A TrueCharts automatic and bulk update utility
How to install
run pip install trueupdate
Please be aware you will need to reinstall after every SCALE update
How to Update
run pip install --upgrade trueupdate
How to use
Just run trueupdate
in the shell of your TrueNAS SCALE machine, to have it process Patch and Minor version updates for all Apps
Additional options are available:
trueupdate --catalog CATALOGNAME
where CATALOGNAME is the name of the catalog you want to process in caps -
trueupdate --versioning SCHEME
where SCHEME is the highest semver version you want to process. options:patch
trueupdate -h
for the CLI help page -
trueupdate -s
ortrueupdate --sync
to sync the catalogs before running auto-update -
trueupdate -p
ortrueupdate --prune
to prune (remove) old docker images after running auto-update -
trueupdate -a
ortrueupdate --all
updates both active (running) and non-active (stuck or stopped) Apps -
trueupdate -b
ortrueupdate --backup
backup the complete Apps system prior to updates