# go-testing-interface go-testing-interface is a Go library that exports an interface that `*testing.T` implements as well as a runtime version you can use in its place. The purpose of this library is so that you can export test helpers as a public API without depending on the "testing" package, since you can't create a `*testing.T` struct manually. This lets you, for example, use the public testing APIs to generate mock data at runtime, rather than just at test time. ## Usage & Example For usage and examples see the [Godoc](http://godoc.org/github.com/mitchellh/go-testing-interface). Given a test helper written using `go-testing-interface` like this: import "github.com/mitchellh/go-testing-interface" func TestHelper(t testing.T) { t.Fatal("I failed") } You can call the test helper in a real test easily: import "testing" func TestThing(t *testing.T) { TestHelper(t) } You can also call the test helper at runtime if needed: import "github.com/mitchellh/go-testing-interface" func main() { TestHelper(&testing.RuntimeT{}) } ## Versioning The tagged version matches the version of Go that the interface is compatible with. For example, the version "1.14.0" is for Go 1.14 and introduced the `Cleanup` function. The patch version (the ".0" in the prior example) is used to fix any bugs found in this library and has no correlation to the supported Go version. ## Why?! **Why would I call a test helper that takes a *testing.T at runtime?** You probably shouldn't. The only use case I've seen (and I've had) for this is to implement a "dev mode" for a service where the test helpers are used to populate mock data, create a mock DB, perhaps run service dependencies in-memory, etc. Outside of a "dev mode", I've never seen a use case for this and I think there shouldn't be one since the point of the `testing.T` interface is that you can fail immediately.