package semver import ( "bytes" "errors" "fmt" "regexp" "strings" ) // Constraints is one or more constraint that a semantic version can be // checked against. type Constraints struct { constraints [][]*constraint } // NewConstraint returns a Constraints instance that a Version instance can // be checked against. If there is a parse error it will be returned. func NewConstraint(c string) (*Constraints, error) { // Rewrite - ranges into a comparison operation. c = rewriteRange(c) ors := strings.Split(c, "||") or := make([][]*constraint, len(ors)) for k, v := range ors { // TODO: Find a way to validate and fetch all the constraints in a simpler form // Validate the segment if !validConstraintRegex.MatchString(v) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("improper constraint: %s", v) } cs := findConstraintRegex.FindAllString(v, -1) if cs == nil { cs = append(cs, v) } result := make([]*constraint, len(cs)) for i, s := range cs { pc, err := parseConstraint(s) if err != nil { return nil, err } result[i] = pc } or[k] = result } o := &Constraints{constraints: or} return o, nil } // Check tests if a version satisfies the constraints. func (cs Constraints) Check(v *Version) bool { // TODO(mattfarina): For v4 of this library consolidate the Check and Validate // functions as the underlying functions make that possible now. // loop over the ORs and check the inner ANDs for _, o := range cs.constraints { joy := true for _, c := range o { if check, _ := c.check(v); !check { joy = false break } } if joy { return true } } return false } // Validate checks if a version satisfies a constraint. If not a slice of // reasons for the failure are returned in addition to a bool. func (cs Constraints) Validate(v *Version) (bool, []error) { // loop over the ORs and check the inner ANDs var e []error // Capture the prerelease message only once. When it happens the first time // this var is marked var prerelesase bool for _, o := range cs.constraints { joy := true for _, c := range o { // Before running the check handle the case there the version is // a prerelease and the check is not searching for prereleases. if c.con.pre == "" && v.pre != "" { if !prerelesase { em := fmt.Errorf("%s is a prerelease version and the constraint is only looking for release versions", v) e = append(e, em) prerelesase = true } joy = false } else { if _, err := c.check(v); err != nil { e = append(e, err) joy = false } } } if joy { return true, []error{} } } return false, e } func (cs Constraints) String() string { buf := make([]string, len(cs.constraints)) var tmp bytes.Buffer for k, v := range cs.constraints { tmp.Reset() vlen := len(v) for kk, c := range v { tmp.WriteString(c.string()) // Space separate the AND conditions if vlen > 1 && kk < vlen-1 { tmp.WriteString(" ") } } buf[k] = tmp.String() } return strings.Join(buf, " || ") } var constraintOps map[string]cfunc var constraintRegex *regexp.Regexp var constraintRangeRegex *regexp.Regexp // Used to find individual constraints within a multi-constraint string var findConstraintRegex *regexp.Regexp // Used to validate an segment of ANDs is valid var validConstraintRegex *regexp.Regexp const cvRegex string = `v?([0-9|x|X|\*]+)(\.[0-9|x|X|\*]+)?(\.[0-9|x|X|\*]+)?` + `(-([0-9A-Za-z\-]+(\.[0-9A-Za-z\-]+)*))?` + `(\+([0-9A-Za-z\-]+(\.[0-9A-Za-z\-]+)*))?` func init() { constraintOps = map[string]cfunc{ "": constraintTildeOrEqual, "=": constraintTildeOrEqual, "!=": constraintNotEqual, ">": constraintGreaterThan, "<": constraintLessThan, ">=": constraintGreaterThanEqual, "=>": constraintGreaterThanEqual, "<=": constraintLessThanEqual, "=<": constraintLessThanEqual, "~": constraintTilde, "~>": constraintTilde, "^": constraintCaret, } ops := `=||!=|>|<|>=|=>|<=|=<|~|~>|\^` constraintRegex = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf( `^\s*(%s)\s*(%s)\s*$`, ops, cvRegex)) constraintRangeRegex = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf( `\s*(%s)\s+-\s+(%s)\s*`, cvRegex, cvRegex)) findConstraintRegex = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf( `(%s)\s*(%s)`, ops, cvRegex)) validConstraintRegex = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf( `^(\s*(%s)\s*(%s)\s*\,?)+$`, ops, cvRegex)) } // An individual constraint type constraint struct { // The version used in the constraint check. For example, if a constraint // is '<= 2.0.0' the con a version instance representing 2.0.0. con *Version // The original parsed version (e.g., 4.x from != 4.x) orig string // The original operator for the constraint origfunc string // When an x is used as part of the version (e.g., 1.x) minorDirty bool dirty bool patchDirty bool } // Check if a version meets the constraint func (c *constraint) check(v *Version) (bool, error) { return constraintOps[c.origfunc](v, c) } // String prints an individual constraint into a string func (c *constraint) string() string { return c.origfunc + c.orig } type cfunc func(v *Version, c *constraint) (bool, error) func parseConstraint(c string) (*constraint, error) { if len(c) > 0 { m := constraintRegex.FindStringSubmatch(c) if m == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("improper constraint: %s", c) } cs := &constraint{ orig: m[2], origfunc: m[1], } ver := m[2] minorDirty := false patchDirty := false dirty := false if isX(m[3]) || m[3] == "" { ver = "0.0.0" dirty = true } else if isX(strings.TrimPrefix(m[4], ".")) || m[4] == "" { minorDirty = true dirty = true ver = fmt.Sprintf("%s.0.0%s", m[3], m[6]) } else if isX(strings.TrimPrefix(m[5], ".")) || m[5] == "" { dirty = true patchDirty = true ver = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s.0%s", m[3], m[4], m[6]) } con, err := NewVersion(ver) if err != nil { // The constraintRegex should catch any regex parsing errors. So, // we should never get here. return nil, errors.New("constraint Parser Error") } cs.con = con cs.minorDirty = minorDirty cs.patchDirty = patchDirty cs.dirty = dirty return cs, nil } // The rest is the special case where an empty string was passed in which // is equivalent to * or >=0.0.0 con, err := StrictNewVersion("0.0.0") if err != nil { // The constraintRegex should catch any regex parsing errors. So, // we should never get here. return nil, errors.New("constraint Parser Error") } cs := &constraint{ con: con, orig: c, origfunc: "", minorDirty: false, patchDirty: false, dirty: true, } return cs, nil } // Constraint functions func constraintNotEqual(v *Version, c *constraint) (bool, error) { if c.dirty { // If there is a pre-release on the version but the constraint isn't looking // for them assume that pre-releases are not compatible. See issue 21 for // more details. if v.Prerelease() != "" && c.con.Prerelease() == "" { return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is a prerelease version and the constraint is only looking for release versions", v) } if c.con.Major() != v.Major() { return true, nil } if c.con.Minor() != v.Minor() && !c.minorDirty { return true, nil } else if c.minorDirty { return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is equal to %s", v, c.orig) } else if c.con.Patch() != v.Patch() && !c.patchDirty { return true, nil } else if c.patchDirty { // Need to handle prereleases if present if v.Prerelease() != "" || c.con.Prerelease() != "" { eq := comparePrerelease(v.Prerelease(), c.con.Prerelease()) != 0 if eq { return true, nil } return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is equal to %s", v, c.orig) } return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is equal to %s", v, c.orig) } } eq := v.Equal(c.con) if eq { return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is equal to %s", v, c.orig) } return true, nil } func constraintGreaterThan(v *Version, c *constraint) (bool, error) { // If there is a pre-release on the version but the constraint isn't looking // for them assume that pre-releases are not compatible. See issue 21 for // more details. if v.Prerelease() != "" && c.con.Prerelease() == "" { return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is a prerelease version and the constraint is only looking for release versions", v) } var eq bool if !c.dirty { eq = v.Compare(c.con) == 1 if eq { return true, nil } return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is less than or equal to %s", v, c.orig) } if v.Major() > c.con.Major() { return true, nil } else if v.Major() < c.con.Major() { return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is less than or equal to %s", v, c.orig) } else if c.minorDirty { // This is a range case such as >11. When the version is something like // 11.1.0 is it not > 11. For that we would need 12 or higher return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is less than or equal to %s", v, c.orig) } else if c.patchDirty { // This is for ranges such as >11.1. A version of 11.1.1 is not greater // which one of 11.2.1 is greater eq = v.Minor() > c.con.Minor() if eq { return true, nil } return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is less than or equal to %s", v, c.orig) } // If we have gotten here we are not comparing pre-preleases and can use the // Compare function to accomplish that. eq = v.Compare(c.con) == 1 if eq { return true, nil } return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is less than or equal to %s", v, c.orig) } func constraintLessThan(v *Version, c *constraint) (bool, error) { // If there is a pre-release on the version but the constraint isn't looking // for them assume that pre-releases are not compatible. See issue 21 for // more details. if v.Prerelease() != "" && c.con.Prerelease() == "" { return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is a prerelease version and the constraint is only looking for release versions", v) } eq := v.Compare(c.con) < 0 if eq { return true, nil } return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is greater than or equal to %s", v, c.orig) } func constraintGreaterThanEqual(v *Version, c *constraint) (bool, error) { // If there is a pre-release on the version but the constraint isn't looking // for them assume that pre-releases are not compatible. See issue 21 for // more details. if v.Prerelease() != "" && c.con.Prerelease() == "" { return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is a prerelease version and the constraint is only looking for release versions", v) } eq := v.Compare(c.con) >= 0 if eq { return true, nil } return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is less than %s", v, c.orig) } func constraintLessThanEqual(v *Version, c *constraint) (bool, error) { // If there is a pre-release on the version but the constraint isn't looking // for them assume that pre-releases are not compatible. See issue 21 for // more details. if v.Prerelease() != "" && c.con.Prerelease() == "" { return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is a prerelease version and the constraint is only looking for release versions", v) } var eq bool if !c.dirty { eq = v.Compare(c.con) <= 0 if eq { return true, nil } return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is greater than %s", v, c.orig) } if v.Major() > c.con.Major() { return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is greater than %s", v, c.orig) } else if v.Major() == c.con.Major() && v.Minor() > c.con.Minor() && !c.minorDirty { return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is greater than %s", v, c.orig) } return true, nil } // ~*, ~>* --> >= 0.0.0 (any) // ~2, ~2.x, ~2.x.x, ~>2, ~>2.x ~>2.x.x --> >=2.0.0, <3.0.0 // ~2.0, ~2.0.x, ~>2.0, ~>2.0.x --> >=2.0.0, <2.1.0 // ~1.2, ~1.2.x, ~>1.2, ~>1.2.x --> >=1.2.0, <1.3.0 // ~1.2.3, ~>1.2.3 --> >=1.2.3, <1.3.0 // ~1.2.0, ~>1.2.0 --> >=1.2.0, <1.3.0 func constraintTilde(v *Version, c *constraint) (bool, error) { // If there is a pre-release on the version but the constraint isn't looking // for them assume that pre-releases are not compatible. See issue 21 for // more details. if v.Prerelease() != "" && c.con.Prerelease() == "" { return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is a prerelease version and the constraint is only looking for release versions", v) } if v.LessThan(c.con) { return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is less than %s", v, c.orig) } // ~0.0.0 is a special case where all constraints are accepted. It's // equivalent to >= 0.0.0. if c.con.Major() == 0 && c.con.Minor() == 0 && c.con.Patch() == 0 && !c.minorDirty && !c.patchDirty { return true, nil } if v.Major() != c.con.Major() { return false, fmt.Errorf("%s does not have same major version as %s", v, c.orig) } if v.Minor() != c.con.Minor() && !c.minorDirty { return false, fmt.Errorf("%s does not have same major and minor version as %s", v, c.orig) } return true, nil } // When there is a .x (dirty) status it automatically opts in to ~. Otherwise // it's a straight = func constraintTildeOrEqual(v *Version, c *constraint) (bool, error) { // If there is a pre-release on the version but the constraint isn't looking // for them assume that pre-releases are not compatible. See issue 21 for // more details. if v.Prerelease() != "" && c.con.Prerelease() == "" { return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is a prerelease version and the constraint is only looking for release versions", v) } if c.dirty { return constraintTilde(v, c) } eq := v.Equal(c.con) if eq { return true, nil } return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is not equal to %s", v, c.orig) } // ^* --> (any) // ^1.2.3 --> >=1.2.3 <2.0.0 // ^1.2 --> >=1.2.0 <2.0.0 // ^1 --> >=1.0.0 <2.0.0 // ^0.2.3 --> >=0.2.3 <0.3.0 // ^0.2 --> >=0.2.0 <0.3.0 // ^0.0.3 --> >=0.0.3 <0.0.4 // ^0.0 --> >=0.0.0 <0.1.0 // ^0 --> >=0.0.0 <1.0.0 func constraintCaret(v *Version, c *constraint) (bool, error) { // If there is a pre-release on the version but the constraint isn't looking // for them assume that pre-releases are not compatible. See issue 21 for // more details. if v.Prerelease() != "" && c.con.Prerelease() == "" { return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is a prerelease version and the constraint is only looking for release versions", v) } // This less than handles prereleases if v.LessThan(c.con) { return false, fmt.Errorf("%s is less than %s", v, c.orig) } var eq bool // ^ when the major > 0 is >=x.y.z < x+1 if c.con.Major() > 0 || c.minorDirty { // ^ has to be within a major range for > 0. Everything less than was // filtered out with the LessThan call above. This filters out those // that greater but not within the same major range. eq = v.Major() == c.con.Major() if eq { return true, nil } return false, fmt.Errorf("%s does not have same major version as %s", v, c.orig) } // ^ when the major is 0 and minor > 0 is >=0.y.z < 0.y+1 if c.con.Major() == 0 && v.Major() > 0 { return false, fmt.Errorf("%s does not have same major version as %s", v, c.orig) } // If the con Minor is > 0 it is not dirty if c.con.Minor() > 0 || c.patchDirty { eq = v.Minor() == c.con.Minor() if eq { return true, nil } return false, fmt.Errorf("%s does not have same minor version as %s. Expected minor versions to match when constraint major version is 0", v, c.orig) } // At this point the major is 0 and the minor is 0 and not dirty. The patch // is not dirty so we need to check if they are equal. If they are not equal eq = c.con.Patch() == v.Patch() if eq { return true, nil } return false, fmt.Errorf("%s does not equal %s. Expect version and constraint to equal when major and minor versions are 0", v, c.orig) } func isX(x string) bool { switch x { case "x", "*", "X": return true default: return false } } func rewriteRange(i string) string { m := constraintRangeRegex.FindAllStringSubmatch(i, -1) if m == nil { return i } o := i for _, v := range m { t := fmt.Sprintf(">= %s, <= %s", v[1], v[11]) o = strings.Replace(o, v[0], t, 1) } return o }