package tfexec import ( "bytes" "context" "encoding/json" "fmt" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "" tfjson "" ) var ( tf0_4_1 = version.Must(version.NewVersion("0.4.1")) tf0_5_0 = version.Must(version.NewVersion("0.5.0")) tf0_6_13 = version.Must(version.NewVersion("0.6.13")) tf0_7_7 = version.Must(version.NewVersion("0.7.7")) tf0_8_0 = version.Must(version.NewVersion("0.8.0")) tf0_10_0 = version.Must(version.NewVersion("0.10.0")) tf0_12_0 = version.Must(version.NewVersion("0.12.0")) tf0_13_0 = version.Must(version.NewVersion("0.13.0")) tf0_14_0 = version.Must(version.NewVersion("0.14.0")) tf0_15_0 = version.Must(version.NewVersion("0.15.0")) tf0_15_2 = version.Must(version.NewVersion("0.15.2")) tf0_15_3 = version.Must(version.NewVersion("0.15.3")) tf1_1_0 = version.Must(version.NewVersion("1.1.0")) tf1_4_0 = version.Must(version.NewVersion("1.4.0")) ) // Version returns structured output from the terraform version command including both the Terraform CLI version // and any initialized provider versions. This will read cached values when present unless the skipCache parameter // is set to true. func (tf *Terraform) Version(ctx context.Context, skipCache bool) (tfVersion *version.Version, providerVersions map[string]*version.Version, err error) { tf.versionLock.Lock() defer tf.versionLock.Unlock() if tf.execVersion == nil || skipCache { tf.execVersion, tf.provVersions, err = tf.version(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } } return tf.execVersion, tf.provVersions, nil } // version does not use the locking on the Terraform instance and should probably not be used directly, prefer Version. func (tf *Terraform) version(ctx context.Context) (*version.Version, map[string]*version.Version, error) { versionCmd := tf.buildTerraformCmd(ctx, nil, "version", "-json") var outBuf bytes.Buffer versionCmd.Stdout = &outBuf err := tf.runTerraformCmd(ctx, versionCmd) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } tfVersion, providerVersions, err := parseJsonVersionOutput(outBuf.Bytes()) if err != nil { if _, ok := err.(*json.SyntaxError); ok { return tf.versionFromPlaintext(ctx) } } return tfVersion, providerVersions, err } func parseJsonVersionOutput(stdout []byte) (*version.Version, map[string]*version.Version, error) { var out tfjson.VersionOutput err := json.Unmarshal(stdout, &out) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } tfVersion, err := version.NewVersion(out.Version) if err != nil { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse version %q: %w", out.Version, err) } providerVersions := make(map[string]*version.Version, 0) for provider, versionStr := range out.ProviderSelections { v, err := version.NewVersion(versionStr) if err != nil { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse %q version %q: %w", provider, versionStr, err) } providerVersions[provider] = v } return tfVersion, providerVersions, nil } func (tf *Terraform) versionFromPlaintext(ctx context.Context) (*version.Version, map[string]*version.Version, error) { versionCmd := tf.buildTerraformCmd(ctx, nil, "version") var outBuf strings.Builder versionCmd.Stdout = &outBuf err := tf.runTerraformCmd(ctx, versionCmd) if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } tfVersion, providerVersions, err := parsePlaintextVersionOutput(outBuf.String()) if err != nil { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse version: %w", err) } return tfVersion, providerVersions, nil } var ( simpleVersionRe = `v?(?P[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)*(?:-[A-Za-z0-9\.]+)?)` versionOutputRe = regexp.MustCompile(`Terraform ` + simpleVersionRe) providerVersionOutputRe = regexp.MustCompile(`(\n\+ provider[\. ](?P\S+) ` + simpleVersionRe + `)`) ) func parsePlaintextVersionOutput(stdout string) (*version.Version, map[string]*version.Version, error) { stdout = strings.TrimSpace(stdout) submatches := versionOutputRe.FindStringSubmatch(stdout) if len(submatches) != 2 { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected number of version matches %d for %s", len(submatches), stdout) } v, err := version.NewVersion(submatches[1]) if err != nil { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse version %q: %w", submatches[1], err) } allSubmatches := providerVersionOutputRe.FindAllStringSubmatch(stdout, -1) provV := map[string]*version.Version{} for _, submatches := range allSubmatches { if len(submatches) != 4 { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected number of provider version matches %d for %s", len(submatches), stdout) } v, err := version.NewVersion(submatches[3]) if err != nil { return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse provider version %q: %w", submatches[3], err) } provV[submatches[2]] = v } return v, provV, err } func errorVersionString(v *version.Version) string { if v == nil { return "-" } return v.String() } // compatible asserts compatibility of the cached terraform version with the executable, and returns a well known error if not. func (tf *Terraform) compatible(ctx context.Context, minInclusive *version.Version, maxExclusive *version.Version) error { tfv, _, err := tf.Version(ctx, false) if err != nil { return err } if ok := versionInRange(tfv, minInclusive, maxExclusive); !ok { return &ErrVersionMismatch{ MinInclusive: errorVersionString(minInclusive), MaxExclusive: errorVersionString(maxExclusive), Actual: errorVersionString(tfv), } } return nil } func stripPrereleaseAndMeta(v *version.Version) *version.Version { if v == nil { return nil } segs := []string{} for _, s := range v.Segments() { segs = append(segs, strconv.Itoa(s)) } vs := strings.Join(segs, ".") clean, _ := version.NewVersion(vs) return clean } // versionInRange checks compatibility of the Terraform version. The minimum is inclusive and the max // is exclusive, equivalent to min <= expected version < max. // // Pre-release information is ignored for comparison. func versionInRange(tfv *version.Version, minInclusive *version.Version, maxExclusive *version.Version) bool { if minInclusive == nil && maxExclusive == nil { return true } tfv = stripPrereleaseAndMeta(tfv) minInclusive = stripPrereleaseAndMeta(minInclusive) maxExclusive = stripPrereleaseAndMeta(maxExclusive) if minInclusive != nil && !tfv.GreaterThanOrEqual(minInclusive) { return false } if maxExclusive != nil && !tfv.LessThan(maxExclusive) { return false } return true }