package terraform import ( "fmt" "reflect" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" ) // resourceAddress is a way of identifying an individual resource (or, // eventually, a subset of resources) within the state. It is used for Targets. type resourceAddress struct { // Addresses a resource falling somewhere in the module path // When specified alone, addresses all resources within a module path Path []string // Addresses a specific resource that occurs in a list Index int InstanceType instanceType InstanceTypeSet bool Name string Type string Mode ResourceMode // significant only if InstanceTypeSet } // String outputs the address that parses into this address. func (r *resourceAddress) String() string { var result []string for _, p := range r.Path { result = append(result, "module", p) } switch r.Mode { case ManagedResourceMode: // nothing to do case DataResourceMode: result = append(result, "data") default: panic(fmt.Errorf("unsupported resource mode %s", r.Mode)) } if r.Type != "" { result = append(result, r.Type) } if r.Name != "" { name := r.Name if r.InstanceTypeSet { switch r.InstanceType { case typePrimary: name += ".primary" case typeDeposed: name += ".deposed" case typeTainted: name += ".tainted" } } if r.Index >= 0 { name += fmt.Sprintf("[%d]", r.Index) } result = append(result, name) } return strings.Join(result, ".") } func parseResourceAddress(s string) (*resourceAddress, error) { matches, err := tokenizeResourceAddress(s) if err != nil { return nil, err } mode := ManagedResourceMode if matches["data_prefix"] != "" { mode = DataResourceMode } resourceIndex, err := parseResourceIndex(matches["index"]) if err != nil { return nil, err } instanceType, err := parseInstanceType(matches["instance_type"]) if err != nil { return nil, err } path := parseResourcePath(matches["path"]) // not allowed to say "data." without a type following if mode == DataResourceMode && matches["type"] == "" { return nil, fmt.Errorf( "invalid resource address %q: must target specific data instance", s, ) } return &resourceAddress{ Path: path, Index: resourceIndex, InstanceType: instanceType, InstanceTypeSet: matches["instance_type"] != "", Name: matches["name"], Type: matches["type"], Mode: mode, }, nil } // Less returns true if and only if the receiver should be sorted before // the given address when presenting a list of resource addresses to // an end-user. // // This sort uses lexicographic sorting for most components, but uses // numeric sort for indices, thus causing index 10 to sort after // index 9, rather than after index 1. func (addr *resourceAddress) Less(other *resourceAddress) bool { switch { case len(addr.Path) != len(other.Path): return len(addr.Path) < len(other.Path) case !reflect.DeepEqual(addr.Path, other.Path): // If the two paths are the same length but don't match, we'll just // cheat and compare the string forms since it's easier than // comparing all of the path segments in turn, and lexicographic // comparison is correct for the module path portion. addrStr := addr.String() otherStr := other.String() return addrStr < otherStr case addr.Mode != other.Mode: return addr.Mode == DataResourceMode case addr.Type != other.Type: return addr.Type < other.Type case addr.Name != other.Name: return addr.Name < other.Name case addr.Index != other.Index: // Since "Index" is -1 for an un-indexed address, this also conveniently // sorts unindexed addresses before indexed ones, should they both // appear for some reason. return addr.Index < other.Index case addr.InstanceTypeSet != other.InstanceTypeSet: return !addr.InstanceTypeSet case addr.InstanceType != other.InstanceType: // InstanceType is actually an enum, so this is just an arbitrary // sort based on the enum numeric values, and thus not particularly // meaningful. return addr.InstanceType < other.InstanceType default: return false } } func parseResourceIndex(s string) (int, error) { if s == "" { return -1, nil } return strconv.Atoi(s) } func parseResourcePath(s string) []string { if s == "" { return nil } parts := strings.Split(s, ".") path := make([]string, 0, len(parts)) for _, s := range parts { // Due to the limitations of the regexp match below, the path match has // some noise in it we have to filter out :| if s == "" || s == "module" { continue } path = append(path, s) } return path } func parseInstanceType(s string) (instanceType, error) { switch s { case "", "primary": return typePrimary, nil case "deposed": return typeDeposed, nil case "tainted": return typeTainted, nil default: return typeInvalid, fmt.Errorf("Unexpected value for instanceType field: %q", s) } } func tokenizeResourceAddress(s string) (map[string]string, error) { // Example of portions of the regexp below using the // string "aws_instance.web.tainted[1]" re := regexp.MustCompile(`\A` + // "" (optional) `(?P(?:module\.(?P[^.]+)\.?)*)` + // possibly "data.", if targeting is a data resource `(?P(?:data\.)?)` + // "aws_instance.web" (optional when module path specified) `(?:(?P[^.]+)\.(?P[^.[]+))?` + // "tainted" (optional, omission implies: "primary") `(?:\.(?P\w+))?` + // "1" (optional, omission implies: "0") `(?:\[(?P\d+)\])?` + `\z`) groupNames := re.SubexpNames() rawMatches := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(s, -1) if len(rawMatches) != 1 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid resource address %q", s) } matches := make(map[string]string) for i, m := range rawMatches[0] { matches[groupNames[i]] = m } return matches, nil }