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Bitwarden CRD Operator

Build Status Artifact Hub

Bitwarden CRD Operator is a kubernetes Operator based on kopf. The goal is to create kubernetes native secret objects from bitwarden.

Bitwarden CRD Operator Logo

This project is still very work in progress :)

Getting started

You will need a ClientID and ClientSecret (where to get these) as well as your password. Expose these to the operator as described in this example:

  - name: BW_HOST
    value: "https://bitwarden.your.tld.org"
  - name: BW_CLIENTID
    value: "user.your-client-id"
    value: "YoUrCliEntSecRet"
  - name: BW_PASSWORD
    value: "YourSuperSecurePassword"

you can also create a secret manually with these information and reference the existing secret like this in the values.yaml:

  enabled: true
  name: "my-existing-secret"

the helm template will use all environment variables from this secret, so make sure to prepare this secret with the key value pairs as described above.

BW_HOST can be omitted if you are using the Bitwarden SaaS offering.

After that it is a basic helm deployment:

helm repo add bitwarden-operator https://lerentis.github.io/bitwarden-crd-operator
helm repo update 
kubectl create namespace bw-operator
helm upgrade --install --namespace bw-operator -f values.yaml bw-operator bitwarden-operator/bitwarden-crd-operator


And you are set to create your first secret using this operator. For that you need to add a CRD Object like this to your cluster:

apiVersion: "lerentis.uploadfilter24.eu/v1beta4"
kind: BitwardenSecret
  name: name-of-your-management-object
    - element:
        secretName: nameOfTheFieldInBitwarden # for example username
        secretRef: nameOfTheKeyInTheSecretToBeCreated 
        secretScope: login # for custom entries on bitwarden use 'fields' 
    - element:
        secretName: nameOfAnotherFieldInBitwarden # for example password
        secretRef: nameOfAnotherKeyInTheSecretToBeCreated 
        secretScope: login # for custom entries on bitwarden use 'fields' 
  id: "A Secret ID from bitwarden"
  name: "Name of the secret to be created"
  namespace: "Namespace of the secret to be created"

The ID can be extracted from the browser when you open a item the ID is in the URL. The resulting secret looks something like this:

apiVersion: v1
  nameOfTheKeyInTheSecretToBeCreated: "base64 encoded value of TheFieldInBitwarden"
  nameOfAnotherKeyInTheSecretToBeCreated: "base64 encoded value of AnotherFieldInBitwarden"
kind: Secret
    managed: bitwarden-secrets.lerentis.uploadfilter24.eu
    managedObject: bw-operator/test
  name: name-of-your-management-object
  namespace: default
type: Opaque


For managing registry credentials, or pull secrets, you can create another kind of object to let the operator create these as well for you:

apiVersion: "lerentis.uploadfilter24.eu/v1beta4"
kind: RegistryCredential
  name: name-of-your-management-object
  usernameRef: nameOfTheFieldInBitwarden # for example username
  passwordRef: nameOfTheFieldInBitwarden # for example password
  registry: "docker.io"
  id: "A Secret ID from bitwarden"
  name: "Name of the secret to be created"
  namespace: "Namespace of the secret to be created"

The resulting secret looks something like this:

apiVersion: v1
  .dockerconfigjson: "base64 encoded json auth string for your registry"
kind: Secret
    managed: bitwarden-secrets.lerentis.uploadfilter24.eu
    managedObject: bw-operator/test
  name: name-of-your-management-object
  namespace: default
type: dockerconfigjson


One of the more freely defined types that can be used with this operator you can just pass a whole template:

apiVersion: "lerentis.uploadfilter24.eu/v1beta4"
kind: BitwardenTemplate
  name: name-of-your-management-object
  filename: "Key of the secret to be created"
  name: "Name of the secret to be created"
  namespace: "Namespace of the secret to be created"
  template: |
      enabled: True
      key: {{ bitwarden_lookup("A Secret ID from bitwarden", "login or fields", "name of a field in bitwarden") }}
      allowCrossOrigin: false
          pubkey: {{ bitwarden_lookup("A Secret ID from bitwarden", "login or fields", "name of a field in bitwarden") }}
          enabled: true

This will result in something like the following object:

apiVersion: v1
  Key of the secret to be created: "base64 encoded and rendered template with secrets injected directly from bitwarden"
kind: Secret
    managed: bitwarden-template.lerentis.uploadfilter24.eu
    managedObject: namespace/name-of-your-management-object
  name: Name of the secret to be created
  namespace: Namespace of the secret to be created
type: Opaque

please note that the rendering engine for this template is jinja2, with an addition of a custom bitwarden_lookup function, so there are more possibilities to inject here.

Short Term Roadmap

  • support more types
  • offer option to use a existing secret in helm chart
  • host chart on gh pages
  • write release pipeline
  • maybe extend spec to offer modification of keys as well
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2023-06-24 16:43:48 +00:00
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