try app specific status check instead of global

This commit is contained in:
Heavybullets8 2022-08-10 23:55:45 -06:00
parent f56b03c0eb
commit 850303e328

@ -210,35 +210,46 @@ if [[ $rollback == "true" || "$startstatus" == "STOPPED" ]]; then
# [[ ! -e trigger ]] && touch trigger && sleep 10
while true
if [[ $count -lt 1 ]]; then
while_count=$(head -n 1 temp.txt)
if [[ $count -lt 1 ]]; then
old_status=$(grep "^$app_name," temp.txt)
until [[ $while_count -lt $current_count ]] # Wait for a change in the file BEFORE continuing
until [[ "$new_status" != "$old_status" ]] # Wait for a change in the file BEFORE continuing
current_count=$(head -n 1 temp.txt)
new_status=$(grep "^$app_name," temp.txt)
sleep 1
# if [[ $count -lt 1 ]]; then
# while_count=$(head -n 1 temp.txt)
# else
# until [[ $while_count -lt $current_count ]] # Wait for a change in the file BEFORE continuing
# do
# current_count=$(head -n 1 temp.txt)
# sleep 1
# done
# while_count=$current_count
# fi
status=$( grep "^$app_name," temp.txt | awk -F ',' '{print $2}')
(( count++ ))
if [[ "$status" == "ACTIVE" ]]; then
if [[ "$startstatus" == "STOPPED" ]]; then
[[ "$count" -le 1 && "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo_array+=("Verifying Active..") && sleep 15 && continue #if reports active on FIRST time through loop, double check
[[ "$count" -le 1 && -z "$verbose" ]] && sleep 15 && continue #if reports active on FIRST time through loop, double check
# [[ "$count" -le 1 && "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo_array+=("Verifying Active..") && sleep 15 && continue #if reports active on FIRST time through loop, double check
# [[ "$count" -le 1 && -z "$verbose" ]] && sleep 15 && continue #if reports active on FIRST time through loop, double check
[[ "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo_array+=("Returing to STOPPED state..")
midclt call chart.release.scale "$app_name" '{"replica_count": 0}' &> /dev/null || { echo_array+=("Error: Failed to stop $app_name") ; break ; }
[[ "$count" -le 1 && "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo_array+=("Verifying Active..") && sleep 15 && continue #if reports active on FIRST time through loop, double check
[[ "$count" -le 1 && -z "$verbose" ]] && sleep 15 && continue #if reports active on FIRST time through loop, double check
# [[ "$count" -le 1 && "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo_array+=("Verifying Active..") && sleep 15 && continue #if reports active on FIRST time through loop, double check
# [[ "$count" -le 1 && -z "$verbose" ]] && sleep 15 && continue #if reports active on FIRST time through loop, double check
break #if reports active any time after the first loop, assume actually active.
elif [[ "$status" == "STOPPED" ]]; then
[[ "$count" -le 1 && "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo_array+=("Verifying Stopped..") && sleep 15 && continue #if reports stopped on FIRST time through loop, double check
[[ "$count" -le 1 && -z "$verbose" ]] && sleep 15 && continue #if reports stopped on FIRST time through loop, double check
# [[ "$count" -le 1 && "$verbose" == "true" ]] && echo_array+=("Verifying Stopped..") && sleep 15 && continue #if reports stopped on FIRST time through loop, double check
# [[ "$count" -le 1 && -z "$verbose" ]] && sleep 15 && continue #if reports stopped on FIRST time through loop, double check
break #if reports stopped any time after the first loop, assume its extermal services.
elif [[ "$SECONDS" -ge "$timeout" && "$status" == "DEPLOYING" ]]; then