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2022-04-03 09:37:16 +05:30

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package tftest
import (
getter "github.com/hashicorp/go-getter"
const releaseHost = "https://releases.hashicorp.com"
// FindTerraform attempts to find a Terraform CLI executable for plugin testing.
// As a first preference it will look for the environment variable
// TF_ACC_TERRAFORM_PATH and return its value. If that variable is not set, it will
// look in PATH for a program named "terraform" and, if one is found, return
// its absolute path.
// If no Terraform executable can be found, the result is the empty string. In
// that case, the test program will usually fail outright.
func FindTerraform() string {
if p := os.Getenv("TF_ACC_TERRAFORM_PATH"); p != "" {
return p
p, err := exec.LookPath("terraform")
if err != nil {
return ""
return p
func tfURL(version, osName, archName string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(
releaseHost, version, version, osName, archName,
// InstallTerraform downloads and decompresses a Terraform CLI executable with
// the specified version, downloaded from the HashiCorp releases page over HTTP.
// The version string must match an existing Terraform release semver version,
// e.g. 0.12.5.
// The terraform executable is installed to a temporary folder.
// FIXME: Temporary folder should be cleaned up after tests have finished.
func InstallTerraform(tfVersion string) (string, error) {
osName := runtime.GOOS
archName := runtime.GOARCH
var tfDir string
var err error
tempDir := os.Getenv("TF_ACC_TEMP_DIR")
tfDir, err = ioutil.TempDir(tempDir, "tftest-terraform")
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to create temp dir: %s", err)
url := tfURL(tfVersion, osName, archName)
client := getter.Client{
Src: url,
Dst: tfDir,
Mode: getter.ClientModeDir,
err = client.Get()
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to download terraform from %s: %s", url, err)
return filepath.Join(tfDir, "terraform"), nil
// getTerraformEnv returns the appropriate Env for the Terraform command.
func getTerraformEnv() []string {
var env []string
for _, e := range os.Environ() {
env = append(env, e)
env = append(env, "TF_DISABLE_PLUGIN_TLS=1")
env = append(env, "TF_SKIP_PROVIDER_VERIFY=1")
// FIXME: Ideally in testing.Verbose mode we'd turn on Terraform DEBUG
// logging, perhaps redirected to a separate fd other than stderr to avoid
// polluting it, and then propagate the log lines out into t.Log so that
// they are visible to the person running the test. Currently though,
// Terraform CLI is able to send logs only to either an on-disk file or
// to stderr.
env = append(env, "TF_LOG=") // so logging can't pollute our stderr output
env = append(env, "TF_INPUT=0")
if p := os.Getenv("TF_ACC_LOG_PATH"); p != "" {
env = append(env, "TF_LOG=TRACE")
env = append(env, "TF_LOG_PATH="+p)
return env
// RunTerraform runs the configured Terraform CLI executable with the given
// arguments, returning an error if it produces a non-successful exit status.
func (wd *WorkingDir) runTerraform(args ...string) error {
allArgs := []string{"terraform"}
allArgs = append(allArgs, args...)
env := getTerraformEnv()
var errBuf strings.Builder
cmd := &exec.Cmd{
Path: wd.h.TerraformExecPath(),
Args: allArgs,
Dir: wd.baseDir,
Stderr: &errBuf,
Env: env,
err := cmd.Run()
if tErr, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
err = fmt.Errorf("terraform failed: %s\n\nstderr:\n%s", tErr.ProcessState.String(), errBuf.String())
return err
// runTerraformJSON runs the configured Terraform CLI executable with the given
// arguments and tries to decode its stdout into the given target value (which
// must be a non-nil pointer) as JSON.
func (wd *WorkingDir) runTerraformJSON(target interface{}, args ...string) error {
allArgs := []string{"terraform"}
allArgs = append(allArgs, args...)
env := getTerraformEnv()
var outBuf bytes.Buffer
var errBuf strings.Builder
cmd := &exec.Cmd{
Path: wd.h.TerraformExecPath(),
Args: allArgs,
Dir: wd.baseDir,
Stderr: &errBuf,
Stdout: &outBuf,
Env: env,
err := cmd.Run()
if err != nil {
if tErr, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
err = fmt.Errorf("terraform failed: %s\n\nstderr:\n%s", tErr.ProcessState.String(), errBuf.String())
return err
return json.Unmarshal(outBuf.Bytes(), target)