Safety Checks
1. Ensure number of backups is AT LEAST 1. Im assuming a value of 0 would be user error.. so we want to ensure we have at least one backup 2. Make restore function use the same sorting method. Which ignores all words, only uses the values. 3. Changed mountpoint from `/temporary` to `/heavyscript` Hopefully to avoid any issues of users using /temporary for ANY other reason.. 4. Add a safety check within the unmount feature.. Before, there was a possibility users could have two applications, on separate pools, the script would try to mount to both of them. Obviously this is an issue. So we added a newline count, if the find command finds more than one entry for an application, use the slower, but more reliable method of checking the users current application pool, attempt to mount the application instance that exists on that pool. 5. If user tries using '-r' and '-m' at the same time, report an error and exit. Those two functions cannot be used at the same time..
This commit is contained in:
@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ do
! [[ $OPTARG =~ $re ]] && echo -e "Error: -b needs to be assigned an interger\n$number_of_backups is not an interger" >&2 && exit
echo -e "\nNumber of backups was set to $number_of_backups"
! [[ $OPTARG =~ $re ]] && echo -e "Error: -b needs to be assigned an interger\n"$number_of_backups" is not an interger" >&2 && exit
[[ "$number_of_backups" -le 0 ]] && echo "Error: Number of backups is required to be at least 1" && exit
@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ do
! [[ $timeout =~ $re ]] && echo -e "Error: -t needs to be assigned an interger\n$timeout is not an interger" >&2 && exit
! [[ $timeout =~ $re ]] && echo -e "Error: -t needs to be assigned an interger\n"$timeout" is not an interger" >&2 && exit
[[ "$timeout" -le 50 ]] && echo "Warning: Your timeout is set very low and may lead to premature rollbacks or skips"
@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ do
echo -e "\nNumber of backups was set to $number_of_backups"
date=$(date '+%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S')
[[ "$verbose" == "true" ]] && cli -c 'app kubernetes backup_chart_releases backup_name=''"'HeavyScript_"$date"'"'
[[ -z "$verbose" ]] && echo -e "\nNew Backup Name:" && cli -c 'app kubernetes backup_chart_releases backup_name=''"'HeavyScript_"$date"'"' | tail -n 1
@ -96,7 +98,7 @@ export -f backup
clear -x
list_backups=$(cli -c 'app kubernetes list_backups' | grep "HeavyScript_" | sort -rV | tr -d " \t\r" | awk -F '|' '{print $2}' | nl | column -t)
list_backups=$(cli -c 'app kubernetes list_backups' | grep "HeavyScript_" | sort -t '_' -Vr -k2,7 | tr -d " \t\r" | awk -F '|' '{print $2}' | nl | column -t)
echo "$list_backups" && read -p "Please type a number: " selection && restore_point=$(echo "$list_backups" | grep ^"$selection" | awk '{print $2}')
[[ -z "$selection" ]] && echo "Your selection cannot be empty" && exit #Check for valid selection. If none, kill script
[[ -z "$restore_point" ]] && echo "Invalid Selection: $selection, was not an option" && exit #Check for valid selection. If none, kill script
@ -139,10 +141,10 @@ if [[ $selection == "1" ]]; then
mount=$(echo "$pvc" | awk '{print $4}')
volume_name=$(echo "$pvc" | awk '{print $4}')
full_path=$(zfs list | grep $volume_name | awk '{print $1}')
echo -e "\nMounting\n"$full_path"\nTo\n/mnt/temporary/$data_name" && zfs set mountpoint=/temporary/"$data_name" "$full_path" && echo -e "Mounted\n\nUnmount with the following command\nzfs set mountpoint=legacy "$full_path" && rmdir /mnt/temporary/"$data_name"\nOr use the Unmount All option\n"
echo -e "\nMounting\n"$full_path"\nTo\n/mnt/heavyscript/$data_name" && zfs set mountpoint=/heavyscript/"$data_name" "$full_path" && echo -e "Mounted\n\nUnmount with the following command\nzfs set mountpoint=legacy "$full_path" && rmdir /mnt/heavyscript/"$data_name"\nOr use the Unmount All option\n"
elif [[ $selection == "2" ]]; then
mapfile -t unmount_array < <(basename -a /mnt/temporary/* | sed "s/*//")
mapfile -t unmount_array < <(basename -a /mnt/heavyscript/* | sed "s/*//")
[[ -z $unmount_array ]] && echo "Theres nothing to unmount" && exit
for i in "${unmount_array[@]}"
@ -150,8 +152,16 @@ elif [[ $selection == "2" ]]; then
app=$(echo "$main" | awk '{print $1}' | cut -c 4-)
pvc=$(echo "$main" | awk '{print $3}')
path=$(find /mnt/*/ix-applications/releases/"$app"/volumes/ -maxdepth 0 | cut -c 6-)
zfs set mountpoint=legacy "$path""$pvc" && echo "$i unmounted" && rmdir /mnt/temporary/"$i" || echo "failed to unmount $i"
safety_check=$(find /mnt/*/ix-applications/releases/"$app"/volumes/ -maxdepth 0 | cut -c 6- | wc -l) #if theres more than one new lines, that means theres more than one application with the same name on another pool.
if [[ "$safety_check" -gt 1 ]]; then #if there is another app with the same name on another pool, use the current pools application, since the other instance is probably old, or unused.
echo "$i is a name used on more than one pool.. attempting to use your current kubernetes apps pool"
pool=$(cli -c 'app kubernetes config' | grep dataset | awk -F '|' '{print $3}' | awk -F '/' '{print $1}' | tr -d " \t\n\r")
full_path=$(find /mnt/"$pool"/ix-applications/releases/"$app"/volumes/ -maxdepth 0 | cut -c 6-)
zfs set mountpoint=legacy "$full_path""$pvc" && echo "$i unmounted" && rmdir /mnt/heavyscript/"$i" && continue || echo "failed to unmount $i"
zfs set mountpoint=legacy "$path""$pvc" && echo "$i unmounted" && rmdir /mnt/heavyscript/"$i" || echo "failed to unmount $i"
rmdir /mnt/heavyscript
echo "Invalid selection, type -h for help"
@ -268,7 +278,7 @@ else
while [[ "0" != "1" ]]
(( count++ ))
status=$(cli -m csv -c 'app chart_release query name,update_available,human_version,human_latest_version,status' | grep ""$app_name"," | awk -F ',' '{print $2}') #Skip first status check, due to the one directly above it.
status=$(cli -m csv -c 'app chart_release query name,update_available,human_version,human_latest_version,status' | grep ""$app_name"," | awk -F ',' '{print $2}')
if [[ "$status" == "STOPPED" ]]; then
[[ "$count" -le 1 && "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo "Verifying Stopped.." && sleep 15 && continue #if reports stopped on FIRST time through loop, double check
[[ "$count" -le 1 && -z "$verbose" ]] && sleep 15 && continue #if reports stopped on FIRST time through loop, double check
@ -294,9 +304,10 @@ fi
export -f prune
[[ $restore == "true" ]] && restore && exit
[[ $mount == "true" ]] && mount && exit
[[ $number_of_backups -gt 0 ]] && backup
[[ $sync == "true" ]] && sync
[[ $update_all_apps == "true" || $update_apps == "true" ]] && update_apps
[[ $prune == "true" ]] && prune
[[ "$restore" == "true" && "$mount" == "true" ]] && echo -e "The Restore Function(-r)\nand\nMount Function(-m)\nCannot both be called at the same time." && exit
[[ "$restore" == "true" ]] && restore && exit
[[ "$mount" == "true" ]] && mount && exit
[[ "$number_of_backups" -ge 1 ]] && backup
[[ "$sync" == "true" ]] && sync
[[ "$update_all_apps" == "true" || $update_apps == "true" ]] && update_apps
[[ "$prune" == "true" ]] && prune
Reference in New Issue
Block a user