package version import ( "fmt" "reflect" "regexp" "sort" "strings" ) // Constraint represents a single constraint for a version, such as // ">= 1.0". type Constraint struct { f constraintFunc op operator check *Version original string } func (c *Constraint) Equals(con *Constraint) bool { return c.op == con.op && c.check.Equal(con.check) } // Constraints is a slice of constraints. We make a custom type so that // we can add methods to it. type Constraints []*Constraint type constraintFunc func(v, c *Version) bool var constraintOperators map[string]constraintOperation type constraintOperation struct { op operator f constraintFunc } var constraintRegexp *regexp.Regexp func init() { constraintOperators = map[string]constraintOperation{ "": {op: equal, f: constraintEqual}, "=": {op: equal, f: constraintEqual}, "!=": {op: notEqual, f: constraintNotEqual}, ">": {op: greaterThan, f: constraintGreaterThan}, "<": {op: lessThan, f: constraintLessThan}, ">=": {op: greaterThanEqual, f: constraintGreaterThanEqual}, "<=": {op: lessThanEqual, f: constraintLessThanEqual}, "~>": {op: pessimistic, f: constraintPessimistic}, } ops := make([]string, 0, len(constraintOperators)) for k := range constraintOperators { ops = append(ops, regexp.QuoteMeta(k)) } constraintRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf( `^\s*(%s)\s*(%s)\s*$`, strings.Join(ops, "|"), VersionRegexpRaw)) } // NewConstraint will parse one or more constraints from the given // constraint string. The string must be a comma-separated list of // constraints. func NewConstraint(v string) (Constraints, error) { vs := strings.Split(v, ",") result := make([]*Constraint, len(vs)) for i, single := range vs { c, err := parseSingle(single) if err != nil { return nil, err } result[i] = c } return Constraints(result), nil } // MustConstraints is a helper that wraps a call to a function // returning (Constraints, error) and panics if error is non-nil. func MustConstraints(c Constraints, err error) Constraints { if err != nil { panic(err) } return c } // Check tests if a version satisfies all the constraints. func (cs Constraints) Check(v *Version) bool { for _, c := range cs { if !c.Check(v) { return false } } return true } // Equals compares Constraints with other Constraints // for equality. This may not represent logical equivalence // of compared constraints. // e.g. even though '>0.1,>0.2' is logically equivalent // to '>0.2' it is *NOT* treated as equal. // // Missing operator is treated as equal to '=', whitespaces // are ignored and constraints are sorted before comaparison. func (cs Constraints) Equals(c Constraints) bool { if len(cs) != len(c) { return false } // make copies to retain order of the original slices left := make(Constraints, len(cs)) copy(left, cs) sort.Stable(left) right := make(Constraints, len(c)) copy(right, c) sort.Stable(right) // compare sorted slices for i, con := range left { if !con.Equals(right[i]) { return false } } return true } func (cs Constraints) Len() int { return len(cs) } func (cs Constraints) Less(i, j int) bool { if cs[i].op < cs[j].op { return true } if cs[i].op > cs[j].op { return false } return cs[i].check.LessThan(cs[j].check) } func (cs Constraints) Swap(i, j int) { cs[i], cs[j] = cs[j], cs[i] } // Returns the string format of the constraints func (cs Constraints) String() string { csStr := make([]string, len(cs)) for i, c := range cs { csStr[i] = c.String() } return strings.Join(csStr, ",") } // Check tests if a constraint is validated by the given version. func (c *Constraint) Check(v *Version) bool { return c.f(v, c.check) } func (c *Constraint) String() string { return c.original } func parseSingle(v string) (*Constraint, error) { matches := constraintRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(v) if matches == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Malformed constraint: %s", v) } check, err := NewVersion(matches[2]) if err != nil { return nil, err } cop := constraintOperators[matches[1]] return &Constraint{ f: cop.f, op: cop.op, check: check, original: v, }, nil } func prereleaseCheck(v, c *Version) bool { switch vPre, cPre := v.Prerelease() != "", c.Prerelease() != ""; { case cPre && vPre: // A constraint with a pre-release can only match a pre-release version // with the same base segments. return reflect.DeepEqual(c.Segments64(), v.Segments64()) case !cPre && vPre: // A constraint without a pre-release can only match a version without a // pre-release. return false case cPre && !vPre: // OK, except with the pessimistic operator case !cPre && !vPre: // OK } return true } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constraint functions //------------------------------------------------------------------- type operator rune const ( equal operator = '=' notEqual operator = '≠' greaterThan operator = '>' lessThan operator = '<' greaterThanEqual operator = '≥' lessThanEqual operator = '≤' pessimistic operator = '~' ) func constraintEqual(v, c *Version) bool { return v.Equal(c) } func constraintNotEqual(v, c *Version) bool { return !v.Equal(c) } func constraintGreaterThan(v, c *Version) bool { return prereleaseCheck(v, c) && v.Compare(c) == 1 } func constraintLessThan(v, c *Version) bool { return prereleaseCheck(v, c) && v.Compare(c) == -1 } func constraintGreaterThanEqual(v, c *Version) bool { return prereleaseCheck(v, c) && v.Compare(c) >= 0 } func constraintLessThanEqual(v, c *Version) bool { return prereleaseCheck(v, c) && v.Compare(c) <= 0 } func constraintPessimistic(v, c *Version) bool { // Using a pessimistic constraint with a pre-release, restricts versions to pre-releases if !prereleaseCheck(v, c) || (c.Prerelease() != "" && v.Prerelease() == "") { return false } // If the version being checked is naturally less than the constraint, then there // is no way for the version to be valid against the constraint if v.LessThan(c) { return false } // We'll use this more than once, so grab the length now so it's a little cleaner // to write the later checks cs := len(c.segments) // If the version being checked has less specificity than the constraint, then there // is no way for the version to be valid against the constraint if cs > len(v.segments) { return false } // Check the segments in the constraint against those in the version. If the version // being checked, at any point, does not have the same values in each index of the // constraints segments, then it cannot be valid against the constraint. for i := 0; i <; i++ { if v.segments[i] != c.segments[i] { return false } } // Check the last part of the segment in the constraint. If the version segment at // this index is less than the constraints segment at this index, then it cannot // be valid against the constraint if c.segments[cs-1] > v.segments[cs-1] { return false } // If nothing has rejected the version by now, it's valid return true }