later.
Deleted HMACState = "DELETED"
// HMACKey is the representation of a Google Cloud Storage HMAC key.
// HMAC keys are used to authenticate signed access to objects. To enable HMAC key
// authentication, please visit
// This type is EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change or removal without notice.
type HMACKey struct {
// The HMAC's secret key.
Secret string
// AccessID is the ID of the HMAC key.
AccessID string
// Etag is the HTTP/1.1 Entity tag.
Etag string
// ID is the ID of the HMAC key, including the ProjectID and AccessID.
ID string
// ProjectID is the ID of the project that owns the
// service account to which the key authenticates.
ProjectID string
// ServiceAccountEmail is the email address
// of the key's associated service account.
ServiceAccountEmail string
// CreatedTime is the creation time of the HMAC key.
CreatedTime time.Time
// UpdatedTime is the last modification time of the HMAC key metadata.
UpdatedTime time.Time
// State is the state of the HMAC key.
// It can be one of StateActive, StateInactive or StateDeleted.
State HMACState
// HMACKeyHandle helps provide access and management for HMAC keys.
// This type is EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change or removal without notice.
type HMACKeyHandle struct {
projectID string
accessID string
raw *raw.ProjectsHmacKeysService
// HMACKeyHandle creates a handle that will be used for HMACKey operations.
// This method is EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change or removal without notice.
func (c *Client) HMACKeyHandle(projectID, accessID string) *HMACKeyHandle {
return &HMACKeyHandle{
projectID: projectID,
accessID: accessID,
raw: raw.NewProjectsHmacKeysService(c.raw),
// Get invokes an RPC to retrieve the HMAC key referenced by the
// HMACKeyHandle's accessID.
// This method is EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change or removal without notice.
func (hkh *HMACKeyHandle) Get(ctx context.Context) (*HMACKey, error) {
call := hkh.raw.Get(hkh.projectID, hkh.accessID)
var metadata *raw.HmacKeyMetadata
var err error
err = runWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
metadata, err = call.Context(ctx).Do()
return err
if err != nil {
return nil, err
hkPb := &raw.HmacKey{
Metadata: metadata,
return pbHmacKeyToHMACKey(hkPb, false)
// Delete invokes an RPC to delete the key referenced by accessID, on Google Cloud Storage.
// Only inactive HMAC keys can be deleted.
// After deletion, a key cannot be used to authenticate requests.
// This method is EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change or removal without notice.
func (hkh *HMACKeyHandle) Delete(ctx context.Context) error {
delCall := hkh.raw.Delete(hkh.projectID, hkh.accessID)
return runWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
return delCall.Context(ctx).Do()
func pbHmacKeyToHMACKey(pb *raw.HmacKey, updatedTimeCanBeNil bool) (*HMACKey, error) {
pbmd := pb.Metadata
if pbmd == nil {
return nil, errors.New("field Metadata cannot be nil")
createdTime, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, pbmd.TimeCreated)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("field CreatedTime: %v", err)
updatedTime, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, pbmd.Updated)
if err != nil && !updatedTimeCanBeNil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("field UpdatedTime: %v", err)
hmk := &HMACKey{
AccessID: pbmd.AccessId,
Secret: pb.Secret,
Etag: pbmd.Etag,
ID: pbmd.Id,
State: HMACState(pbmd.State),
ProjectID: pbmd.ProjectId,
CreatedTime: createdTime,
UpdatedTime: updatedTime,
ServiceAccountEmail: pbmd.ServiceAccountEmail,
return hmk, nil
// CreateHMACKey invokes an RPC for Google Cloud Storage to create a new HMACKey.
// This method is EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change or removal without notice.
func (c *Client) CreateHMACKey(ctx context.Context, projectID, serviceAccountEmail string) (*HMACKey, error) {
if projectID == "" {
return nil, errors.New("storage: expecting a non-blank projectID")
if serviceAccountEmail == "" {
return nil, errors.New("storage: expecting a non-blank service account email")
svc := raw.NewProjectsHmacKeysService(c.raw)
call := svc.Create(projectID, serviceAccountEmail)
var hkPb *raw.HmacKey
var err error
err = runWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
hkPb, err = call.Context(ctx).Do()
return err
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return pbHmacKeyToHMACKey(hkPb, true)
// HMACKeyAttrsToUpdate defines the attributes of an HMACKey that will be updated.
// This type is EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change or removal without notice.
type HMACKeyAttrsToUpdate struct {
// State is required and must be either StateActive or StateInactive.
State HMACState
// Etag is an optional field and it is the HTTP/1.1 Entity tag.
Etag string
// Update mutates the HMACKey referred to by accessID.
// This method is EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change or removal without notice.
func (h *HMACKeyHandle) Update(ctx context.Context, au HMACKeyAttrsToUpdate) (*HMACKey, error) {
if au.State != Active && au.State != Inactive {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("storage: invalid state %q for update, must be either %q or %q", au.State, Active, Inactive)
call := h.raw.Update(h.projectID, h.accessID, &raw.HmacKeyMetadata{
Etag: au.Etag,
State: string(au.State),
var metadata *raw.HmacKeyMetadata
var err error
err = runWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
metadata, err = call.Context(ctx).Do()
return err
if err != nil {
return nil, err
hkPb := &raw.HmacKey{
Metadata: metadata,
return pbHmacKeyToHMACKey(hkPb, false)
// An HMACKeysIterator is an iterator over HMACKeys.
// This type is EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change or removal without notice.
type HMACKeysIterator struct {
ctx context.Context
raw *raw.ProjectsHmacKeysService
projectID string
hmacKeys []*HMACKey
pageInfo *iterator.PageInfo
nextFunc func() error
index int
// ListHMACKeys returns an iterator for listing HMACKeys.
// This method is EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change or removal without notice.
func (c *Client) ListHMACKeys(ctx context.Context, projectID string) *HMACKeysIterator {
it := &HMACKeysIterator{
ctx: ctx,
raw: raw.NewProjectsHmacKeysService(c.raw),
projectID: projectID,
it.pageInfo, it.nextFunc = iterator.NewPageInfo(
func() int { return len(it.hmacKeys) - it.index },
func() interface{} {
prev := it.hmacKeys
it.hmacKeys = it.hmacKeys[:0]
it.index = 0
return prev
return it
// Next returns the next result. Its second return value is iterator.Done if
// there are no more results. Once Next returns iterator.Done, all subsequent
// calls will return iterator.Done.
// This method is EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change or removal without notice.
func (it *HMACKeysIterator) Next() (*HMACKey, error) {
if err := it.nextFunc(); err != nil {
return nil, err
key := it.hmacKeys[it.index]
return key, nil
// PageInfo supports pagination. See the package for details.
// This method is EXPERIMENTAL and subject to change or removal without notice.
func (it *HMACKeysIterator) PageInfo() *iterator.PageInfo { return it.pageInfo }
func (it *HMACKeysIterator) fetch(pageSize int, pageToken string) (token string, err error) {
call := it.raw.List(it.projectID)
call = call.PageToken(pageToken)
// By default we'll also show deleted keys and then
// let users filter on their own.
call = call.ShowDeletedKeys(true)
if pageSize > 0 {
call = call.MaxResults(int64(pageSize))
ctx := it.ctx
var resp *raw.HmacKeysMetadata
err = runWithRetry(it.ctx, func() error {
resp, err = call.Context(ctx).Do()
return err
if err != nil {
return "", err
for _, metadata := range resp.Items {
hkPb := &raw.HmacKey{
Metadata: metadata,
hkey, err := pbHmacKeyToHMACKey(hkPb, true)
if err != nil {
return "", err
it.hmacKeys = append(it.hmacKeys, hkey)
return resp.NextPageToken, nil

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@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
// Copyright 2017 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package storage
import (
raw ""
iampb ""
// IAM provides access to IAM access control for the bucket.
func (b *BucketHandle) IAM() *iam.Handle {
return iam.InternalNewHandleClient(&iamClient{
raw: b.c.raw,
userProject: b.userProject,
// iamClient implements the iam.client interface.
type iamClient struct {
raw *raw.Service
userProject string
func (c *iamClient) Get(ctx context.Context, resource string) (p *iampb.Policy, err error) {
ctx = trace.StartSpan(ctx, "")
defer func() { trace.EndSpan(ctx, err) }()
call := c.raw.Buckets.GetIamPolicy(resource)
if c.userProject != "" {
var rp *raw.Policy
err = runWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
rp, err = call.Context(ctx).Do()
return err
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return iamFromStoragePolicy(rp), nil
func (c *iamClient) Set(ctx context.Context, resource string, p *iampb.Policy) (err error) {
ctx = trace.StartSpan(ctx, "")
defer func() { trace.EndSpan(ctx, err) }()
rp := iamToStoragePolicy(p)
call := c.raw.Buckets.SetIamPolicy(resource, rp)
if c.userProject != "" {
return runWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
_, err := call.Context(ctx).Do()
return err
func (c *iamClient) Test(ctx context.Context, resource string, perms []string) (permissions []string, err error) {
ctx = trace.StartSpan(ctx, "")
defer func() { trace.EndSpan(ctx, err) }()
call := c.raw.Buckets.TestIamPermissions(resource, perms)
if c.userProject != "" {
var res *raw.TestIamPermissionsResponse
err = runWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
res, err = call.Context(ctx).Do()
return err
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res.Permissions, nil
func iamToStoragePolicy(ip *iampb.Policy) *raw.Policy {
return &raw.Policy{
Bindings: iamToStorageBindings(ip.Bindings),
Etag: string(ip.Etag),
func iamToStorageBindings(ibs []*iampb.Binding) []*raw.PolicyBindings {
var rbs []*raw.PolicyBindings
for _, ib := range ibs {
rbs = append(rbs, &raw.PolicyBindings{
Role: ib.Role,
Members: ib.Members,
return rbs
func iamFromStoragePolicy(rp *raw.Policy) *iampb.Policy {
return &iampb.Policy{
Bindings: iamFromStorageBindings(rp.Bindings),
Etag: []byte(rp.Etag),
func iamFromStorageBindings(rbs []*raw.PolicyBindings) []*iampb.Binding {
var ibs []*iampb.Binding
for _, rb := range rbs {
ibs = append(ibs, &iampb.Binding{
Role: rb.Role,
Members: rb.Members,
return ibs

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
// Copyright 2014 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package storage
import (
gax ""
// runWithRetry calls the function until it returns nil or a non-retryable error, or
// the context is done.
func runWithRetry(ctx context.Context, call func() error) error {
return internal.Retry(ctx, gax.Backoff{}, func() (stop bool, err error) {
err = call()
if err == nil {
return true, nil
if shouldRetry(err) {
return false, nil
return true, err

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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
// Copyright 2017 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// +build !go1.10
package storage
import (
func shouldRetry(err error) bool {
switch e := err.(type) {
case *googleapi.Error:
// Retry on 429 and 5xx, according to
return e.Code == 429 || (e.Code >= 500 && e.Code < 600)
case *url.Error:
// Unfortunately the error type is unexported, so we resort to string
// matching.
return strings.Contains(e.Error(), "REFUSED_STREAM")
case interface{ Temporary() bool }:
return e.Temporary()
return false

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@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
// Copyright 2017 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package storage
import (
raw ""
// A Notification describes how to send Cloud PubSub messages when certain
// events occur in a bucket.
type Notification struct {
//The ID of the notification.
ID string
// The ID of the topic to which this subscription publishes.
TopicID string
// The ID of the project to which the topic belongs.
TopicProjectID string
// Only send notifications about listed event types. If empty, send notifications
// for all event types.
// See
EventTypes []string
// If present, only apply this notification configuration to object names that
// begin with this prefix.
ObjectNamePrefix string
// An optional list of additional attributes to attach to each Cloud PubSub
// message published for this notification subscription.
CustomAttributes map[string]string
// The contents of the message payload.
// See
PayloadFormat string
// Values for Notification.PayloadFormat.
const (
// Send no payload with notification messages.
NoPayload = "NONE"
// Send object metadata as JSON with notification messages.
JSONPayload = "JSON_API_V1"
// Values for Notification.EventTypes.
const (
// Event that occurs when an object is successfully created.
ObjectFinalizeEvent = "OBJECT_FINALIZE"
// Event that occurs when the metadata of an existing object changes.
ObjectMetadataUpdateEvent = "OBJECT_METADATA_UPDATE"
// Event that occurs when an object is permanently deleted.
ObjectDeleteEvent = "OBJECT_DELETE"
// Event that occurs when the live version of an object becomes an
// archived version.
ObjectArchiveEvent = "OBJECT_ARCHIVE"
func toNotification(rn *raw.Notification) *Notification {
n := &Notification{
ID: rn.Id,
EventTypes: rn.EventTypes,
ObjectNamePrefix: rn.ObjectNamePrefix,
CustomAttributes: rn.CustomAttributes,
PayloadFormat: rn.PayloadFormat,
n.TopicProjectID, n.TopicID = parseNotificationTopic(rn.Topic)
return n
var topicRE = regexp.MustCompile("^//[^/]+)/topics/([^/]+)")
// parseNotificationTopic extracts the project and topic IDs from from the full
// resource name returned by the service. If the name is malformed, it returns
// "?" for both IDs.
func parseNotificationTopic(nt string) (projectID, topicID string) {
matches := topicRE.FindStringSubmatch(nt)
if matches == nil {
return "?", "?"
return matches[1], matches[2]
func toRawNotification(n *Notification) *raw.Notification {
return &raw.Notification{
Id: n.ID,
Topic: fmt.Sprintf("//",
n.TopicProjectID, n.TopicID),
EventTypes: n.EventTypes,
ObjectNamePrefix: n.ObjectNamePrefix,
CustomAttributes: n.CustomAttributes,
PayloadFormat: string(n.PayloadFormat),
// AddNotification adds a notification to b. You must set n's TopicProjectID, TopicID
// and PayloadFormat, and must not set its ID. The other fields are all optional. The
// returned Notification's ID can be used to refer to it.
func (b *BucketHandle) AddNotification(ctx context.Context, n *Notification) (ret *Notification, err error) {
ctx = trace.StartSpan(ctx, "")
defer func() { trace.EndSpan(ctx, err) }()
if n.ID != "" {
return nil, errors.New("storage: AddNotification: ID must not be set")
if n.TopicProjectID == "" {
return nil, errors.New("storage: AddNotification: missing TopicProjectID")
if n.TopicID == "" {
return nil, errors.New("storage: AddNotification: missing TopicID")
call := b.c.raw.Notifications.Insert(, toRawNotification(n))
if b.userProject != "" {
rn, err := call.Context(ctx).Do()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return toNotification(rn), nil
// Notifications returns all the Notifications configured for this bucket, as a map
// indexed by notification ID.
func (b *BucketHandle) Notifications(ctx context.Context) (n map[string]*Notification, err error) {
ctx = trace.StartSpan(ctx, "")
defer func() { trace.EndSpan(ctx, err) }()
call := b.c.raw.Notifications.List(
if b.userProject != "" {
var res *raw.Notifications
err = runWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
res, err = call.Context(ctx).Do()
return err
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return notificationsToMap(res.Items), nil
func notificationsToMap(rns []*raw.Notification) map[string]*Notification {
m := map[string]*Notification{}
for _, rn := range rns {
m[rn.Id] = toNotification(rn)
return m
// DeleteNotification deletes the notification with the given ID.
func (b *BucketHandle) DeleteNotification(ctx context.Context, id string) (err error) {
ctx = trace.StartSpan(ctx, "")
defer func() { trace.EndSpan(ctx, err) }()
call := b.c.raw.Notifications.Delete(, id)
if b.userProject != "" {
return call.Context(ctx).Do()

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
// Copyright 2016 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package storage
import (
var crc32cTable = crc32.MakeTable(crc32.Castagnoli)
// ReaderObjectAttrs are attributes about the object being read. These are populated
// during the New call. This struct only holds a subset of object attributes: to
// get the full set of attributes, use ObjectHandle.Attrs.
// Each field is read-only.
type ReaderObjectAttrs struct {
// Size is the length of the object's content.
Size int64
// StartOffset is the byte offset within the object
// from which reading begins.
// This value is only non-zero for range requests.
StartOffset int64
// ContentType is the MIME type of the object's content.
ContentType string
// ContentEncoding is the encoding of the object's content.
ContentEncoding string
// CacheControl specifies whether and for how long browser and Internet
// caches are allowed to cache your objects.
CacheControl string
// LastModified is the time that the object was last modified.
LastModified time.Time
// Generation is the generation number of the object's content.
Generation int64
// Metageneration is the version of the metadata for this object at
// this generation. This field is used for preconditions and for
// detecting changes in metadata. A metageneration number is only
// meaningful in the context of a particular generation of a
// particular object.
Metageneration int64
// NewReader creates a new Reader to read the contents of the
// object.
// ErrObjectNotExist will be returned if the object is not found.
// The caller must call Close on the returned Reader when done reading.
func (o *ObjectHandle) NewReader(ctx context.Context) (*Reader, error) {
return o.NewRangeReader(ctx, 0, -1)
// NewRangeReader reads part of an object, reading at most length bytes
// starting at the given offset. If length is negative, the object is read
// until the end. If offset is negative, the object is read abs(offset) bytes
// from the end, and length must also be negative to indicate all remaining
// bytes will be read.
func (o *ObjectHandle) NewRangeReader(ctx context.Context, offset, length int64) (r *Reader, err error) {
ctx = trace.StartSpan(ctx, "")
defer func() { trace.EndSpan(ctx, err) }()
if err := o.validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if offset < 0 && length >= 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("storage: invalid offset %d < 0 requires negative length", offset)
if o.conds != nil {
if err := o.conds.validate("NewRangeReader"); err != nil {
return nil, err
u := &url.URL{
Scheme: o.c.scheme,
Host: o.c.readHost,
Path: fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s", o.bucket, o.object),
verb := "GET"
if length == 0 {
verb = "HEAD"
req, err := http.NewRequest(verb, u.String(), nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
if o.userProject != "" {
req.Header.Set("X-Goog-User-Project", o.userProject)
if o.readCompressed {
req.Header.Set("Accept-Encoding", "gzip")
if err := setEncryptionHeaders(req.Header, o.encryptionKey, false); err != nil {
return nil, err
gen := o.gen
// Define a function that initiates a Read with offset and length, assuming we
// have already read seen bytes.
reopen := func(seen int64) (*http.Response, error) {
start := offset + seen
if length < 0 && start < 0 {
req.Header.Set("Range", fmt.Sprintf("bytes=%d", start))
} else if length < 0 && start > 0 {
req.Header.Set("Range", fmt.Sprintf("bytes=%d-", start))
} else if length > 0 {
// The end character isn't affected by how many bytes we've seen.
req.Header.Set("Range", fmt.Sprintf("bytes=%d-%d", start, offset+length-1))
// We wait to assign conditions here because the generation number can change in between reopen() runs.
req.URL.RawQuery = conditionsQuery(gen, o.conds)
var res *http.Response
err = runWithRetry(ctx, func() error {
res, err = o.c.hc.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return err
if res.StatusCode == http.StatusNotFound {
return ErrObjectNotExist
if res.StatusCode < 200 || res.StatusCode > 299 {
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
return &googleapi.Error{
Code: res.StatusCode,
Header: res.Header,
Body: string(body),
if start > 0 && length != 0 && res.StatusCode != http.StatusPartialContent {
return errors.New("storage: partial request not satisfied")
// If a generation hasn't been specified, and this is the first response we get, let's record the
// generation. In future requests we'll use this generation as a precondition to avoid data races.
if gen < 0 && res.Header.Get("X-Goog-Generation") != "" {
gen64, err := strconv.ParseInt(res.Header.Get("X-Goog-Generation"), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
gen = gen64
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
res, err := reopen(0)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var (
size int64 // total size of object, even if a range was requested.
checkCRC bool
crc uint32
startOffset int64 // non-zero if range request.
if res.StatusCode == http.StatusPartialContent {
cr := strings.TrimSpace(res.Header.Get("Content-Range"))
if !strings.HasPrefix(cr, "bytes ") || !strings.Contains(cr, "/") {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("storage: invalid Content-Range %q", cr)
size, err = strconv.ParseInt(cr[strings.LastIndex(cr, "/")+1:], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("storage: invalid Content-Range %q", cr)
dashIndex := strings.Index(cr, "-")
if dashIndex >= 0 {
startOffset, err = strconv.ParseInt(cr[len("bytes="):dashIndex], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("storage: invalid Content-Range %q: %v", cr, err)
} else {
size = res.ContentLength
// Check the CRC iff all of the following hold:
// - We asked for content (length != 0).
// - We got all the content (status != PartialContent).
// - The server sent a CRC header.
// - The Go http stack did not uncompress the file.
// - We were not served compressed data that was uncompressed on download.
// The problem with the last two cases is that the CRC will not match -- GCS
// computes it on the compressed contents, but we compute it on the
// uncompressed contents.
if length != 0 && !res.Uncompressed && !uncompressedByServer(res) {
crc, checkCRC = parseCRC32c(res)
remain := res.ContentLength
body := res.Body
if length == 0 {
remain = 0
body = emptyBody
var metaGen int64
if res.Header.Get("X-Goog-Generation") != "" {
metaGen, err = strconv.ParseInt(res.Header.Get("X-Goog-Metageneration"), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var lm time.Time
if res.Header.Get("Last-Modified") != "" {
lm, err = http.ParseTime(res.Header.Get("Last-Modified"))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
attrs := ReaderObjectAttrs{
Size: size,
ContentType: res.Header.Get("Content-Type"),
ContentEncoding: res.Header.Get("Content-Encoding"),
CacheControl: res.Header.Get("Cache-Control"),
LastModified: lm,
StartOffset: startOffset,
Generation: gen,
Metageneration: metaGen,
return &Reader{
Attrs: attrs,
body: body,
size: size,
remain: remain,
wantCRC: crc,
checkCRC: checkCRC,
reopen: reopen,
}, nil
func uncompressedByServer(res *http.Response) bool {
// If the data is stored as gzip but is not encoded as gzip, then it
// was uncompressed by the server.
return res.Header.Get("X-Goog-Stored-Content-Encoding") == "gzip" &&
res.Header.Get("Content-Encoding") != "gzip"
func parseCRC32c(res *http.Response) (uint32, bool) {
const prefix = "crc32c="
for _, spec := range res.Header["X-Goog-Hash"] {
if strings.HasPrefix(spec, prefix) {
c, err := decodeUint32(spec[len(prefix):])
if err == nil {
return c, true
return 0, false
var emptyBody = ioutil.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(""))
// Reader reads a Cloud Storage object.
// It implements io.Reader.
// Typically, a Reader computes the CRC of the downloaded content and compares it to
// the stored CRC, returning an error from Read if there is a mismatch. This integrity check
// is skipped if transcoding occurs. See
type Reader struct {
Attrs ReaderObjectAttrs
body io.ReadCloser
seen, remain, size int64
checkCRC bool // should we check the CRC?
wantCRC uint32 // the CRC32c value the server sent in the header
gotCRC uint32 // running crc
reopen func(seen int64) (*http.Response, error)
// Close closes the Reader. It must be called when done reading.
func (r *Reader) Close() error {
return r.body.Close()
func (r *Reader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
n, err := r.readWithRetry(p)
if r.remain != -1 {
r.remain -= int64(n)
if r.checkCRC {
r.gotCRC = crc32.Update(r.gotCRC, crc32cTable, p[:n])
// Check CRC here. It would be natural to check it in Close, but
// everybody defers Close on the assumption that it doesn't return
// anything worth looking at.
if err == io.EOF {
if r.gotCRC != r.wantCRC {
return n, fmt.Errorf("storage: bad CRC on read: got %d, want %d",
r.gotCRC, r.wantCRC)
return n, err
func (r *Reader) readWithRetry(p []byte) (int, error) {
n := 0
for len(p[n:]) > 0 {
m, err := r.body.Read(p[n:])
n += m
r.seen += int64(m)
if !shouldRetryRead(err) {
return n, err
// Read failed, but we will try again. Send a ranged read request that takes
// into account the number of bytes we've already seen.
res, err := r.reopen(r.seen)
if err != nil {
// reopen already retries
return n, err
r.body = res.Body
return n, nil
func shouldRetryRead(err error) bool {
if err == nil {
return false
return strings.HasSuffix(err.Error(), "INTERNAL_ERROR") && strings.Contains(reflect.TypeOf(err).String(), "http2")
// Size returns the size of the object in bytes.
// The returned value is always the same and is not affected by
// calls to Read or Close.
// Deprecated: use Reader.Attrs.Size.
func (r *Reader) Size() int64 {
return r.Attrs.Size
// Remain returns the number of bytes left to read, or -1 if unknown.
func (r *Reader) Remain() int64 {
return r.remain
// ContentType returns the content type of the object.
// Deprecated: use Reader.Attrs.ContentType.
func (r *Reader) ContentType() string {
return r.Attrs.ContentType
// ContentEncoding returns the content encoding of the object.
// Deprecated: use Reader.Attrs.ContentEncoding.
func (r *Reader) ContentEncoding() string {
return r.Attrs.ContentEncoding
// CacheControl returns the cache control of the object.
// Deprecated: use Reader.Attrs.CacheControl.
func (r *Reader) CacheControl() string {
return r.Attrs.CacheControl
// LastModified returns the value of the Last-Modified header.
// Deprecated: use Reader.Attrs.LastModified.
func (r *Reader) LastModified() (time.Time, error) {
return r.Attrs.LastModified, nil

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
// Copyright 2014 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package storage
import (
raw ""
// A Writer writes a Cloud Storage object.
type Writer struct {
// ObjectAttrs are optional attributes to set on the object. Any attributes
// must be initialized before the first Write call. Nil or zero-valued
// attributes are ignored.
// SendCRC specifies whether to transmit a CRC32C field. It should be set
// to true in addition to setting the Writer's CRC32C field, because zero
// is a valid CRC and normally a zero would not be transmitted.
// If a CRC32C is sent, and the data written does not match the checksum,
// the write will be rejected.
SendCRC32C bool
// ChunkSize controls the maximum number of bytes of the object that the
// Writer will attempt to send to the server in a single request. Objects
// smaller than the size will be sent in a single request, while larger
// objects will be split over multiple requests. The size will be rounded up
// to the nearest multiple of 256K. If zero, chunking will be disabled and
// the object will be uploaded in a single request.
// ChunkSize will default to a reasonable value. If you perform many concurrent
// writes of small objects, you may wish set ChunkSize to a value that matches
// your objects' sizes to avoid consuming large amounts of memory.
// ChunkSize must be set before the first Write call.
ChunkSize int
// ProgressFunc can be used to monitor the progress of a large write.
// operation. If ProgressFunc is not nil and writing requires multiple
// calls to the underlying service (see
// then ProgressFunc will be invoked after each call with the number of bytes of
// content copied so far.
// ProgressFunc should return quickly without blocking.
ProgressFunc func(int64)
ctx context.Context
o *ObjectHandle
opened bool
pw *io.PipeWriter
donec chan struct{} // closed after err and obj are set.
obj *ObjectAttrs
mu sync.Mutex
err error
func (w *Writer) open() error {
attrs := w.ObjectAttrs
// Check the developer didn't change the object Name (this is unfortunate, but
// we don't want to store an object under the wrong name).
if attrs.Name != w.o.object {
return fmt.Errorf("storage: Writer.Name %q does not match object name %q", attrs.Name, w.o.object)
if !utf8.ValidString(attrs.Name) {
return fmt.Errorf("storage: object name %q is not valid UTF-8", attrs.Name)
if attrs.KMSKeyName != "" && w.o.encryptionKey != nil {
return errors.New("storage: cannot use KMSKeyName with a customer-supplied encryption key")
pr, pw := io.Pipe() = pw
w.opened = true
go w.monitorCancel()
if w.ChunkSize < 0 {
return errors.New("storage: Writer.ChunkSize must be non-negative")
mediaOpts := []googleapi.MediaOption{
if c := attrs.ContentType; c != "" {
mediaOpts = append(mediaOpts, googleapi.ContentType(c))
go func() {
defer close(w.donec)
rawObj := attrs.toRawObject(w.o.bucket)
if w.SendCRC32C {
rawObj.Crc32c = encodeUint32(attrs.CRC32C)
if w.MD5 != nil {
rawObj.Md5Hash = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(w.MD5)
if w.o.c.envHost != "" {
w.o.c.raw.BasePath = fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s", w.o.c.scheme, w.o.c.envHost)
call := w.o.c.raw.Objects.Insert(w.o.bucket, rawObj).
Media(pr, mediaOpts...).
if w.ProgressFunc != nil {
call.ProgressUpdater(func(n, _ int64) { w.ProgressFunc(n) })
if attrs.KMSKeyName != "" {
if attrs.PredefinedACL != "" {
if err := setEncryptionHeaders(call.Header(), w.o.encryptionKey, false); err != nil {
w.err = err
var resp *raw.Object
err := applyConds("NewWriter", w.o.gen, w.o.conds, call)
if err == nil {
if w.o.userProject != "" {
// The internals that perform call.Do automatically retry
// uploading chunks, hence no need to add retries here.
// See issue
// However, since this whole call's internals involve making the initial
// resumable upload session, the first HTTP request is not retried.
// TODO: Follow-up with to solve
resp, err = call.Do()
if err != nil {
w.err = err
w.obj = newObject(resp)
return nil
// Write appends to w. It implements the io.Writer interface.
// Since writes happen asynchronously, Write may return a nil
// error even though the write failed (or will fail). Always
// use the error returned from Writer.Close to determine if
// the upload was successful.
func (w *Writer) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
werr := w.err
if werr != nil {
return 0, werr
if !w.opened {
if err :=; err != nil {
return 0, err
n, err =
if err != nil {
werr := w.err
// Preserve existing functionality that when context is canceled, Write will return
// context.Canceled instead of "io: read/write on closed pipe". This hides the
// pipe implementation detail from users and makes Write seem as though it's an RPC.
if werr == context.Canceled || werr == context.DeadlineExceeded {
return n, werr
return n, err
// Close completes the write operation and flushes any buffered data.
// If Close doesn't return an error, metadata about the written object
// can be retrieved by calling Attrs.
func (w *Writer) Close() error {
if !w.opened {
if err :=; err != nil {
return err
// Closing either the read or write causes the entire pipe to close.
if err :=; err != nil {
return err
return w.err
// monitorCancel is intended to be used as a background goroutine. It monitors the
// context, and when it observes that the context has been canceled, it manually
// closes things that do not take a context.
func (w *Writer) monitorCancel() {
select {
case <-w.ctx.Done():
werr := w.ctx.Err()
w.err = werr
// Closing either the read or write causes the entire pipe to close.
case <-w.donec:
// CloseWithError aborts the write operation with the provided error.
// CloseWithError always returns nil.
// Deprecated: cancel the context passed to NewWriter instead.
func (w *Writer) CloseWithError(err error) error {
if !w.opened {
return nil
// Attrs returns metadata about a successfully-written object.
// It's only valid to call it after Close returns nil.
func (w *Writer) Attrs() *ObjectAttrs {
return w.obj

View File

@ -13,13 +13,12 @@ import (
// Oauth2 represents an Oauth2 Application
type Oauth2 struct {
ID int64 `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
ClientID string `json:"client_id"`
ClientSecret string `json:"client_secret"`
RedirectURIs []string `json:"redirect_uris"`
ConfidentialClient bool `json:"confidential_client"`
Created time.Time `json:"created"`
ID int64 `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
ClientID string `json:"client_id"`
ClientSecret string `json:"client_secret"`
RedirectURIs []string `json:"redirect_uris"`
Created time.Time `json:"created"`
// ListOauth2Option for listing Oauth2 Applications
@ -29,9 +28,8 @@ type ListOauth2Option struct {
// CreateOauth2Option required options for creating an Application
type CreateOauth2Option struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
ConfidentialClient bool `json:"confidential_client"`
RedirectURIs []string `json:"redirect_uris"`
Name string `json:"name"`
RedirectURIs []string `json:"redirect_uris"`
// CreateOauth2 create an Oauth2 Application and returns a completed Oauth2 object.

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import (
@ -98,7 +99,27 @@ Returns:
error - an error stemming from an invalid parameter within underlying function, CryptoRandom(...)
func CryptoRandomAlphaNumeric(count int) (string, error) {
return CryptoRandom(count, 0, 0, true, true)
if count == 0 {
return "", nil
RandomString, err := CryptoRandom(count, 0, 0, true, true)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Error: %s", err)
match, err := regexp.MatchString("([0-9]+)", RandomString)
if err != nil {
if !match {
//Get the position between 0 and the length of the string-1 to insert a random number
position := getCryptoRandomInt(count)
//Insert a random number between [0-9] in the position
RandomString = RandomString[:position] + string('0' + getCryptoRandomInt(10)) + RandomString[position + 1:]
return RandomString, err
return RandomString, err
@ -183,7 +204,7 @@ func CryptoRandom(count int, start int, end int, letters bool, numbers bool, cha
if chars == nil {
ch = rune(getCryptoRandomInt(gap) + int64(start))
} else {
ch = chars[getCryptoRandomInt(gap)+int64(start)]
ch = chars[getCryptoRandomInt(gap) + int64(start)]
if letters && unicode.IsLetter(ch) || numbers && unicode.IsDigit(ch) || !letters && !numbers {

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import (
@ -74,10 +75,12 @@ func RandomNumeric(count int) (string, error) {
RandomAlphabetic creates a random string whose length is the number of characters specified.
Characters will be chosen from the set of alphabetic characters.
Characters will be chosen from the set of alpha-numeric characters as indicated by the arguments.
count - the length of random string to create
letters - if true, generated string may include alphabetic characters
numbers - if true, generated string may include numeric characters
string - the random string
@ -99,7 +102,24 @@ Returns:
error - an error stemming from an invalid parameter within underlying function, RandomSeed(...)
func RandomAlphaNumeric(count int) (string, error) {
return Random(count, 0, 0, true, true)
RandomString, err := Random(count, 0, 0, true, true)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Error: %s", err)
match, err := regexp.MatchString("([0-9]+)", RandomString)
if err != nil {
if !match {
//Get the position between 0 and the length of the string-1 to insert a random number
position := rand.Intn(count)
//Insert a random number between [0-9] in the position
RandomString = RandomString[:position] + string('0'+rand.Intn(10)) + RandomString[position+1:]
return RandomString, err
return RandomString, err

View File

@ -222,19 +222,3 @@ func IndexOf(str string, sub string, start int) int {
func IsEmpty(str string) bool {
return len(str) == 0
// Returns either the passed in string, or if the string is empty, the value of defaultStr.
func DefaultString(str string, defaultStr string) string {
if IsEmpty(str) {
return defaultStr
return str
// Returns either the passed in string, or if the string is whitespace, empty (""), the value of defaultStr.
func DefaultIfBlank(str string, defaultStr string) string {
if IsBlank(str) {
return defaultStr
return str

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
language: go
- 1.6.x
- 1.7.x
- 1.8.x
- 1.9.x
- 1.10.x
- 1.11.x
- 1.12.x
- tip
# Setting sudo access to false will let Travis CI use containers rather than
# VMs to run the tests. For more details see:
# -
# -
sudo: false
- make setup
- make test
on_success: change # options: [always|never|change] default: always
on_failure: always # options: [always|never|change] default: always
on_start: never # options: [always|never|change] default: always

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
# 1.5.0 (2019-09-11)
## Added
- #103: Add basic fuzzing for `NewVersion()` (thanks @jesse-c)
## Changed
- #82: Clarify wildcard meaning in range constraints and update tests for it (thanks @greysteil)
- #83: Clarify caret operator range for pre-1.0.0 dependencies (thanks @greysteil)
- #72: Adding docs comment pointing to vert for a cli
- #71: Update the docs on pre-release comparator handling
- #89: Test with new go versions (thanks @thedevsaddam)
- #87: Added $ to ValidPrerelease for better validation (thanks @jeremycarroll)
## Fixed
- #78: Fix unchecked error in example code (thanks @ravron)
- #70: Fix the handling of pre-releases and the 0.0.0 release edge case
- #97: Fixed copyright file for proper display on GitHub
- #107: Fix handling prerelease when sorting alphanum and num
- #109: Fixed where Validate sometimes returns wrong message on error
# 1.4.2 (2018-04-10)
## Changed
- #72: Updated the docs to point to vert for a console appliaction
- #71: Update the docs on pre-release comparator handling
## Fixed
- #70: Fix the handling of pre-releases and the 0.0.0 release edge case
# 1.4.1 (2018-04-02)
## Fixed
- Fixed #64: Fix pre-release precedence issue (thanks @uudashr)
# 1.4.0 (2017-10-04)
## Changed
- #61: Update NewVersion to parse ints with a 64bit int size (thanks @zknill)
# 1.3.1 (2017-07-10)
## Fixed
- Fixed #57: number comparisons in prerelease sometimes inaccurate
# 1.3.0 (2017-05-02)
## Added
- #45: Added json (un)marshaling support (thanks @mh-cbon)
- Stability marker. See
## Fixed
- #51: Fix handling of single digit tilde constraint (thanks @dgodd)
## Changed
- #55: The godoc icon moved from png to svg
# 1.2.3 (2017-04-03)
## Fixed
- #46: Fixed 0.x.x and 0.0.x in constraints being treated as *
# Release 1.2.2 (2016-12-13)
## Fixed
- #34: Fixed issue where hyphen range was not working with pre-release parsing.
# Release 1.2.1 (2016-11-28)
## Fixed
- #24: Fixed edge case issue where constraint "> 0" does not handle "0.0.1-alpha"
# Release 1.2.0 (2016-11-04)
## Added
- #20: Added MustParse function for versions (thanks @adamreese)
- #15: Added increment methods on versions (thanks @mh-cbon)
## Fixed
- Issue #21: Per the SemVer spec (section 9) a pre-release is unstable and
might not satisfy the intended compatibility. The change here ignores pre-releases
on constraint checks (e.g., ~ or ^) when a pre-release is not part of the
constraint. For example, `^1.2.3` will ignore pre-releases while
`^1.2.3-alpha` will include them.
# Release 1.1.1 (2016-06-30)
## Changed
- Issue #9: Speed up version comparison performance (thanks @sdboyer)
- Issue #8: Added benchmarks (thanks @sdboyer)
- Updated Go Report Card URL to new location
- Updated Readme to add code snippet formatting (thanks @mh-cbon)
- Updating tagging to v[SemVer] structure for compatibility with other tools.
# Release 1.1.0 (2016-03-11)
- Issue #2: Implemented validation to provide reasons a versions failed a
# Release 1.0.1 (2015-12-31)
- Fixed #1: * constraint failing on valid versions.
# Release 1.0.0 (2015-10-20)
- Initial release

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
.PHONY: setup
go get -u
gometalinter.v1 --install
.PHONY: test
test: validate lint
@echo "==> Running tests"
go test -v
.PHONY: validate
@echo "==> Running static validations"
@gometalinter.v1 \
--disable-all \
--enable deadcode \
--severity deadcode:error \
--enable gofmt \
--enable gosimple \
--enable ineffassign \
--enable misspell \
--enable vet \
--tests \
--vendor \
--deadline 60s \
./... || exit_code=1
.PHONY: lint
@echo "==> Running linters"
@gometalinter.v1 \
--disable-all \
--enable golint \
--vendor \
--deadline 60s \
./... || :

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
# SemVer
The `semver` package provides the ability to work with [Semantic Versions]( in Go. Specifically it provides the ability to:
* Parse semantic versions
* Sort semantic versions
* Check if a semantic version fits within a set of constraints
* Optionally work with a `v` prefix
[![Build Status](]( [![Build status](]( [![GoDoc](]( [![Go Report Card](](
If you are looking for a command line tool for version comparisons please see
[vert]( which uses this library.
## Parsing Semantic Versions
To parse a semantic version use the `NewVersion` function. For example,
v, err := semver.NewVersion("1.2.3-beta.1+build345")
If there is an error the version wasn't parseable. The version object has methods
to get the parts of the version, compare it to other versions, convert the
version back into a string, and get the original string. For more details
please see the [documentation](
## Sorting Semantic Versions
A set of versions can be sorted using the [`sort`](
package from the standard library. For example,
raw := []string{"1.2.3", "1.0", "1.3", "2", "0.4.2",}
vs := make([]*semver.Version, len(raw))
for i, r := range raw {
v, err := semver.NewVersion(r)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Error parsing version: %s", err)
vs[i] = v
## Checking Version Constraints
Checking a version against version constraints is one of the most featureful
parts of the package.
c, err := semver.NewConstraint(">= 1.2.3")
if err != nil {
// Handle constraint not being parseable.
v, _ := semver.NewVersion("1.3")
if err != nil {
// Handle version not being parseable.
// Check if the version meets the constraints. The a variable will be true.
a := c.Check(v)
## Basic Comparisons
There are two elements to the comparisons. First, a comparison string is a list
of comma separated and comparisons. These are then separated by || separated or
comparisons. For example, `">= 1.2, < 3.0.0 || >= 4.2.3"` is looking for a
comparison that's greater than or equal to 1.2 and less than 3.0.0 or is
greater than or equal to 4.2.3.
The basic comparisons are:
* `=`: equal (aliased to no operator)
* `!=`: not equal
* `>`: greater than
* `<`: less than
* `>=`: greater than or equal to
* `<=`: less than or equal to
## Working With Pre-release Versions
Pre-releases, for those not familiar with them, are used for software releases
prior to stable or generally available releases. Examples of pre-releases include
development, alpha, beta, and release candidate releases. A pre-release may be
a version such as `1.2.3-beta.1` while the stable release would be `1.2.3`. In the
order of precidence, pre-releases come before their associated releases. In this
example `1.2.3-beta.1 < 1.2.3`.
According to the Semantic Version specification pre-releases may not be
API compliant with their release counterpart. It says,
> A pre-release version indicates that the version is unstable and might not satisfy the intended compatibility requirements as denoted by its associated normal version.
SemVer comparisons without a pre-release comparator will skip pre-release versions.
For example, `>=1.2.3` will skip pre-releases when looking at a list of releases
while `>=1.2.3-0` will evaluate and find pre-releases.
The reason for the `0` as a pre-release version in the example comparison is
because pre-releases can only contain ASCII alphanumerics and hyphens (along with
`.` separators), per the spec. Sorting happens in ASCII sort order, again per the spec. The lowest character is a `0` in ASCII sort order (see an [ASCII Table](
Understanding ASCII sort ordering is important because A-Z comes before a-z. That
means `>=1.2.3-BETA` will return `1.2.3-alpha`. What you might expect from case
sensitivity doesn't apply here. This is due to ASCII sort ordering which is what
the spec specifies.
## Hyphen Range Comparisons
There are multiple methods to handle ranges and the first is hyphens ranges.
These look like:
* `1.2 - 1.4.5` which is equivalent to `>= 1.2, <= 1.4.5`
* `2.3.4 - 4.5` which is equivalent to `>= 2.3.4, <= 4.5`
## Wildcards In Comparisons
The `x`, `X`, and `*` characters can be used as a wildcard character. This works
for all comparison operators. When used on the `=` operator it falls
back to the pack level comparison (see tilde below). For example,
* `1.2.x` is equivalent to `>= 1.2.0, < 1.3.0`
* `>= 1.2.x` is equivalent to `>= 1.2.0`
* `<= 2.x` is equivalent to `< 3`
* `*` is equivalent to `>= 0.0.0`
## Tilde Range Comparisons (Patch)
The tilde (`~`) comparison operator is for patch level ranges when a minor
version is specified and major level changes when the minor number is missing.
For example,
* `~1.2.3` is equivalent to `>= 1.2.3, < 1.3.0`
* `~1` is equivalent to `>= 1, < 2`
* `~2.3` is equivalent to `>= 2.3, < 2.4`
* `~1.2.x` is equivalent to `>= 1.2.0, < 1.3.0`
* `~1.x` is equivalent to `>= 1, < 2`
## Caret Range Comparisons (Major)
The caret (`^`) comparison operator is for major level changes. This is useful
when comparisons of API versions as a major change is API breaking. For example,
* `^1.2.3` is equivalent to `>= 1.2.3, < 2.0.0`
* `^0.0.1` is equivalent to `>= 0.0.1, < 1.0.0`
* `^1.2.x` is equivalent to `>= 1.2.0, < 2.0.0`
* `^2.3` is equivalent to `>= 2.3, < 3`
* `^2.x` is equivalent to `>= 2.0.0, < 3`
# Validation
In addition to testing a version against a constraint, a version can be validated
against a constraint. When validation fails a slice of errors containing why a
version didn't meet the constraint is returned. For example,
c, err := semver.NewConstraint("<= 1.2.3, >= 1.4")
if err != nil {
// Handle constraint not being parseable.
v, _ := semver.NewVersion("1.3")
if err != nil {
// Handle version not being parseable.
// Validate a version against a constraint.
a, msgs := c.Validate(v)
// a is false
for _, m := range msgs {
// Loops over the errors which would read
// "1.3 is greater than 1.2.3"
// "1.3 is less than 1.4"
# Fuzzing
[dvyukov/go-fuzz]( is used for fuzzing.
1. `go-fuzz-build`
2. `go-fuzz -workdir=fuzz`
# Contribute
If you find an issue or want to contribute please file an [issue](
or [create a pull request](

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
version: build-{build}.{branch}
clone_folder: C:\gopath\src\\Masterminds\semver
shallow_clone: true
GOPATH: C:\gopath
- x64
- go version
- go env
- go get -u
- set PATH=%PATH%;%GOPATH%\bin
- gometalinter.v1.exe --install
- go install -v ./...
- "gometalinter.v1 \
--disable-all \
--enable deadcode \
--severity deadcode:error \
--enable gofmt \
--enable gosimple \
--enable ineffassign \
--enable misspell \
--enable vet \
--tests \
--vendor \
--deadline 60s \
./... || exit_code=1"
- "gometalinter.v1 \
--disable-all \
--enable golint \
--vendor \
--deadline 60s \
./... || :"
- go test -v
deploy: off

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
package semver
import (
// Constraints is one or more constraint that a semantic version can be
// checked against.
type Constraints struct {
constraints [][]*constraint
// NewConstraint returns a Constraints instance that a Version instance can
// be checked against. If there is a parse error it will be returned.
func NewConstraint(c string) (*Constraints, error) {
// Rewrite - ranges into a comparison operation.
c = rewriteRange(c)
ors := strings.Split(c, "||")
or := make([][]*constraint, len(ors))
for k, v := range ors {
cs := strings.Split(v, ",")
result := make([]*constraint, len(cs))
for i, s := range cs {
pc, err := parseConstraint(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result[i] = pc
or[k] = result
o := &Constraints{constraints: or}
return o, nil
// Check tests if a version satisfies the constraints.
func (cs Constraints) Check(v *Version) bool {
// loop over the ORs and check the inner ANDs
for _, o := range cs.constraints {
joy := true
for _, c := range o {
if !c.check(v) {
joy = false
if joy {
return true
return false
// Validate checks if a version satisfies a constraint. If not a slice of
// reasons for the failure are returned in addition to a bool.
func (cs Constraints) Validate(v *Version) (bool, []error) {
// loop over the ORs and check the inner ANDs
var e []error
// Capture the prerelease message only once. When it happens the first time
// this var is marked
var prerelesase bool
for _, o := range cs.constraints {
joy := true
for _, c := range o {
// Before running the check handle the case there the version is
// a prerelease and the check is not searching for prereleases.
if c.con.pre == "" && v.pre != "" {
if !prerelesase {
em := fmt.Errorf("%s is a prerelease version and the constraint is only looking for release versions", v)
e = append(e, em)
prerelesase = true
joy = false
} else {
if !c.check(v) {
em := fmt.Errorf(c.msg, v, c.orig)
e = append(e, em)
joy = false
if joy {
return true, []error{}
return false, e
var constraintOps map[string]cfunc
var constraintMsg map[string]string
var constraintRegex *regexp.Regexp
func init() {
constraintOps = map[string]cfunc{
"": constraintTildeOrEqual,
"=": constraintTildeOrEqual,
"!=": constraintNotEqual,
">": constraintGreaterThan,
"<": constraintLessThan,
">=": constraintGreaterThanEqual,
"=>": constraintGreaterThanEqual,
"<=": constraintLessThanEqual,
"=<": constraintLessThanEqual,
"~": constraintTilde,
"~>": constraintTilde,
"^": constraintCaret,
constraintMsg = map[string]string{
"": "%s is not equal to %s",
"=": "%s is not equal to %s",
"!=": "%s is equal to %s",
">": "%s is less than or equal to %s",
"<": "%s is greater than or equal to %s",
">=": "%s is less than %s",
"=>": "%s is less than %s",
"<=": "%s is greater than %s",
"=<": "%s is greater than %s",
"~": "%s does not have same major and minor version as %s",
"~>": "%s does not have same major and minor version as %s",
"^": "%s does not have same major version as %s",
ops := make([]string, 0, len(constraintOps))
for k := range constraintOps {
ops = append(ops, regexp.QuoteMeta(k))
constraintRegex = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf(
strings.Join(ops, "|"),
constraintRangeRegex = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf(
cvRegex, cvRegex))
// An individual constraint
type constraint struct {
// The callback function for the restraint. It performs the logic for
// the constraint.
function cfunc
msg string
// The version used in the constraint check. For example, if a constraint
// is '<= 2.0.0' the con a version instance representing 2.0.0.
con *Version
// The original parsed version (e.g., 4.x from != 4.x)
orig string
// When an x is used as part of the version (e.g., 1.x)
minorDirty bool
dirty bool
patchDirty bool
// Check if a version meets the constraint
func (c *constraint) check(v *Version) bool {
return c.function(v, c)
type cfunc func(v *Version, c *constraint) bool
func parseConstraint(c string) (*constraint, error) {
m := constraintRegex.FindStringSubmatch(c)
if m == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("improper constraint: %s", c)
ver := m[2]
orig := ver
minorDirty := false
patchDirty := false
dirty := false
if isX(m[3]) {
ver = "0.0.0"
dirty = true
} else if isX(strings.TrimPrefix(m[4], ".")) || m[4] == "" {
minorDirty = true
dirty = true
ver = fmt.Sprintf("%s.0.0%s", m[3], m[6])
} else if isX(strings.TrimPrefix(m[5], ".")) {
dirty = true
patchDirty = true
ver = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s.0%s", m[3], m[4], m[6])
con, err := NewVersion(ver)
if err != nil {
// The constraintRegex should catch any regex parsing errors. So,
// we should never get here.
return nil, errors.New("constraint Parser Error")
cs := &constraint{
function: constraintOps[m[1]],
msg: constraintMsg[m[1]],
con: con,
orig: orig,
minorDirty: minorDirty,
patchDirty: patchDirty,
dirty: dirty,
return cs, nil
// Constraint functions
func constraintNotEqual(v *Version, c *constraint) bool {
if c.dirty {
// If there is a pre-release on the version but the constraint isn't looking
// for them assume that pre-releases are not compatible. See issue 21 for
// more details.
if v.Prerelease() != "" && c.con.Prerelease() == "" {
return false
if c.con.Major() != v.Major() {
return true
if c.con.Minor() != v.Minor() && !c.minorDirty {
return true
} else if c.minorDirty {
return false
return false
return !v.Equal(c.con)
func constraintGreaterThan(v *Version, c *constraint) bool {
// If there is a pre-release on the version but the constraint isn't looking
// for them assume that pre-releases are not compatible. See issue 21 for
// more details.
if v.Prerelease() != "" && c.con.Prerelease() == "" {
return false
return v.Compare(c.con) == 1
func constraintLessThan(v *Version, c *constraint) bool {
// If there is a pre-release on the version but the constraint isn't looking
// for them assume that pre-releases are not compatible. See issue 21 for
// more details.
if v.Prerelease() != "" && c.con.Prerelease() == "" {
return false
if !c.dirty {
return v.Compare(c.con) < 0
if v.Major() > c.con.Major() {
return false
} else if v.Minor() > c.con.Minor() && !c.minorDirty {
return false
return true
func constraintGreaterThanEqual(v *Version, c *constraint) bool {
// If there is a pre-release on the version but the constraint isn't looking
// for them assume that pre-releases are not compatible. See issue 21 for
// more details.
if v.Prerelease() != "" && c.con.Prerelease() == "" {
return false
return v.Compare(c.con) >= 0
func constraintLessThanEqual(v *Version, c *constraint) bool {
// If there is a pre-release on the version but the constraint isn't looking
// for them assume that pre-releases are not compatible. See issue 21 for
// more details.
if v.Prerelease() != "" && c.con.Prerelease() == "" {
return false
if !c.dirty {
return v.Compare(c.con) <= 0
if v.Major() > c.con.Major() {
return false
} else if v.Minor() > c.con.Minor() && !c.minorDirty {
return false
return true
// ~*, ~>* --> >= 0.0.0 (any)
// ~2, ~2.x, ~2.x.x, ~>2, ~>2.x ~>2.x.x --> >=2.0.0, <3.0.0
// ~2.0, ~2.0.x, ~>2.0, ~>2.0.x --> >=2.0.0, <2.1.0
// ~1.2, ~1.2.x, ~>1.2, ~>1.2.x --> >=1.2.0, <1.3.0
// ~1.2.3, ~>1.2.3 --> >=1.2.3, <1.3.0
// ~1.2.0, ~>1.2.0 --> >=1.2.0, <1.3.0
func constraintTilde(v *Version, c *constraint) bool {
// If there is a pre-release on the version but the constraint isn't looking
// for them assume that pre-releases are not compatible. See issue 21 for
// more details.
if v.Prerelease() != "" && c.con.Prerelease() == "" {
return false
if v.LessThan(c.con) {
return false
// ~0.0.0 is a special case where all constraints are accepted. It's
// equivalent to >= 0.0.0.
if c.con.Major() == 0 && c.con.Minor() == 0 && c.con.Patch() == 0 &&
!c.minorDirty && !c.patchDirty {
return true
if v.Major() != c.con.Major() {
return false
if v.Minor() != c.con.Minor() && !c.minorDirty {
return false
return true
// When there is a .x (dirty) status it automatically opts in to ~. Otherwise
// it's a straight =
func constraintTildeOrEqual(v *Version, c *constraint) bool {
// If there is a pre-release on the version but the constraint isn't looking
// for them assume that pre-releases are not compatible. See issue 21 for
// more details.
if v.Prerelease() != "" && c.con.Prerelease() == "" {
return false
if c.dirty {
c.msg = constraintMsg["~"]
return constraintTilde(v, c)
return v.Equal(c.con)
// ^* --> (any)
// ^2, ^2.x, ^2.x.x --> >=2.0.0, <3.0.0
// ^2.0, ^2.0.x --> >=2.0.0, <3.0.0
// ^1.2, ^1.2.x --> >=1.2.0, <2.0.0
// ^1.2.3 --> >=1.2.3, <2.0.0
// ^1.2.0 --> >=1.2.0, <2.0.0
func constraintCaret(v *Version, c *constraint) bool {
// If there is a pre-release on the version but the constraint isn't looking
// for them assume that pre-releases are not compatible. See issue 21 for
// more details.
if v.Prerelease() != "" && c.con.Prerelease() == "" {
return false
if v.LessThan(c.con) {
return false
if v.Major() != c.con.Major() {
return false
return true
var constraintRangeRegex *regexp.Regexp
const cvRegex string = `v?([0-9|x|X|\*]+)(\.[0-9|x|X|\*]+)?(\.[0-9|x|X|\*]+)?` +
`(-([0-9A-Za-z\-]+(\.[0-9A-Za-z\-]+)*))?` +
func isX(x string) bool {
switch x {
case "x", "*", "X":
return true
return false
func rewriteRange(i string) string {
m := constraintRangeRegex.FindAllStringSubmatch(i, -1)
if m == nil {
return i
o := i
for _, v := range m {
t := fmt.Sprintf(">= %s, <= %s", v[1], v[11])
o = strings.Replace(o, v[0], t, 1)
return o

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
Package semver provides the ability to work with Semantic Versions ( in Go.
Specifically it provides the ability to:
* Parse semantic versions
* Sort semantic versions
* Check if a semantic version fits within a set of constraints
* Optionally work with a `v` prefix
Parsing Semantic Versions
To parse a semantic version use the `NewVersion` function. For example,
v, err := semver.NewVersion("1.2.3-beta.1+build345")
If there is an error the version wasn't parseable. The version object has methods
to get the parts of the version, compare it to other versions, convert the
version back into a string, and get the original string. For more details
please see the documentation at
Sorting Semantic Versions
A set of versions can be sorted using the `sort` package from the standard library.
For example,
raw := []string{"1.2.3", "1.0", "1.3", "2", "0.4.2",}
vs := make([]*semver.Version, len(raw))
for i, r := range raw {
v, err := semver.NewVersion(r)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Error parsing version: %s", err)
vs[i] = v
Checking Version Constraints
Checking a version against version constraints is one of the most featureful
parts of the package.
c, err := semver.NewConstraint(">= 1.2.3")
if err != nil {
// Handle constraint not being parseable.
v, err := semver.NewVersion("1.3")
if err != nil {
// Handle version not being parseable.
// Check if the version meets the constraints. The a variable will be true.
a := c.Check(v)
Basic Comparisons
There are two elements to the comparisons. First, a comparison string is a list
of comma separated and comparisons. These are then separated by || separated or
comparisons. For example, `">= 1.2, < 3.0.0 || >= 4.2.3"` is looking for a
comparison that's greater than or equal to 1.2 and less than 3.0.0 or is
greater than or equal to 4.2.3.
The basic comparisons are:
* `=`: equal (aliased to no operator)
* `!=`: not equal
* `>`: greater than
* `<`: less than
* `>=`: greater than or equal to
* `<=`: less than or equal to
Hyphen Range Comparisons
There are multiple methods to handle ranges and the first is hyphens ranges.
These look like:
* `1.2 - 1.4.5` which is equivalent to `>= 1.2, <= 1.4.5`
* `2.3.4 - 4.5` which is equivalent to `>= 2.3.4, <= 4.5`
Wildcards In Comparisons
The `x`, `X`, and `*` characters can be used as a wildcard character. This works
for all comparison operators. When used on the `=` operator it falls
back to the pack level comparison (see tilde below). For example,
* `1.2.x` is equivalent to `>= 1.2.0, < 1.3.0`
* `>= 1.2.x` is equivalent to `>= 1.2.0`
* `<= 2.x` is equivalent to `<= 3`
* `*` is equivalent to `>= 0.0.0`
Tilde Range Comparisons (Patch)
The tilde (`~`) comparison operator is for patch level ranges when a minor
version is specified and major level changes when the minor number is missing.
For example,
* `~1.2.3` is equivalent to `>= 1.2.3, < 1.3.0`
* `~1` is equivalent to `>= 1, < 2`
* `~2.3` is equivalent to `>= 2.3, < 2.4`
* `~1.2.x` is equivalent to `>= 1.2.0, < 1.3.0`
* `~1.x` is equivalent to `>= 1, < 2`
Caret Range Comparisons (Major)
The caret (`^`) comparison operator is for major level changes. This is useful
when comparisons of API versions as a major change is API breaking. For example,
* `^1.2.3` is equivalent to `>= 1.2.3, < 2.0.0`
* `^1.2.x` is equivalent to `>= 1.2.0, < 2.0.0`
* `^2.3` is equivalent to `>= 2.3, < 3`
* `^2.x` is equivalent to `>= 2.0.0, < 3`
package semver

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deadline: 2m
disable-all: true
- deadcode
- dupl
- errcheck
- gofmt
- goimports
- golint
- gosimple
- govet
- ineffassign
- misspell
- nakedret
- structcheck
- unused
- varcheck
simplify: true
threshold: 400

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# Changelog
## 3.1.1 (2020-11-23)
### Fixed
- #158: Fixed issue with generated regex operation order that could cause problem
## 3.1.0 (2020-04-15)
### Added
- #131: Add support for serializing/deserializing SQL (thanks @ryancurrah)
### Changed
- #148: More accurate validation messages on constraints
## 3.0.3 (2019-12-13)
### Fixed
- #141: Fixed issue with <= comparison
## 3.0.2 (2019-11-14)
### Fixed
- #134: Fixed broken constraint checking with ^0.0 (thanks @krmichelos)
## 3.0.1 (2019-09-13)
### Fixed
- #125: Fixes issue with module path for v3
## 3.0.0 (2019-09-12)
This is a major release of the semver package which includes API changes. The Go
API is compatible with ^1. The Go API was not changed because many people are using
`go get` without Go modules for their applications and API breaking changes cause
errors which we have or would need to support.
The changes in this release are the handling based on the data passed into the
functions. These are described in the added and changed sections below.
### Added
- StrictNewVersion function. This is similar to NewVersion but will return an
error if the version passed in is not a strict semantic version. For example,
1.2.3 would pass but v1.2.3 or 1.2 would fail because they are not strictly
speaking semantic versions. This function is faster, performs fewer operations,
and uses fewer allocations than NewVersion.
- Fuzzing has been performed on NewVersion, StrictNewVersion, and NewConstraint.
The Makefile contains the operations used. For more information on you can start
on Wikipedia at
- Now using Go modules
### Changed
- NewVersion has proper prerelease and metadata validation with error messages
to signal an issue with either of them
- ^ now operates using a similar set of rules to npm/js and Rust/Cargo. If the
version is >=1 the ^ ranges works the same as v1. For major versions of 0 the
rules have changed. The minor version is treated as the stable version unless
a patch is specified and then it is equivalent to =. One difference from npm/js
is that prereleases there are only to a specific version (e.g. 1.2.3).
Prereleases here look over multiple versions and follow semantic version
ordering rules. This pattern now follows along with the expected and requested
handling of this packaged by numerous users.
## 1.5.0 (2019-09-11)
### Added
- #103: Add basic fuzzing for `NewVersion()` (thanks @jesse-c)
### Changed
- #82: Clarify wildcard meaning in range constraints and update tests for it (thanks @greysteil)
- #83: Clarify caret operator range for pre-1.0.0 dependencies (thanks @greysteil)
- #72: Adding docs comment pointing to vert for a cli
- #71: Update the docs on pre-release comparator handling
- #89: Test with new go versions (thanks @thedevsaddam)
- #87: Added $ to ValidPrerelease for better validation (thanks @jeremycarroll)
### Fixed
- #78: Fix unchecked error in example code (thanks @ravron)
- #70: Fix the handling of pre-releases and the 0.0.0 release edge case
- #97: Fixed copyright file for proper display on GitHub
- #107: Fix handling prerelease when sorting alphanum and num
- #109: Fixed where Validate sometimes returns wrong message on error
## 1.4.2 (2018-04-10)
### Changed
- #72: Updated the docs to point to vert for a console appliaction
- #71: Update the docs on pre-release comparator handling
### Fixed
- #70: Fix the handling of pre-releases and the 0.0.0 release edge case
## 1.4.1 (2018-04-02)
### Fixed
- Fixed #64: Fix pre-release precedence issue (thanks @uudashr)
## 1.4.0 (2017-10-04)
### Changed
- #61: Update NewVersion to parse ints with a 64bit int size (thanks @zknill)
## 1.3.1 (2017-07-10)
### Fixed
- Fixed #57: number comparisons in prerelease sometimes inaccurate
## 1.3.0 (2017-05-02)
### Added
- #45: Added json (un)marshaling support (thanks @mh-cbon)
- Stability marker. See
### Fixed
- #51: Fix handling of single digit tilde constraint (thanks @dgodd)
### Changed
- #55: The godoc icon moved from png to svg
## 1.2.3 (2017-04-03)
### Fixed
- #46: Fixed 0.x.x and 0.0.x in constraints being treated as *
## Release 1.2.2 (2016-12-13)
### Fixed
- #34: Fixed issue where hyphen range was not working with pre-release parsing.
## Release 1.2.1 (2016-11-28)
### Fixed
- #24: Fixed edge case issue where constraint "> 0" does not handle "0.0.1-alpha"
## Release 1.2.0 (2016-11-04)
### Added
- #20: Added MustParse function for versions (thanks @adamreese)
- #15: Added increment methods on versions (thanks @mh-cbon)
### Fixed
- Issue #21: Per the SemVer spec (section 9) a pre-release is unstable and
might not satisfy the intended compatibility. The change here ignores pre-releases
on constraint checks (e.g., ~ or ^) when a pre-release is not part of the
constraint. For example, `^1.2.3` will ignore pre-releases while
`^1.2.3-alpha` will include them.
## Release 1.1.1 (2016-06-30)
### Changed
- Issue #9: Speed up version comparison performance (thanks @sdboyer)
- Issue #8: Added benchmarks (thanks @sdboyer)
- Updated Go Report Card URL to new location
- Updated Readme to add code snippet formatting (thanks @mh-cbon)
- Updating tagging to v[SemVer] structure for compatibility with other tools.
## Release 1.1.0 (2016-03-11)
- Issue #2: Implemented validation to provide reasons a versions failed a
## Release 1.0.1 (2015-12-31)
- Fixed #1: * constraint failing on valid versions.
## Release 1.0.0 (2015-10-20)
- Initial release

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GOPATH=$(shell go env GOPATH)
GOFUZZBUILD = $(GOPATH)/bin/go-fuzz-build
GOFUZZ = $(GOPATH)/bin/go-fuzz
.PHONY: lint
@echo "==> Linting codebase"
.PHONY: test
@echo "==> Running tests"
GO111MODULE=on go test -v
.PHONY: test-cover
@echo "==> Running Tests with coverage"
GO111MODULE=on go test -cover .
.PHONY: fuzz
@echo "==> Fuzz testing"
$(GOFUZZ) -workdir=_fuzz
# Install golangci-lint. The configuration for it is in the .golangci.yml
# file in the root of the repository
echo ${GOPATH}
curl -sfL | sh -s -- -b $(GOPATH)/bin v1.17.1
cd / && go get -u
cd / && go get -u

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# SemVer
The `semver` package provides the ability to work with [Semantic Versions]( in Go. Specifically it provides the ability to:
* Parse semantic versions
* Sort semantic versions
* Check if a semantic version fits within a set of constraints
* Optionally work with a `v` prefix
[![Go Report Card](](
If you are looking for a command line tool for version comparisons please see
[vert]( which uses this library.
## Package Versions
There are three major versions fo the `semver` package.
* 3.x.x is the new stable and active version. This version is focused on constraint
compatibility for range handling in other tools from other languages. It has
a similar API to the v1 releases. The development of this version is on the master
branch. The documentation for this version is below.
* 2.x was developed primarily for [dep]( There are
no tagged releases and the development was performed by [@sdboyer](
There are API breaking changes from v1. This version lives on the [2.x branch](
* 1.x.x is the most widely used version with numerous tagged releases. This is the
previous stable and is still maintained for bug fixes. The development, to fix
bugs, occurs on the release-1 branch. You can read the documentation [here](
## Parsing Semantic Versions
There are two functions that can parse semantic versions. The `StrictNewVersion`
function only parses valid version 2 semantic versions as outlined in the
specification. The `NewVersion` function attempts to coerce a version into a
semantic version and parse it. For example, if there is a leading v or a version
listed without all 3 parts (e.g. `v1.2`) it will attempt to coerce it into a valid
semantic version (e.g., 1.2.0). In both cases a `Version` object is returned
that can be sorted, compared, and used in constraints.
When parsing a version an error is returned if there is an issue parsing the
version. For example,
v, err := semver.NewVersion("1.2.3-beta.1+build345")
The version object has methods to get the parts of the version, compare it to
other versions, convert the version back into a string, and get the original
string. Getting the original string is useful if the semantic version was coerced
into a valid form.
## Sorting Semantic Versions
A set of versions can be sorted using the `sort` package from the standard library.
For example,
raw := []string{"1.2.3", "1.0", "1.3", "2", "0.4.2",}
vs := make([]*semver.Version, len(raw))
for i, r := range raw {
v, err := semver.NewVersion(r)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Error parsing version: %s", err)
vs[i] = v
## Checking Version Constraints
There are two methods for comparing versions. One uses comparison methods on
`Version` instances and the other uses `Constraints`. There are some important
differences to notes between these two methods of comparison.
1. When two versions are compared using functions such as `Compare`, `LessThan`,
and others it will follow the specification and always include prereleases
within the comparison. It will provide an answer that is valid with the
comparison section of the spec at
2. When constraint checking is used for checks or validation it will follow a
different set of rules that are common for ranges with tools like npm/js
and Rust/Cargo. This includes considering prereleases to be invalid if the
ranges does not include one. If you want to have it include pre-releases a
simple solution is to include `-0` in your range.
3. Constraint ranges can have some complex rules including the shorthand use of
~ and ^. For more details on those see the options below.
There are differences between the two methods or checking versions because the
comparison methods on `Version` follow the specification while comparison ranges
are not part of the specification. Different packages and tools have taken it
upon themselves to come up with range rules. This has resulted in differences.
For example, npm/js and Cargo/Rust follow similar patterns while PHP has a
different pattern for ^. The comparison features in this package follow the
npm/js and Cargo/Rust lead because applications using it have followed similar
patters with their versions.
Checking a version against version constraints is one of the most featureful
parts of the package.
c, err := semver.NewConstraint(">= 1.2.3")
if err != nil {
// Handle constraint not being parsable.
v, err := semver.NewVersion("1.3")
if err != nil {
// Handle version not being parsable.
// Check if the version meets the constraints. The a variable will be true.
a := c.Check(v)
### Basic Comparisons
There are two elements to the comparisons. First, a comparison string is a list
of space or comma separated AND comparisons. These are then separated by || (OR)
comparisons. For example, `">= 1.2 < 3.0.0 || >= 4.2.3"` is looking for a
comparison that's greater than or equal to 1.2 and less than 3.0.0 or is
greater than or equal to 4.2.3.
The basic comparisons are:
* `=`: equal (aliased to no operator)
* `!=`: not equal
* `>`: greater than
* `<`: less than
* `>=`: greater than or equal to
* `<=`: less than or equal to
### Working With Prerelease Versions
Pre-releases, for those not familiar with them, are used for software releases
prior to stable or generally available releases. Examples of prereleases include
development, alpha, beta, and release candidate releases. A prerelease may be
a version such as `1.2.3-beta.1` while the stable release would be `1.2.3`. In the
order of precedence, prereleases come before their associated releases. In this
example `1.2.3-beta.1 < 1.2.3`.
According to the Semantic Version specification prereleases may not be
API compliant with their release counterpart. It says,
> A pre-release version indicates that the version is unstable and might not satisfy the intended compatibility requirements as denoted by its associated normal version.
SemVer comparisons using constraints without a prerelease comparator will skip
prerelease versions. For example, `>=1.2.3` will skip prereleases when looking
at a list of releases while `>=1.2.3-0` will evaluate and find prereleases.
The reason for the `0` as a pre-release version in the example comparison is
because pre-releases can only contain ASCII alphanumerics and hyphens (along with
`.` separators), per the spec. Sorting happens in ASCII sort order, again per the
spec. The lowest character is a `0` in ASCII sort order
(see an [ASCII Table](
Understanding ASCII sort ordering is important because A-Z comes before a-z. That
means `>=1.2.3-BETA` will return `1.2.3-alpha`. What you might expect from case
sensitivity doesn't apply here. This is due to ASCII sort ordering which is what
the spec specifies.
### Hyphen Range Comparisons
There are multiple methods to handle ranges and the first is hyphens ranges.
These look like:
* `1.2 - 1.4.5` which is equivalent to `>= 1.2 <= 1.4.5`
* `2.3.4 - 4.5` which is equivalent to `>= 2.3.4 <= 4.5`
### Wildcards In Comparisons
The `x`, `X`, and `*` characters can be used as a wildcard character. This works
for all comparison operators. When used on the `=` operator it falls
back to the patch level comparison (see tilde below). For example,
* `1.2.x` is equivalent to `>= 1.2.0, < 1.3.0`
* `>= 1.2.x` is equivalent to `>= 1.2.0`
* `<= 2.x` is equivalent to `< 3`
* `*` is equivalent to `>= 0.0.0`
### Tilde Range Comparisons (Patch)
The tilde (`~`) comparison operator is for patch level ranges when a minor
version is specified and major level changes when the minor number is missing.
For example,
* `~1.2.3` is equivalent to `>= 1.2.3, < 1.3.0`
* `~1` is equivalent to `>= 1, < 2`
* `~2.3` is equivalent to `>= 2.3, < 2.4`
* `~1.2.x` is equivalent to `>= 1.2.0, < 1.3.0`
* `~1.x` is equivalent to `>= 1, < 2`
### Caret Range Comparisons (Major)
The caret (`^`) comparison operator is for major level changes once a stable
(1.0.0) release has occurred. Prior to a 1.0.0 release the minor versions acts
as the API stability level. This is useful when comparisons of API versions as a
major change is API breaking. For example,
* `^1.2.3` is equivalent to `>= 1.2.3, < 2.0.0`
* `^1.2.x` is equivalent to `>= 1.2.0, < 2.0.0`
* `^2.3` is equivalent to `>= 2.3, < 3`
* `^2.x` is equivalent to `>= 2.0.0, < 3`
* `^0.2.3` is equivalent to `>=0.2.3 <0.3.0`
* `^0.2` is equivalent to `>=0.2.0 <0.3.0`
* `^0.0.3` is equivalent to `>=0.0.3 <0.0.4`
* `^0.0` is equivalent to `>=0.0.0 <0.1.0`
* `^0` is equivalent to `>=0.0.0 <1.0.0`
## Validation
In addition to testing a version against a constraint, a version can be validated
against a constraint. When validation fails a slice of errors containing why a
version didn't meet the constraint is returned. For example,
c, err := semver.NewConstraint("<= 1.2.3, >= 1.4")
if err != nil {
// Handle constraint not being parseable.
v, err := semver.NewVersion("1.3")
if err != nil {
// Handle version not being parseable.
// Validate a version against a constraint.
a, msgs := c.Validate(v)
// a is false
for _, m := range msgs {
// Loops over the errors which would read
// "1.3 is greater than 1.2.3"
// "1.3 is less than 1.4"
## Contribute
If you find an issue or want to contribute please file an [issue](
or [create a pull request](

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package semver
import (
// Constraints is one or more constraint that a semantic version can be
// checked against.
type Constraints struct {
constraints [][]*constraint
// NewConstraint returns a Constraints instance that a Version instance can
// be checked against. If there is a parse error it will be returned.
func NewConstraint(c string) (*Constraints, error) {
// Rewrite - ranges into a comparison operation.
c = rewriteRange(c)
ors := strings.Split(c, "||")
or := make([][]*constraint, len(ors))
for k, v := range ors {
// TODO: Find a way to validate and fetch all the constraints in a simpler form
// Validate the segment
if !validConstraintRegex.MatchString(v) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("improper constraint: %s", v)
cs := findConstraintRegex.FindAllString(v, -1)
if cs == nil {
cs = append(cs, v)
result := make([]*constraint, len(cs))
for i, s := range cs {
pc, err := parseConstraint(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result[i] = pc
or[k] = result
o := &Constraints{constraints: or}
return o, nil
// Check tests if a version satisfies the constraints.
func (cs Constraints) Check(v *Version) bool {
// TODO(mattfarina): For v4 of this library consolidate the Check and Validate
// functions as the underlying functions make that possible now.
// loop over the ORs and check the inner ANDs
for _, o := range cs.constraints {
joy := true
for _, c := range o {
if check, _ := c.check(v); !check {
joy = false
if joy {
return true
return false
// Validate checks if a version satisfies a constraint. If not a slice of
// reasons for the failure are returned in addition to a bool.
func (cs Constraints) Validate(v *Version) (bool, []error) {
// loop over the ORs and check the inner ANDs
var e []error
// Capture the prerelease message only once. When it happens the first time
// this var is marked
var prerelesase bool
for _, o := range cs.constraints {
joy := true
for _, c := range o {
// Before running the check handle the case there the version is
// a prerelease and the check is not searching for prereleases.
if c.con.pre == "" && v.pre != "" {
if !prerelesase {
em := fmt.Errorf("%s is a prerelease version and the constraint is only looking for release versions", v)
e = append(e, em)
prerelesase = true
joy = false
} else {
if _, err := c.check(v); err != nil {
e = append(e, err)
joy = false
if joy {
return true, []error{}
return false, e
func (cs Constraints) String() string {
buf := make([]string, len(cs.constraints))
var tmp bytes.Buffer
for k, v := range cs.constraints {
vlen := len(v)
for kk, c := range v {
// Space separate the AND conditions
if vlen > 1 && kk < vlen-1 {
tmp.WriteString(" ")
buf[k] = tmp.String()
return strings.Join(buf, " || ")
var constraintOps map[string]cfunc
var constraintRegex *regexp.Regexp
var constraintRangeRegex *regexp.Regexp
// Used to find individual constraints within a multi-constraint string
var findConstraintRegex *regexp.Regexp
// Used to validate an segment of ANDs is valid
var validConstraintRegex *regexp.Regexp
const cvRegex string = `v?([0-9|x|X|\*]+)(\.[0-9|x|X|\*]+)?(\.[0-9|x|X|\*]+)?` +
`(-([0-9A-Za-z\-]+(\.[0-9A-Za-z\-]+)*))?` +
func init() {
constraintOps = map[string]cfunc{
"": constraintTildeOrEqual,
"=": constraintTildeOrEqual,
"!=": constraintNotEqual,
">": constraintGreaterThan,
"<": constraintLessThan,
">=": constraintGreaterThanEqual,
"=>": constraintGreaterThanEqual,
"<=": constraintLessThanEqual,
"=<": constraintLessThanEqual,
"~": constraintTilde,
"~>": constraintTilde,
"^": constraintCaret,
ops := `=||!=|>|<|>=|=>|<=|=<|~|~>|\^`
constraintRegex = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf(
constraintRangeRegex = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf(
cvRegex, cvRegex))
findConstraintRegex = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf(
validConstraintRegex = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf(
// An individual constraint
type constraint struct {
// The version used in the constraint check. For example, if a constraint
// is '<= 2.0.0' the con a version instance representing 2.0.0.
con *Version
// The original parsed version (e.g., 4.x from != 4.x)
orig string
// The original operator for the constraint
origfunc string
// When an x is used as part of the version (e.g., 1.x)
minorDirty bool
dirty bool
patchDirty bool
// Check if a version meets the constraint
func (c *constraint) check(v *Version) (bool, error) {
return constraintOps[c.origfunc](v, c)
// String prints an individual constraint into a string
func (c *constraint) string() string {
return c.origfunc + c.orig
type cfunc func(v *Version, c *constraint) (bool, error)
func parseConstraint(c string) (*constraint, error) {
if len(c) > 0 {
m := constraintRegex.FindStringSubmatch(c)
if m == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("improper constraint: %s", c)
cs := &constraint{
orig: m[2],
origfunc: m[1],
ver := m[2]
minorDirty := false
patchDirty := false
dirty := false
if isX(m[3]) || m[3] == "" {
ver = "0.0.0"
dirty = true
} else if isX(strings.TrimPrefix(m[4], ".")) || m[4] == "" {
minorDirty = true
dirty = true
ver = fmt.Sprintf("%s.0.0%s", m[3], m[6])
} else if isX(strings.TrimPrefix(m[5], ".")) || m[5] == "" {
dirty = true
patchDirty = true
ver = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s.0%s", m[3], m[4], m[6])
con, err := NewVersion(ver)
if err != nil {
// The constraintRegex should catch any regex parsing errors. So,
// we should never get here.
return nil, errors.New("constraint Parser Error")
cs.con = con
cs.minorDirty = minorDirty
cs.patchDirty = patchDirty
cs.dirty = dirty
return cs, nil
// The rest is the special case where an empty string was passed in which
// is equivalent to * or >=0.0.0
con, err := StrictNewVersion("0.0.0")
if err != nil {
// The constraintRegex should catch any regex parsing errors. So,
// we should never get here.
return nil, errors.New("constraint Parser Error")
cs := &constraint{
con: con,
orig: c,
origfunc: "",
minorDirty: false,
patchDirty: false,
dirty: true,
return cs, nil
// Constraint functions
func constraintNotEqual(v *Version, c *constraint) (bool, error) {
if c.dirty {
// If there is a pre-release on the version but the constraint isn't looking
// for them assume that pre-releases are not compatible. See issue 21 for
// more details.
if v.Prerelease() != "" && c.con.Prerelease() == "" {
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is a prerelease version and the constraint is only looking for release versions", v)
if c.con.Major() != v.Major() {
return true, nil
if c.con.Minor() != v.Minor() && !c.minorDirty {
return true, nil
} else if c.minorDirty {
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is equal to %s", v, c.orig)
} else if c.con.Patch() != v.Patch() && !c.patchDirty {
return true, nil
} else if c.patchDirty {
// Need to handle prereleases if present
if v.Prerelease() != "" || c.con.Prerelease() != "" {
eq := comparePrerelease(v.Prerelease(), c.con.Prerelease()) != 0
if eq {
return true, nil
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is equal to %s", v, c.orig)
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is equal to %s", v, c.orig)
eq := v.Equal(c.con)
if eq {
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is equal to %s", v, c.orig)
return true, nil
func constraintGreaterThan(v *Version, c *constraint) (bool, error) {
// If there is a pre-release on the version but the constraint isn't looking
// for them assume that pre-releases are not compatible. See issue 21 for
// more details.
if v.Prerelease() != "" && c.con.Prerelease() == "" {
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is a prerelease version and the constraint is only looking for release versions", v)
var eq bool
if !c.dirty {
eq = v.Compare(c.con) == 1
if eq {
return true, nil
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is less than or equal to %s", v, c.orig)
if v.Major() > c.con.Major() {
return true, nil
} else if v.Major() < c.con.Major() {
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is less than or equal to %s", v, c.orig)
} else if c.minorDirty {
// This is a range case such as >11. When the version is something like
// 11.1.0 is it not > 11. For that we would need 12 or higher
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is less than or equal to %s", v, c.orig)
} else if c.patchDirty {
// This is for ranges such as >11.1. A version of 11.1.1 is not greater
// which one of 11.2.1 is greater
eq = v.Minor() > c.con.Minor()
if eq {
return true, nil
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is less than or equal to %s", v, c.orig)
// If we have gotten here we are not comparing pre-preleases and can use the
// Compare function to accomplish that.
eq = v.Compare(c.con) == 1
if eq {
return true, nil
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is less than or equal to %s", v, c.orig)
func constraintLessThan(v *Version, c *constraint) (bool, error) {
// If there is a pre-release on the version but the constraint isn't looking
// for them assume that pre-releases are not compatible. See issue 21 for
// more details.
if v.Prerelease() != "" && c.con.Prerelease() == "" {
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is a prerelease version and the constraint is only looking for release versions", v)
eq := v.Compare(c.con) < 0
if eq {
return true, nil
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is greater than or equal to %s", v, c.orig)
func constraintGreaterThanEqual(v *Version, c *constraint) (bool, error) {
// If there is a pre-release on the version but the constraint isn't looking
// for them assume that pre-releases are not compatible. See issue 21 for
// more details.
if v.Prerelease() != "" && c.con.Prerelease() == "" {
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is a prerelease version and the constraint is only looking for release versions", v)
eq := v.Compare(c.con) >= 0
if eq {
return true, nil
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is less than %s", v, c.orig)
func constraintLessThanEqual(v *Version, c *constraint) (bool, error) {
// If there is a pre-release on the version but the constraint isn't looking
// for them assume that pre-releases are not compatible. See issue 21 for
// more details.
if v.Prerelease() != "" && c.con.Prerelease() == "" {
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is a prerelease version and the constraint is only looking for release versions", v)
var eq bool
if !c.dirty {
eq = v.Compare(c.con) <= 0
if eq {
return true, nil
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is greater than %s", v, c.orig)
if v.Major() > c.con.Major() {
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is greater than %s", v, c.orig)
} else if v.Major() == c.con.Major() && v.Minor() > c.con.Minor() && !c.minorDirty {
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is greater than %s", v, c.orig)
return true, nil
// ~*, ~>* --> >= 0.0.0 (any)
// ~2, ~2.x, ~2.x.x, ~>2, ~>2.x ~>2.x.x --> >=2.0.0, <3.0.0
// ~2.0, ~2.0.x, ~>2.0, ~>2.0.x --> >=2.0.0, <2.1.0
// ~1.2, ~1.2.x, ~>1.2, ~>1.2.x --> >=1.2.0, <1.3.0
// ~1.2.3, ~>1.2.3 --> >=1.2.3, <1.3.0
// ~1.2.0, ~>1.2.0 --> >=1.2.0, <1.3.0
func constraintTilde(v *Version, c *constraint) (bool, error) {
// If there is a pre-release on the version but the constraint isn't looking
// for them assume that pre-releases are not compatible. See issue 21 for
// more details.
if v.Prerelease() != "" && c.con.Prerelease() == "" {
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is a prerelease version and the constraint is only looking for release versions", v)
if v.LessThan(c.con) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is less than %s", v, c.orig)
// ~0.0.0 is a special case where all constraints are accepted. It's
// equivalent to >= 0.0.0.
if c.con.Major() == 0 && c.con.Minor() == 0 && c.con.Patch() == 0 &&
!c.minorDirty && !c.patchDirty {
return true, nil
if v.Major() != c.con.Major() {
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s does not have same major version as %s", v, c.orig)
if v.Minor() != c.con.Minor() && !c.minorDirty {
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s does not have same major and minor version as %s", v, c.orig)
return true, nil
// When there is a .x (dirty) status it automatically opts in to ~. Otherwise
// it's a straight =
func constraintTildeOrEqual(v *Version, c *constraint) (bool, error) {
// If there is a pre-release on the version but the constraint isn't looking
// for them assume that pre-releases are not compatible. See issue 21 for
// more details.
if v.Prerelease() != "" && c.con.Prerelease() == "" {
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is a prerelease version and the constraint is only looking for release versions", v)
if c.dirty {
return constraintTilde(v, c)
eq := v.Equal(c.con)
if eq {
return true, nil
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is not equal to %s", v, c.orig)
// ^* --> (any)
// ^1.2.3 --> >=1.2.3 <2.0.0
// ^1.2 --> >=1.2.0 <2.0.0
// ^1 --> >=1.0.0 <2.0.0
// ^0.2.3 --> >=0.2.3 <0.3.0
// ^0.2 --> >=0.2.0 <0.3.0
// ^0.0.3 --> >=0.0.3 <0.0.4
// ^0.0 --> >=0.0.0 <0.1.0
// ^0 --> >=0.0.0 <1.0.0
func constraintCaret(v *Version, c *constraint) (bool, error) {
// If there is a pre-release on the version but the constraint isn't looking
// for them assume that pre-releases are not compatible. See issue 21 for
// more details.
if v.Prerelease() != "" && c.con.Prerelease() == "" {
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is a prerelease version and the constraint is only looking for release versions", v)
// This less than handles prereleases
if v.LessThan(c.con) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is less than %s", v, c.orig)
var eq bool
// ^ when the major > 0 is >=x.y.z < x+1
if c.con.Major() > 0 || c.minorDirty {
// ^ has to be within a major range for > 0. Everything less than was
// filtered out with the LessThan call above. This filters out those
// that greater but not within the same major range.
eq = v.Major() == c.con.Major()
if eq {
return true, nil
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s does not have same major version as %s", v, c.orig)
// ^ when the major is 0 and minor > 0 is >=0.y.z < 0.y+1
if c.con.Major() == 0 && v.Major() > 0 {
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s does not have same major version as %s", v, c.orig)
// If the con Minor is > 0 it is not dirty
if c.con.Minor() > 0 || c.patchDirty {
eq = v.Minor() == c.con.Minor()
if eq {
return true, nil
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s does not have same minor version as %s. Expected minor versions to match when constraint major version is 0", v, c.orig)
// At this point the major is 0 and the minor is 0 and not dirty. The patch
// is not dirty so we need to check if they are equal. If they are not equal
eq = c.con.Patch() == v.Patch()
if eq {
return true, nil
return false, fmt.Errorf("%s does not equal %s. Expect version and constraint to equal when major and minor versions are 0", v, c.orig)
func isX(x string) bool {
switch x {
case "x", "*", "X":
return true
return false
func rewriteRange(i string) string {
m := constraintRangeRegex.FindAllStringSubmatch(i, -1)
if m == nil {
return i
o := i
for _, v := range m {
t := fmt.Sprintf(">= %s, <= %s", v[1], v[11])
o = strings.Replace(o, v[0], t, 1)
return o

View File

@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
Package semver provides the ability to work with Semantic Versions ( in Go.
Specifically it provides the ability to:
* Parse semantic versions
* Sort semantic versions
* Check if a semantic version fits within a set of constraints
* Optionally work with a `v` prefix
Parsing Semantic Versions
There are two functions that can parse semantic versions. The `StrictNewVersion`
function only parses valid version 2 semantic versions as outlined in the
specification. The `NewVersion` function attempts to coerce a version into a
semantic version and parse it. For example, if there is a leading v or a version
listed without all 3 parts (e.g. 1.2) it will attempt to coerce it into a valid
semantic version (e.g., 1.2.0). In both cases a `Version` object is returned
that can be sorted, compared, and used in constraints.
When parsing a version an optional error can be returned if there is an issue
parsing the version. For example,
v, err := semver.NewVersion("1.2.3-beta.1+b345")
The version object has methods to get the parts of the version, compare it to
other versions, convert the version back into a string, and get the original
string. For more details please see the documentation
Sorting Semantic Versions
A set of versions can be sorted using the `sort` package from the standard library.
For example,
raw := []string{"1.2.3", "1.0", "1.3", "2", "0.4.2",}
vs := make([]*semver.Version, len(raw))
for i, r := range raw {
v, err := semver.NewVersion(r)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Error parsing version: %s", err)
vs[i] = v
Checking Version Constraints and Comparing Versions
There are two methods for comparing versions. One uses comparison methods on
`Version` instances and the other is using Constraints. There are some important
differences to notes between these two methods of comparison.
1. When two versions are compared using functions such as `Compare`, `LessThan`,
and others it will follow the specification and always include prereleases
within the comparison. It will provide an answer valid with the comparison
spec section at
2. When constraint checking is used for checks or validation it will follow a
different set of rules that are common for ranges with tools like npm/js
and Rust/Cargo. This includes considering prereleases to be invalid if the
ranges does not include on. If you want to have it include pre-releases a
simple solution is to include `-0` in your range.
3. Constraint ranges can have some complex rules including the shorthard use of
~ and ^. For more details on those see the options below.
There are differences between the two methods or checking versions because the
comparison methods on `Version` follow the specification while comparison ranges
are not part of the specification. Different packages and tools have taken it
upon themselves to come up with range rules. This has resulted in differences.
For example, npm/js and Cargo/Rust follow similar patterns which PHP has a
different pattern for ^. The comparison features in this package follow the
npm/js and Cargo/Rust lead because applications using it have followed similar
patters with their versions.
Checking a version against version constraints is one of the most featureful
parts of the package.
c, err := semver.NewConstraint(">= 1.2.3")
if err != nil {
// Handle constraint not being parsable.
v, err := semver.NewVersion("1.3")
if err != nil {
// Handle version not being parsable.
// Check if the version meets the constraints. The a variable will be true.
a := c.Check(v)
Basic Comparisons
There are two elements to the comparisons. First, a comparison string is a list
of comma or space separated AND comparisons. These are then separated by || (OR)
comparisons. For example, `">= 1.2 < 3.0.0 || >= 4.2.3"` is looking for a
comparison that's greater than or equal to 1.2 and less than 3.0.0 or is
greater than or equal to 4.2.3. This can also be written as
`">= 1.2, < 3.0.0 || >= 4.2.3"`
The basic comparisons are:
* `=`: equal (aliased to no operator)
* `!=`: not equal
* `>`: greater than
* `<`: less than
* `>=`: greater than or equal to
* `<=`: less than or equal to
Hyphen Range Comparisons
There are multiple methods to handle ranges and the first is hyphens ranges.
These look like:
* `1.2 - 1.4.5` which is equivalent to `>= 1.2, <= 1.4.5`
* `2.3.4 - 4.5` which is equivalent to `>= 2.3.4 <= 4.5`
Wildcards In Comparisons
The `x`, `X`, and `*` characters can be used as a wildcard character. This works
for all comparison operators. When used on the `=` operator it falls
back to the tilde operation. For example,
* `1.2.x` is equivalent to `>= 1.2.0 < 1.3.0`
* `>= 1.2.x` is equivalent to `>= 1.2.0`
* `<= 2.x` is equivalent to `<= 3`
* `*` is equivalent to `>= 0.0.0`
Tilde Range Comparisons (Patch)
The tilde (`~`) comparison operator is for patch level ranges when a minor
version is specified and major level changes when the minor number is missing.
For example,
* `~1.2.3` is equivalent to `>= 1.2.3 < 1.3.0`
* `~1` is equivalent to `>= 1, < 2`
* `~2.3` is equivalent to `>= 2.3 < 2.4`
* `~1.2.x` is equivalent to `>= 1.2.0 < 1.3.0`
* `~1.x` is equivalent to `>= 1 < 2`
Caret Range Comparisons (Major)
The caret (`^`) comparison operator is for major level changes once a stable
(1.0.0) release has occurred. Prior to a 1.0.0 release the minor versions acts
as the API stability level. This is useful when comparisons of API versions as a
major change is API breaking. For example,
* `^1.2.3` is equivalent to `>= 1.2.3, < 2.0.0`
* `^1.2.x` is equivalent to `>= 1.2.0, < 2.0.0`
* `^2.3` is equivalent to `>= 2.3, < 3`
* `^2.x` is equivalent to `>= 2.0.0, < 3`
* `^0.2.3` is equivalent to `>=0.2.3 <0.3.0`
* `^0.2` is equivalent to `>=0.2.0 <0.3.0`
* `^0.0.3` is equivalent to `>=0.0.3 <0.0.4`
* `^0.0` is equivalent to `>=0.0.0 <0.1.0`
* `^0` is equivalent to `>=0.0.0 <1.0.0`
In addition to testing a version against a constraint, a version can be validated
against a constraint. When validation fails a slice of errors containing why a
version didn't meet the constraint is returned. For example,
c, err := semver.NewConstraint("<= 1.2.3, >= 1.4")
if err != nil {
// Handle constraint not being parseable.
v, _ := semver.NewVersion("1.3")
if err != nil {
// Handle version not being parseable.
// Validate a version against a constraint.
a, msgs := c.Validate(v)
// a is false
for _, m := range msgs {
// Loops over the errors which would read
// "1.3 is greater than 1.2.3"
// "1.3 is less than 1.4"
package semver

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@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
// +build gofuzz
package semver
func Fuzz(data []byte) int {
d := string(data)
// Test NewVersion
_, _ = NewVersion(d)
// Test StrictNewVersion
_, _ = StrictNewVersion(d)
// Test NewConstraint
_, _ = NewConstraint(d)
// The return value should be 0 normally, 1 if the priority in future tests
// should be increased, and -1 if future tests should skip passing in that
// data. We do not have a reason to change priority so 0 is always returned.
// There are example tests that do this.
return 0

View File

@ -1,606 +0,0 @@
package semver
import (
// The compiled version of the regex created at init() is cached here so it
// only needs to be created once.
var versionRegex *regexp.Regexp
var (
// ErrInvalidSemVer is returned a version is found to be invalid when
// being parsed.
ErrInvalidSemVer = errors.New("Invalid Semantic Version")
// ErrEmptyString is returned when an empty string is passed in for parsing.
ErrEmptyString = errors.New("Version string empty")
// ErrInvalidCharacters is returned when invalid characters are found as
// part of a version
ErrInvalidCharacters = errors.New("Invalid characters in version")
// ErrSegmentStartsZero is returned when a version segment starts with 0.
// This is invalid in SemVer.
ErrSegmentStartsZero = errors.New("Version segment starts with 0")
// ErrInvalidMetadata is returned when the metadata is an invalid format
ErrInvalidMetadata = errors.New("Invalid Metadata string")
// ErrInvalidPrerelease is returned when the pre-release is an invalid format
ErrInvalidPrerelease = errors.New("Invalid Prerelease string")
// semVerRegex is the regular expression used to parse a semantic version.
const semVerRegex string = `v?([0-9]+)(\.[0-9]+)?(\.[0-9]+)?` +
`(-([0-9A-Za-z\-]+(\.[0-9A-Za-z\-]+)*))?` +
// Version represents a single semantic version.
type Version struct {
major, minor, patch uint64
pre string
metadata string
original string
func init() {
versionRegex = regexp.MustCompile("^" + semVerRegex + "$")
const num string = "0123456789"
const allowed string = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-" + num
// StrictNewVersion parses a given version and returns an instance of Version or
// an error if unable to parse the version. Only parses valid semantic versions.
// Performs checking that can find errors within the version.
// If you want to coerce a version, such as 1 or 1.2, and perse that as the 1.x
// releases of semver provided use the NewSemver() function.
func StrictNewVersion(v string) (*Version, error) {
// Parsing here does not use RegEx in order to increase performance and reduce
// allocations.
if len(v) == 0 {
return nil, ErrEmptyString
// Split the parts into [0]major, [1]minor, and [2]patch,prerelease,build
parts := strings.SplitN(v, ".", 3)
if len(parts) != 3 {
return nil, ErrInvalidSemVer
sv := &Version{
original: v,
// check for prerelease or build metadata
var extra []string
if strings.ContainsAny(parts[2], "-+") {
// Start with the build metadata first as it needs to be on the right
extra = strings.SplitN(parts[2], "+", 2)
if len(extra) > 1 {
// build metadata found
sv.metadata = extra[1]
parts[2] = extra[0]
extra = strings.SplitN(parts[2], "-", 2)
if len(extra) > 1 {
// prerelease found
sv.pre = extra[1]
parts[2] = extra[0]
// Validate the number segments are valid. This includes only having positive
// numbers and no leading 0's.
for _, p := range parts {
if !containsOnly(p, num) {
return nil, ErrInvalidCharacters
if len(p) > 1 && p[0] == '0' {
return nil, ErrSegmentStartsZero
// Extract the major, minor, and patch elements onto the returned Version
var err error
sv.major, err = strconv.ParseUint(parts[0], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sv.minor, err = strconv.ParseUint(parts[1], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
sv.patch, err = strconv.ParseUint(parts[2], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// No prerelease or build metadata found so returning now as a fastpath.
if sv.pre == "" && sv.metadata == "" {
return sv, nil
if sv.pre != "" {
if err = validatePrerelease(sv.pre); err != nil {
return nil, err
if sv.metadata != "" {
if err = validateMetadata(sv.metadata); err != nil {
return nil, err
return sv, nil
// NewVersion parses a given version and returns an instance of Version or
// an error if unable to parse the version. If the version is SemVer-ish it
// attempts to convert it to SemVer. If you want to validate it was a strict
// semantic version at parse time see StrictNewVersion().
func NewVersion(v string) (*Version, error) {
m := versionRegex.FindStringSubmatch(v)
if m == nil {
return nil, ErrInvalidSemVer
sv := &Version{
metadata: m[8],
pre: m[5],
original: v,
var err error
sv.major, err = strconv.ParseUint(m[1], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error parsing version segment: %s", err)
if m[2] != "" {
sv.minor, err = strconv.ParseUint(strings.TrimPrefix(m[2], "."), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error parsing version segment: %s", err)
} else {
sv.minor = 0
if m[3] != "" {
sv.patch, err = strconv.ParseUint(strings.TrimPrefix(m[3], "."), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error parsing version segment: %s", err)
} else {
sv.patch = 0
// Perform some basic due diligence on the extra parts to ensure they are
// valid.
if sv.pre != "" {
if err = validatePrerelease(sv.pre); err != nil {
return nil, err
if sv.metadata != "" {
if err = validateMetadata(sv.metadata); err != nil {
return nil, err
return sv, nil
// MustParse parses a given version and panics on error.
func MustParse(v string) *Version {
sv, err := NewVersion(v)
if err != nil {
return sv
// String converts a Version object to a string.
// Note, if the original version contained a leading v this version will not.
// See the Original() method to retrieve the original value. Semantic Versions
// don't contain a leading v per the spec. Instead it's optional on
// implementation.
func (v Version) String() string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%d.%d.%d", v.major, v.minor, v.patch)
if v.pre != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "-%s", v.pre)
if v.metadata != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "+%s", v.metadata)
return buf.String()
// Original returns the original value passed in to be parsed.
func (v *Version) Original() string {
return v.original
// Major returns the major version.
func (v Version) Major() uint64 {
return v.major
// Minor returns the minor version.
func (v Version) Minor() uint64 {
return v.minor
// Patch returns the patch version.
func (v Version) Patch() uint64 {
return v.patch
// Prerelease returns the pre-release version.
func (v Version) Prerelease() string {
return v.pre
// Metadata returns the metadata on the version.
func (v Version) Metadata() string {
return v.metadata
// originalVPrefix returns the original 'v' prefix if any.
func (v Version) originalVPrefix() string {
// Note, only lowercase v is supported as a prefix by the parser.
if v.original != "" && v.original[:1] == "v" {
return v.original[:1]
return ""
// IncPatch produces the next patch version.
// If the current version does not have prerelease/metadata information,
// it unsets metadata and prerelease values, increments patch number.
// If the current version has any of prerelease or metadata information,
// it unsets both values and keeps current patch value
func (v Version) IncPatch() Version {
vNext := v
// according to
// Pre-release versions have a lower precedence than the associated normal version.
// according to
// Build metadata SHOULD be ignored when determining version precedence.
if v.pre != "" {
vNext.metadata = ""
vNext.pre = ""
} else {
vNext.metadata = ""
vNext.pre = ""
vNext.patch = v.patch + 1
vNext.original = v.originalVPrefix() + "" + vNext.String()
return vNext
// IncMinor produces the next minor version.
// Sets patch to 0.
// Increments minor number.
// Unsets metadata.
// Unsets prerelease status.
func (v Version) IncMinor() Version {
vNext := v
vNext.metadata = ""
vNext.pre = ""
vNext.patch = 0
vNext.minor = v.minor + 1
vNext.original = v.originalVPrefix() + "" + vNext.String()
return vNext
// IncMajor produces the next major version.
// Sets patch to 0.
// Sets minor to 0.
// Increments major number.
// Unsets metadata.
// Unsets prerelease status.
func (v Version) IncMajor() Version {
vNext := v
vNext.metadata = ""
vNext.pre = ""
vNext.patch = 0
vNext.minor = 0
vNext.major = v.major + 1
vNext.original = v.originalVPrefix() + "" + vNext.String()
return vNext
// SetPrerelease defines the prerelease value.
// Value must not include the required 'hyphen' prefix.
func (v Version) SetPrerelease(prerelease string) (Version, error) {
vNext := v
if len(prerelease) > 0 {
if err := validatePrerelease(prerelease); err != nil {
return vNext, err
vNext.pre = prerelease
vNext.original = v.originalVPrefix() + "" + vNext.String()
return vNext, nil
// SetMetadata defines metadata value.
// Value must not include the required 'plus' prefix.
func (v Version) SetMetadata(metadata string) (Version, error) {
vNext := v
if len(metadata) > 0 {
if err := validateMetadata(metadata); err != nil {
return vNext, err
vNext.metadata = metadata
vNext.original = v.originalVPrefix() + "" + vNext.String()
return vNext, nil
// LessThan tests if one version is less than another one.
func (v *Version) LessThan(o *Version) bool {
return v.Compare(o) < 0
// GreaterThan tests if one version is greater than another one.
func (v *Version) GreaterThan(o *Version) bool {
return v.Compare(o) > 0
// Equal tests if two versions are equal to each other.
// Note, versions can be equal with different metadata since metadata
// is not considered part of the comparable version.
func (v *Version) Equal(o *Version) bool {
return v.Compare(o) == 0
// Compare compares this version to another one. It returns -1, 0, or 1 if
// the version smaller, equal, or larger than the other version.
// Versions are compared by X.Y.Z. Build metadata is ignored. Prerelease is
// lower than the version without a prerelease. Compare always takes into account
// prereleases. If you want to work with ranges using typical range syntaxes that
// skip prereleases if the range is not looking for them use constraints.
func (v *Version) Compare(o *Version) int {
// Compare the major, minor, and patch version for differences. If a
// difference is found return the comparison.
if d := compareSegment(v.Major(), o.Major()); d != 0 {
return d
if d := compareSegment(v.Minor(), o.Minor()); d != 0 {
return d
if d := compareSegment(v.Patch(), o.Patch()); d != 0 {
return d
// At this point the major, minor, and patch versions are the same.
ps := v.pre
po := o.Prerelease()
if ps == "" && po == "" {
return 0
if ps == "" {
return 1
if po == "" {
return -1
return comparePrerelease(ps, po)
// UnmarshalJSON implements JSON.Unmarshaler interface.
func (v *Version) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var s string
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &s); err != nil {
return err
temp, err := NewVersion(s)
if err != nil {
return err
v.major = temp.major
v.minor = temp.minor
v.patch = temp.patch
v.pre = temp.pre
v.metadata = temp.metadata
v.original = temp.original
return nil
// MarshalJSON implements JSON.Marshaler interface.
func (v Version) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.String())
// Scan implements the SQL.Scanner interface.
func (v *Version) Scan(value interface{}) error {
var s string
s, _ = value.(string)
temp, err := NewVersion(s)
if err != nil {
return err
v.major = temp.major
v.minor = temp.minor
v.patch = temp.patch
v.pre = temp.pre
v.metadata = temp.metadata
v.original = temp.original
return nil
// Value implements the Driver.Valuer interface.
func (v Version) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
return v.String(), nil
func compareSegment(v, o uint64) int {
if v < o {
return -1
if v > o {
return 1
return 0
func comparePrerelease(v, o string) int {
// split the prelease versions by their part. The separator, per the spec,
// is a .
sparts := strings.Split(v, ".")
oparts := strings.Split(o, ".")
// Find the longer length of the parts to know how many loop iterations to
// go through.
slen := len(sparts)
olen := len(oparts)
l := slen
if olen > slen {
l = olen
// Iterate over each part of the prereleases to compare the differences.
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
// Since the lentgh of the parts can be different we need to create
// a placeholder. This is to avoid out of bounds issues.
stemp := ""
if i < slen {
stemp = sparts[i]
otemp := ""
if i < olen {
otemp = oparts[i]
d := comparePrePart(stemp, otemp)
if d != 0 {
return d
// Reaching here means two versions are of equal value but have different
// metadata (the part following a +). They are not identical in string form
// but the version comparison finds them to be equal.
return 0
func comparePrePart(s, o string) int {
// Fastpath if they are equal
if s == o {
return 0
// When s or o are empty we can use the other in an attempt to determine
// the response.
if s == "" {
if o != "" {
return -1
return 1
if o == "" {
if s != "" {
return 1
return -1
// When comparing strings "99" is greater than "103". To handle
// cases like this we need to detect numbers and compare them. According
// to the semver spec, numbers are always positive. If there is a - at the
// start like -99 this is to be evaluated as an alphanum. numbers always
// have precedence over alphanum. Parsing as Uints because negative numbers
// are ignored.
oi, n1 := strconv.ParseUint(o, 10, 64)
si, n2 := strconv.ParseUint(s, 10, 64)
// The case where both are strings compare the strings
if n1 != nil && n2 != nil {
if s > o {
return 1
return -1
} else if n1 != nil {
// o is a string and s is a number
return -1
} else if n2 != nil {
// s is a string and o is a number
return 1
// Both are numbers
if si > oi {
return 1
return -1
// Like strings.ContainsAny but does an only instead of any.
func containsOnly(s string, comp string) bool {
return strings.IndexFunc(s, func(r rune) bool {
return !strings.ContainsRune(comp, r)
}) == -1
// From the spec, "Identifiers MUST comprise only
// ASCII alphanumerics and hyphen [0-9A-Za-z-]. Identifiers MUST NOT be empty.
// Numeric identifiers MUST NOT include leading zeroes.". These segments can
// be dot separated.
func validatePrerelease(p string) error {
eparts := strings.Split(p, ".")
for _, p := range eparts {
if containsOnly(p, num) {
if len(p) > 1 && p[0] == '0' {
return ErrSegmentStartsZero
} else if !containsOnly(p, allowed) {
return ErrInvalidPrerelease
return nil
// From the spec, "Build metadata MAY be denoted by
// appending a plus sign and a series of dot separated identifiers immediately
// following the patch or pre-release version. Identifiers MUST comprise only
// ASCII alphanumerics and hyphen [0-9A-Za-z-]. Identifiers MUST NOT be empty."
func validateMetadata(m string) error {
eparts := strings.Split(m, ".")
for _, p := range eparts {
if !containsOnly(p, allowed) {
return ErrInvalidMetadata
return nil

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
package semver
import (
// The compiled version of the regex created at init() is cached here so it
// only needs to be created once.
var versionRegex *regexp.Regexp
var validPrereleaseRegex *regexp.Regexp
var (
// ErrInvalidSemVer is returned a version is found to be invalid when
// being parsed.
ErrInvalidSemVer = errors.New("Invalid Semantic Version")
// ErrInvalidMetadata is returned when the metadata is an invalid format
ErrInvalidMetadata = errors.New("Invalid Metadata string")
// ErrInvalidPrerelease is returned when the pre-release is an invalid format
ErrInvalidPrerelease = errors.New("Invalid Prerelease string")
// SemVerRegex is the regular expression used to parse a semantic version.
const SemVerRegex string = `v?([0-9]+)(\.[0-9]+)?(\.[0-9]+)?` +
`(-([0-9A-Za-z\-]+(\.[0-9A-Za-z\-]+)*))?` +
// ValidPrerelease is the regular expression which validates
// both prerelease and metadata values.
const ValidPrerelease string = `^([0-9A-Za-z\-]+(\.[0-9A-Za-z\-]+)*)$`
// Version represents a single semantic version.
type Version struct {
major, minor, patch int64
pre string
metadata string
original string
func init() {
versionRegex = regexp.MustCompile("^" + SemVerRegex + "$")
validPrereleaseRegex = regexp.MustCompile(ValidPrerelease)
// NewVersion parses a given version and returns an instance of Version or
// an error if unable to parse the version.
func NewVersion(v string) (*Version, error) {
m := versionRegex.FindStringSubmatch(v)
if m == nil {
return nil, ErrInvalidSemVer
sv := &Version{
metadata: m[8],
pre: m[5],
original: v,
var temp int64
temp, err := strconv.ParseInt(m[1], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error parsing version segment: %s", err)
sv.major = temp
if m[2] != "" {
temp, err = strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimPrefix(m[2], "."), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error parsing version segment: %s", err)
sv.minor = temp
} else {
sv.minor = 0
if m[3] != "" {
temp, err = strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimPrefix(m[3], "."), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Error parsing version segment: %s", err)
sv.patch = temp
} else {
sv.patch = 0
return sv, nil
// MustParse parses a given version and panics on error.
func MustParse(v string) *Version {
sv, err := NewVersion(v)
if err != nil {
return sv
// String converts a Version object to a string.
// Note, if the original version contained a leading v this version will not.
// See the Original() method to retrieve the original value. Semantic Versions
// don't contain a leading v per the spec. Instead it's optional on
// implementation.
func (v *Version) String() string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%d.%d.%d", v.major, v.minor, v.patch)
if v.pre != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "-%s", v.pre)
if v.metadata != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "+%s", v.metadata)
return buf.String()
// Original returns the original value passed in to be parsed.
func (v *Version) Original() string {
return v.original
// Major returns the major version.
func (v *Version) Major() int64 {
return v.major
// Minor returns the minor version.
func (v *Version) Minor() int64 {
return v.minor
// Patch returns the patch version.
func (v *Version) Patch() int64 {
return v.patch
// Prerelease returns the pre-release version.
func (v *Version) Prerelease() string {
return v.pre
// Metadata returns the metadata on the version.
func (v *Version) Metadata() string {
return v.metadata
// originalVPrefix returns the original 'v' prefix if any.
func (v *Version) originalVPrefix() string {
// Note, only lowercase v is supported as a prefix by the parser.
if v.original != "" && v.original[:1] == "v" {
return v.original[:1]
return ""
// IncPatch produces the next patch version.
// If the current version does not have prerelease/metadata information,
// it unsets metadata and prerelease values, increments patch number.
// If the current version has any of prerelease or metadata information,
// it unsets both values and keeps curent patch value
func (v Version) IncPatch() Version {
vNext := v
// according to
// Pre-release versions have a lower precedence than the associated normal version.
// according to
// Build metadata SHOULD be ignored when determining version precedence.
if v.pre != "" {
vNext.metadata = ""
vNext.pre = ""
} else {
vNext.metadata = ""
vNext.pre = ""
vNext.patch = v.patch + 1
vNext.original = v.originalVPrefix() + "" + vNext.String()
return vNext
// IncMinor produces the next minor version.
// Sets patch to 0.
// Increments minor number.
// Unsets metadata.
// Unsets prerelease status.
func (v Version) IncMinor() Version {
vNext := v
vNext.metadata = ""
vNext.pre = ""
vNext.patch = 0
vNext.minor = v.minor + 1
vNext.original = v.originalVPrefix() + "" + vNext.String()
return vNext
// IncMajor produces the next major version.
// Sets patch to 0.
// Sets minor to 0.
// Increments major number.
// Unsets metadata.
// Unsets prerelease status.
func (v Version) IncMajor() Version {
vNext := v
vNext.metadata = ""
vNext.pre = ""
vNext.patch = 0
vNext.minor = 0
vNext.major = v.major + 1
vNext.original = v.originalVPrefix() + "" + vNext.String()
return vNext
// SetPrerelease defines the prerelease value.
// Value must not include the required 'hypen' prefix.
func (v Version) SetPrerelease(prerelease string) (Version, error) {
vNext := v
if len(prerelease) > 0 && !validPrereleaseRegex.MatchString(prerelease) {
return vNext, ErrInvalidPrerelease
vNext.pre = prerelease
vNext.original = v.originalVPrefix() + "" + vNext.String()
return vNext, nil
// SetMetadata defines metadata value.
// Value must not include the required 'plus' prefix.
func (v Version) SetMetadata(metadata string) (Version, error) {
vNext := v
if len(metadata) > 0 && !validPrereleaseRegex.MatchString(metadata) {
return vNext, ErrInvalidMetadata
vNext.metadata = metadata
vNext.original = v.originalVPrefix() + "" + vNext.String()
return vNext, nil
// LessThan tests if one version is less than another one.
func (v *Version) LessThan(o *Version) bool {
return v.Compare(o) < 0
// GreaterThan tests if one version is greater than another one.
func (v *Version) GreaterThan(o *Version) bool {
return v.Compare(o) > 0
// Equal tests if two versions are equal to each other.
// Note, versions can be equal with different metadata since metadata
// is not considered part of the comparable version.
func (v *Version) Equal(o *Version) bool {
return v.Compare(o) == 0
// Compare compares this version to another one. It returns -1, 0, or 1 if
// the version smaller, equal, or larger than the other version.
// Versions are compared by X.Y.Z. Build metadata is ignored. Prerelease is
// lower than the version without a prerelease.
func (v *Version) Compare(o *Version) int {
// Compare the major, minor, and patch version for differences. If a
// difference is found return the comparison.
if d := compareSegment(v.Major(), o.Major()); d != 0 {
return d
if d := compareSegment(v.Minor(), o.Minor()); d != 0 {
return d
if d := compareSegment(v.Patch(), o.Patch()); d != 0 {
return d
// At this point the major, minor, and patch versions are the same.
ps := v.pre
po := o.Prerelease()
if ps == "" && po == "" {
return 0
if ps == "" {
return 1
if po == "" {
return -1
return comparePrerelease(ps, po)
// UnmarshalJSON implements JSON.Unmarshaler interface.
func (v *Version) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
var s string
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &s); err != nil {
return err
temp, err := NewVersion(s)
if err != nil {
return err
v.major = temp.major
v.minor = temp.minor
v.patch = temp.patch
v.pre = temp.pre
v.metadata = temp.metadata
v.original = temp.original
temp = nil
return nil
// MarshalJSON implements JSON.Marshaler interface.
func (v *Version) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return json.Marshal(v.String())
func compareSegment(v, o int64) int {
if v < o {
return -1
if v > o {
return 1
return 0
func comparePrerelease(v, o string) int {
// split the prelease versions by their part. The separator, per the spec,
// is a .
sparts := strings.Split(v, ".")
oparts := strings.Split(o, ".")
// Find the longer length of the parts to know how many loop iterations to
// go through.
slen := len(sparts)
olen := len(oparts)
l := slen
if olen > slen {
l = olen
// Iterate over each part of the prereleases to compare the differences.
for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
// Since the lentgh of the parts can be different we need to create
// a placeholder. This is to avoid out of bounds issues.
stemp := ""
if i < slen {
stemp = sparts[i]
otemp := ""
if i < olen {
otemp = oparts[i]
d := comparePrePart(stemp, otemp)
if d != 0 {
return d
// Reaching here means two versions are of equal value but have different
// metadata (the part following a +). They are not identical in string form
// but the version comparison finds them to be equal.
return 0
func comparePrePart(s, o string) int {
// Fastpath if they are equal
if s == o {
return 0
// When s or o are empty we can use the other in an attempt to determine
// the response.
if s == "" {
if o != "" {
return -1
return 1
if o == "" {
if s != "" {
return 1
return -1
// When comparing strings "99" is greater than "103". To handle
// cases like this we need to detect numbers and compare them. According
// to the semver spec, numbers are always positive. If there is a - at the
// start like -99 this is to be evaluated as an alphanum. numbers always
// have precedence over alphanum. Parsing as Uints because negative numbers
// are ignored.
oi, n1 := strconv.ParseUint(o, 10, 64)
si, n2 := strconv.ParseUint(s, 10, 64)
// The case where both are strings compare the strings
if n1 != nil && n2 != nil {
if s > o {
return 1
return -1
} else if n1 != nil {
// o is a string and s is a number
return -1
} else if n2 != nil {
// s is a string and o is a number
return 1
// Both are numbers
if si > oi {
return 1
return -1

vendor/ generated vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
// +build gofuzz
package semver
func Fuzz(data []byte) int {
if _, err := NewVersion(string(data)); err != nil {
return 0
return 1

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