package gitea import ( "fmt" "testing" "" "" ) func TestAccResourceGiteaUser_basic(t *testing.T) { name := fmt.Sprintf("user-%d", 1) mail := fmt.Sprintf("", name) fqrn := fmt.Sprintf("gitea_user.%s", name) userSimple := fmt.Sprintf(` resource "gitea_user" "%s" { username = "%s" login_name = "%s" email = "%s" password = "Geheim1!" } `, name, name, name, mail) resource.Test(t, resource.TestCase{ PreCheck: func() { testAccPreCheck(t) }, Providers: testAccProviders, CheckDestroy: testAccCheckExampleResourceDestroy, Steps: []resource.TestStep{ { Config: userSimple, ResourceName: fqrn, Check: resource.ComposeTestCheckFunc( resource.TestCheckResourceAttr(fqrn, "username", name), ), }, }, }) } func testAccCheckExampleResourceDestroy(s *terraform.State) error { // retrieve the connection established in Provider configuration //conn := testAccProvider.Meta().(*ExampleClient) // loop through the resources in state, verifying each widget // is destroyed for _, rs := range s.RootModule().Resources { if rs.Type != "example_widget" { continue } // Retrieve our widget by referencing it's state ID for API lookup //request := &example.DescribeWidgets{ // IDs: []string{rs.Primary.ID}, //} //response, err := conn.DescribeWidgets(request) //if err == nil { // if len(response.Widgets) > 0 && *response.Widgets[0].ID == rs.Primary.ID { // return fmt.Errorf("Widget (%s) still exists.", rs.Primary.ID) // } // return nil //} // If the error is equivalent to 404 not found, the widget is destroyed. // Otherwise return the error //if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "Widget not found") { // return err //} } return nil } func testAccResourceGiteaUserSimple(fqrn string, name string, mail string) string { return fmt.Sprintf(` resource "gitea_user" "%s" { username = "%s" login_name = "%s" email = "%s" password = "Geheim1!" } `, fqrn, name, name, mail) }