Tobias Trabelsi e1266ebf64
Some checks reported errors
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build encountered an error
continuous-integration/drone/push Build encountered an error
updated GHA
Update to v2 SDK
updated dependencies
2022-08-06 16:21:18 +02:00

282 lines
10 KiB

package tfjson
import (
// ProviderSchemasFormatVersionConstraints defines the versions of the JSON
// provider schema format that are supported by this package.
var ProviderSchemasFormatVersionConstraints = ">= 0.1, < 2.0"
// ProviderSchemas represents the schemas of all providers and
// resources in use by the configuration.
type ProviderSchemas struct {
// The version of the plan format. This should always match one of
// ProviderSchemasFormatVersions in this package, or else
// an unmarshal will be unstable.
FormatVersion string `json:"format_version,omitempty"`
// The schemas for the providers in this configuration, indexed by
// provider type. Aliases are not included, and multiple instances
// of a provider in configuration will be represented by a single
// provider here.
Schemas map[string]*ProviderSchema `json:"provider_schemas,omitempty"`
// Validate checks to ensure that ProviderSchemas is present, and the
// version matches the version supported by this library.
func (p *ProviderSchemas) Validate() error {
if p == nil {
return errors.New("provider schema data is nil")
if p.FormatVersion == "" {
return errors.New("unexpected provider schema data, format version is missing")
constraint, err := version.NewConstraint(PlanFormatVersionConstraints)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid version constraint: %w", err)
version, err := version.NewVersion(p.FormatVersion)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid format version %q: %w", p.FormatVersion, err)
if !constraint.Check(version) {
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported provider schema format version: %q does not satisfy %q",
version, constraint)
return nil
func (p *ProviderSchemas) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
type rawSchemas ProviderSchemas
var schemas rawSchemas
err := json.Unmarshal(b, &schemas)
if err != nil {
return err
*p = *(*ProviderSchemas)(&schemas)
return p.Validate()
// ProviderSchema is the JSON representation of the schema of an
// entire provider, including the provider configuration and any
// resources and data sources included with the provider.
type ProviderSchema struct {
// The schema for the provider's configuration.
ConfigSchema *Schema `json:"provider,omitempty"`
// The schemas for any resources in this provider.
ResourceSchemas map[string]*Schema `json:"resource_schemas,omitempty"`
// The schemas for any data sources in this provider.
DataSourceSchemas map[string]*Schema `json:"data_source_schemas,omitempty"`
// Schema is the JSON representation of a particular schema
// (provider configuration, resources, data sources).
type Schema struct {
// The version of the particular resource schema.
Version uint64 `json:"version"`
// The root-level block of configuration values.
Block *SchemaBlock `json:"block,omitempty"`
// SchemaDescriptionKind describes the format type for a particular description's field.
type SchemaDescriptionKind string
const (
// SchemaDescriptionKindPlain indicates a string in plain text format.
SchemaDescriptionKindPlain SchemaDescriptionKind = "plain"
// SchemaDescriptionKindMarkdown indicates a Markdown string and may need to be
// processed prior to presentation.
SchemaDescriptionKindMarkdown SchemaDescriptionKind = "markdown"
// SchemaBlock represents a nested block within a particular schema.
type SchemaBlock struct {
// The attributes defined at the particular level of this block.
Attributes map[string]*SchemaAttribute `json:"attributes,omitempty"`
// Any nested blocks within this particular block.
NestedBlocks map[string]*SchemaBlockType `json:"block_types,omitempty"`
// The description for this block and format of the description. If
// no kind is provided, it can be assumed to be plain text.
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
DescriptionKind SchemaDescriptionKind `json:"description_kind,omitempty"`
// If true, this block is deprecated.
Deprecated bool `json:"deprecated,omitempty"`
// SchemaNestingMode is the nesting mode for a particular nested
// schema block.
type SchemaNestingMode string
const (
// SchemaNestingModeSingle denotes single block nesting mode, which
// allows a single block of this specific type only in
// configuration. This is generally the same as list or set types
// with a single-element constraint.
SchemaNestingModeSingle SchemaNestingMode = "single"
// SchemaNestingModeGroup is similar to SchemaNestingModeSingle in that it
// calls for only a single instance of a given block type with no labels,
// but it additonally guarantees that its result will never be null,
// even if the block is absent, and instead the nested attributes
// and blocks will be treated as absent in that case.
// This is useful for the situation where a remote API has a feature that
// is always enabled but has a group of settings related to that feature
// that themselves have default values. By using SchemaNestingModeGroup
// instead of SchemaNestingModeSingle in that case, generated plans will
// show the block as present even when not present in configuration,
// thus allowing any default values within to be displayed to the user.
SchemaNestingModeGroup SchemaNestingMode = "group"
// SchemaNestingModeList denotes list block nesting mode, which
// allows an ordered list of blocks where duplicates are allowed.
SchemaNestingModeList SchemaNestingMode = "list"
// SchemaNestingModeSet denotes set block nesting mode, which
// allows an unordered list of blocks where duplicates are
// generally not allowed. What is considered a duplicate is up to
// the rules of the set itself, which may or may not cover all
// fields in the block.
SchemaNestingModeSet SchemaNestingMode = "set"
// SchemaNestingModeMap denotes map block nesting mode. This
// creates a map of all declared blocks of the block type within
// the parent, keying them on the label supplied in the block
// declaration. This allows for blocks to be declared in the same
// style as resources.
SchemaNestingModeMap SchemaNestingMode = "map"
// SchemaBlockType describes a nested block within a schema.
type SchemaBlockType struct {
// The nesting mode for this block.
NestingMode SchemaNestingMode `json:"nesting_mode,omitempty"`
// The block data for this block type, including attributes and
// subsequent nested blocks.
Block *SchemaBlock `json:"block,omitempty"`
// The lower limit on items that can be declared of this block
// type.
MinItems uint64 `json:"min_items,omitempty"`
// The upper limit on items that can be declared of this block
// type.
MaxItems uint64 `json:"max_items,omitempty"`
// SchemaAttribute describes an attribute within a schema block.
type SchemaAttribute struct {
// The attribute type
// Either AttributeType or AttributeNestedType is set, never both.
AttributeType cty.Type `json:"type,omitempty"`
// Details about a nested attribute type
// Either AttributeType or AttributeNestedType is set, never both.
AttributeNestedType *SchemaNestedAttributeType `json:"nested_type,omitempty"`
// The description field for this attribute. If no kind is
// provided, it can be assumed to be plain text.
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
DescriptionKind SchemaDescriptionKind `json:"description_kind,omitempty"`
// If true, this attribute is deprecated.
Deprecated bool `json:"deprecated,omitempty"`
// If true, this attribute is required - it has to be entered in
// configuration.
Required bool `json:"required,omitempty"`
// If true, this attribute is optional - it does not need to be
// entered in configuration.
Optional bool `json:"optional,omitempty"`
// If true, this attribute is computed - it can be set by the
// provider. It may also be set by configuration if Optional is
// true.
Computed bool `json:"computed,omitempty"`
// If true, this attribute is sensitive and will not be displayed
// in logs. Future versions of Terraform may encrypt or otherwise
// treat these values with greater care than non-sensitive fields.
Sensitive bool `json:"sensitive,omitempty"`
// jsonSchemaAttribute describes an attribute within a schema block
// in a middle-step internal representation before marshalled into
// a more useful SchemaAttribute with cty.Type.
// This avoid panic on marshalling cty.NilType (from cty upstream)
// which the default Go marshaller cannot ignore because it's a
// not nil-able struct.
type jsonSchemaAttribute struct {
AttributeType json.RawMessage `json:"type,omitempty"`
AttributeNestedType *SchemaNestedAttributeType `json:"nested_type,omitempty"`
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
DescriptionKind SchemaDescriptionKind `json:"description_kind,omitempty"`
Deprecated bool `json:"deprecated,omitempty"`
Required bool `json:"required,omitempty"`
Optional bool `json:"optional,omitempty"`
Computed bool `json:"computed,omitempty"`
Sensitive bool `json:"sensitive,omitempty"`
func (as *SchemaAttribute) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
jsonSa := &jsonSchemaAttribute{
AttributeNestedType: as.AttributeNestedType,
Description: as.Description,
DescriptionKind: as.DescriptionKind,
Deprecated: as.Deprecated,
Required: as.Required,
Optional: as.Optional,
Computed: as.Computed,
Sensitive: as.Sensitive,
if as.AttributeType != cty.NilType {
attrTy, _ := as.AttributeType.MarshalJSON()
jsonSa.AttributeType = attrTy
return json.Marshal(jsonSa)
// SchemaNestedAttributeType describes a nested attribute
// which could also be just expressed simply as cty.Object(...),
// cty.List(cty.Object(...)) etc. but this allows tracking additional
// metadata which can help interpreting or validating the data.
type SchemaNestedAttributeType struct {
// A map of nested attributes
Attributes map[string]*SchemaAttribute `json:"attributes,omitempty"`
// The nesting mode for this attribute.
NestingMode SchemaNestingMode `json:"nesting_mode,omitempty"`
// The lower limit on number of items that can be declared
// of this attribute type (not applicable to single nesting mode).
MinItems uint64 `json:"min_items,omitempty"`
// The upper limit on number of items that can be declared
// of this attribute type (not applicable to single nesting mode).
MaxItems uint64 `json:"max_items,omitempty"`